❧ Green Park


Green Park»

Like a forest with all the trees and plants, an ideal place to visit during a sunny afternoon. Perhaps you'll stumble upon new dreamers if you keep an eye out for red scarves.


[D] Kim Hyelim 9 years ago
@[D] Bando Nozomi [Sorry this is short, orz]

There are times when Hyelim wondered without any certain path that leads her. Or maybe that’s how it is most of the time. There are people around her, doing things, strived to do something to reach for that point they envisioned. The girl sometimes wanted to laugh at them. Reaching? All she could see was a definite lie. Just like an old man playing his saxophone on the street this morning. She thought of his previous dream, picture of the future bright with hundreds of people watching him playing his tunes. But look at him now? So sad, too sad that Hyelim couldn’t scoff at him.

The Green Park is more packed than usual. It doesn’t matter to her anyway, she wasn’t exactly looking for a quiet place to start with. Walking without any certain direction, she finally found a bench to sit on. Taking out a book she borrowed from the lady she works for, she began to read. It stopped halfway though, as she saw a group of teenage boys are practicing their dance. It was in the middle of the day and by the looks of it, they were exhausted, sweats drenched their clothes. They were trying hard it seems, and the book she was holding was no longer interesting.

Crossing her legs and supporting her jaw with her palm Hyelim continue to watch them with a quite blank face. An expression that hard to tell. She wasn’t thinking at all when she said it. The word went smoothly without any filter. “Pathetic,” so she said to no one, eyes still glued at the tireless figures in front of her.
[RM] Elle Fanning [A] 10 years ago
@[P] Jeon Jeongguk Elle let the chain pool within her cupped palms. She strung the chain through the ring, admiring how they glinted in the sun. These were far from being her finest pieces of jewellery but they were the first ones given to her with no expectations and obligations attached. Elle hugged her hands to her chest, Jeongguk's present wound tightly around her palm.

"I'll treasure it," Elle promised, the words filled with an unspoken promise that she didn't seem to notice. Finding it hard to meet the male's gaze, Elle wished she had a way to express her gratitude in a form other than words when it oxcurred to her that they hadn't been formally introduced to each other. Jeongguk did approach her like an old friend but illusionists were famed for their 'people skills' and they must know how to work a crowd. Was it possible that he didn't know who she was, despite them both working in the Circus? To Elle, the chance was slight but it existed. If not for Heechul, Elle wouldn't have known of Jeongguk at all. It would be easier for Elle to repay Jeongguk's kindness if he didn't know who she was.

Seeing how there was only one way to find out, Elle decided to feign ignorance and she held out a hand abruptly for Jeongguk to shake, keeping a close eye on him for any signs of recognition. "I don't think we've ever been introduced," she blurted out. "I'm Elle, and you are?"
[P] Jeon Jeongguk 10 years ago
@[RM] Elle Fanning He smiled absentmindedly back at her, eyes focused off into the distance, too distracted by the path his thoughts were taking. Just how long ago was it when he seemed on top of the world? He dismissed whatever.. mistaken feelings he was currently experiencing at the moment, convincing himself that it was nothing. Things worked differently in the upper social echelon. Flings were quick and went as fast as they came. Feelings were ephemeral at best, nonexistent at worst. How well-groomed would the public think they were if they had a real glance at the inner workings of the 'blue bloods'? The more he thought about it, the more likely it sounded. It seemed enormous in magnitude due only to his upraising, in which he only learned how to deal with lust and not love.

He was well-educated, but not in the matters of the heart.

Jeongguk relaxed, calmed by his reasoning. He focused his smile a little bit more, his nonchalance saturating it for a brief moment before it faltered once more. So if it was just a minor fleeting feeling he was currently experiencing, why did he feel his face heating up when she flushed? Flustered by his inability to completely reason it through, he changed his train of thought, focusing completely on her next words, hanging onto them as his lifeline.

She only said two words. What was he supposed to say in response? What had they even been talking about at that exact moment? Tamping down his urge to panic, he responded generically and smoothly. "Don't worry about it." And in that moment, Jeongguk thanked his parents for all of the grooming they had ever put him through- it came in handy.

