
room: lounge


Hoseok ♪ 6 years ago
@Dinghao ♪ᴬ [hope this works? If you have any questions, feel free to ask rather than reply with that misunderstanding tho pls! : ) ]

/after bumping into his old friend, eating lunch with his new friend and then getting tired enough from everything, he decides to enjoy the rest of his day sitting in the lounge for a while to cool off. It was nice to know he didn’t have to worry too much about being in a band just yet. Little did he know, he technically was in one but just didn’t get check his notice since he thought it’d take at most 3 days until he’d be put into another boy band. But none of that matters to the him at present. He closed his eyes enjoying the air conditioned lounge near the front of the building’s entrance/
/But then when he opened his eyes he noticed one of the guys was still there after so long. You. He had to lift a brow before calling to you/ hey man... /he smiles with a light wave as he approached you/ you lookin for somethin? Someone? /he smiles friendly/
Nakamato Yuta ♪ᴬ H 6 years ago
@Sunggyu ♪ᴬ (sorry I lost muse for Yuta /screeches/)

Yuta sighed. For the first time ever, since he was 14, he felt like he wanted everything off of his chest. "when I was younger.. My brothers, they-" Yuta sniffled again, wiping away his tears. "they, they bullied me. For being good at dance, and at singing. For making it into a company... It just got worse slowly and slowly." Yuta's voice dropped and he curled in on himself ashamed. "They touched me. ually."
Sunggyu ♪ᴬ 6 years ago
@Nakamato Yuta ♪ Sunggyu continued to rub Yuta's back in an attempt at soothing him. "It's okay. You don't need to talk about it if you don't want to; no one's forcing you to." He placed his arms around the other in a side-hug. "The nightmares, what are they about? Perhaps talking about them might help you get over them. Even if you just need to release your emotions, I'm here. You'll get through it, alright? It may take hours, hell, even weeks, but you'll be okay."
Nakamato Yuta ♪ᴬ H 6 years ago
@Sunggyu ♪ᴬ Humming, Yuta took the box. "Thank you Sunggyu. It's just... I can't explain." His voice was defeated, and he slouched. Letting out a sigh, he gave his best attempt. "It's just some stuff that happened. When I was younger." Pausing every now and then, he wiped his tears. "I'm sorry I'm bringing down the mood here, it's just... I can't help the nightmares. They always come. always." Yuta began to shake once more. "Why can't they leave me alone?"
[post deleted by owner]
Sunggyu ♪ᴬ 6 years ago
@Nakamato Yuta ♪ "Hello, Yuta, if I may call you that. My name is Sunggyu. Pleased to meet you," Sunggyu nodded as a sign of acknowledgement. His eyes widened a little when he spotted tears coming out from the other's eyes. He replied in a soft and soothing tone, "Hey, hey. It's fine. Do you need to let it out?" He sat next to Yuta and hesitantly rubbed Yuta's back. Sunggyu handed the other a box of tissues.
Nakamato Yuta ♪ᴬ H 6 years ago
@Sunggyu ♪ᴬ Yuta shook his head. What if this male was also trying to hurt him... But he had seemed so sincere, was it possible that Yuta was just overreacting again? Taking in a few deep breaths, he sighed, before brushing his bangs out of his eyes. "I'm Nakamato Yuta. Nice to meet you." His voice was still small, but it wasn't as bad as before, with him making an effort to be friendly. "uh, yeah I'm sorry about that. It's just.... I-" At an obvious loss for words, he wiped a few tears from his eyes, and he sniffled.
Sunggyu ♪ᴬ 6 years ago
@Nakamato Yuta ♪ Sunggyu stumbled back in shock when he saw the male curl in on himself and whimper with a weak voice. "Are you fine? I'm not gonna hurt you, don't worry." He moved towards a different couch that was placed further away from the male, giving him space. He scrutinized the other's behaviour. Obviously, the other guy had gone through some trauma before. Not wishing to aggravate the guy even more, Sunggyu spoke carefully, "I mean no harm to you. You just seemed...disturbed in your sleep, so i woke you up."
Nakamato Yuta ♪ᴬ H 6 years ago
@Sunggyu ♪ᴬ Yuta mumbled, something garbled along the lines of “stop, no, stop. Please!” Shaking violently, he felt a hand touch his shoulder. Blinking sleepily awake, he yawned slightly, before noticing the other. “Oh, hi!” Yuta flashed a smile at the other, even though he hadn’t fully recovered from his nightmare. Analyzing the other (male, not too old, alive and breathing) his breath quickened, as the other was similar to his brothers. Yuta’s voice became small again, and he folded in on himself. “What do you want? Please don’t hurt me."
Sunggyu ♪ᴬ 6 years ago
@Nakamato Yuta ♪ Sunggyu treaded to the lounge for a bout of relaxation time. The lounge was always filled with artists hoping to get some rest or those who ended up there out of boredom, hence it surprised him when he saw that there was only one person inside. It wouldn't be accurate to say that Sunggyu knew that guy. However, he had bumped into him a couple times while walking along the stretches of the company. He laid on the sofa, stretching his limbs. Out of curiousity, he looked at the other person's features - though sleeping, his face was still contorted, as if in stress. Sunggyu was unsure whether or not to wake him up, yet he decided to do so anyway. He gently shook the guy's shoulders.
