⋇ city hall
city square • rated [g]
the official administrative building located in the middle of gohyang. here you will find our dedicated government officials hard at work to keep the town running smoothly.
work hours : 9 am to 5 pm, every weekdays
government official(s) : jang taeyang (mayor), cho sangjoon (vice-mayor), rang soojin (secretary), ha iseul (treasurer, npc)
current employee(s) : name, name, name.
possible occupations for the city hall include interns to the three main government officials, mailroom officers, clerks, and general employees to keep the place running.
work hours : 9 am to 5 pm, every weekdays
government official(s) : jang taeyang (mayor), cho sangjoon (vice-mayor), rang soojin (secretary), ha iseul (treasurer, npc)
current employee(s) : name, name, name.
possible occupations for the city hall include interns to the three main government officials, mailroom officers, clerks, and general employees to keep the place running.
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