Jeongmin's House!

Jeongmin's House

Admin⟡Jeongmin⟡ 9 years ago
Admin⟡Jongkook⟡ 9 years ago
@⚰Vampire⟡Jeongmin⟡ /I watch as you pull my underwear down, the slight drag of the fabric against the sensitive skin sending my temple throbbing and I sink my teeth into my lower lip, canines sharp as -not surprisingly- a wolfs, Amber eyes heavy with lust as I easily flip our positions and the sight of you beneath me, quivering and needy is enough to send me into over drive and its my turn now to slip between your lips, teeth scraping over one of your s delicately but there is a hint of roughness as I my fingers and circle you ring of muscles/ Hyung knows exactly what you want... /I mutter as i instantly slip two of my fingers into you, the heat of your walls almost unbearable and I bite back a groan, tonguing your tip playfully as it digs into your slit/
Admin⟡Jeongmin⟡ 9 years ago

*nipping my lip, I lean into your touch- so soft and gentle that it's almost too much... almost enough to reduce me to quivers...* *but the fond emotion easing between my ribs is suddenly laced with something spicier as I register your growl, my hips sinking down to meet yours on pure instinct as you lift them* *my gaze- unblinking and appreciative- scans your boxers and my hands extend to free you, untucking your delectable member from your boxers* I've missed you... *murmurs wispily, leaning in to press fierce kisses along the link as my other hand reaches around to pull down my pants and boxers in one go* I- I think I wanna- *I can't even vocalize it, not even as my finger circles around my clenching entrance, trying to recall how you'd prepared me before*
Admin⟡Jongkook⟡ 9 years ago
@Jeongmin /watching as my belt is discarded, your hands moving quicker than my eyes can register, I squirm needilg my gaze meets your own and my fingers brush a strand of hair from your eyes so I can see you fully; drawing in a sharp breath when you nuzzle my crotch, i growl softly without thinking, my eyes fiery and my heart being clenched by your hands, blood thumping readily in my ears; lifting up my hips to help you remove my best, i shudder as the cool air fans across the fabric of my underwear, which is tight and fitted to the point where my arousal is obvious as it presses against my stomach/
Admin⟡Jeongmin⟡ 9 years ago
@Kim Jongkook *the moment your hair ruffles from the onslaught of your shirt, a bubble of amusement swells in my core and I reach a hand out to those locks fondly* *notices as you try to remove your belt, the lust and anticipation flowing right back immediately* Hyung... *reaches down to help you, climbing out of your lap to kneel between your legs as I unlatch it* I love you... Dammit, I love you so much... *finally pulls your belt off, immediately undoing your buttons next, working until I catch a glimpse of a narrow strip of your boxers* *practically purrs, bringing my head forward to nip at your clothed member, nuzzling softly into your groin* Jongkook... *lifts a hand to push you onto your back, tugging fervently at your pants*
Admin⟡Jongkook⟡ 9 years ago
@Jeongmin /each time you press your lips to my skin, you set my nerves on fire, which spreads through my body to the point where the Heat becomes unbearable, my eyes trained on only you because you are all I need to keep my sane, my life resting in your hands and I return the favour; the sight of you tearing off your clothes is enough to make my abdomen throb, arousal making it hard to think straight and hard in general - ig my lower lip, I grip the hem of my shirt and pull it easily over my head, hair splayed out as I drink in the sight of your pale torso, a waltz of feelimg causing my chest to tighten, fumnling with my belt as I attempt to remove the shorts I don/
Admin⟡Jeongmin⟡ 9 years ago
@Kim Jongkook *my lips manage to remain inseparably sealed to your skin, not a single space left between our seams even as you rush us up the stairs* *my arms tighten around you and my hands run fervently- FEVERISHLY- through your cocoa-tinted locks, gripping them as if the last remains of my life depended on it* *gasps as you drop to the mattress, my mouth finally breaking from your neck just quickly enough to release a stifled groan as you press your crotch against mine* *your words hit me... HARD, and I stumble a bit as you separate us, giving me room to strip down* *one look at the ravenous hunger in your eyes is enough to set me off, and immediately I'm on my feet- wondering just how far I can take this vampiric speed I apparently have* *in a flash, my hands are zipping to my clothing, practically ripping them from my form and scattered haphazardly along the floor until only I'm left standing before you clothed in bare skin* *crawls over to you, straddling your lap as my chest presses flush against yours* Your turn... *murmurs softly against your lips, easing your shirt up quickly but being careful not to rip it- as I'm certain I have nothing here to fit you*
Admin⟡Jongkook⟡ 9 years ago
@Jeongmin /every time you gasp or moan, my whole body absorbs it and cherishes such sounds, wondering how you manage to sound so enticing and endearing at the same time and I can even fathom how someone like you, fell for someone like me because I am far from perfect compared to you, who is the epitome; it doesn't take me long to scuttle up the stairs, your weight hardly even noticeable in my arms and when the backs of my legs hit the base of your bed, I fall backwards and tighten my hold on you - the feeling of your teeth and lips and tongue marking me, leaving bruises dotted over my skin only heigtens my arousal and my eyes flutter shut for a moment, hips lifting to press against your own crotch and the pleasure that courses my veins makes me feel as of I'm floating/ Strip... I want everything off... /using all my strength (both mental and physical) i push you off and sit up, my eyes hungrily tracing the outline of your body before they lock onto your own/
