
a place for hang outs, especially when you're hungry.
♡ kim sejeong .ᐟ 3 weeks ago
@♡ lee gahyun .ᐟ (don’t worry :3)

Sejeong saw Gahyun approaching her and she grinned at the woman, her eyes softening at her kind words. “Well, thank you, dear.” she said and bowed her head. She sat down as well, crossing her legs and glanced at the other woman’s face, admiring her for a moment. “I’ve been alright and yourself? Oh, I didn’t order yet, no. I was waiting for you.” she told her, lowering her head a bit to peek at the menu as well. She also found what she would like to eat.
♡ lee gahyun .ᐟ 3 weeks ago
@♡ kim sejeong .ᐟ [] sorry for the late late reply

Gahyun smiled softly as she looks at Sejeong, blushing a little at the other's compliment." You look amazing too, Sejeong unnie." She said, sitting down on the chair Sejeong pulled for her." How have you been, unnie? Did you order anything you want yet?" Taking a look at the menu, scanned through it as she found something she like that would fit her diet well. Calling the waitress here to order their food and maybe some drinks as well.
♡ kim minjeong .ᐟ 4 weeks ago
@♡ kim jennie .ᐟ "of course it does! have you never heard of casper? he's the sweetest. i think boo from super mario looks really cute too. oh! and menma from anohana. man, i love that anime. just listening to the soundtracks always makes me cry." tilting her head, she smiled widely at the older woman, noticing how her hand had twitched before, yet whatever jennie had been planning, all her motions seemed to cease at the sight of the puppy eyes. interesting. it would be something that might come in handy for her later on. "oh so this gear is totally acceptable, but a full body armor would be too much? make it make sense!" minjeong let out an exaggerated sigh, shaking her head as if in disbelief. "though i guess you would look quite pretty sitting there on the kitchen island. air fryer is great and all, but sometimes you want that grease, the alleviated flavor that you can only achieve by deep frying things in oil. like...try making tempura in an air fryer. it just sounds wrong. but don't worry, princess of the kitchen island. come the day that we are deep frying stuff, this humble commoner will do everything in her might to protect you from the evil oil splatters!" from the corner of her eyes, she watched the older woman peel the carrots for a moment, eyes squinted until she had properly assessed the other's skills with a peeler knife, deciding that she could be trusted with a semi-sharp object. though the blonde is soon back to squinting at her companion when her cheek is pinched. "you're totally just making fun of me...." nevertheless, minjeong isn't one to sulk (usually only pretends to be sulky to get on someone's nerves), her focus soon switching to the tasks at hand. which is to put on an apron on herself first, making sure to properly tie it around her waise before she moved over to jennie. "what? you don't even like cats now? i think it's really cute. and why tie it later when you have me to help out?" carefully, she put the apron over the other's head before she circled around to stand behind her. "just tell me if it's too tight." and with that she already grabbed the ends of the apron, one in each hand before she pulled them a little tighter around jennie's small frame, neatly tying them into a little bow. "there we go. all safe and pretty now." with a satisfied smile, minjeong moved back to inspect the ingredients, deciding that she would take care of the onions. " good are you at cutting stuff? like if i told you to dice the carrots, would you be able to. or...?"
♡ kim minjeong .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ kim jennie .ᐟ with a giggle, minjeong lifted her arms, hands hanging down as she did the typical scary ghost post, a wide grin soon spreading on her lips. "didn't you know? I aspire to be the scariest, and cutest, ghost of all time. this villa here is just my testing ground before i one day will move on to a bigger stage. i'm thinking of some fancy castle." rubbing her arm where jennie had landed the gentle slap, she looked at the older woman with the most pitiful little face she could muster, glossy eyed and lips drooping. "owwie. so violent. what are you going to wear when we're moving on to deep fried dishes though? full body armor?" following jennie to the sink, she patiently waited for her to finish washing her hands, chuckling when she heard her list the essential steps of clean hands, sounding much like the information pamphlets and signs that had been put up in public restrooms a few years ago. such an oddball, minjeong thought to herself, but it was also what made the older woman so endearing. what wasn't endearing though, was how she suddenly found herself with water splashed onto her face. okay, so maybe it really was just a few little droplets, but still enough to make her let out a whining sound, one arm reaching up to wipe at her cheek. "rule number two! don't mess with your chef! she might be a childish and vindictive person and definitely have her revenge somehow. you won't know when, you won't know where. but when it hits you, it'll already be too late." it was an empty threat of course, but that jennie didn't need to know. with a very dramatic huff, minjeong moved over to the sink to take her turn in washing her hands, making sure to properly scrub everything clean. once done and with dried hands, she opened one of the kitchen cabinets, taking out two aprons. "i're already fully armored, but i think this would look cuter on you."
♡ kim minjeong .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ kim jennie .ᐟ it was almost cartoonishly funny how the older woman startled, eyes wide with surprise as she held onto the eggs for her dear life. or at least that's how minjeong would describe it. she let out a chuckle, unbothered by the annoyed look she received from jennie, lips soon quirking into a grin as she pointed down at her pink plush slippers, not the most ideal footwear to be working in the kitchen, but since they hadn't planned on making anything that would make a big mess, it surely would be fine. "probably them. but how cool would it be to actually be a ghost that is haunting this villa?" hearing the reasoning behind jennie's choice of outfit, she couldn't help but burst into laughter, finding it both hilarious and cute at the same time. "it's just egg fried rice, jen. we're cooking on an electric stove. you'll be fine." reaching out, she gently pat the other's shoulder. "alright, thanks sous chef kim. let's get started. first though, gotta wash our hands. first rule of cooking is hygiene!" and with that, minjeong already ushered her companion to the sink, smiling expectantly at her.
♡ kim sejeong .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ lee gahyun .ᐟ (lovely :3)

