≈ The Vampire Locale ≈

This is where the majority of the Vampires reside, located under the shadow the Dracula's castle. Their houses are either tall and elaborate structures, or just remodeled buildings of the old.

T.O.P (Cyborg Commander) 11 years ago
*causing the door to tumble to the ground

OTL *is too tired to think straight*
T.O.P (Cyborg Commander) 11 years ago
@Jaejoong (Thrall) It had been the first time that TOP had seen the splendors of the Earth. He had seen pictures in books but seeing it in person was breathtaking. Well, as breathtaking as it could be for a cyborg. His mission was to find any living beings on the planet and take them back to the ship. He had trudged through forests upon forests until he had found this place filled with buildings. But one building stood out from the rest. It looked like a crypt. something only found in a horror movie. TOP veered towards it, staring curiously. He pushed and pulled on the door but it wouldn't budge so he had used his laser on it, causing it to tumble to the ground.

(Sorry this is lame. D: I just have zero inspiration right now. D:)
Park Sooyoung (Level Two) 12 years ago
@Ga In (Wife) "Very true! Many times," she nodded slightly and stayed still as the other walked around her. "I have the same intentions as you. I just want to explore this place I never had been to."

"Dangerous? Hah. I don't think so.. Unless that human knows how to protect her or himself from them.. Ad I am not afraid," she said with a slight smile and crossed her arms across her chest. Looking back to see the street, everyone was so busy with their own things that they had never noticed both of them hiding in the shadows of the alley.

"Like I said, I just want to explore. And I am not afraid. Why would I? I knew the way to manage any vampires if I ever come across one. Though I have received training and education on..", she looked at the sitting female with such darkened tone that it don't really seemed like herself. "Slaying vampires."
Park Sooyoung (Level Two) 12 years ago
@Ga In (Wife) Sooyoung took a quick glance at her eyes, seeing the purple speckles and instantly knew that she must be in some sort of a good mood since she had read a bit about vampires and their behavioral patterns. She even examined her every move and inwardly sighed as she guessed what she was doing.

Checking her out and figuring that she was not a vampire and one of them.

This was what always happened whether she came across a vampire or a werewolf. It always seemed to be the pattern nowsdays. Sooyoung tried to look as friendly as she could with a slight smile tugging at the corners of her lips and stood back a little. Being unsure of what to do in this situation, she took the time to scratch her head and nodded.

"Of course, though it's chilly. Nah, I'm okay. This jacket helps anyways.. to keep me warm," she said as she frowned slightly when a strand of hair was tucked behind her ear. It was unusual of a vampire to do so. That frown was instantly wiped off as her attention was to the vampire,having her train of thoughts interrupted. "Well.. I'm bored and I wanted to go around for a bit. How about you?"
Park Sooyoung (Level Two) 12 years ago
@Ga In (Wife) Sooyoung was trying to figure out exactly what position she held in this vampire town,based on how each and every citizen of this place started to move out of the way. Something about the woman seemed to interest her even more.

While she was preoccupied with figuring out that woman's position, she didn't felt a small gust of wind hitting against her back and even worse into her ear. The train of thoughts was interrupted suddenly and she jolted out of her trance, turning around to see who it was. Sooyoung looked all surprised and startled to see the very same woman she saw earlier on the street behind her right now. "W-What..?", she said softly, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

Just then, a realization hit her and the fact registered in her mind that she was a vampire and she could possibly move very fast without her knowing. She tried to appear nice and friendly,being not in a mood to start up a fight or a war with any vampire out there. "Hi.. Erm.. Nice night right?", she grinned slightly.
Park Sooyoung (Level Two) 12 years ago
@Ga In (Wife) Sooyoung grunted softly in response upon the commands by the leader vampire-slayer and continued to walk further into the vampires' town with a few looks darted in her way. She had really never hunted a vampire down and she was unsure on what to do. Puffing her cheeks out, she had her hands placed behind her back as she walked around aimlessly.

She had tried her very best not to get in any vampire's way and instead she was so damn bored that she had practically no idea what to do besides walking around. She entered an alley on her left and stepped into it, seeing that it was pretty secluded. It led out to another street and she looked around to see it full of vampires as well but fortunately for her, they had really never paid attention to what she was doing and the fact that she was here. As she stood by the side, many vampires parted as if a Moses was there to spilt up the Red Sea and she looked up to see a pretty blonde-haired girl walking down the path unaccompanied. Sooyoung then assumed that she must be of high importance.

