✧ classroom two




lassroom Two. A pastel colored room with many windows, this is where the young patients and rebels are taught, although at different times. It is only during the rebels' teaching time that guards are present in the room.


[f] song chanho 10 years ago
@[f] kim jongdae Chanho peeked into the classroom and pursed his lips in thought. "...Should we be in here, Hyunchul?" He muttered quietly to himself as his brows furrowed in thought. He stepped in and closed the door behind him, tilting his head to the side as he responded to his own question. "Mm, who cares? We'll be back in our room in five or ten minutes after a little wandering since you're not tired." His voice was soft, as if worried he'd get caught.
[w] zhang yixing [A] 10 years ago
@[f] nakajima saki Too busy dealing with the self loathing voice in his mind, Yixing paid no attention to the clawing sound that echoed through the room. He hadn't even heard it at all. All he could hear was the voice in his mind, insulting him for being so weak, telling him that he shouldn't be a counselor because he couldn't even solve his own problems. Truth be told, Yixing would have rather heard the clawing sound than that, because the last thing he needed was to be more insecure. He pulled his knees to his chest, eyes shut tight as he tried to drown it out. Think happy thoughts. Happy. Happy. Happy. He repeated over and over in his mind, but he had no happy things to think of. His past was dark. His present was dim. And his future would most likely be dark.

However, Yixing was abruptly pulled out of all thoughts as he felt something being placed on him. He immediately flinched, nearly letting out a whine as it was habitual, but refrained from letting the sound escape his mouth. He opened his eyes, looking down to the paper before raising his gaze to the girl before him. Immediately his eyes widened and he began to tremble. He had been caught again in his vulnerable state. Now his life was for sure over. "W-what are you doing here?" He spoke in slow Korean, knowing that she was a foreigner and wanting to make it easy on her.
[f] nakajima saki [h] 10 years ago
@[w] zhang yixing As she dozed away, she dreamt of what would happen if she stayed with her family. Would it be the same? In her dream, she sat in a table with her mother; her father nowhere to be found. Her dream turned upside down when a hand secured around , restricting her breathes. She claws at the table, words scratching against . She was about to let out a cry until a sound rapped against her ears. Her eyelids spring apart just as her posture straightens with her head hitting the desk. Have she been found already? Her bottom lip was tucked between her teeth, glancing around to find a pen that was left on a table. She pulls out the sheet of crumbled paper from her pocket before letting her eyes get the best of her. A figure sits on the opposite side of the room probably in need of a break, or so she assumes. But hearing the sudden groan, she thought otherwise.

She had seen the male numerous of times, but none at a sight like that. With slow steps, she approaches the latter and them coming to her knees. The pen scribbled along the empty paper before placing it along his leg. Saki's eyes squint in the dark, trying to find any sign of a name tag. His name constantly slips her mind, but she pushes it away before sitting on the floor once again.
[w] zhang yixing [A] 10 years ago
@[f] nakajima saki Refuge. That's what Yixing needed right now, he needed to seek refuge. He slipped out, knowing no one would exactly notice since it was his day off anyways, however he had come in anyways just to give quick greetings to his patients. He was just that dedicated. However, his greetings had been cut short as he had gotten one of the biggest shocks of his life since his mother had run off. It had been so big in fact that Yixing had nearly passed out, his legs having gone weak as he trembled where he stood, his brown eyes wide and full of fear. It was only as one of the nurses came by and asked if he was okay that Yixing was able to slightly recover and stuttered out some accented Korean before running off as soon as her suspicions had lowered. He had run, and he didn't look back, afraid that if he did there would only be a repeat of his past.

Yixing knew just where to take refuge. The place he always went whenever he needed a quick escape. The classrooms. He had found that the building was practically deserted whenever class was out so he took advantage of those times. He hurried in, his breathing ragged as he looked left and right before going to the furthest classroom and entering quietly. His entire body was still continuously trembling, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. He instinctively winced every now and then as if avoiding a punch that never came. Eyes glassy, Yixing closed the classroom door behind him and immediately leaned against the whiteboard, taking in slow deep breaths to try and calm himself although to no avail. The male slowly slid to the ground, burying his face in his hands as he let out a groan of pain, his voice weak.
[f] nakajima saki [h] 10 years ago
Another night of medicine, another night of running away. With cursing bottling the depths of her mind, Saki pushes the nurse as second the pills were directed toward her lips and then darting past the annoying woman. The sound of yelling and rapid footsteps carry through out the hallways followed just behind the runaway patient, but she didn't decide to slow down just for them. Saki rakes her teeth against her lower lip in thought to find the quickest escape route. Where can I go? The noise suddenly caves within her ears, making Saki take a few more steps before stumbling across a room. Her eyes widen just as her fingers lock around the doorknob to the classroom before slipping in silently.

With the door closed gently, she settles into the dark corner, her hands wander along the floor before finding a place to hide. She tucks her head beneath the desk, letting her body hunch in a swift motion. Her slender fingers scrunched through her shirt with her knees against her chest. I want to leave this place, Saki thought but how can she? She knew that there was no one else in her life who could help her. Rocking back and forth on her bottom, she stares at the tiles that lined across the floor then falling into a state of boredom. With her eyelids becoming heavy, she dozes off to sleep and hoping that no one else would make the effort to find her.


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darkfengxi 9 years ago
Sunggyu is leaving due to inactivity. This place has been nice <3
YouMayNotBeMyType2 10 years ago
Could you please add Uruha from The GazettE?
Btw, can I somehow help to make this place active? The idea's nice, but almost everyone is inactive...
Kookish 10 years ago
Name: Jeon Jungkook
Age: 16
Orientation: Biual
Flawed, reason: Depressed, self-harmer, anorexic
Background: Jungkook didn't know why or how or when, but it all just started. The endless bullying, the beatings and the loneliness. He was just a bright child in elementary school, but behind that smile was too much pain to handle. High school should've been a change, the start of a new him, but it all didn't went as expected. For the first time in his life, people wanted to be his friends, but he didn't know how to act like one as he never had friends before. Now back to start; he was alone and hated. The only thing that kept him standing, his little brother, was now taken away and he's now left in this place, with a silver red-painting brush as his only friend.
Thewinterfairy 10 years ago
Sorry, but due to unfortunate circumstances, Sora will be leaving ; o ; It was fun rping with everyone while I was here.
caratland 10 years ago
Long overdue, but Hongbin will be leaving OTL
Kamikorosu 10 years ago
Leaving. I've lost motivation to RP OTL.
I had fun here though, if I happen to come back please accept me <3
shiroyasha 10 years ago
Sorry, Maki will have to leave.
polaroids_ 10 years ago
leaving. sorry. had a great time! ;;
Thewinterfairy 10 years ago
Can you please put Park Sora under a hiatus----
I just got a job recently and so things have been hectic------ ;oo; <3 thank you!~
Astrid 10 years ago
On a sale of one to ten, how active is this place?
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