' hotel'

Kim Youngjo☬(稲川会) 3 years ago
@Yuta Nakamoto♙ Youngjo might have expected a lot of things but definitely not what the shorter of the two did, his eyes widening a bit at the grasp on his tie which could lead to a few things- the pressure on his crotch included. The action earned Yuta a low groan and for a moment, the assassin's eyes fell shut to feel more of the said pressuer, hands being placed on the other's hips while his tie was being undone just like that. "Not even wanting us to get comfortable? Oh my, looks like I'm not the only one who's needy and desperate." he purred with his eyes dark as soon as they opened again and were focused on the male.
Yuta Nakamoto♙ 3 years ago
@Kim Youngjo☬(稲川会) (I didn't forget about you uwu I was just super busy with work)

Yuta checked the time as he had been waiting for about 10 minutes but it felt like an hour. He wasn't really keen on waiting however if it was for a handsome man like Youngjo, he could definitely make an exception. He couldn't help but flinch as the door swung open, his eyes widening in surprise before his expression and body relaxing, chuckling a bit as he stood up from his spot. "You startled me Youngjo." He started, walking over to the taller man with a small but playful smirk of his own. The grabbed for the man's tie, his other reaching behind the taller to push the door closed. "You didn't keep me waiting long. Let's go." Yuta spoke, honey dripping from every word as his knee pushed against Youngjo's private region while his hands swiftly undid the tie.
Kim Youngjo☬(稲川会) 3 years ago
@Yuta Nakamoto♙ Maybe Youngjo was a bit overdressed for the occasion but he wanted to impress and look presentable around the other male who looked handsome and offered some fun in return for money. His suit and button-up made it seem like he had more money and that wasn't a bad thing either because maybe- just maybe- he'd be able to gather some information that would help him or one of his buddies if you could call them that. After getting the directions and room number for the night, the assassin walked inside without bothering to knock and was pleased to see the other already sitting comfortably, making a smirk appear on his face. "I hope I didn't make you wait for too long, pretty boy. Are you ready for some action?"
Yuta Nakamoto♙ 3 years ago
@Kim Youngjo☬(稲川会) It was around midnight when Yuta finally arrived to the hotel that he arranged to meet at with another man he had met earlier that day. They didn't talk much, but there were sparks and he knew he was getting a little bit of money out of it so it was going to be fun regardless. He didn't really know what he was getting into but Yuta was into whatever anyone else was into anyways. He was sporting his usual attire of a white button-up dress shirt with the first few buttons undone, a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, and his trusty combat boots that were gifted to him by another costumer of his. It seemed as if the other party wasn't there yet since the woman at the desk who knew him all-too-well set him up with a room. He made his way inside of the room chosen by her and looked around, nodding his head at the familiar sight as he has screamed, been bent over, ed, whipped, degraded, and so much more in these very rooms. Finally, he sat down on the couch and scrolled on his phone, waiting for the other male to arrive.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 3 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) Taeyong thought it was pretty sweet how quickly the other responded to kissing when he realized Taeyong was heading out. It made the brunette smile. Throwing on his leather pants and fish net shirt very quickly, he turned and saw the blonde sleepily hand him a card. Taeyong got scared at first it was money...as he thought it was a better night than money spending, but thankfully reached over and realized it was Hoshi’s phone number. “Okay, I will,” he said, coming back over to the bed and cupping Hoshi’s sleepy face to give him another dazzled kiss, letting his tounge roll over into the master’s mouth before finally pulling back. “Sleep some more” the brunette ruffled the member’s blonde hair and then quickly jogged our the door.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 3 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) Taeyong slept clean throughout the entire night, and his body automatically woke him up at 5 am. He stretched his arms but realized the man from the night before was still with him, resting. Kissing his lips as if to wake him up, Taeyong mummered “good morning. I gotta head out but you can sleep as long as you want.” He sat himself up slowly, not feeling too sore, and looked around the room for his clothes. He needed to get his grandparents breakfast and help them to the bathroom.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 3 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) Taeyong cuddled against Sooyoung’s body, kissing the others neck and chin. “Imma make you mine...” he muttered, not realizing he was talking out loud as he got comfortable real fast, wishing it could be like this every night, falling asleep in a Literally minute.