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Pack village

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α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) “I can make a pretty good japchae and pickled radish salad.” Ren said with a smile running his hand through Yoon’s hair before pulling away to get water to drink. “They would be a nice spot to have a picnic at and eat. It’s a date then.”
φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai “I like making scallion pancakes, they’re easy and delicious. But, I’m also pretty good at making braised short ribs. Dumplings are tasty, I can’t fold them prettily so I don’t make them.” Dongyoon blushed a bit embarrassed that something like the way he folded dumpling kept him from cooking them. “Lets have a picnic, by the waterfall! Do you swim? If not it will still be a nice scenery!” Dongyoon smiled excited by the idea.
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) “Im glad please do come and let me know when you come.” He smiles at Yoon before perking up “oh? You cook? I would love to Yoon. What is your favorite dish to make?” He asks genuinely curious “I enjoy cooking but I’m not the best but I do make mean dumplings. Maybe we can do a meet up each of us bringing a dish to eat?”
φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai “Mhmm I liked it a lot. I’m going to come here every weekend. But I won’t wear a sweater, because it’s too hot.” Dongyoon nodded slowly and looked at Ren with a smile. “I don’t have anywhere exciting I can take you, but I’m a really good cook, so maybe I can excite your taste buds?”
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) Ren let’s put a husky laugh and smiles amused by Yoon’s replies “well I am pleased to hear that. You are quite honest after you drink aren’t you?” He asks amused his eyes shining with amusement towards the younger male. “So did you like the place?”
φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai “I would but then you can’t touch my hair and then I won’t be on the comfortable sofa. So I’ll resist gliding onto the floor.” Dongyoon kept his eyes closed as he spoke. “Don’t worry I won’t mate anyone that can’t accept our friendship. “Because there’s no way I’ll give up good head pats like this.” Dongyoon let put a contented sigh.
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) “A solo wolf huh?” He said with a chuckle “Hmm many mates may not like having their mate with an unmated alpha to be friends with their mate.” Ren shrugs and chuckles hearing what Yoon said. “If you did it would be cute seeing you glide onto the floor.” He replies with a soft laugh and continued to the soft hair.
φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai “I’m not, I’m just a solo. Why would it cause problems? Shouldn’t a mate want their partner to have nice friends? I would never be with someone like that.” Dongyoon shook his head. “When you touch my hair it makes me feel more smooth, don’t laugh if I just glide onto the floor.” Dongyoon laughed before closing his eyes and enjoying the touch.
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) “We can be friends even if you’re taken I don’t want to cause trouble or issues if you are taken or will have a mate soon.” He explains as he tilts his head “Hm? Your hair is soft.” Ren complimented Yoon stroking the longish hair before he shrugs eating some of the chicken.
φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai “You won’t be friends with me if I’m taken? I’m really not! I’m not lying we can be friends.” Dongyoon smiled and took a sip of water, humming a little as he struggled to regain a bit of clarity amongst his thoughts. He shook his head at the offer for more chicken. “No thank you.”
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) “You are interesting Yoon.” He laughs softly smiling at Yoon genuinely enjoying the other and how honest he was “let’s hope you’ll cool down more, once you drink more water and eat.” He said the alpha surprised how the other leaned against him. “You sure you aren’t taken? You are really cute and sweet.” He said his lips twitching as he wraps an arm around the other, “want some more chicken?”
φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai “I feel like… smooth, like I could slide onto the floor. And I feel warm, but not intensely hot.” Dongyoon smiled serenely at Ren. “Thank you for bringing me here, and treating me kindly. I want to get closer to you, because you’re a good person!” Dongyoon leaned closer to the alpha for emphasis.
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) Ren chuckles “Eddie will be happy to hear that.” Knowing the skinny lanky red haired beta would be over the moon hearing that someone liked his food as he accepted it and enjoyed the juicy chicken. “It is delicious.” He agreed smiling at Yoon. “Feeling a bit better?”
φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai “Ow.” Dongyoon pouted at the flick to his forehead before forgetting it once he was offered the plate of chicken. “Thank you.” Dongyoon said taking the water bottle. “Ah~” Dongyoon offered a piece of chicken to Ren. “It’s really tasty, try it.” Dongyoon said with a smile.
