Yokomon Ice Cream Parlor!

Yokomon Ice Cream!

Kyungsoo 9 years ago
@Kai "No no, it's fine. I don't mind at all." Kyungsoo laughed softly, "And I'm glad I look cute in this." He got up to sit at the table, looking at the soup Jongin was bringing him. It smelled pretty good from where he was sitting, so it was probably good. "You know, I can cook for you if you want." The wide eyed boy shrugged a little, folding his hands neatly in his lap. "I don't want to brag, but I make a good kimchi spaghetti." He winked, giggling a little.
Kai 9 years ago
@Kyungsoo Jongin smile at the reply before going back to the kitchen to serve the soup that he was heating up. He'd already gotten it into two bowls and was just about to get the spoons when Kyungsoo walked in, looking adorable in Jongin's sweater. "Woah-- you look so cute in that!" He grinned before carrying the bowls to the table, "It's only soup, I hope you don't mind. I absolutely cannot cook."
Kyungsoo 9 years ago
@Kai "Thanks, Jongin!" He called back, turning the shower off. After wrapping a towel around his small hips, Kyungsoo went outside to grab his clothes. He took the clothing to Jongin's bedroom, and began to change in there. He pulled on some boxers, little black cotton shorts, and an oversized sweater of Jongins. Once he changed, he walked into the kitchen, smiling a little at the other. "Hey.~"
Kai 9 years ago
@Kyungsoo While Kyungsoo was in the shower, Jongin went to the kitchen to heat some of the soup from one of the containers that his mother brought around weekly. He left it in the pot to cook while he went to his bedroom and fished out a shirt and two pairs of shorts, taking the shirt and one pair and leaving them on the small table next to the bathroom door. "Clothes are outside the door, Soo!" He called through the door.
Kyungsoo 9 years ago
@Kai "Thank you." Kyungsoo called from behind the bathroom door when he shut it, starting to pull his clothing off. He pulled his shirt off, neatly folding it and putting it on the counter. Next came his jeans and boxers, folding them as well. He stepped into the shower, sighing softly when the warm water his his back and warmed him up. This shower was much needed after a day of work and getting wet in the rain.
Kai 9 years ago
@Kyungsoo "Let's hurry then. Don't want my penguin getting sick." Jongin smiled and gripped Kyungsoo's hand tightly, keeping the smaller of the two close to him as he tried to exchange some heat to keep him warm for the walk back. It didn't take him long to get back due to worrying, quickly shuffling the pair inside. He lead Kyungsoo to the bathroom. "Go get a hot shower and I'll sort some clothes for you and make some hot food." Jongin smiled again and pecked Kyungsoo's lips before nudging him inside.
Kyungsoo 9 years ago
@Kai Kyungsoo nodded a little, teeth chattering, "T-That would b-be nice.." He pecked Jongin's cheek gently, his lips getting a little blue. Maybe he'd beeen out too long. "Let's h-hurry, hm?" After Jongin grabbed his phone, Kyungsoo let him lead the way, hand shaking. Apparently, this little penguin couldn't handle the cold. Though, anyone would be shiver if they were wet and caught in the cold.
Kai 9 years ago
@Kyungsoo Jongin smiled into the sweet kiss, wrapping his arms around Kyungsoo's waist in return. He had to admit to himself that he was finding himself becoming addicted to the shorted male rather quickly. He was just so real. Jongin was quite a humble guy so it was only natural his tastes were the same. He broke the kiss after a short while to mumble, "Squishy, you're freezing..let's go back? Do you..w-want to stay over since it's late? I can sleep on the couch but..I don't want to leave you just yet." He knew it was a little odd considering it was just the first day but he genuinely didn't want to be away from Kyungsoo just yet.
Kyungsoo 9 years ago
@Kai Kyungsoo gasped as he was kissed, eyes getting wider as Jongin claimed his lips. He practically melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around his neck. The shorter of the pair pressed himself up against Jongin, tangling his gentle fingers in his hair. He had to admit, Jongin was an amazing dancer, maybe even the best one he'd ever seen. Kyungsoo wondered how on earth a practical adonis like Jongin could be interested in a squishy penguin like himself.