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 3 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) Taeyong hummed as he was scooped up, kissing his partner’s cheek as he rested against his smooth body, letting his eyes. The brunette hummed as he was laid, feeling plush around him. “Come back, Kay?” Taeyong didn’t want Hoshi to leave, and he tried to tell him clearly. “I want more kisses...” he muttered. His brain was scrambled, but he was so ready to be with the other for a week. , baths, eating, repeat. Taeyong remembered how good the other tasted and his toes curled as he rested, feeling the babe leave his side as he sunk into his fantasies in the bed, falling asleep in no time.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 3 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) The pet chuckled softly, humming as his eyes fell shut while his neck was pampered by the master. Feeling his tongue move with his, the smaller shivered, wishing to get hot with him again but his body strictly saying "hell no". But it was quite fun, as Taeyong pulled back reluctantly and rested against Hoshi while they spoke. The water did get cool and Taeyong slowly stood himself up, grateful to be offered the towel as he wobbled out from the tub to land, leaning against the blonde for support. "There are guys outside waiting to me once you leave... I'll just get changed and then head home, no worries~." the brunette tried to reassure, but little fuzzies started filling his head which caused him to lean a little harder against his partner.

"wow," he mummered and tried to blink away his exhaustion, but his eyelids only became heavier as he gently knelt on the ground, pressing a hand to his temple. "Mmm, on second thought...could you call for a taxi?" Taeyong let out a short lived chuckle as sleep wanted to consume him very badly.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) Taeyong felt a little bit like a child as the master’s cheek pressed to his cheek, letting out a laugh as he was complimented. “Well, I don’t think I’m as bold as gorgeous, but I meant it to just be present in general. The stress can wait till tomorrow.” The pet tried to suggest, hoping Hoshi could relax a bit as he rubbed the taller’s chest. Most of Tae clients were very stressed...hence why he had a job that didn’t involve violence (technically) to de stress all parties involved.

“Haha, I’ll be sure to keep that in mind if I see you,” Taeyong nodded his head gently, finding it funny how he found his match to his own story so easily. “Goodness, y~” Taeyong cooed as he greedily sank into the blonde, tilting his head to make the kisses deeper while they soaked in the tub, cupping Hoshi’s cheek with a slightly soapy hand. “Oh man, I am definitely not stronger or tougher than you- did you not remember me in bed?” The brunette shook his head before nuzzling into the blonde’s neck as he closed his eyes. “Mmm, you’re
welcome...it was a adrenaline rush to say the least, but a hot one.” Taeyong nodded as he hummed under his breathe, wishing for some more sleep as he got cozy under the water, still in the arms of his lover for the night.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) It was easy for Taeyong to read that so many thoughts were swirling like a tornado in the taller’s head, which made him instinctively reach up and start plucking the air near his head to try and take away his worries. “It’s so heavy up there~” he commented softly with a smile, hoping to make the other focus on more light things in the sanctuary they were surrounded in, even if it would be just a couple minutes.

The brunette nodded as Hoshi vaguely described his situation, humming very lightly as his sore body was rub with bubble suds and gorgeous hands. “Mmm, I have family to protect.” He explained, surprised as the blonde leaned down to kiss his lips. “You’re lips are a little too kissable, don’t tempt me” Taeyong commented, leaning up and cupping the back of Hoshi’s head to kiss him more solidly before pulling back. “You already are very strong.” he pointed out, gently rubbing Hoshi’s sternum, over where his heart would be. “You’ve been through too much, and yet you still find a way to be kind and warm. If that’s not strength, I don’t know what is.“ the pet commented as he closed his eyes. He let out a soft snort, shaking his head as he crossed his arms. “There are many better than me. I’m lucky enough to be seen as enough, though, so thank you.” Taeyong nodded and let the suds coming up over his stomach, up his chest to clean himself while they chatted, feeling a bit shy as he wanted to take a pause from looking at Hoshi’s stunning eyes.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) Taeyong'e eyes fell to the scars over the toned man's chest, as he explained more of his thoughts. He was so eye level with the pet it was scary, but it also made the brunette a bit sad inside as he wished the other didn't have to endure the scars he had etched onto his body. It made a wave of protectiveness rush over his body, as Taeyomg wanted justice for the hurt the blonde had to go through to be here now- still deep in the Yakuza. "Right, I feel the same way." the brunette chuckled, giving a thumbs up of approval to the moral inside the blonde (weither it was fake or not) as it seriously hurt when Taeyong had to witness his co-worker's go through that graphic of a session... he was way too lucky, and it was so not alright that men were so far gone they could care less about another person's health...