A rather uncomfortable silence- in his opinion- settled upon them for a brief moment and he opened his mouth to break it. Before he had even thought of another conversation topic, she had extended her hand, relinquishing his ring back to him. Not that he particularly wanted it. There were plenty more where it came from. He tilted his head quizzically, quietly looking at her, trying to see if he had done something wrong. Did she not want to keep it? He caught a faint note of reluctance, and his own lips quirked up in barely noticeable relief.

He reached out and slowly pushed the ring securely back into her grip. "It's yours now." He said, a small smile playing on his lips. Sensing something a little awry, he leaned forward a bit, almost questioningly.

Maybe a chain would help? He flicked his lighter again, lighting one hand on fire. Closing the other hand over it and pulling it out, as if elongating the flame. He blew out the flames and dangled a thin silver chain, offering it. "Maybe this will make it easier to keep?"
[RM] Elle Fanning [A] 10 years ago
@[P] Jeon Jeongguk Jeongguk's performance had stirred a fascination within her, an emotion that had laid dormant since she joined the ranks as one of the creators of the Circus and accepted the responsibilities that came with it. She was a girl with no memories, no identity, and she stood out from the rest. The only common ground she shared with others was magic, and even in that aspect she differed from them too much. She wasn't Sebastian, slick as a chameleon with his ability to glean information from others, with or without his powers. She had no way of knowing things about them unless they told her or they were explicit about it. She could only express interest, yet maintain her distance lest they find out what she was truly capable of. To any respectable magician who acquired their status through effort, her abilities would be cheating of the highest form. Elle saw no need to hone her skills because nobody expected that of her. Recalling the tension in Jeongguk's gaze, her lips twisted subconsciously into a wistful smile. He worked so hard to achieve his level of mastery, yet he didn't to enjoy what he did (or at least it seemed that way to her - she was never adept at reading poeple). Elle was blessed with gifts most would kill for, yet all she wanted was to be normal. Why do people always want what they can't have?

These were the thoughts that crossed her mind as Elle squinted at the sky, only lowering her arm when she was aware of a pair of eyes upon her. The lingering remains of her smile still on her lips, Elle turned and caught Jeongguk's gaze. Her cheeks heated and she looked away almost immediately, eyes wide and heart thudding. It struck her that there were only two of them on this side of the park, on this particular bench, in their own sphere, secluded from the rest of the world. She was all too aware of the tangles in her hair that she was too lazy to comb out, and the creases on her dress from being stuffed in her closet for too long.

Elle was so immersed in her mind that she missed most of Jeongguk's reply, returning only in time to catch the last two words of his sentence. "I'm sorry?" Elle squeaked, flustered for her inattention. He must think her rude, she thought. Raising a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, she remembered that the ring pressing against her palm didn't belong to her.

"Here," Elle said, handing the ring to Jeongguk. "This belongs to you, right?" She was reluctant to let it go, and she might have shown a little bit of it through the slight turning down of the corners of her lips. This was the first time somebody did something for her, much less giving her things. Elle wanted to keep it as a token, but I that would be selfish of her. "And Sebastian will find it," a small voice in her head said. "Are you sure you want him to know about today?" Elle didn't, but all the same, she wanted the ring. Not for any particular reason, she added hastily to herself. Of course not.
[P] Jeon Jeongguk 10 years ago
@[RM] Elle Fanning He cocked his head to the right slightly, indicating that he had heard her rather cryptic statement. He pondered upon it slightly, mind turning the phrase every which way, trying to make sense of it. It was true, most people did indeed have a very tiny world, interacting with select people, going about their business, entering the world namelessly and leaving it just as namelessly. For who would remember the little guy, the one who sat on sidelines, or who decided to have tea over coffee on that one day?