Sejeong hadn’t been waiting for her for too long, wasting time on her phone for now. As she heard a familiar voice, she glanced up and her face brightened up when she saw the woman. She smiled happily and waved, standing up to greet her. “Hello! Oh, no, you aren’t. Thank you for accepting to meet me. You look gorgeous by the way.” she commented, also a bit nervous about this yet happy to finally have some time to enjoy with her. She pulled out the chair for Gahyun.
♡ lee gahyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ kim sejeong .ᐟ [] no no, we can do it here. I think this is enough for our threads

Gahyun was just killing time as she was sitting on the bed while going through her phone when she realized that it was time for her to get ready to meet Sejeong for lunch today, pulling out her suitcase to find her favorite dress that fits the weather. Putting on some light makeup, some sunscreen on her skin before heading out of her room. Looking up at the the sky with a soft smile on her as she walked toward the restaurant they set to meet, holding onto the hem of her dress as she felt a little nervous meeting someone alone. She doesn't really do things like this not especially after moved to this island, Gahyun took a deep breath as she walk into the restaurant before spotting Sejeong who was seating at the window seat they reserved. She fixed her dress while walking towards the table with a smile on her face, sitting down across Sejeong." H.. hi again..." The young model stuttered her words as the nerve slowly getting to her, trying her best to recover with another smile." Hope I wasn't late, unnie."
♡ kim minjeong .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ kim jennie .ᐟ she would have come down the the kitchen right away, but on second thought, or rather after taking a glance at her reflection in the mirror, minjeong decided that perhaps she should dress a little less sloppy for their first actual meeting. changing out of the oversized t-shirt she had been lounging in all day, she decided to go with something casual, a simple ensemble of jeans shorts, a simple black tank top and a grey knitted cardigan that ended mid-thigh. gathering her blonde locks into a tiny ponytail, she headed to the kitchen, a wide grin on her lips when she caught sight of the older woman. "did you just come back from a run? do you want to get changed first before we start? I don't mind waiting."
♡ kim sejeong .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ lee gahyun .ᐟ (i’ll tag you here since there are no restaurants, but we can move to walls if you prefer <3)