The gumi literally was prince charming, as he scooped Taeyong up with ease from the counter, spinning them around before entering the tub without a trace of worry or struggle. Hearing the other sincerely wanted to dote on him was a pleasant surprise that made some heat come to the pet's ears, the small smile unable to leave his lips as he ruffled the blonde's hair gently. "You're too nice to be a Gumi- where the hell did you come from?" Feeling the water sink over his legs up his stung like a , causing the weaker to grit his teeth and hiss out a breathe, grip going a little tighter around Hoshi's shoulders before he felt a relaxing pull from the temperature that immediately turned to soothing instead of pain, which made the pet breathe more softly as he unwrapped his arm from the other. The brunette watched the prince carefully as he spoke, wanting to take in every word he had to drop when he spoke. Sitting there in the other's arms was a bit too much for Taeyong's affections, which caused him to lean over and gently kiss his guests cheek. "You are a Star. I can understand why the name was chosen." the smaller spoke sincerely, really finding the name fitting for the prince, as he rested his head on the man's shoulder while the water soaked over both there body's.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) The pet breiefly closed his eyes, a soft smile rising to his lips as the blonde continued to the hair on his head, Taeyong openly allowing his neck to fall forward as he let out a warm exhale to further release his tensions and misjudgments of the blonde's staying. Tilting his cheek up so he could watch the client as they chatted casually, he gave a small nod in understanding that they would meet in the future sometime. "Mm...this is probably going to come across very hypocritical, because it is," the shorter let out a little laugh as he sat up straighter on the edge of the bed. "But it's less about seeing it and more about overthinking...there's so much violence in the streets, you know? That's a given- which , but that's how Japan is right now - but to bring that kind of rage to the bedroom, and inflict it so carelessly on someone so vulnerable... just messes with my head, I guess." he tried to explain his honest thoughts, knowing they weren't coming out very clear, but hoping there would be a middle ground the dominate could understand.

"You were rough, but you doted and wanted equal pleasure, instead of intentionally trying to hurt me or gut me to bring you satisfaction. So it's not you, I promise" Taeyong tried to reassure, looking up to his master, able to read without them exchanging words that they understood each other well, despite only just meeting 2 hours ago. "Taeyong," the pet spoke, holding out his hand to shake, keeping the atmosphere chill and friendly. The kiss to the forehead left the brunette chuckling, his dimple showing as he wants to protest, but the prince was already scooping him up to carry him to the bathroom. "I'm shaky, but you didn't have to carry me~" the brunette tried to reiterate, rubbing the blonde's strong shoulder tenderly to make sure he knew his pet was just fine, watching carefully for the blonde to smile, wanting to see it. But, quietly while stretching out his arms and back, the gumi worker sat on the counter and waited with warm quiet for Hoshi (as he called himself) to get the water perfect. "You're name is pretty cool, Hoshi," Taeyong repeated, wishing to compliment him on something pretty vulnerable (at least in the gang business) as plenty had code names or fake names for different record books.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) The brunette realized a little late that his guest had actually been sleeping a bit against him before he had so rapidly pulled his body away in panic. But the response was actually very unexpected...the blonde seemed to match the clothes he wore into the room when the night began- gentle, warm, affectionate and nonviolent. 'The beast comes through in bed...' that was not too uncommon, but man... both sides of the blonde gang member were hot, Taeyong could internally admit that much.