[So sorry for y starter. Was rushing to go work. >< ]
G-Dragon (Vampire Slayer Leader) 12 years ago
@Song Qian (Level Three) As she turned, the light hit her face. It was only a brief moment but it as enough to trigger Jiyoung's memories. He opened his mouth to call out to her but no sound came out. She was already walking swiftly away from him.. In the direction of the Ruby Center. He was certain she was the little girl he knew when he was young. The features.. She did not change at all.

"You'll carry out the mission under my orders," he told Sooyoung quickly, his eyes on the back of the rapidly vanishing girl. "I have enough trust in you. But," he added sternly, "No funny business or else."

Having said that, he left Sooyoung in the Vampire Locale. Her connection with the earth would help her navigate her way through the maze of alleys within the Vampire Locale. He had faith that she would complete her mission but he hoped she would not cause any casualties that he would have to explain later on. Not that he did not understand the temptation of bloodlust. Oh, he knew that all too well.
Park Sooyoung (Level Two) 12 years ago
[Should I reply now or what..? /is feeling awkward here. ]
G-Dragon (Vampire Slayer Leader) 12 years ago
@Song Qian (Level Three) At the sound of the new voice, Jiyong swung around to glance at the newcomer. Her brown hair and the dim lighting kept her face shadowed but her aura was similar to Sooyoung's, albeit a little stronger. His eyebrows rose in mild surprise. He was skeptical about the notices doing their job but someone had got them and done the mission for him. Not that there were none left for him to do,of course.

"And you are...?" Jiyong queried. He seldom met a slayer who used a bow as she did. There was only one slayer he did and she-

His eyes widened a fraction. Could it be? No, she should have perished... But this was too much of a coincidence. The shy demeanor, the brown hair, the bow...
G-Dragon (Vampire Slayer Leader) 12 years ago
@Song Qian (Level Three) { \o/
And let our characters meet! }
Park Sooyoung (Level Two) 12 years ago
@Kwon Jiyong (Vampire Slayer Leader) Sooyoung took a quick look around the area and then grimaced that the fun had to stop right there because of the leader. Shrugging nonchalantly, she nodded slightly and crossed her arms, staring into the space behind Jiyong. "Uhhh, yeah. I did. In the letter," she said plainly and then started to follow behind him.

She too ascended the stone steps, her hands resting on the back of her hips and watched the way he walked. It was full of swagger and it amused her to the max. The way she walked was more of a highly-ranked official but yet in such a feminine way. She was unsure whether to criticize his way of walking but again, decided against it. "So.. where are we going?"
G-Dragon (Vampire Slayer Leader) 12 years ago
@Park Sooyoung (Level Two) At least she listened. Jiyong returned the dagger to its original spot and appraised the other slayer openly. Now that the show was over, the crowd of vampires had dissipated and the two were free to do their own things with just a few curious glances thrown their way. If he was not mistaken, her name was Sooyoung.

"Do you know of our mission?" Jiyong questioned. He resisted the urge to rub his palms together in anticipation of the fight and bloodshed later. Oh yes, he loved them. He was much better suited for a vampire in his opinion but he had duties and he planned to carry them out to the best he could. Which meant killing vampires. He had to be satisfied with the small amount of vampire blood he had in his system.

Jiyong turned around and ascended the stone steps, walking purposefully with the destination in mind. His walk bordered on swagger and it exuded control and confidence. Every part of him screamed out "leader", and he wanted everybody to know that. Yes, the dragon was in town and they had better behave themselves. He might not be a brutal killing machine, but he knew how to strike the spot that hurt the most.
Park Sooyoung (Level Two) 12 years ago
@Kwon Jiyong (Vampire Slayer Leader) Sooyoung looked at the white blur as the other whipped out a dagger and held it against , causing a panic to rise from inside. She could not foresee that coming and soon enough, her palm started to open up, pushing back the slabs into the grounds and released the vampire who in turn gave a thankful look to the leader and a spiteful one in hers. She was unfeeling and she would not bother about any of those creatures' feelings as well.