Admin⟡Jeongmin⟡ 9 years ago
@Kim Jongkook *a whisper of a gasp escapes my lips and my grip on you tightens, anchoring myself to your presence as your lips press to mine* *a moan filters through the crease between them and for a moment I wonder whose it was- not that it matters, at this point with lust coating our bodies and tingling beneath our skin* *for a moment, I'm torn- grateful to be off my feet what with the way you've reduced my legs to a trembling mess, but also a bit restless now that I'm even less in control with such a position* *my tongue curls along yours and my fingers fan out along your scalp, filling my senses with you- only ever you- and staking a claim I'll never seek to be rid of... mine... you're mine... only ever mine... and I want nothing more than to show you* *my lips tear from yours only to sear along your jaw and down to the other side of your neck before latching onto another patch of smooth skin, harshly and teething fervently- aiming to mark, to show the world what you are to me, that you're taken* *and I don't know if it's the vampiric hunger or the heat of passion- or perhaps a heady mix of both- that drives me to repeat the action, tracing blushing hickeys all along your neck*
Admin⟡Jongkook⟡ 9 years ago
@Jeongmin /when you pull away, I groan in disappointment but my arousal lingers and I press you closer to the wall, my fingers dropping down to rest on your waist and I tilt your head up, my lips finding your own as if magnets that have been searching for one and other for to long, my tongue delving past the barrier of your lips almost instantly and I can taste myself on your tongue mixed with your velvety scent slipping past my nose, your whole being enticing and I can't stand it anymore; bending a little, i cup the back of your thighs and lift you, your back sliding across the wall as my tongue traces the swell of your lower lip/
Admin⟡Jeongmin⟡ 9 years ago
@Kim Jongkook *flinches softly when I hear your hiss- hoping, praying that the pain will subside; and it seems that it does as you close what little distance is left between us* Mmm... *moans softly against your skin, a few more succulent drops before swiping my tongue out, laving firmly at the wounds* *my hands slide up your chest as you release my wrists, and twine around your neck* *my tongue slides softly along your skin, catching whatever droplets of blood that I can, as your wound slowly begins to close* Jongkook... *murmurs against your neck, limbs still trembling and unsteady at the memory of the taste of your blood- so potent and sweet and... something I suddenly feel all the more protective and possessive over*
Admin⟡Jongkook⟡ 9 years ago
@Jeongmin /drawing in a deep breath when you press a kiss to my neck, my eyes flutter closed and at first, i hiss in pain when you pierce my skin but it's not long before warmth spreads through my body and i release a soft groan, my head tilting further to the side as you le; surprisingly, I don't feel any where near depleted of energy how it happens in books I read when I was younger, the urge to press close to you is to big of an urge to resist, my fingers carding through your hair as my torso presses flush again your own/ ... Jeongmin... /I brace myself against the wall behind you, the plaster of the wall crumbling beneath my fingers slightly, the tightness of my pants already suffocating/
Admin⟡Jeongmin⟡ 9 years ago
@Kim Jongkook *I'm so focused on resisting, so acutely aware of your whirring veins, that I'm unprepared when you advance, blinking in surprised as I'm pinned too the wall so easily* *my lips part to retort, scream, cuss, anything... but the moment you bear your neck at me, I practically choke* *the scent of you is overwhelming, dizzying even, and I find myself swaying on my feet* *my eyes soften at your words and I feel my resolve crumbling from both the raw pain of my hunger and the sincerity of your concern* You just... Dammit, what am I going to do with you? *it's hesitant, but I end up shifting forward, pressing a sweet kiss to the junction of your neck that dips into your shoulder, before closing my open mouth around the skin there* *my fangs almost naturally lengthen out and I bite down, stomach momentarily curling at the wet, popping sound of your skin breaking beneath my razor-like canines* *but as the taste of your blood spills on my tongue, I immediately release a heavy moan, my hands fighting in your grip to pull you closer- but I end up stepping forward to press further against you, ling softly... eagerly*
Admin⟡Jongkook⟡ 9 years ago
@Jeongmin /although I can see the way you repent against me, the hunger and desire are evident in your eyes and if you don't feed, you could become ill plus you never know, it could be the key to becoming ourselves once again and I brush a hand through my hair in frustration before I press forward, pushing my dominance above all my other aspects of my persona, gaze fixated on your features and I take hold of both of your wrists after backing you into then nearest wall/ I will be fine, but you won't if you don't feed. I'm strong enough to pull you off. /flashing you a forceful gaze, my words are -however- laced with love and I lean down, my head tolting to the side as its now at just the right level for your mouth and gaze, my breathing laboured as your enticing scent invades my nose and my nostrils flare a little/ Remember I love you and just like you'll do anything for me, I'll do exactly the same for you. Now drink.