Watching as the male moved swiftly to grab Taeyong water and medicine, the pet felt his shoulders relax from their tension, nodding with a tired but soft smile as he took what was given. "Thank you," he mummered before throwing the pills to the back of his throat and gulping the hydrating liquid with no problem. The smaller let out a little laugh once his glass was finished, waving his hand to signal for the other to not feel too bad. "Everyone has a preference...I'm just grateful to not be bleeding." Yes, there were many master's who did not follow his limits...not that they went so far as to gut the brunette, but man...sometimes it got close and that did not end well for the opposite party. Feeling Sooyoung's fingers softly in his hair (a very tender spot for the male-- it's like the guy could read his mind) the pet felt even more soothed and nurtured, despite the gesture being small.
Looking up to meet eyes with the blonde, it seemed that the guest was serious about spending more time. That was not the usual, but Taeyong was not about to complain over a bath with a handsome guest (espcially with his body being extra tight from the night's activities).
"That actually sounds really good...Do you want me to start the bath water?" Taeyong asked as he pulled himself slowly to the edge of the bed, being conscious of his body as to not repeat a fainting scene, though his knees where still a bit jittery.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) The pet was unconscious for just a bit less than an hour, toned body limp as he didn't stir whatsoever to his master pulling out, or cleaning him up. Of course, Taeyong didn't expect to black out, but it was peaceful being deep under the black water, muffled in warmth and quiet for a long moment.
Coming to was the harder part, as the brunette boy stired, and then let out a soft groan as the pain etched into his was very dominant, chest heavy from all the energy expending with him doing very little. Typically a client left when their fill was completed, and Taeyong was very sure that he was alone at first as his eyes fluttered open to reveal the rented bedroom. But the second he tried to move his body, seeing there was a glass of water on the dresser and feeling very thirsty, he felt the warm body pressed up behind him, and froze. Slowly looking over his shoulder, he realized it was his client- patiently cuddling and waiting for him to come to. "M-master," the boy quickly tried to pull himself up, remembering that Soonyoung (from what he could remember) had not cummed before he gave out. But the strength in his body was minimal, and he couldn't sit up far. "I-I'm sorry sir...I haven't bottomed in a long time. I should've been more prepared for you though," he cleared his throat of the frog voice it was coating, hoping the blonde would not give a bad report of him. The panic was not so much for Taeyong's own neck, but for the sake of what Yoongi would do to his family if he did not complete his job.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) Everything was too much. The dots in his vision would not go away, his breathing was out of his own control- Taeyong's hurt like a , and the blonde would not stop, and Taeyong literally could not move from him. Groaning as his voice cracked into silence, the pet mentally and physically completely gave, eyes falling shut as the shakes subsided, and the brunette puppy fell into darkness, leaving his body limp as he went unconscious, not feeling the load that pushed in him and oozed out his from all the inside, even with his master still riding.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) Taeyong was definitely not hydrated enough for the intensity of this session, groaning as his master only seemed to grow faster and harshly snapping into him, pushing at his prostate which was causing the pet’s hormones to pick up, even though every other cell in him was begging for it to end. “P-please, AHU!” the brunette yelled, curling onto the sheets as the sweat fell from his forehead, tears streaming and creating puddles as his body trembled and he began hyperventilating from the pressure building up in his abdomen. He began clenching on Soonyoung’s to milk the out from him so he would release and they could stop.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) Taeyong groaned loudly, as he was given no rest, hissing as his forehead buried into the sheets. ", ," he whispered hastily, gritting his teeth as he growled, back arching and falling back down as Soonyoung was going so hard, kicking at his prostate again. "W-wait, m-master please!" the pet's body rattled with every , groaning as his walls were plush and swelling, squeezing his to try and get the blonde to come quickly so they could stop. "M-master please , please hurry~!" he begged as he wrapped his arms around himself to attempt to comfort his body from the over stimulation that was wrecking him completely. "P-please, I can't, I can't-" the slave began crying (which was new) actually crying from the hysteria as he started seeing dots in his vision, but tried to hang on, squeezing his eyes shut.