Kai 9 years ago
@Kyungsoo "You would? Well, maybe.." Jongin tested the wet floor of the gazebo as they entered it, noting that it wasn't too slippery. He smiled at Kyungsoo and shook his head. Jongin searched for a song on his phone before setting it aside under a part of the gazebo that wasn't caught by the rain. He started slow, not missing a single note with his body as he moved like liquid along with it. Jongin then pulled Kyungsoo up with him to join in, letting him flow but controlling his movements to some extent until the song ended and they stood flush. He locked gazes with the red-haired male, "You're an amazing singer, better than most. I'm going to find out all the many other things you're good at over time, too." He tilted Kyungsoo's face up and smiled. "And I'm going to kiss you right now, so-" Jongin whispered as they stood under the open roof, the rain pouring down, before leaning in and slowly pressing his lips against the other's.
Kyungsoo 9 years ago
@Kai "I'd really like to see you dance, Jongin." Kyungsoo smiled sweetly at him, leading the other to a white open-roof gazebo in the middle of the small and quiet park. He sat on one of the benches in the gazebo, watching as the rain came down only in the open circle in the roof. "You're probably a lot better at it than I am. Well, everyone's better than me at a lot." He laughed sadly, rubbing the back of his head and threading his fingers through his drenched hair.
Kai 9 years ago
@Kyungsoo "Yep! Cute and squishy. Like a penguin." Jongin explained, a bright smile lighting up his face. It was the first time he'd given somebody a nickname that he felt matched them so much. "Sounds good. I hope you don't have work tomorrow because we're probably going to catch colds." Jongin caught sight of the yawn and frowned. "Are you tired?" He couldn't help but worry; being a student, Jongin was very well acquainted with fatigue so sleep was very much important to him. "Ah, yes I do actually. I used to come out to dance in it a lot.." Jongin smiled at the memories before turning his gaze at Kyungsoo. He took in the fact that he was drenched and looked rather beautiful at the same time whereas he probably looked like a drowned puppy. He suddenly had the overwhelming urge to kiss the other but waited to see if there would be a more suitable moment at the park.
Kyungsoo 9 years ago
@Kai Kyungsoo waited patiently for Jongin, laughing at the new nickname, "Squishy?" He blinked, swinging their intertined hands in between them. That was certainly new to Kyungsoo, but that described him to a T. "Let's go to the park. Since it's raining, no one will be there." He stifled a small yawn, covering his mouth. With his other arm, he swung his unused baby duck yellow umbrella at his side. "Do you like the rain, Jongin?" He turned his head to look at the taller boy, an eyebrow raised at him in question. His dyed red hair was in his face now, water droplets falling from the red strands. It gave Kyungsoo an almost etheral look.
Kai 9 years ago
@Kyungsoo "Hm?" Jongin turned as Kyungsoo called out to him. He found the request a little odd, causing his nerves to suddenly turn on edge but agreed to it anyway. "Sure, just let me put some shoes and a jacket on..?" He squeezed back and pulled Kyungsoo inside for a moment while he tied his sneakers and pulled his jacket on, zipping it up. "Let's go, squishy." He laced his fingers between Kyungsoo's once more, smiling down at the said male before grabbing his keys and leaving the apartment.
Kyungsoo 9 years ago
@Kai Kyungsoo reluctantly followed Jongin, water dripping into his eyes, "Wait- Jongin.." He stopped him in front of the door. "I want..I want to take a walk with you." Kyungsoo preferred the rain to any other type of weather, and he wouldn't take no for an answer on the subject of a walk in the rain. He gave his hand a gentle squeeze, "Please?" He looked down at his feet, grimacing at how dirty they had become. With a defeated sigh, he met Jongin's handsome eyes again, smiling sheepishly. "I mean, you really don't have to if you don't want to." He shrugged.
Kai 9 years ago
@Kyungsoo ((Nooo, don't apologise. It's fine ;; I'm not great at replying fast anyways, so. ^^))

"Wait- no, Kyungsoo-" Jongin tried to get a word in but Kyungsoo just wouldn't be quiet. He sighed and face-palmed himself for approaching it the way he did. He really didn't mean to embarrass the other male. "Will you wait-" Jongin followed after Kyungsoo, not bothering to pull on a coat or anything as he stepped outside. He didn't have to go far anyway as he found Kyungsoo on the steps outside, where he too sat down and held onto the red-haired males smaller hand. "Don't go. I'm sorry if that seemed- no. Honestly, I can see myself loving you, that will be so easy but I've seen people jump in to that part way too fast and get hurt. I don't want that to happen to us." Jongin smiled reassuringly at Kyungsoo, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "Come on, come back inside please. You're soaking. I'll give you some new clothes..." He stood up, pulling the other along.
