Personal Message

this is really unfair -__- how can i handle all this perfection at once huh? you trying to burn up my poor heart love? gosh you are beautiful. Iloveyousomingmuch -Guk

 - hanbin
+ hey, this is for you; ( hover )

Dancer/ RA
He's a ing torrent.

A lethal whirlwind of ty decisions coupling well with a face that lets guys like him get away with it. Youth brims those ebony irises in a halo of spite and determination. He's got nineteen years under his belt and you can guarantee that not a damn one ended in regret on his part... At least, not that he'd ever admit it aloud. Not to his chiding, hen-clucking mother. Not to his stern, iron-pressed father. Not to his brother, his best friend, really. He won't tell them. He's too stubborn to. Always has been. Ever since he came into this world, he hasn't stopped running- scrambling for purchase on the throes of adventure. They say it takes a village to raise a child... It took all of Buk District to handle Jeon Jungkook...
And maybe that's what got him in the end.
He never stopped running, always found by every weary neighbor before his parents could collect him in time for dinner. A starburst of energy that'd been doused by only one thing: that teary-eyed driver speeding home in the aftershocks of rain... When kids like Jungkook broke the thresholds of their homes to search for rainbows in the skies. It'd taken one hit to lose his left leg, but the child wasn't out for the count... Not at all.
A prosthetic brought a simmering glimpse of that light back to him, and rehab was a if there ever was one. Study hall in a hospital because it always came before his medications. A back and forth... a softened discord that he meshed with. He grew in the only way he knew how-- actively. Because he had people watching now, waiting for him to trip once to stumble, even. Waiting for that leg to give out, for his eyes to water the moment he was called "Peggy the Pirate". Sick s lined the doors just waiting for him to collapse. And he refused to give that to him...
He's in college now, fast-forward to his self-induced busy life. A dance teacher aiming for a Psych degree only because he knows nothing else, and he honestly thought it'd be like an experience straight from "Shutter Island" or "A Beautiful Mind". But that's the only area the kid will take pity from. But because he doesn't like to stay still, because he really seems physically incapable of it, he works also as an RA... Dabbling here and there in a few clubs if he can manage... His grades are left to be desired, but that's nothing he's really concerned about. So long as he can keep that light burning... Set the world on fire. He'll keep moving to his own sinfully kinetic disonance..
He likes to think there's very little beyond what he gives out... What you see is what you get, and of the same sort...
But really, Jungkook has layers that even he doesn't like to analyze. For it seems his impairment conjured quite a complex from him... He's cocky, arrogant in all respects. A popular guy to be around, but no less a handful. He's the tendency to crack a joke at inappropriate times if it eases his own tension, and has a thing against meeting people's eyes head-on for too long. If at all, really....
But there's passion there. It shows in the nights he spends in the dance studios on routines he wants to teach the others. He shows it in the effort he puts in easing residents into a new lifestyle... It even shows in the uncanny way he sliurps margarita Jell-O shots off of  some cute freshman's s. He puts his all in everything he does as long as he finds a desire in it. And that much extends to his relationships with others... His friends. The ones he treasures most of all. And though he's not that gushy of a person, you'll know if you mean something to him.
But let the records show, the kid's no less of a playboy. His ual desire is without gender, but he doesn't take it farther than the bedroom. Pampering and cuddles are things he finds uncomfortable in a 'friends with benefits' sort of set-up. Insecurities he refuses to acknowlege that line his mind in waiting. And maybe he'll get around to it... Perhaps. Someday... Eventually... He'll have to book for that.

Yeah, so... These are mine.

YONGGUK... my love

I duly claim this precious, gummy smile as my own and, hence, the man so wearing it... Mine... My Bang Yongguk. The owner of this tattered heart. You who never gave up. You who saw something in me that I still can't really see in myself... Angelic and endless. The only man here who overwhelms me. I should've known... The very moment you approached me with that lock-and-key analogy, that should've been a warning... I was ed... Doomed. And I'll repeat that demise a thousand times over if the end defines the means... If I can remain in your arms... I love you, darling...
I love you.
Ayo~ Vivaldi here! I don't really have much to say, but I'll try. I totally prefer plotting, but winging is fine too! If it gets too boring, though, I'll probably end up saying something. I'm okay with literally any genre, my only request is that we don't add of any kind into our rp... That's... No. I'm good with any POV, but here's the thing... If we do 1st, can we at least make it detailed? If we do 3rd, let's not go beyond a couple of paragraphs... I'm so busy this year, so I'm sorry in advance if I'm not online as often as I'd like... I think I've got it all. Thanks for reading ; u ;
➲ Name (?) (0/1)

➲ Name (?) (0/1)

➲ Name (?) (0/1)

➲ Name (?) (0/1)

➲ Name (?) (0/1)
Plot  Location 1
Plot  Location 2
Plot  Location 3
Plot  Location 4 
Plot  Location 5



TL;DR Version:
He's a hot little with a fake leg and the stamina of a jack rabbit on crack.

Hoseok J. 5 seconds ago Reply 

My roommate is legitimately asking me if a guys goes in the bowl our on top of their legs when they sit on the toilet

Lily M. 18 minutes ago Reply 

As much as I love Gyuri
And and much as I think her hot
We're going to have to brawl for Jungkook.

[h] Seokjin K. [A] 17 minutes ago Reply 

kook, is mine.

Kiko M. 16 minutes ago Reply 
[h] Seokjin K. [A] 12 seconds ago Reply
kook, is mine.

There's about to be a fight club in here.
Nari K. 14 minutes ago Reply 

Jungkook, everyone if fighting for your love /Slapped

Yun J. 13 minutes ago Reply 

Everyone is trying to get jungkook hahahaha

Lily M. 30 seconds ago Reply 

Jungkook is the best admin I have ever seen tbh.


Jaebum I. 6 minutes ago Reply 

i really love jungkook


[h] Yoongi M. 5 minutes ago Reply 

who doesn't love jungkook
he just draws everyone in


Jongdae K. 2 hours ago Reply 

ily kookie

like my baby bro <3 much love child


Mark T. [A] 6 seconds ago Reply 



Jihoon L. 1 hour ago Reply History 



[h] Yoongi M. 20 seconds ago Reply 

@Jungkook J. i have a mangina


Jungkook J. 6 minutes ago Reply 

93% Switch 
87% Dominant 
87% Experimentalist 
84% Sadist 
84% Rigger 
81% Exhibitionist 
76% Brat Tamer 
73% Voyeur 
50% Masochist 
47% Primal (Hunter) 
45% Master/Mistress 
45% Daddy/Mommy 
41% Submissive 
39% Degrader 
34% Vanilla 
32% Brat 
19% Ageplayer 
18% Rope Bunny 
18% Primal (Prey) 
17% Owner 
17% Non-monogamist 
5% Girl/Boy 
3% Degradee 
3% Pet 
2% Slave