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) The pressure on his neck released, and the brunette was able to clear his throat properly, groaning as his entire body shook from his hips pressing back into Soonyoung’s . Taeyong’s upper body practically collapsed, as the stimulation was too much at this point, laying his front down on the bed as he shivered and breathed heavily into the sheets. “M-master...” he whimpered, wanting for them to take a break, knowing his body and mind were not going to be able to handle another round. The pet’s eyes fell shut as he tried pacing his own breathes, gently holding he sheets as his was still being penetrated.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) “AHH~!” Taeyong’s entire body lurched (though didn’t make it far due to the leather on his neck) as if trying to crumple on itself as his master finally helped, meeting him there and pressuring his g-spot without a slice of mercy. Taeyong was surprised how eager his hips were to complete the deed after so long, being tethered practically to his fellow gang member as his abdomen visibly lurched over and over again. “— yes— AHHHG!” The brunette’s hips suddenly stopped, as quickly he reached his hand up to grip his partner’s hair as he pushed himself hard against Soonyoung, head falling forward for a couple, silent, airless seconds, before his back arched, head being thrown back as he literally yelled, with every cell he had as the heat flew right through his body, and white milk poured right out of him, littering the bed with each pump Soonyoung drew. “ING— AHHAHAhhh~ ~!” Taeyong coughed and cried out relief, face damp with his tears as his rolled out well with the master moving nonstop. “S-so...good...” he whispered, hands letting go of their positions as he expected to catch his breathe.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) “Ahhh-hh , unnmmmhhhuu~” Taeyong’s body quaked as he was blow open by such a huge load pushed into him, his really starting to feel sore, and yet his master was not exhausted what so ever. White noise started filling up the pet’s skull, groaning as he felt a shift in weight, missing a beat after his master’s words and the belt tugging on his air pipe. “Y-y-yes master,” he stuttered, shaking as he began bouncing, in the soreness as his bruising neck got more treatment while he had to assist slapping his down to get daddy deep enough inside to where he could come. “Please daddy, pump me faster.” He begged, coughing from the dryness of his throat as Tae gripped and scratched his own thighs, grunting from the pouring effort it was taking now to get him worked up enough to come separately. “Daddy, please me harder~ my body is your’s, p-please I’m your needy !!” Though Taeyong had said similar words before to try and stimulate his partner’s, he had never meant his words so, so badly as when he was with Sooyoung. His body craved and yet was completely exhausted, as he groaned and bobbed his hips harder back to Sooyoung, putting his hand over the blonde’s on his length to encourage faster movements, as dry tears slipped down his neck, groaning as he wanted to . “I wanna come, daddy. Please h-help me cu-mh-m.” he pleaded between hiccuped breathes.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) Taeyong gets forced back by his neck, coughing as his head tilts back so he can’t lean forward, but instead has to endure as his body presses into his ruler’s, groaning as his stomach shakes, mind splitting in two as the other’s hips rut harder and faster. “F-~” the brunette is breatheless as he whimpers and tries to push Sooyoung’s arm to move, groaning and gasping as his g-spot is shoved hard while starts filling his . “AAH!” The pet cried out, “please! Please daddy, please!!” He pleaded with tears, his body overwhelmed from the over stimulation, but he couldn’t and he couldn’t get down the latter his master had built for him. “DaDDY!” He practically screamed as the frustration was mentally starting to work in him, because he could not move away, and he could not come. Deep hitches close to sob intro’s started choking the slave’s throat as his hands shook, falling limp nearly from its attempts to move his master to his will, his eyes shutting as he moved tilted his head to the side, a complete throbbing mess as he chewed on his lower lip, trying with all his might not to cry in the harsh treatment and denial.