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) Ren closes his eyes and shook his head “of course You went for the colorful ones, they all have high alcohol content.” He said shaking his head giving the plate to Yoon. “Here you go.” and reaches over flicking his forehead “that is for not listening to me.” He said amused getting up to get another water bottle and gave it to the young male as he sat down “hope you like it.”
φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai “Chicken? Share?” Dongyoon’s eyes widened at having his craving satisfied. Before he pouted when Ren asked him what drank. “I had the rainbow drink and then a tasty drink with fruit and jelly gummies. And then that alpha gave me a drink, but I didn’t finish it because Mike took it away!” Dongyoon narrowed his eyes pouting. “Now, chicken?” Dongyoon sniffed at the air his lips as he smelled the food.
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) “I wouldn’t do that to my mate work so much that my mate left me. Like you said find a balance and I hope they would understand that the people that work in here are family. I always help family. Hm you are many avoid me because of my job.” Ren said and looks up hearing the door being knocked on as Ren got up to answer and grins seeing Mike thanking him as he took the plate and returns “you mentioned chicken?” As he held the plate of fried chicken towards Yoon. “Ah one condition, what did you drink? The ones I recommended wouldn’t get you this drunk.” He said.
φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai “If you look after your employees it means you’re a good boss, not a cheater. But you should still make time for that person. I knew an alpha who worked all day and would ignore his mate. Eventually their mate left. Don’t be like that person! You need balance!” Dongyoon nodded drunkenly in agreement with his own words. “What’s so interesting about me?”
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) “Hmm they think I’m cheating on others with the strippers or dancers since I’m often on call for them. I look after them and anyone that works here.” Ren replies with a shrug “or think I’m too tame and boring for an alpha.” Giving Dongyoon a soft smile “you’re sweet to say that. But I think you’re more interesting Yoon.” He said with a small smile “and I’m no prince.”
φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai “That’s nice of you to say, you really are a prince, your words could sweep me off my feet. You’re not boring! You’re like the most interesting person, EVER! In the day time you’re a healer and then at night you come here and you fight and you protect others, you’re amazing. I don’t know why you aren’t having much luck.” Dongyoon studied Ren’s face, tilting his head back and forth and he observed the alpha. “Maybe, it’s because you’re too handsome! So no one feels like they deserve you.” Dongyoon nodded satisfied with his explanation.
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) “I’m sure you will be.” Ren smiles “you’re gorgeous and sweet any one will be lucky to have you.” He said before sending a text for fried chicken when he heard the other mention it putting his phone and blinks. “Hmm to find my little brother and I did. Another would be finding a mate that accepts me for me. A boring alpha that’s too cautious at times, owns a nightclub and bar, that one accuse me of cheating because I work with dancers and strippers. I haven’t had much luck in the romance department.” He said with a rueful smile.
φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai “I want to be a good mate, I want to be enough for someone to love me! And I want chicken… mmm chicken.” Dongyoon babbled a bit before taking another sip of water. He hiccuped and looked over at Ren with a smile. “What do you want, Ren?”
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) “True but many do start with clothes and strip them off.” Ren said with a soft chuckle “welcome Yoon.” He said sitting next to him “Hm well what else do you want to do other than being a stripper?” He asks with a grin brushing the younger male’s hair from his face
φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai “Because it’s so so so hot, why did I wear a sweater. If I was a stripper I wouldn’t have to wear clothes.” Dongyoon sighed and tilted his head back against the sofa, looking up when Ren offered him the bottle of water. “Thank you.” Dongyoon quickly opened the water bottle, taking a long gulp and rub down his neck to wipe away some of the liquid that had escaped past his lips.
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) Ren blinks chuckling as he got an armful of the smaller male and thanked Mike carrying him. “I promise I won’t turn into a frog if you kiss me. Hmm just had a rude client that didn’t like the word no.” He replies as he carried him. “You want to be a stripper?” He asks amused as he headed to his office gently putting the Yoon down on the sofa. “You want to be a stripper? What made you say that?” He asks amused and went get a bottled water “here drink some water it’ll help.”
φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai []not dongyoon about to face plant after 2 drink omg haha

