hidden cove

hidden from plain view
a little nook of water and sand that is in a cave, so it's cooler and not easily seen.
♡ song yuqi .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ engfa waraha .ᐟ an adventurous soul, i see. you should be careful exploring places like this on your own though, it can be dangerous sometimes
//as if to prove her words, she lifts her arm with a sheepish grin, showing off a minor scratch on her forearm//
i wanted to take some pictures of the cave. it's a little slippery down there. speaking from first hand experience
//a chuckle leaves her lips as she points a little further into the cave//
a week? same for me. well, a little more than a week. it's really nice here, right? have you been enjoying your stay so far?
♡ engfa waraha .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ song yuqi .ᐟ * with a smile i shook your hand and once the hands retreated i looked around again before nodding my head*
It is mt first time here. I love to explore new places and i kinda ended up here. What about you?
Oh and im not too long on this island, maybe a week?
♡ song yuqi .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ engfa waraha .ᐟ //she nods faintly as her guess is confirmed. no weirdo or Serie killer would announce themselves like that after all//
I'm Yuqi, nice to meet you as well
//she tilts her head back slightly to look up at the tall woman, lips forming into a smile as she reaches for the offered hand, giving it a firm shake//
how long have you been here on the Island? is it your first time here?
♡ engfa waraha .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ song yuqi .ᐟ *hearing the laugh i could t help but chuckle as well at how not frightening thay must have sounded*
Im a tourist here as well. I was just wandering around trying to get to know the island more
Oh and im Engfa by the way and you are?
*with cautious steps i stepped closer to you afraid i might trip over soemthing before i extended my hand out to you for a hand shake*
Well its nice to meet you
♡ song yuqi .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ engfa waraha .ᐟ //the response draws out a chuckle that quickly turns into hearty laughter, the little fear she had turning into thorough amusement as she couldn't detect any danger in the other's voice, rather the opposite//
martial arts? oh in that case i won't do anything. wouldn't want my to be beaten
//perhaps not the greatest time to be making jokes, she quickly clears to clarify//
don't worry. i'm just a tourist, taking some photos. what about you though, miss i-know-martial-arts? who are you?
♡ engfa waraha .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ song yuqi .ᐟ * of the potential danger that could bring this cave i didnt even spend a thought on. With a startle into the direction of where the voice came from and a shadow of a person could be seen*
Uhm.. hi?
I-if you try to do something i know martial arts..
*her voice sounded unsure and the martial arts part was clearly a lie but she wasnt abojt to get robbed in a cave*
W-who are you?
♡ song yuqi .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ engfa waraha .ᐟ //having discovered the cove not long before you, i had already ventured inside with the same idea, to take some pictures of the cave, eyes bright with excitement as the sunlight filters through small openings in the rocks, reflecting off the wet cave walls, creating a beautiful effect//
how lucky
//the moment i hear a soft mumble somewhere behind me, i turn around, eyes slightly squinted as i stare into the dark, trying to make out the shadow of another person, softly clearing my throat to call out//
♡ engfa waraha .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ song yuqi .ᐟ *humming to a soft tune i was walking around the island until i reached this rather hidden cove*
Ooh whats this?
*my curiosity spiked up as i carefully made my into the cove, trying not to fall over any small rocks that were laying there*
Looks beautiful here..
*i mumbled to myself taking pictures of this beautiful scenery infront of her*


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Keikeu 4 days ago
supporting :^)
bvbbles 1 week ago
Can I have Jeewon from Cignature?
Nature07 1 month ago
May I reserve Lee Luda?
blurblue 1 month ago
can i reserve blackpink's jennie please?
HOKAGE8AVATAR 1 month ago
Hey! Can I reserve Red Velvet's Irene, please?
kagaki 1 month ago
may i reserve lesserafim’s miyawaki sakura?
proud-shawol 1 month ago
kang seulgi, redvelvet pls
crowdedhour 1 month ago
can i get wjsn's chu sojung / exy? please & thank you .
vearth 1 month ago
Gidle's Yeh Shuhua please
FallenBloodyAngel 1 month ago
GIDLE Sooyeon please
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