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) Taeyong’s face visibly winced and sighed simultaneously, a confused pain and pleasure response as his breathes were rough as he tried to bounce and roll his hips to meet with his guest’s gestures. The brunettes head fell back onto his master’s shoulder as he growled from the stimulation, before his mouth is prodded open to let Soonyoung’s tounge enter, making the pet moan as he reach a hand up to grip the blonde streaks in his hand. “Uhhnn ~!” Taeyong got very distracted, his mouth freezing as his eyes half lidded, lower half of his body shaking as if to , only to be stopped right on cue. “UUUNGH-Dadd~~y!!” The younger begged, whimpering under his breathe for the pressure forced on his , even while he was ed hard in the back. His mouth fell open as he lost all words, trying to speak as his hips spasmed in desperate need, trying to but being prevented from the experience. “Daddy— me, please!!! Let me for you daddy —holy , m-master!!” Taeyong’s hands immediately went to his master’s wrist, desperately trying to get him to let go, or him, trying to bed forward though the belt on his neck prevented it so he could get a better angle, groaning out as his voice kept hiccuping with each time his g-spot was brushed, trying to force him to come despite the pressure.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) It sent shivers up and down Taeyong’s body, hearing his master’s joy in his screaming. It wasn’t too strange, but the brunette was not used to being so intensely vocal. “Ahh~ ~~!!” The brunette’s voice jumped a octave as he gripped the sheets in stress, getting lost as his master’s pushed deep into him and began brush in prostate immediately with the new angle. “M-aster~!!!” Precum started dripping onto the bed as he begged to be ed, walls clenching as he sat and took what his daddy gave him, and it felt incredible. Feeling something go around his throat, the pet’s eyes shut, groaning as the y choking was going to ensure he be pushed to the edge. “Dad—“ his words were cut short as he was yanked back from his doggy position up straight, his a trembling mess as his lips were captured. “Oh my God,” he spoke against Soonyoung’s mouth, kissing him back and slipping his tounge into Soo’s cavern, but the attention in his was too much as his pelvis shook in desire, “I’m gonna , daddy ~!” The pet tried to speak as his lips were covered, breathes shaking as he pushed back on the other’s to burry him further, shutting his eyes as he dug his Own nails into his thighs, legs closing as his high was so ing closing- doing everything he could to make it happen.”
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) Taeyong hitched a breathe as the flew out from him (literally) making him groan as he was released to relax, but there was not a second to lose, as he starts to sit himself up, but it picked up and turned over like a ragdoll, his legs trembling as they now had gravity going against them, spread on the bed while he felt the see of his master leak from his hole (since it had space to escape). The liquid feeling sent cool shivers up the pet's body, as he his lips nervously. "Ah!" the brunette hissed, shaking from the slap, before he drops to his elbows, higher while feeling the tip of Soonyoung's thick length push like a button inside his stretched . But with his jaw clenched to brace to be rode like a dog, he instead hears a metal cilcking, before feeling the sharp burn after what sounded like a gunshot rip up his , causing him to jump. "!" he yelled, quickly putting a hand over his mouth as he didn't mean to curse so loud, hiccuping a groan as he felt his other cheek be hit, before he shoved open again, causing him to moan aggressively, "Ahhh master!!" he cried in the pleasure, his lower abs shaking as he g-spot was brushed easily with the blonde so buried inside him. Taeyong's jaw collapsed open, as it felt so good, his head falling to his arm. "Daddy, ~!!" he didn't care how his words were, the feeling of the other inside him was astonishing, leaving him breathless and mindless- his brain a mush-pile in his skull, as he was only trapped thinking and wanting one thing; His master's rod up his , all night long.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) It seemed his fellow gang member was not ready to be done, making Taeyong predict with was a really, really bad day. Many of their co workers enjoy being topped, quick hard , or multiple s and slapping to be set. Yet, it seemed like the rollarcoaster was just going for another round. "Uuunh, I'm too sensitive, ugh~!" he tried to warn his master, putting both hands on the blonde's shoulders to try and stop him from going again, or else he was going to . The pet had not been given this much personal attention in...ever? A couple years? Being broken open once already, it was smooth how Soonyoung's hips just slammed right over Tae's g-spot, which increasingly was making him uncomfortable as the tension and pressure was building up rather slowly in his stomach and pelvis. Tae's breathes were already painfully becoming more ragged as he moaned like a - loud and clear while turning his face into the bed, hating this teasing. " me master, please~!" he growled, trying to push his hips down to meet Soonyoung, but with a quicker pace so he could , basically riding him while still laying down. It was so mind crushing to not have the control...but the inside him was too big and perfect to complain further,
