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S forest

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φ Cha Eunwoo (β) 1 year ago
@α Kai Dasse -stops when I hear your words, feeling a bit teary-eyed-
-nods firmly and keeps following the trail, not sure what animal I'm really looking for but keeps looking around for an animal that might match the tracks-
α Kai Dasse 1 year ago
@φ Cha Eunwoo (β) *chuckles as I watch you, walking behind you as you follow the trail*
you make me very happy no matter what you do. let's go see if we can find the animal that made the prints, okay?
φ Cha Eunwoo (β) 1 year ago
@α Kai Dasse I want to make appa happy~!
-thinks aloud, saying it to myself, determined. looks up at you with a bright smile and then nods-
I look for more of these?
-points to the hoof print and then tries to find some others in the dirt, trying to see if they go anywhere and tries to follow them-
α Kai Dasse 1 year ago
@φ Cha Eunwoo (β) mhm, there's lots of things I was bad at doing that you might be really good at.
*smiles and stays where I am while I watch you searching for prints before I stand up and walk over to you, crouching back down to look at the print you found, nodding happily*
good job, buddy. that's exactly what we're looking for. do you want to go find more?
φ Cha Eunwoo (β) 1 year ago
@α Kai Dasse You haven't done before?
-isn't sure what you mean but hopes I can be good at something to make you happy and proud. looks at the hoof print, kind of surprised but nods, determined to find another-
I can!
-ends up staying in a squatting position to stay low to the ground, waddling around and trying to find another one like it, standing up after a while when my legs start to hurt, pouting a bit. doesn't squat down this time but keeps looking, finding one but suddenly forgetting if it's the one you showed me or if it's actually a different one-
This... This one...?
-hesitantly points to it-
α Kai Dasse 1 year ago
@φ Cha Eunwoo (β) *chuckles softly and shakes my head*
don't worry, you're not going to have to catch anything for a long time. besides, you might not want to. you might want to do something that I've never done before and you could be really good at it.
*nods at your question and points at a small hoof print in the mud*
like that one. can you find more that look like that?
φ Cha Eunwoo (β) 1 year ago
@α Kai Dasse -peeks up at you, brows furrowing-
I can't catch something that big.
-frowns but smiles shyly when you play with me-
So, I have to find feet... foot... footprints now?
α Kai Dasse 1 year ago
@φ Cha Eunwoo (β) *smiles a little as I watch you before shrugging a bit*
it depends on what it is.. but usually, hunters like me will.. hunt them and bring them back for the pack to have food.
*traces shapes in the dirt with you, letting you get comfortable with the area*
φ Cha Eunwoo (β) 1 year ago
@α Kai Dasse -looks up at you, feeling a little relaxed by your touch. watches you touch the ground and squats down, trying to do the same thing, nodding in understanding-
What happens when you find the animal?
-traces little shapes in the softest parts of the dirt-
α Kai Dasse 1 year ago
@φ Cha Eunwoo (β) relax, you don't have to be good at it..
*says quietly as I rest a hand on your shoulder before I lower a hand to the ground, gently pressing on it*
you see how the ground is soft? when animals walk around, they leave footprints.. we're going to find those footprints and see what they belong to, okay?
φ Cha Eunwoo (β) 1 year ago
@α Kai Dasse -nods and hopes I do good to make you proud-
-smiles at you a little, nodding again-
Okay. What do I do?
α Kai Dasse 1 year ago
@φ Cha Eunwoo (β) don't worry if you don't get it immediately. I was a little younger than you when my father taught me, and I didn't actually get the hang of it until I was much older.
*smiles a little and moves your hair from your face*
we'll start out easy, alright?
φ Cha Eunwoo (β) 1 year ago
@α Kai Dasse -hugs your neck, looking around as I'm carried, only feeling that much more nervous once I'm set down though. focuses on your words before nodding slowly-
I want to try...
-answers quietly, just hoping I'm good at it, wanting to be of help wherever I can be, even though I know I'm small and really young-
α Kai Dasse 1 year ago
@φ Cha Eunwoo (β) *carries you in my arms to a less dense part of the forest before I gently set you down and kneel down to your level*
are you sure you want to do this? you can stay at home with alma if you want to.


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gotohellu 1 year ago
Baek left. Thanks for having me
DreamlessMaiden [A] 1 year ago

- Wonho (Head Admin)
ashflower 1 year ago
seonghwa and jongup are leaving. thank you for having me.
L4naM0ch1 2 years ago
Can I reserve Jungkook as a hybrid?
cherryeolie 2 years ago
I would like to re-reserve Chanyeol please ^^
ThePorcelainHeart 2 years ago
Sanha is leaving, thank you for having me
ThePorcelainHeart 2 years ago
I don't think kookie was a good idea, ty for those that tried

I will stay as sanha
skypuppy 2 years ago
may i request Seo Changbin please?
[comment deleted by owner]
-lait- 2 years ago
so is this open?
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