Coming from someone like Elle, this statement was especially strange. When she was gifted with what had to be some great innate talent, enough to be one of the ringmasters, why wouldn't she, why wouldn't she consider other existences to be lesser, to be smaller? He dismissed the thought, his chest twinging slightly at the thought that he was also just one of many with tiny, insignificant worlds. How much longer could he keep her entertained with his measly tricks, how much longer would her attention to him last? A second? A day, a month, years? He flipped the black lighter in his hand, running his thumb over where he had engraved some words.

Unbent, unbroken. He had gotten those words engraved the day he was essentially disowned. Unbent, unbroken. He turned the words around in his head until they blurred together; unbentunbrokenunbentunbroken. Bent, broken. He was jarred out of his thoughts when her fingers brushed along his palm when she picked the ring out of his hand and examined it.

Seeing the slightly awed expression on her face, he felt a sudden and ardent rush of affection, gone as quickly as it came, leaving him chilled to the bone and shocked. He watched silently, palm dropping back down to his leg, as she lifted the ring up to the sky, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards when she squinted and closed one eye. His fingers twitched where they lay and he clenched his hands into fists and looked away, finding himself staring for a bit too long.

"A true magician never reveals his secrets," he said, a small smirk playing out on his lips, not revealing his tiny inner turmoil.
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[RM] Kim Heechul [A] 10 years ago
[ whispers i proclaim myself as the captain of this ship and no one can stop me ]
[RM] Elle Fanning [A] 10 years ago
@[P] Jeon Jeongguk His fragmented statements left her a little puzzled but his reply made her turn her gaze towards the park goers once again. "I don't think their world is tiny, though," Elle murmured, but she didn't elaborate on why. Anybody's world would be bigger than hers, although she knew that Heechul would beg to differ. To some, the Circus represented a form of escape into another dimension, a world of endless possibilities right there at your fingertips. To others though, it was the shackles on their limbs, tightly binding them to what they could never leave behind. And the Circus hadn't even started. Perhaps it would be better once the First Act began, going with the name they came up with for the opening night. There would be people milling in the courtyard and the tents, and all that was required was a minimal amount of skill to melt away into the night.

The thought brightened Elle considerably and she returned her attention to Jeongguk, just as he lit his hands on fire. Elle raised her brows and she glanced at the illusionist but he said nothing, merely controlling the flames. He closed his hands over them, much like what she did Wth the sunlight earlier but instead of disintegrating, it seemed as though the flames melded together and solidified into a single band of metal. A corner of her lips quirked upwards; this was her first time seeing an illusionist other than Heechul at work, and Heechul wasn't a good benchmark for it any way. This was skill, not magic. It was a culmination of sweat and blood and Elle was certain Jeongguk laboured over it for months before achieving the level of expertise he was at now. And sacrifices, as well.

Elle reached out hesitantly to Jeongguk, reaching for the proffered ring. However, when his hand retracted fractionally, Elle paused, her eyes darting to his face. She glimpsed the flicker of disgust across his face, saw the strain in his smile. Leaning forward, she plucked the silver ring from his palm and held it up towards the sun between her thumb and forefinger, squinting at it with one eye closed. There were no scratches on the metal and it glinted where the rays hit it, casting a bright flare on the tree beside them. It was beautiful, to her. In her eyes, this outshone her feats in the Circus, the creation of her tents. Her powers were a gift, but this...

"How do you do it?" she whispered. It was a rhetorical question and she said it more to herself than to the person beside her. There wasn't any need to admit that with her powers, she was capable of that and more. Recalling the perfect fusion of orange and blue dancing across his palms, she smiled. This was his show, and Elle was content to let him run it.
[P] Jeon Jeongguk 10 years ago
@[RM] Elle Fanning Jeongguk quickly made his way onto the bench right after she had extended an invitation. His face brightened at her attempt to conduct a conversation, and the corners of his mouth twitched upwards, forming the boyish grin he was once well-known for. "Oh, I love it outside." He said, reaching out his arms and vaguely gesturing to their surroundings. "It's brilliant out here. Great place to think. Always great fun here."