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) Taeyong was pressed fully into the bed by his neck, groaning as his airways were cut more completely, allowing a weird drive to come over him to want his master to come. He coughed here and there from the master’s roughness, his bouncing with each pound to him, leaving him with a loud groan as his hips shivered from the filling his hole. “Huuuuh~ ahh~ mmph~” his brows furrowed slightly as the blonde came apart, tilting his head to the side submissively as he closed his eyes and caught his breathe as the rolled over. “Mmmhm, yes master.” the chocolate haired pet whispered practically in gentle response, as his legs fell off his guest‘S shoulders to rest on the bed, stroking the silky locks of the dominate as he was possessed, Taeyong fine with being the canvas to his Vincent.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) Even as Taeyong got to roll off his high, his master hadn’t come yet, and so with so much sensitivity about, as the pet’s face flushed from all the heat and pressure, Taeyong hummed and moaned as his relaxed enough for Soonyoung to slip in and out like water. “M-master, ye-eh-es, ~” the brunette’s head fell to his shoulder as he took what was pushed into him. He felt the hand going around his neck which made him feel all the more dominated (in a hot way) as he gently held onto his master’s arm, letting his air pipe be controlled as his body sprawled out, abs rolling as his hips shivered from ever , excited to be cummed in (so much so that Taeyong’s walls started clenching unconsciously here and there to edge his master further). “P-please...master, unnnh~!” He begged to be filled, closing his eyes as he chewed on his bottom lip, opening his eyes and watching the blonde carefully and with longing, as it was now starting to feel really good.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) Struggling to find calm breathes as he’s already being paced, Taeyong’s chest shaking upon his efforts, he was dizzied to hear the master’s words. “What? Ah~!!!” The brunette cried out in shock as Soonyoung got even deeper by leaning forward, filling Taeyong up like it was nothing. “Ah ing~ , I can’t-“ the boy’s hands immediately went up into the blonde’s hair, tugging a bit as if to attempt to control him, but being unable to, a couple water droplets slipping down his eyes and the pleasure shook his entire body (literally his entire body trembled) due to the over stimulation, from the pleasure on his s to that thick burying deep inside. “, I—“ Taeyong couldn’t even get words out as he felt the pleasure build up in his abdomen rather quickly, before his walls tightened and squirted out to paint his master’s stomach. Breathless, the brunette’s hips hiccuped as he got ed off his high, his eyes falling closed and he moaned and groaned intense Ecstasy.
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
@Kwon Soonyoung❖(山口組) Humming under his breathe, Taeyong watched the blonde carefully, feeling his tip against his , which caused the latter to rub his lips together as he tried to mentally prepare himself. “Mmmm, yes master,” the brunette smothered his hiss as his was slapped. There was very little indication of if and or when the dominant would push in, but when he did he was hard, fast, and up. “!! Ahhgh!!” Taeyong couldn’t help but scream, as his legs pressed into the blonde’s sculpted shoulder, as his was forced open without a ounce of mercy. “ing!!!—GOD!” the brunette’s back arched in discomfort as he had to take so much, and was already being moved around. The dude was big and his walls were not ready. Quickly, the slave covered his mouth, biting down into his hand to try and muffle the pain, as his body jerked with each . “, , ,” he repeated over and over again, feeling shock-water come into his vision as his legs trembled and he gripped the bed with all his might, as it hurt like hell. But he did not move away (not that he could) he just tried to breathe and let the other in, but it was already a pounding to the !


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Kaworu 3 years ago
Kame is leaving, thanks for having me
ItadoriYuji 3 years ago
I’m gonna drop Yuta Yuta because I’m not active with him :(
I’ll miss this place and hopefully will rejoin soon if the opportunity comes
-oliver 3 years ago
Letting y’all know that I’m leaving mingi bc I’m not active at all
It was nice while I was active though ♥︎ I really loved it here
912c5d2bc21ae1b6c24a 3 years ago
Hey, I'm really not around so I will be leaving Taehyung. Thank you for having me though! ♡
37e94f1464e94d4f7c30 3 years ago
<3 Taeyong is heading out- thank you so much for havin me!
blueydotmp3 3 years ago
leaving jaehyun

Don't want to be selfish and hog a character, thank you for the opportunity!!
DiabloEaterMfkr 3 years ago

Ish meee

I'm sorry I'm not very active here at all
So for now I will say goodbye. But if I can get a better muse for someone I shall be back. I'll be keeping you in my faves! ♡
maddiee 3 years ago
can you add and reserve jeon woosung (aka chillin homie) for me pls? ^w^
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