❧ St. Paul's Cathedral


St. Paul's Cathedral»



[RM] Elle Fanning [A] 10 years ago
@[D] Dane Dehaan ( I am sorry idk what to write OTL )

Elle clasped her hands and bowed her head in prayer, the reflection of the stained glass bathing her in hues of orange. She prayed for the success of the Circus, for the wellbeing of everyone in there and she prayed for herself to remain strong, to keep her head held high no matter what may come. She remained in that position for several minutes before raising her and and whispering a soft, "Amen."

Elle didn't usually place much faith in religion, so it came as a surprise to Sebastian when she said she wanted to visit the cathedral. For once, it wasn't merely to escape his prying eyes and he must have detection the strain in her eyes and the fraying edges of her sanity. It was just her luck to have picked a time when the place wasn't flooded with tourists as it usually was. Her back was straight against the bench and she closed her eyes, surrendering herself to the tranquility of the cathedral. Elle shut out the muffled shuffles of feet on carpet and the hushed whispers of similar revelers. Taking the opportunity to calm her mind, Elle took several deep breaths, methodically sorting out her thoughts.

There was no saying where the urge to pay a visit to the holy sanctuary came from. In all her sixteen years, she could count the number of times she visited on one hand, but that wasn't counting the times she had visited before her memories were lost. Perhaps something in her childhood lingered in the back of her mind, responsible for her random urges and visits to this place. Regardless of the reason, Elle was thankful for the momentary peace it provided until she stepped out of the cathedral. Strangely enough, Elle was able to shake off the Circus' shadow in here and that was what she did now, shoving the darkness into a cupboard of her mind and locking it there till it was time to leave.
[post deleted by owner]


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fragrance 8 years ago
i will return if this roleplay comes back to life one day. - dara
memagzb 8 years ago
Hey^^ I would really like to join this roleplay, but with the amount inactive players I wondered whether you're active at all?
RoseThornArchive 9 years ago
very sorry but chris is leaving
i have way too many rps
a9c3430aa9ef480adf6c 9 years ago
Please add Woohyun from infinite
erratic 9 years ago
Freya left. Should have gone a long while ago, in all honesty. Not once was I an active roleplayer, and all I did was waste time and energy. I apologize for that, but thank you for what you have done for me. I hope this roleplay does well.
polaroids_ 9 years ago
sorry but kaeun's leaving. :c
got busy with life.
jingxiu 9 years ago
baekhyun needs to go on hiatus.
hopefully i'll be back before august but that's only if i don't procrastinate on my summer assignments.
munchies 9 years ago
applied as theo :)
munchies 9 years ago
can you add and reserve theo james for me? thanks^^
souseki 9 years ago
can you please add and reserve Hugh Dancy for me?
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