Kyungsoo 9 years ago
@Kai { Nini, I'm so sorry my other reply was so late..;7; }

Kyungsoo hopped off of his lap, moving to the opposite side of the couch, "I'm sorry..Just disregard what I said, I'm moving too fast.. I think I had better go, honestly." Kyungsoo grabbed his bag, heading for the door. The wide eyed boy was so embarrassed. "I-I...hope to see you again, J-Jongin..." He mumbled, pulling his yellow umbrella out because it had started raining. He shut the door quietly behind him. Once outside, he sat on the steps to Jongin's apartment, letting the rain just douse him. He didn't care if he caught a cold, he probably deserved it for practically forcing himself on Jongin.
Kai 9 years ago
@Kyungsoo Jongin chuckled and caressed Kyungsoo's cheek as he blushed, shivering when his lips came into contact with Jongin's neck then gently shyed away from the contact. "Sensitive, Kyungie...sorry." He mumbled as an apology before hugging the smaller male close to him on his lap. "It will be wonderful with you, yes. I can't wait." Jongin smiled brightly and listens as the other speaks. "Ah, it's okay..but, we will take the dating part slooow- what?" Jongin stares at Kyungsoo with wide eyes, unable to form words as he is completely shocked. "B-But..you only met me today, Soo.."
Kyungsoo 9 years ago
@Kai Kyungsoo blushed at the simply adorable nickname, turning his head to kiss Jongin's neck. He moved to sit on his lap, wrapping his arms around his neck, "Though it might be a little cliché, it sounds wonderful." He looked away, "I'm sorry I'm making this happen so fast..I just really like you..No..." Kyungsoo met his gaze, "I love you." He spoke softly, pecking his forehead gently.
Kai 9 years ago
@Kyungsoo "I would take you to a movie, then out to dinner then..we could go for a walk. Cliché but I know anything would be enjoyable with you, squishy penguin." Jongin smiled shyly and cuddles up next to Kyungsoo, resting his head lightly on top of the smaller males. Jongin really couldn't believe how fast this was all coming along but none the less, it felt absolutely perfect. He already got those fluttery feelings as he thought about Kyungsoo.
Kyungsoo 9 years ago
@Kai Kyungsoo nodded in reply, smiling sweetly at the excited Jongin, "Where would you like to take me?~" He hummed, leaning back on the couch. He rested his head on his shoulder, "Because personally, a movie would be just wonderful." He gave Jongin's hand a little squeeze. Kyungsoo had fallen hard for Jongin as soon as he talked to him, the other making his heart beat quickly and his head spin.
Kai 9 years ago
@Kyungsoo Jongin quietened as Kyungsoo's smaller hand was placed over his mouth. "Oh, I don't want this to be a first date though..I mean I could take you somewhere really nice and-- yeah." Jongin smiled and laced his fingers with Kyungsoo's, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "You like me, really?? I'm so glad this feeling is mutual!" He grins happily since his first time ever asking anybody out went so well; it made him even more happy this person was Kyungsoo.
Kyungsoo 9 years ago
@Kai Kyungsoo nodded, placing a gentle hand over Jongin's mouth to get him to stop rambling, "I would love that, Jongin, but this could be kind of a...date too." He laughed softly, pulling his hand away from his mouth. "I really would like to date you." He blushed, leaning in to peck his cheek again, "You're a really sweet guy, and you're really hot too. I really really like you.~" Now it was Kyungsoo who was rambling. He knew he liked Jongin as soon as he saw him. No customer at the ice cream shop was that patient with him. He was always greeted by shouting children and irritable mothers, having to make triple scoop cones for those fat brats. In all honesty, he loved children, but the ones at his shop made him want to pull his hair out.
Kai 9 years ago
@Kyungsoo Jongin smiled and pulled Kyungsoo back down on to the sofa, not letting go of his hand and instead lacing their fingers. "You didn't make things awkward, Soo. I actually thought you were really adorable." He chuckles softly, giving Kyungsoo's hand a soft squeeze. "So, I kind of want to ask you to date me-- like asking you out before really asking you out? If that makes sense- or is that too fast because I don't mind..." Kai rambled on with his infamous nervous chattering.