Nakamato Yuta ♪ᴬ H 6 years ago
@Sunggyu ♪ᴬ Yuta really just wanted to sleep. That's it, nothing else. That's why he was curled up on a couch, just kinda, ya know, dozing off. Everything hurt so bad, and he just wanted to have some peace and quiet but, of course, why would that exist? His head hurt, from the consistent sound, his body ached from hours of practice, and his mind longed for a much more peaceful life even though he chose his own.
Wooseok ᴬ SH 6 years ago
@Dong Sicheng ♪ Everything happened so fast. Wooseok shot up from his relaxed position with a curse as he felt someone stumble over his legs and he watched helplessly as the other flopped onto the floor. "Oh ! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" He asked hastily as he pulled his long legs up underneath him to shift onto his knees, reaching out with both hands to try to get the other male to show him his wrist. Oh God, what if he broke some famous idol's wrist? The guy was definitely pretty enough to be one, that was for sure.
Wooseok ᴬ SH 6 years ago
@Dong Sicheng ♪ Wooseok had settled behind one of the couches rather than on it like a normal human being, stretched out precariously on the floor so that only his long legs were sticking out. One arm was stretched out to support his head while he glanced at the latest article released regarding Jamm Ent. He didn't really care much for gossip, but he was interested in the announcement about which movies would be released. Trying out for both movies was his best option. Sadly, he didn't have a manager to help him prepare, but he had come this far on his own already. He figured he'd be able to do it. Wiggling his feet, he didn't even think to move when he heard someone else come in. Unbeknownst to him, the stranger was bee-lining right for the obstacle that was his gangly legs.
Sunggyu ♪ᴬ 6 years ago
@Renjun Sunggyu flinched in shock as he heard the supposedly sleeping male speak. "Oh hey there, sorry if i woke you up," Sunggyu apologized as he tried to calm his beating heartbeat. "But, yeah, a massage can really do wonders to those in fatigue or stress. This agency is so rich; you'd think that they'd provide massage services," he laughs lightly. He stretches in place, cracking his back with a relaxed sigh. He opened his mouth but promptly closed it again, unsure whether or not the male wished to continue sleeping. In the end, he settled for a simple solution -- he rose to his feet and headed over to the coffee machine. Nothing like a good cup of coffee to wake one up.
Renjun ᴬ 6 years ago
@Sunggyu Renjun pulls the pillow closer to himself as he slept on the lounge. It has been a long day of trying to socialize and looking for his manager, he just wants to pass out from exhaustion and the lounge seemed like the perfect place to rest. A light sleeper, Renjun felt movement next to him but he tried not to mind as his mind is telling his eyes to keep closed but as he heard the other person speak, the actor cannot help but turn around and open his yes lazily at the other. "Well, a massage does sound nice."
Sunggyu ♪ᴬ 6 years ago
@Renjun Sunggyu treads into the lounge, half-dead. He had a busy day, filled with performances, fanmeets, and what not. Now, all he wanted to do was to rest. Preferably sleep for a whole day. Yet, he knew that was impossible since he still had schedules lined up. Moreover, his mind bustling with thoughts -- despite his physical exhaustion, he was not yet mentally exhausted. Sunggyu spots a sleeping person but decided not to disturb him. He plops down into an armchair by the side, directly under the aircon. It was hot these days; the simmering heat got to anyone even if all they did was sitting. The cold waves calmed and cooled him down. "This is perfect.. now all this agency needs is just a spa. I'm craving for a massage too."
Taehyung ♪ᴬ H 6 years ago
*walks into the lounge and let out a sigh as I go to sit in a corner to relax maybe a bit at least; looks around as i sit there making sure no one was around; leans my head back and closed my eyes to relax*
I guess a small map won't hurt will it?
*mumbles to myself before I get up and lays down on one of the couches and closed my eyes ready to take a small nap*


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BABYelfArmy_Fan 5 years ago
Kim Taehyung is leaving
I had fun here but I've been to busy ;-;
KimmyKim62 6 years ago
taeyong left sorry
xxSpacedOutxx 6 years ago
Daehyun will be leaving, too busy to properly participate here. Sorry!
3152abb2906112ca27de 6 years ago
Hyungwon has left as I'm going to take a hiatus from RPR.
_WMstan 6 years ago
Had a fun stay here
Sorry, but Park Minkyun is out
Mama-Gackt-the-Diva 6 years ago
Jaeyoon is out. I've been useless here.
bigboybbg 6 years ago
leaving as Christian and Wooseok. My life is just too hectic atm
KimmyKim62 6 years ago
what's the rule for a second character?
I like to be a photographer^-^
Bangtangaran 6 years ago
May I please A&R Park Jimin? I didn't see him in the masterlist. Thank you!
bigboybbg 6 years ago
TT__TT I'm going to be out of town until this coming Sunday so I just wanted to give a heads up that I'll be confined to mobile
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