Admin⟡Jeongmin⟡ 9 years ago
@Kim Jongkook *it still baffles the hell out of me how each and every time you say those words- that you love me- I can't help but react as if it were the very first time* *my eyelids squeeze shut for a moment, willing down the flustered embarrassment that bubbles within my chest, and I purse my lips perhaps a little too harshly* *I steal a glance at you then, immediately melting under the wave of your grin and desiring nothing more than to press twin smiling lips against it, only to blink in surprise as you toss out the chilled carnage in my hands* *there's relief somewhere inside, though, and I make no effort to fight it down because- really though- that smell downright awful* *but as you offer your neck to me, an expression of shock twined with horror crosses my face and I force myself to step back* N-No... Jongkook, even if you heal quickly, who's to say it'll be fast enough if I- you know... if I go too far? *I have absolutely no trust in myself, the pain of hunger too strong and the soothing relief of your blood too potent for me to believe that I'll stop myself in time* No... We can find something else... An animal, anything. Just- *but the thrumming of your thickened vein makes my head spin and I find myself stepping back even further, reminding myself that I'm doing this for you- because should I ever be the reason that your sweet smiles and warm embraces cease to exist, I couldn't live with myself*
Admin⟡Jongkook⟡ 9 years ago
@Jeongmin /when I see you shiver and I register the effect I have on you, a smirk appears on my lips and I say no more, because to know that I can still make you feel such a way is something Im proud of and you appear more endearing to my everyday, as if you have infinite reasons for me to love you and even in such an odd situation, I'm able to find happiness with you/ I love you too, everything about you that is. /flashing you a warm smile when you turn around, the points of my canines a little more sharper than usual, even I cringe as the scent of the blood floods over my sensitive nose and i take it from your, opening the bin and dropping it in, the metal masking the taste before I take a deep and steady breath/ You can drink from me, I heal faster so any blood that you take will be replaced instantly. /pulling you closer to me, I tilt my head to the side to reveal my jugular vein to you/
Admin⟡Jeongmin⟡ 9 years ago
@Kim Jongkook *I overhear your words from the confines of the cooling bin, biting down on my lip as a shiver runs along my spine* *there it is again, that sincerity that's so essentially YOU, coupled with something far more beautiful... devotion... and I return the feeling* *it sends a desire to hold you in my arms, but I refrain, only because the hunger has returned and I fear what could happen to you if I gave in and submitted to it* *so instead I keep my back to you as I pull out a thawing pack of beef, staring down at it with faint traces of distaste mixed with curiosity* You realize though... You could be green with eight tentacles and I'd still be attracted to you. *I admit, shifting on my feet* It's you in general that I love so much, hyung... *setting the pack onto the counter, I stare at it, eyes outlining the red stains of blood before asking* Do you think it would work the same way? Eating this raw... It'd be something similar to drinking blood, right? *but I know the answer to the question before I can even get it out* *this blood is dead and clearly it's been that way for at least a week's time* *I can almost smell the preservatives it's laced with, and immediately I squeeze my eyes shut in utter disgust* Dammit...