If the leader would not to intercept her, she would probably destroy the whole population by then. That was what she thought. Honestly, she was young and reckless whom needed to be guided along. "Fine," she said simply as her hand fell down to her side and her eyes devoid of any remorse or guilt of doing that to a rogue vampire. She thought she was going to have some fun and yet what had happened just now seemed to be the opposite. The tip of the dagger where it had landed on, had caused a faint trickle of blood to go down her neck and after the release of the vampire, she could only feel the pain then. Her finger traced along the trail and cussed mentally that some blood was on her neck, dabbing at it to stop bleeding.
G-Dragon (Vampire Slayer Leader) 12 years ago
@Park Sooyoung (Level Two) In a flash, Jiyong had whipped out a dagger which he now held to the woman's throat. She might be a level two but that did not give her permission to wreck havoc in the bloodsuckers' territory. Aware of the hostility that emanated from the rest of the vampires, he narrowed his eyes at the girl. They said she was competent. But here she was, blaming the tardiness on the letter and attacking a vampire who had yet to do anything to her. What a food. He would not tolerate this. He pressed the tip of the dagger into her nack, drawing a faint trickle of bood.

"Let him go," Jiyong said quietly and calmly, fixing his stare on the lady. He was well aware of her magical abilities, but he had none for her to manipulate. "I can this dagger into your neck faster than you can open the ground to swallow me up. And even if I don't manage to kill you after you drop me into the earth, don't expect to live here alive. Unlike you, I am known and respected to a certain extent here but you are nothing. I am the leader. Since you are under me, I expect you to obey my rules. Any toeing of the line will have serious repercussions."
Park Sooyoung (Level Two) 12 years ago
@Kwon Jiyong (Vampire Slayer Leader) Feeling a hand,cold and unliving as it seemed to her, on her shoulder, she let out a scream and looked all horrified as she turned around. Sooyoung had now come face to face with a rogue vampire, a situation she had never expected to come across. Her hand laid against her side and it opened up, her palm facing outwards and she was about to build rock walls around that vampire when she heard a loud thud,figuring that someone had jumped from such a height.

The next thing she knew, the rogue vampire was taken off her and the stare that the jumping man gave it was pretty intensifying,making the vampire to slouch off. 'Man. I want to do my rock wall formation.. Shall do it now,' she thought to herself and placed her open hand behind her back while she was being lectured or so. "I'm not late. It is just that the letter come too late."

Slabs of rocks started to pop up from the ground around the rogue vampire,catching him off-guard and it earned a soft shriek from the vampire as Sooyoung started to close up her hand. That very motion was to make the gap around the vampire to disappear,giving him no space to move around. She glanced back a little and smiled inwardly, feeling the fear of the vampire as she enjoyed seeing the pain and fear of her victims.
G-Dragon (Vampire Slayer Leader) 12 years ago
@Park Sooyoung (Level Two) An underground city was a nice touch. Jiyong leaned against the archway at the top of the stairs where he had an unobstructed view of the area. Vampires milled around, but he was alright because they gave him a wide berth. Not that he had anything against vampires, of course. They were not so human but he had enough reason to believe that some of them did feel something. Which was why he had his own rules when it came to slaying.

This night, however, was a special occasion. A rogue vampire had been brought to his attention and it was a notorious one. Yes, 'it', because when a vampire crossed the boundary of sanity, it was nothing to him. Just another creature to slay. Jiyong had recruited one of the slayers to aid him in his task because he had another urgent matter to tend to. He glanced downwards, wondering if the female had received his message.

Jiyong was about to give up when he saw someone enter. She appeared lost but he knew instinctively that she was the one he was looking for. He groaned inwardly. He assumed that a level two slayer would be familiar with the vampires' hideout but it appeared not. A lost woman amongst vampires was not a good thing, and when he saw a vampire lay a hand on her shoulder, he stifled a mutter and leapt down from the steps, enclosing the vampire's arm in an iron grip. He shoved the vampire back and stared him down.

"She's in my charge," Jiyong spat, his hand on his sword, alert for any trouble. The vampire knew better than to challenge the leader of the slayers without any reason and he slouched off. Jiyoung turned to the girl.