“Prince!” Yoon reached out and wrapped his arms around the alpha when he was close enough. Before frowning when he noticed the alpha’s lip. “What happened to your lip? I’d kiss it better, but since you’re a prince you might turn into a frog with a kiss.” Dongyoon laughed to himself, before taking a deep breath and focusing on standing up. He swayed a bit once he was back up on his feet. “I want to be a stripper! It’s too hot for clothes. Can I audition, Ren?”
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) Mike a beta eyed the young male concerned seeing how quickly he was drinking them and frowns seeing a man go over to Yoon to flirt and it made him take the drink away and scare off the alpha. “You drank too much and I’m Mike.” He said amused before frowning surprised “wait Yoon!” Cursing when the other started to get off the stool. “Wait I can get you water or soda!” Calling someone over to take over as he went after Yoon catching the other before he did a face plant on the floor.

Ren was in a bad mood having to handle an aggressive customer ending up having to toss him out and banning him due to his aggressive behavior toward everyone. They had gotten his photos and fingerprints done to ensure everyone’s safety. He winces rubbing jaw probably a split lip at the Punch but the other alpha was in a worse state than him and had to be taken out with the help of the guards and police. Heading down towards the bar only to stop and blinked seeing Mike a bartender he trusted trying to pick up a drunk Yoon. “What happened?” And knelt down “Yoon?”
φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai Dongyoon was a little nervous to be alone at the bar. He looked around and saw a few alphas smiling at him, though they looked more like smirking. He focused on his drink, it was bitter and unfamiliar but he was determined to finish it off. After he had taken the last sip he smiled satisfied with himself. He ordered another drink that featured alcohol infused gummies and fruit slices and downed it as well. He felt a hand slide around his waist and jumped a bit turning to see an alpha at his side. ‘I got you something else to drink, pretty.’ Dongyoon smiled awkwardly at the alpha before the bartender snatched the glass way. ‘Get out of here.’ He said glaring at the man. The stranger walked away, and Dongyoon fanned himself pushing his hands into his cheeks as his face felt warm.

“I’m Yoon, what’s your name? And why did you take my drink! I could have used a cold drink, it’s hot in here. I wish I was a stripper, it must be so cool and refreshing. Where’s Ren, I should go look for him. Priiiiince where are youuu?” Dongyoon slid off the bar stool stumbling a bit.
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) (Haha ok)

“I rather walk, especially having a job like this I don’t risk driving but I do have a car.” He said with a chuckle and pauses when someone called him. “Sorry Yoon I have to take care of something I’ll be back.” Leaning in to peck his cheek and it was a silent warning to those around Yoon that he was with him and under his protection as he left to go take care of a handsy client with a stripper leaving Yoon alone knowing the bartender Mike would take good care of the other.
φ Jang Dong Yoon (ω) 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai “A prince doesn’t have a carriage waiting for him, we have to walk?” Dongyoon smiled before looking over the menu, he had no idea what any of the ingredients were but something named ‘7 shot rainbow’ caught his eye. He called over the bartender and pointed out the beverage not wanting Ren to say it was too strong, he watched in amazement as the different colors of liqueur and alcohol layered in the glass forming a rainbow. “It’s so pretty!” Dongyoon reached out with both hands excited to taste the drink.

[]Ren stoopppp being responsible let Dongyoon have fun >:D


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gotohellu 1 year ago
Baek left. Thanks for having me
DreamlessMaiden [A] 1 year ago

- Wonho (Head Admin)
ashflower 1 year ago
seonghwa and jongup are leaving. thank you for having me.
L4naM0ch1 2 years ago
Can I reserve Jungkook as a hybrid?
cherryeolie 2 years ago
I would like to re-reserve Chanyeol please ^^
ThePorcelainHeart 2 years ago
Sanha is leaving, thank you for having me
ThePorcelainHeart 2 years ago
I don't think kookie was a good idea, ty for those that tried

I will stay as sanha
skypuppy 2 years ago
may i request Seo Changbin please?
[comment deleted by owner]
-lait- 2 years ago
so is this open?
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