He cocked his head at her, almost quizzically, and returned to a more normal position, legs relaxed and torso leaning on the back of the bench. "Also, practically no one cares what you do here! They're all terribly absorbed in their own tiny little worlds." He held out his hands, quickly lighting them on fire and watching it dance across his palm, entranced by the flickering colors. He 'compressed' the flame into his palm and produced a small silver ring. He moved his hand, offering the ring to her out of habit.

Not a single person had turned their heads. He shrugged, that was to be expected. He side-eyed her briefly, predicting already that she would not be impressed, and slightly withdrawing his hand and ring. After all, she was one of three ring masters and who knew what the true extents of their mastery was? Still, it stung his ego just a bit.

Was this really the life he wanted when he left the comfortable position of treasured heir? Despite being in a far more prestigious position than any normal street magician even dared to dream of, was it worth giving up the life he had been groomed for since childhood? Was the freedom to do a couple fancy hand tricks worth giving up an entire empire of companies?

All of that just for the ability to flip his hand, make a couple pretty flames and pull a ring out of nowhere? He eyed the ring in semi disgust, though quickly masking it under a tight smile.
[RM] Elle Fanning [A] 10 years ago
@[P] Jeon Jeongguk It was her first breather in a while. Elle stepped out of the tent that she shares with the other Ringmasters and their Assistants, basking in the warm glow of the sun. The air that Elle inhaled was crisp and clean, and the heavy rain last night had washed away the heaviness in the air. Letting the tent flap fall shut behind her, Elle casted her eyes about for any signs of Sebastian. Her assistant was efficient in every way but he refused to let Elle out of his sight for long. Well, he was out of luck today, Elle thought. She wasn't keen on being holed up in the circus on such a gorgeous day, no matter what her usual habits were. She held out a hand and felt the gentle rays upon her palm, a concentration of energy that she molded and shaped into a small sphere of light, barely larger than a marble. She closed her fingers over it and the edges of her hand glowed for a moment before it faded, the energy returning to where it came from.

Keeping her eyes peeled for anybody who would catch her on her way out, Elle stole across the grass with her sandals in her hands noiselessly, making for the exit that the workers used. A giddy grin hung on her lips as she snuck out of the circus, slipping on her sandals and setting off at a run.

Elle skipped and jumped for her first few steps, the edges of her yellow sundress fluttering about her knees. Out here, nobody knew her. She wasn't dressed in her usual, stifling garments. She wasn't the Ringmaster of an up and coming circus; she was just another sixteen year old teenage girl making her way to the park to enjoy a sunny day out, a precious gem of a weather given London's propensity for inclement weather.

However, it would be naive of her to think that she could shake off the Circus' shadow even for a second. Bulletins and pamphlets decorated the walls and lampposts and if she turned around, she would be greeted with the leering monochrome tents, taunting her with their stripes of black and white. Slowing down to a walk with a determined set to her shoulders, Elle fixed her gaze straight ahead, refusing to look back. The wind in her hair was a welcome change from the stale air in the tents and she wasn't willing to give that up so soon.

Elle found a bench in the shade that was unoccupied and she sat down with her back straight, hands folded neatly on her lap. It wasn't a good spot if she desired an unobstructed view of the lake but she had three hours to spare. There would be enough time. Elle scanned the scene that lay before her, observing those who enjoyed the elements the park provided - the runners with their shoes thumping rhythmically on the ground, the shrieks of excitement from the children rolling in the grass... Elle's breath caught and her expression clouded. Dipping her head, she stared down at her unclasped hands. It pained her to see people living the life she yearned to lead. Elle bit her lip, the constriction in her chest too much to handle. Responsibilities pressed down upon her and her hands curled into fists.

"Go away, go away, go awa-"

"Mind if I sit down?"

Elle's head snapped up with a sharp intake of breath, the voice pulling her out from the responsibilities that tried to pull her under. Her blue eyes fastened on the newcomer with a startling intensity, the lingering remains of her internal battle with herself. To her surprise, it was a person whom she recognised. Once again, the long reach of the Circus had caught up to her. Elle scooted over, waving a hand to indicate that it was fine if he joined her on the bench.