Kyungsoo 9 years ago
@Kai Kyungsoo nodded a little, eyes getting a little more wide when Jongin kissed so close to his lips, "I-I guess so.." He looked down at the hand that was holding his hand, smiling a little. At the moment, his heart was like a caged bird, wanting to be free to take things however fast or slow he wanted. However, he didn't want to upset Jongin. "I'm sorry I made things so awkward.." He mumbled softly, using his free hand to thread his fingers through his hair.
Kai 9 years ago
@Kyungsoo "Really? That's great!" Jongin grinned, feeling ecstatic that Kyungsoo wanted the same. He didn't have time to react before the red-haired guy pecked his cheek and just sat silent, staring with eyes almost as wide as his friends. Within the blink of an eye, Kyungsoo was up and leaving already and Jongin didn't want that. "Wait, Kyungsoo--" He shot up, catching Kyungsoo's hand and leaning down to return the gesture, placing the peck just a little closer to the corner of his lips before smiling. "Do you get it now?"
Kyungsoo 9 years ago
@Kai "I really want to..too." Kyungsoo smiled sheepishly, "W-Would you mind if I just.." He leaned in, pecking his cheek quickly. As soon as he did that, he regretted it. Maybe Jongin would think he was desperate. Dammit. "I'm sorry..I just..you..hot..and..and.." Kyungsoo was rambling yet again, standing up, "I'll go see myself out." God, he was so embarrassed.
Kai 9 years ago
@Kyungsoo "Sorry- if this is too much. If it makes you uncomfortable you can say so.." Jongin rambled on as he placed his hands carefully on Kyungsoo's waist, flashing the other a nervous smile. He chuckled softly as his feet were stepped on, not minding it one bit and shook his head at every apology. "I'll definitely have to agree." Jongin smiled brightly, dancing for a little while longer before pulling Kyungsoo back down onto the sofa. "I..really want to get to know you-" He couldn't stop from blurting it out.
Kyungsoo 9 years ago
@Kai Kyungsoo blinked, caught completely by surprise, "O-Oh, right. Yeah." He rested his hands on Jongin's chest, going red once again. While they danced, Kyungsoo stepped on Jongin's feet many times. He always apologized, looking so worried. Kyungsoo eventually wrapped his arms around Jongin's neck, laughing a little, "This is fun, even without music." He was so close to Jongin now, he could feel the latter's breath fanning his hair. He didn't dare meet his eyes, looking down at his feet. That was just to make sure he didn't step on Jongin's feet again.
Kai 9 years ago
@Kyungsoo "You wish~" Jongin chuckles, watching as Kyungsoo spins. Definitely not a dancer but Jongin was going to give him points for being adorable. He liked that Kyungsoo was livening up, too. Jongin stood as his hands were held, taking a deep breath and deciding to brave it. His idea was make or break but he couldn't help himself; he also wanted to see Kyungsoo's reaction. The blushing face of the latter was addictive. Kai spun the smaller male around gracefully before pulling him into a slow dancing position. "No music so- it fits, right?" Jongin then bit his lower lip, hoping he wasn't about to get totally rejected.


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BlackRabbit 7 years ago
I miss this place so damn much.
-Exotica 8 years ago
Luhan is leaving
--kitten 9 years ago
Kai left, I'm sorry. I've already cleared out the character.
I wasn't on much, anyways- it was nice while it lasted.
KyungsooDoReMi 9 years ago
Amber is leaving...
End of school coming up, and no one paid any attention to this character. So, why keep it?
But, oh well..
Had fun while it lasted.
Good luck with the roleplay.
Lots of love.
tyrannosaurus 9 years ago
takuya left, but thank you so much for this experience!
blanksilhouettes 9 years ago
Tao had to leave. Sorry.
Thanks for having me though! ^-^
I had a lot of fun! ;u;
I wish I could stay but I'm really busy and have some problems to sort out. ^^; I'd love to come back though one day!
impavid 9 years ago
Jongkook is leaving, thanks for an amazing time. Feel free to add me as a friends
JCH21753 9 years ago
Ah, Kevin's leaving. Been getting busy of late, gotta cut down on RPs and things. ><
Thanks for having me! ^^;
chanyeology 9 years ago
Kyungsoo will be on hiatus until April 6th~
_sonder_ 9 years ago
Hyosung left.
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