Admin⟡Jongkook⟡ 9 years ago
@Jeongmin /the purr echoes in my ear drums, like velvet brushing over my skin and I wish I could pull you closer and enjoy everything you have to offer me and more, my fingers itching to brush over your pale skin and I have to shake my head slightly to snap out of the seductive trance I'd found myself in, my abdomen clenching but I push down such urges and just resort to my lower lip, eyes trained on your back as you walk away/ I hope they're good things, you know I'd do anything to please you and if my body does that, then I'll make sure to keep it this way. You're perfect to, you know, infact you're more than perfect. /chuckling lightly from the idea of your sister and how cheesy the words I just spoke sounded, i hover behind, resisting the urge to dominant you right there and then, the overpowering alpha mentality causing a low rumble that is a growl to leave my throat, gaze darkening/
Admin⟡Jeongmin⟡ 9 years ago
@Kim Jongkook *a soft rumble vibrates against the inner confines of my throat, and I realize I've released something that sounds akin to a purr* *I desire nothing more than to tuck my face into your neck, inhale deeply and close my eyes at the sound of your steady, thrumming heartbeat- a sound that had always given me peace before, but now even more so for some reason* Mmm... *I murmur in agreement to your teasing suggestion, still enraptured by the thought of your thick, lively blood whirring along the trails of your vessels* Of course~ But just know it'll probably take a turn in the 'right' direction like two minutes into it. I wouldn't be the best person to do that for you. *because really, your body is a work of art that deserves to be worshiped, longed for... and it helps all the more to know that only I can do that- as selfish as it sounds... I want to keep you to myself, revel in the one certain thing I have in this world* Perhaps... I mean, it's worth a shot! Maybe try going out as soon as the sun sets? We can see how well we manage and maybe find a way to return to our old selves. *chuckles softly and shakes my head* Nah, it's just... Your body, honestly. And the pack alpha mentality... Both good things though... VERY good things. *I wrinkle my nose as you mention my anemia* My sister would be ROLLING if she found out how right she was... *I murmur softly, trailing my fingers along your arms* Oh! Actually... Now that you mention it... *I slip from your grasp and head to the kitchen immediately, my eyes searching as I open the refrigerator door*
Admin⟡Jongkook⟡ 9 years ago
@Jeongmin /burying my face in the confines of your hair, the soft locks brushing across my face and causing my to smile almost instantly, memories of when we first met flood my mind and I wonder whether we could stay like this together, wrapped up in one and others presence, just enjoying the love that radiates from our auras, an ambiance that no one can deny but is pleasant none the less, aswell as consuming/ I'm not hungry, but if you're offering i could definitely go for a massage right now. /pulling back just as you do, my hand still protectively resting on your hip as I keep you at arms length, close enough so I can still see every speck of warmth in you gaze; although I'm joking, I still feel as if it would be a good idea, doing something so normal in our states might be enough to balance is out/ Why does it fit? I mean, your's does too, espcially with the whole anemic thing. /I can feel your gaze setting fire to every nerve ending in my body, our gazes meeting/
Admin⟡Jeongmin⟡ 9 years ago
@Kim Jongkook *I actually hadn't forgotten about the 'whole drinking blood thing', not even for a moment* *because it seemed the pain from earlier, the one radiating from my core, responded immediately to the droplet of blood you'd offered* *it had quelled a bit since then, but then that begged more questions, like how long it would last and what the hell I could do about it* *I'm grateful for your embrace, immensely so, as it soothes my every being and reminds me that you're here... that I have you... that you're not leaving* *it still amazes me, even today, just the effect you have on me, how effortlessly you can comfort my nerves- even NOW... even as we both wake up as supernatural creatures you'd only read about in teen romance novels* I love you too... *is my automatic reply, not out of reflex... but because I mean it... because you've only ever been my everything and shall continue to remain that way* *my eyes flutter shut at the press of your lips and a soft smile creeps its way along the seams* Are you hungry or anything? I guess we can only cater to our... erm... symptoms for now. And we should try to do whatever we can here. *I pull back, but only a little, still uncertain if I'm ready to be apart from your warmth- still unsure if I'm strong enough to stand without you... if I ever even want to be* I know this is probably the worst time to say this, but surprisingly it fits... You being a werewolf~ *I manage a small chuckle as I drag my gaze along your frame, tightening my hold only a moment after*
Admin⟡Jongkook⟡ 9 years ago