"You're late," he snapped unceremoniously.
Park Sooyoung (Level Two) 12 years ago
@Kwon Jiyong (Vampire Slayer Leader) [ o____o okay. V-vampire touch my shoulder. sure sure ]
G-Dragon (Vampire Slayer Leader) 12 years ago
@Park Sooyoung (Level Two) { Let's just say a vampire was touching your shoulder then. My character isn't one to touch people lol }
Park Sooyoung (Level Two) 12 years ago
@Kwon Jiyong (Vampire Slayer Leader) [ I didn't godmod you. ._. How so? OTL. It should be, she felt a hand touching her shoulder. Not a hand was placed on her shoulder. OTL. I AM SO TERRIBLY SORRY! akjsdhkahsd ]
G-Dragon (Vampire Slayer Leader) 12 years ago
@Sooyoung { did you just godmod me ._. }
Park Sooyoung (Level Two) 12 years ago
@Kwon Jiyong (Vampire Slayer Leader) [ Yeah. Of course. I don't want vampires to be le creeping up on me. *shivers* >< ]
G-Dragon (Vampire Slayer Leader) 12 years ago
@Park Sooyoung (Level Two) { Am I supposed to be the one whose hand is on your shoulder? }
Park Sooyoung (Level Two) 12 years ago
@Kwon Jiyong (Vampire Slayer Leader) Sooyoung laid on her bed and stared up at the ceiling, feeling all bored out of her mind with nothing to do. It was starting to become darker as the moon was raising up to take over the sun. Dinner time was over and she had her fill, thinking of a way to do something besides stoning at the ceiling when her nanny came in with an unhappy expression on her face and in her hand was some sort of letter.

"Well.. My lady, there is a letter addressed to you and if it is something about a mission, you know.. I am not letting you go on this one," she frowned slightly and looked down at the letter in her hands. On the other side, Sooyoung's ears perked up at the word, mission and sat up straight away,her eyes gleaming with glee and joy that she now had something to do. She jumped out of her bed and ran towards the nanny, grabbing the letter out and tore it apart to read it. Before she do so, she cleared out and read out the contents, ending in a clear shriek. "I am going anyways! Bye! And I will stay safe!", she waved it around and ran to the bathroom to change into a leather tank top paired up with a tight leather pants, all decked out in black.

Soon enough, she ran out from her room and towards the destination the letter said,not knowing where the Vampire Locale was as she had never been outside for a long time, to be more specific, ever since she was born. She was much more protected and sheltered, away from the chaos and the dangers and yet she rather she would be outside than to be all cooped up inside. Sooyoung winced as she took in the gloomy,dark exterior of the place and stared at it, wondering if vampires did really lived in such places. "Where is this Jiyong dude anyways? He's late," she muttered under her breath, a twig cracking due to the weight of her shoe.

Sooyoung was about to mess the stone staircases up when a group of men started to arrive on foot, their footsteps barely audible and a hand was placed on her shoulder, causing her to scream out loud like a little girl.
[post deleted by owner]


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redzebra21 10 years ago
lol okay now Hyejeong actually left, a year later O.o
Chocopa 10 years ago
OK I feel really really really REALLY BAD ;_; as I`m never active in this rp, adn I feel really bad for it and all that stuff... and basically exams is coming up and well.. I practically never do anything here, adn well .... I guess by reading this you know what I have to do, but its because I lost in many rps and well... yeah...

SChool x.x *dies*

so I have to tell that nicole has to quit this rp D:

I have met so many nice and amazing people here, this was the rp that teached me to write more than just 200 words, and with this as an inspiration I have become a better rper, that WRITES HELL A LOT :D <3 thansk everyone


AND T.O.P LOVE YOU TOO DEAR !!!! *snuggles everyone *

Thanks for having me hair for such a long time ! Gonna miss chu <3333
Stormageddon 11 years ago
Ay! *cool handshake* What's up ma friend? ^^ Um, I think this rp idea is fricken amazing! *^* Like seriously, I love it. So~, I was wondering if maybe I could try to bring this rp back to life? T-T I'd love too! You don't have to but maybe you could give it to me? >.< O Jeez. I feel like an for asking but if you would I'd love you forevar! :3 *huggles* Just reply to this when you get the time! ^^
stereotype 11 years ago
Name: Bang Yongguk
Creature: Werewolf
Ghostbusters 11 years ago
Name: Lee Taemin
Notorious: Half Breed (Is that alright~?)
Joonivy 11 years ago
Name : Huang Zitao
Notorious : Vampire Slayer Leader
redzebra21 11 years ago
lmao hyejeong is finally leaving! thanks for the fun guys, honestly, this is a really cool rp <3
InTheNameOfTVXQ 11 years ago
*runs around*
I'm the best Kyuhyun everrrrr!
ChanRiB 11 years ago
This isn't is it? 'coz if it isn't I might join.... I haven't read the description yet though. Tell me if its or not kay? If you don't tell meh anything I won't join :)
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