sejeong had just showered, applied a bit of sunscreen, blush, lip balm and perfume and fixed her hair. she was wearing a cute dress with flowers on them, making her way to the restaurant to meet up the other woman for lunch. as she got there, she was lead to a table where they had a reservation near a window, able to see the ocean.
♡ kim minjeong .ᐟ 1 month ago
"Well....Sojung is Jungie. I'm Jeongie. So by default, you're Hyunnie. Gotta keep it uniform so everyone knows those three clowns belong together." She nodded at the request, pushing the package of grilled chicken to the back of the fridge. Instead, she went for vegetables, namely tomatoes and lettuce. "What about eggs and cheese? Can you eat those?"
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
"Hyunnie, hm? I've got a nick name already? Err, no chicken, please and thank you."
She watches the other's movements, laughing to herself that she's actually waiting for sandwich.
"Ah, I never even asked your age, what if we're similar in age? Or maybe I'm just old as hell."
♡ kim minjeong .ᐟ 1 month ago
Grinning widely after securing her first win, Minjeong eventually moved over to the pantry, taking out the bag of sliced toast she had seen there earlier that day when she had raided the kitchen for something edible. Putting it onto the kitchen counter, she then moved over to the fridge to pick some more ingredients. "Anything you can't eat, Hyunnie?"
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
I am indeed the biggest clown, yes. Alright, alright I'll take the L for all the bonks
♡ kim minjeong .ᐟ 1 month ago
mmh....maybe this is payback for the bonks earlier
♡ kim minjeong .ᐟ 1 month ago
aren't you the ringleader? the big boss? the leader of the clowns?
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
Which ringleader?! So you're offering me just bread?
♡ kim minjeong .ᐟ 1 month ago
the ringleader has spoken! an idiot sandwich is what she gets!
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
Wow! Is that what you think of me? That's wild, you're just as chaotic as me! An idiot sandwich is wild
♡ kim minjeong .ᐟ 1 month ago
i'm sorry, but your choice of words has activated the chaotic part of my brain. for a second i did consider to lay it on you, aka put the sandwich on your head. even worse, copy chef ramsey and turn you into an idiot sandwich
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
Consider me, waiting to be impressed, lay it on me
♡ kim minjeong .ᐟ 1 month ago
well then, take a seat. chef jeongie will make you the second best sandwich of your life!
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
As a matter of fact, I really am
♡ kim minjeong .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ so....are you still craving a sandwich?
♡ moon sua .ᐟ [A] 1 month ago
@♡ song yuqi .ᐟ sua had slipped on the barest minimum to take her normal morning run - sports bra and a tiny pair of exercise shorts. it didn't matter to her, not really, since she knew she was hot and her room in the villa was close to the door she used for exit and entry so nobody really saw her (they usually stared more at the sheer amount of tattoos she had rather than the lack of clothing she was wearing). still, she decided to ignore it all to make herself just a simple breakfast sandwich and coffee, but that quickly left her mind as a voice called out to her. "ah, mornin'." sua was not used to talking to anybody so early in the morning, but...well, the woman was attractive, and sua could be smooth sometimes. "usually everybody's still asleep or already at the beach, so i wasn't expecting anybody to still be here."
♡ song yuqi .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ moon sua .ᐟ after the past two weeks of waking up even before sunrise to capture nature in its full beauty, it was the first day for yuqi to sleep in, catch up on the needed sleep. although she had come to the island to rest and recuperate, after having seen the scenery, her inner artist just couldn't resist. waking up early in the morning, returning to the villa close to midnight had quickly become a routine. a rather unhealthy one she really needed to break. today was a first attempt at it. although it still was still fairly early, at least the sun was already up, flooding her room with warm orange light. stretching all four limbs, the young woman lazily rolled out of her bed, heavy footsteps leading her to the bathroom for a quick shower.
half an hour later, after a shower and her usual morning routine, she was now heading down to the kitchen, clad in an oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts, ready for a lazy day at the villa. she could hear some clattering come from the room. curiously, she poked her head through the door. "Good morning!"


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Keikeu 4 days ago
supporting :^)
bvbbles 1 week ago
Can I have Jeewon from Cignature?
Nature07 1 month ago
May I reserve Lee Luda?
blurblue 1 month ago
can i reserve blackpink's jennie please?
HOKAGE8AVATAR 1 month ago
Hey! Can I reserve Red Velvet's Irene, please?
kagaki 1 month ago
may i reserve lesserafim’s miyawaki sakura?
proud-shawol 1 month ago
kang seulgi, redvelvet pls
crowdedhour 1 month ago
can i get wjsn's chu sojung / exy? please & thank you .
vearth 1 month ago
Gidle's Yeh Shuhua please
FallenBloodyAngel 1 month ago
GIDLE Sooyeon please
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