"Seems like I'm not the only one who wishes to be outside," Elle commented shyly as a form of greeting after Jeongguk had made himself comfortable. She wondered briefly if he recognised her and then she chided herself almost immediately after. She was one of the three Ringmasters of the Circus after all. She fiddled with her fingers, suddenly all too aware of her status and the role she must have played in his life, no matter how small and indirect her influence may have been, and their close proximity. She had never spoken to anyone who didn't share the same tent as her and she found herself at a loss, uncertain of what to say and how to behave.
[P] Jeon Jeongguk 10 years ago
@[RM] Elle Fanning Jeongguk walked in the sun, stretching out his arms and sighing. He breathed in the fresh air, enjoying the lazy afternoon sun. The park was teeming with life, from the lively squirrels racing up the trees to the birds flitting about overhead. He laughed, eyes crinkling up at the corners, as he lay down on the grass, dappled sunlight falling down upon him. His fingers threaded through the grass, gliding smoothly through all the blades. He marveled at the cool sensation it left on the palm of his hand and raised his hand to reach out at the golden shafts of sunlight, as if to capture it in his palm.

He sprung up suddenly, continuing his stroll through the park, greeting people, flashing bright smiles at people passing by. What a wondrous day, he thought to himself, acutely aware of some other probing eyes. Were they aware of his background? He thought self-consciously, fear and anger clenching his heart suddenly, as they always did when he thought about his family. He was bitter, he would freely admit that. He would always be bitter, even if he did find a new family within the circus. It was not easy blow to his ego when he found he had fallen from being the apple of his parents' eyes to the shunned son, disowned out of shame, and hidden from the public eye.

He traveled with the Circus now, and so money would not have been the problem, but the change from being the precious baby boy to the son they no longer wanted was no lax transition. He tucked his hands into the pockets of his tailored pants, drawing out a piece of flash paper. He played with it delicately, not wanting to set it off and attract attention to himself. Aimlessly people watching and walking, he stumbled upon a lone boy, playing in the afternoon sun by himself.

"Hey," he started, waving amiably to the boy. The boy waved back shyly, and turned back to his miscellaneous toys. "Where are your friends?" Jeongguk asked kindly, face falling when the boy just shrugged dejectedly. "Did you want to see some magic?" He said, smiling slightly when the boy nodded enthusiastically. He used his flash paper and dug in his pocket for some kind of spare change or a candy. He talked aimlessly to distract the boy as he slid the small lollipop into his sleeve and then made it reappear with a flourish and a snap of the flash paper.

He ruffled the boy's hair and presented him with the candy before walking off. Continuing upon his way, he saw an almost familiar figure, sitting alone at a bench. He walked closer, eyes focusing in on the figure. She was young with fair-hair that shone like gold in the tinted afternoon sun, and she had her hands folded neatly in her lap, ice-blue eyes following the people just milling about. He tilted his head briefly before just deciding to walk up to her.

"Mind if I sit down?" He asked brightly, mouth curving up into a smile.


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fragrance 8 years ago
i will return if this roleplay comes back to life one day. - dara
memagzb 8 years ago
Hey^^ I would really like to join this roleplay, but with the amount inactive players I wondered whether you're active at all?
RoseThornArchive 9 years ago
very sorry but chris is leaving
i have way too many rps
a9c3430aa9ef480adf6c 9 years ago
Please add Woohyun from infinite
erratic 9 years ago
Freya left. Should have gone a long while ago, in all honesty. Not once was I an active roleplayer, and all I did was waste time and energy. I apologize for that, but thank you for what you have done for me. I hope this roleplay does well.
polaroids_ 9 years ago
sorry but kaeun's leaving. :c
got busy with life.
jingxiu 9 years ago
baekhyun needs to go on hiatus.
hopefully i'll be back before august but that's only if i don't procrastinate on my summer assignments.
munchies 9 years ago
applied as theo :)
munchies 9 years ago
can you add and reserve theo james for me? thanks^^
souseki 9 years ago
can you please add and reserve Hugh Dancy for me?
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