@Jeongmin /it takes me more than a moment to gather myself back up, the draw in my worry and tie a tight knot around it to stop it leaking into my mind, eyes wide stil with wonder now as the Amber in my gaze dims but a glow is still there, almost eeire and haunting when I glance at the mirror behind you that is mounted on your wall/ I think you might be right there, it's possible we have nothing amazingly bad to worry about, except from maybe for you with the while drinking blood thing... /trailing off when you step towards me, my arms slip around you instantly and the urge to protect you from threats swarms me, whether it be emotional or physical and I'm grateful to you for being my Rock through times like this, and in general because right now, I don't know what I'd do without you/ I love you.. /I mutter, the heat of my body and the cold of your own making the perfect combination, my lips pressed against the top of your head and my heart swells in my chest/
Admin⟡Jeongmin⟡ 9 years ago
@Kim Jongkook *a moment is all it takes for me to realize what you're doing* *and a moment is all it takes for you to actually execute it- summon claws from the lengths of your fingertips... long and piercing* *my eyes widen and I jolt back a bit in shock* You just- *but my words halt the second I notice your eyes- an aureate hue, bespeckled and lovely... but definitely nothing natural* Okay... So, werewolf it is, then... *I murmur though my voice sounds so much farther now* *I draw closer, catching your hand in mine again to examine it once more* I don't know what the hell happened to us or how we can fix this... I mean, this can't be permanent... There's no way- *but I recognize the panic bubbling in my chest, and I force myself to refrain from finishing my words, squeezing my eyes shut and stepping forward until I'm pressed against your chest* *the heat of your body is astounding and engulfing, blocking out almost all else* What should we um... do about this? *I ask, resting my cheek against you as I continue, my arms encircling you and tracing odd shapes along your back* Hide out until it... uh... wears off? Something that came so quickly can certainly disappear just as quickly... Maybe. *honestly, I'm not sure if that's how it works, but we're riding more so on hope than on logic here- especially after our 'diagnosis'* *there's no way we can really trek outside for too long without being noticed by someone or being triggered, so it almost feels like an entrapment... one that's only made better at the knowledge that you're by my side*
Admin⟡Jongkook⟡ 9 years ago
@Jeongmin /looking up when you ask me to wait, my gaze hopeful because I just can't seem to get what I am, even though it seems completely obvious and I watch as you take my hand, resisting the urge to curl my fingers around your wrist and to pull you closer to me, the unsurness I feel stemmed by my own personal happy pill but I just push through/ Force them? /for a moment i glance at the wall behind you, concentrating like I never have before and my heart rate spreads up instantly, drowning out everything except from the amazing heigteness of my nose and eyes, groaning at my hand jerks back, fingers curling and the sudden claws that appeared, breaking the skin and from my curled over position, my head jerks up, eyes a bright amber which swim with specks of black/
Admin⟡Jeongmin⟡ 9 years ago
@Kim Jongkook *seeing as you're just as uncertain as I am, my worry only grows* *all at once a thousand more questions begin buzzing in my head and I wonder what even happened for us to end up like this... and how the hell would we reverse it* *I listen to you as you list off your 'symptoms', mentally thumbing through any sort of creature or mythical being that's anything like that* *but it's when you mention your enhanced sense of smell that my eyes widen* W-wait... *I purse my lips in thought, trying to recall every fantasy-based young adult novel I've ever read- but unfortunately, I could count those on one hand* You almost sound like a- *I hold up my hands, trying to mimic claws with them* Like a wolfman... Or werewolf. I don't know for sure though... *I step forward, squinting as I look you over, trying to gauge if I can see any other changes* I mean, I don't think they'd normally have claws unless they forced them out, right? *I ask, lifting your hand again and examining it slowly*
Admin⟡Jongkook⟡ 9 years ago
@Jeongmin /I cant help but chuckle when I hear your exclamtion to what you are but then it's followed by an enslaught of interrogative questions which I shrug to each and every one of, necause I'm no more out of the dark than you, running a hand over my face unsurely/ I don't know, I really don't. Im honestly just as confused as you are but I just know I feel better than i ever have before and it's weird, because I'm warmer too and my eyesight is clear, my nose feels like I can smell anything no matter how far away it is. Like the gone off yogurt in the end of the streets bins. /wrinkling my nose in disgust, I grip the hem of my shirt and fan it slightly, attempting to cool down/
Admin⟡Jeongmin⟡ 9 years ago
@Kim Jongkook *my brows furrow immediately at your words, unsure of what you mean and allowing you to draw me closer* *but then the press of your thumb against my lips sends a jolt down my spine, summoning a visible shudder, and my hands flash up to grip desperately at your wrist to keep you there* *my lips close around your thumb, my tongue swiping out to lap tentatively at the beads of blood forming on its tip* *my eyes widen at the taste and I'm surprised to realize I don't feel an ounce of disgust- desire... hunger... perhaps... but no disgust* *but just as I begin to trace my tongue along your finger once more, I force myself to pull back- as painful as it is- snapping out of it* A vampire!? *I nearly shriek out the words* Am I- Did this- How? *my eyes trail back to the banister* Then what are you? You don't have fangs but your strength is... It's ing phenomenal!
Admin⟡Jongkook⟡ 9 years ago
@Jeongmin /looking up as you stutter, I shake my head unsurely and I widen my eyes when I spot the slight glint against your lip, the way they dip slightly underneath the sharpened point before I card my uninjured hand through my hair/ J-Jeongmin, this isn't right... I think I've figured you out but I don't know what's going on with me. /taking hold of your wrist and pulling you forward, I brush my thumb over the blood that drips from my wound and I lift it up, carefully pressing it against the swell of your lips and surprisingly, it doesn't make me feel ill -the idea of you drinking me- and my abdomen tighten wantonly, pupils dialated as I push my thumb a bit harder, my thumb now in your mouth properly now/
Admin⟡Jeongmin⟡ 9 years ago
@Kim Jongkook *the sound of splitting wood assaults my ears far louder than it should and I barely manage to hold back a wince* *the moment you remove your hand from the banister, I gape at the indention that's left in its wake* H-How did- *suddenly, I remember myself and snap my lips shut, recalling the twin fangs I'd suddenly acquired* *instead I nod softly, peering at you in question as I read the hesitance on your face* I... Honestly, I don't know- *but then my eyes flicker to your hand and they widen in shock* I should be asking YOU that, though! *the distance between us snaps as I appear in front of you, too concerned with your splinters to notice, lifting your hand gingerly* Jongkook, what's going on? How did you... How'd you do that? *and just as I'm turning your hand over in mine, I touch the side of your wrist and freeze immediately* *I can hear it then, the heady thrum of your pulse, the blood in your veins whirring thick and alive* *it summons another jab of pain, and I force my eyes closed to withhold from groaning, releasing your hand immediately*
Admin⟡Jongkook⟡ 9 years ago
@Jeongmin /when you pull me in, I stumble and grapple for something to hold onto, which happens to be your banister that helps you climb up the stairs but when I grip onto it, the wood does splinter this time, a lot weaker than the wood of your front door and I flinch as Splinters pierce my skin in a few different places but the pain is nowhere near as bad as it should be; looking up for a moment, I wonder why there is an expression of pain upon your face and I forget about my hand, making my way towards you but I'm a little cautious, my heightened senses making me pause and my now Amber eyes flash towards you, curious and wondering, veins risen and hairs prickling on the back of my neck as I recall your touch, the ripple it had set through me/ I don't know, Jeongmin, are you okay? Are you hurt? /widening my eyes slightly, the urge to protect you is instant and it shakes me slightly but the raw animalistic need it there too, eating away at my concious/


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BlackRabbit 7 years ago
I miss this place so damn much.
-Exotica 8 years ago
Luhan is leaving
--kitten 9 years ago
Kai left, I'm sorry. I've already cleared out the character.
I wasn't on much, anyways- it was nice while it lasted.
KyungsooDoReMi 9 years ago
Amber is leaving...
End of school coming up, and no one paid any attention to this character. So, why keep it?
But, oh well..
Had fun while it lasted.
Good luck with the roleplay.
Lots of love.
tyrannosaurus 9 years ago
takuya left, but thank you so much for this experience!
blanksilhouettes 9 years ago
Tao had to leave. Sorry.
Thanks for having me though! ^-^
I had a lot of fun! ;u;
I wish I could stay but I'm really busy and have some problems to sort out. ^^; I'd love to come back though one day!
impavid 9 years ago
Jongkook is leaving, thanks for an amazing time. Feel free to add me as a friends
JCH21753 9 years ago
Ah, Kevin's leaving. Been getting busy of late, gotta cut down on RPs and things. ><
Thanks for having me! ^^;
chanyeology 9 years ago
Kyungsoo will be on hiatus until April 6th~
_sonder_ 9 years ago
Hyosung left.
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