
a small fishing village
whileyou won't find a mcdonald's or walmart here, sami is the perfect place to grab a bite to eat in a local cafe or go shopping in their street market.
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ im jinah .ᐟ "I may have passed by once, but I'm not too familiar. But it does sound like a nice place to enjoy these treats."
She grins and follows her lead, taking in all of the wonderful scenery and mentally making a note to apply a lot of sunscreen so she doesn't burn.
"Did you bring sunscreen? I have extra, just in case."
♡ im jinah .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ "I hope not. Or you'll have to carry back home." Jinah took a moment to think where to take Irene next since she is new in town. Going back to the villa would be safe but that is not really showing her around. Perhaps there's a place on the small village that is far from the noise of the market but not too far from home in case she becomes intoxicated. She sheepishly smiled and nodded, "You know what? we could just go at the villa's beach. Have you been there?"
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ im jinah .ᐟ "I hope to not get too drunk."
She chuckles and shrugs.
"I'm down for anything, it's a nice day out, not too hot. The Villa is also good too."
♡ im jinah .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ “Okay.” She shrugged, still took note to keep an eyes on Irene in case she got tired of it. “Well, we can go back to the villa and hang out. I mean i dont know if the docks would be a nice place to drink. What if we get drunk?”
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ im jinah .ᐟ "Ah don't worry, it's not too heavy!"
She grins and shakes the bag to show that it's really fine.
"Where did you want to sit? Or did you want to go somewhere else entirely?"
She turns to her
♡ im jinah .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ “You sure?” Jinah asked, unsure if it was alright but nodded in agreement since the woman said so. “Oh i bet you it will be. Thanks.” She bid the man goodbye and looked at Irene. “Need help with that?” She pointed at the bag, worried that it’ll be too heavy.
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ im jinah .ᐟ "Hm, I'd say strawberry jam. Oh, sure, no need to pay me back."
She answers sincerely and hands over the extra money, smiling.
"This is going to be so good."
Once it's all paid for, she takes the bag and waits for the other.
♡ song yuqi .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ im jinah .ᐟ She should see the change in Jinah's expression, knew how much her words had hurt her, but Yuqi had never been one to lie, expressing her thoughts as they were without much sugarcoating. As blunt, as harsh as they sometimes might seem, at least no one could call her a liar. She wanted to say something, respond to the question, but seeing how Jinah seemed too tired, already yawning, she decided to keep those thoughts to herself. "Alright....let's sleep first." She didn't try to fight the older woman, not wanting to tire her out even more than she already had. Getting up from the couch, she moved over to the bed, to give Jinah the room she so much wanted. Turning off the lights, she laid down on the soft mattress. And although her body felt sore from the exhaustion, her mind was wide awake. Staring at the ceiling, she tried to process everything that had happened within less than 24 hours, the rollercoaster of feelings she had gone through. No matter how she looked at things, she knew that she had been the one at fault, regardless of what Jinah said. Even right now, the one making things more complicated was Yuqi herself. So unless the figured out a way to let work through years of repressed feelings and thoughts, chances for them to make up again seemed rather slim. And so she stayed awake all night, thinking about their past, the present and the future.

By the time the sun was rising, tinting the world in a warm orange light, Yuqi had made up her mind. Getting up from the bed, she went to the bathroom, making a quick call to the reception to ask them to bring their washed laundry up to their room in ten minutes. It was enough time for her to freshen up, to brush her teeth and wash her face. Once done, she headed over to the door, head peeking out into the hallway. Just as promised, an employee soon appeared to bring their washed clothes. Thanking them in a quiet whisper, Yuqi went back inside to get dressed, leaving Jinah's clothes on top of the small coffee table. Fixing the bed, she returned it to its original state, blanket neatly folded and tucked in, erasing any traces of her ever being there. Of course she felt bad for doing this to Jinah, but after all this thinking, Yuqi had figured out that she needed more time. Still, she couldn't leave her just like that. Taking out a small notebook, she scribbled a few lines onto the blank paper, leaving it right next to the pile of clothes.

"Good morning, unnie. I hope you were able to sleep well.
Feel free to order breakfast when you wake up, I've already taken care of the bill.

I'm so sorry, for leaving you once again. I just...need a little more time.
Please know that I harbor no ill feelings towards you. I just need to clear my head, sort through all these thoughts and memories. I'm not sure how long it will take me, perhaps it will already be too late by then. But I hope, one day, we can meet each other again. Not as 'my best friend's little sister' and 'my sister's friend I've been crushing on'. But just as you and me. Im Jinah and Song Yuqi. I hope when that day comes, you can forgive me for my selfishness and we can start anew. Clean slate.

Take care, Jinah unnie.

Grabbing her belongings, she took her purse from her carrier bag, taking out a small polaroid she had kept in is for so many years. Already slightly faded and dog-eared from years of putting it in and out, she smiled softly when looking at the picture of two girls happily smiling into the camera. For too many years had she held on to it. Perhaps it was finally time to say goodbye. Pressing a faint kiss to the polaroid, she left if next to the note she had written before heading out, trying to close the door as quietly as possible.

"Farewell, my first love."
♡ im jinah .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ “Jam with crackers sounds good too. What flavour?” She said, taking out and counting her cash. The man wrapped everything and put it in a paper bag. Jinah frowned a little, patting her pockets. “Irene, do you have 5 bucks? I’ll give it back later.” She said handing the rest of the cash to the man.
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ im jinah .ᐟ "How about a jam as well? I think it would pair nicely with everything as well."
She nods and brings the wine up to the counter, watching as they gather their things.
♡ im jinah .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ She nods in response, lining up to get the cheese she wants.
"Gouda is good. But would you like something fruity with it, they do sell ones with apricots and nuts."
It is her turn to order and she asks the man to give her for gouda and crackers.
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ im jinah .ᐟ "The gouda one? That's what you said right?"
She answers and grabs a bottle of a light, sweet red wine.
"This should pair well. Are we also getting crackers? I think those would go great altogether."
♡ im jinah .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ She had another bite and waited for the woman’s reaction.
“Told ya. Which one do you like best though?”
Jinah said, brushing her hand together getting rid of the crumbs on her fingers.
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ im jinah .ᐟ "I'll get the wine then, maybe?"
She looks around the wine selection, thinking about how red wine pairs better with most cheeses. Snapped out of her thoughts, she stares at the cheese when her name is called.
"Oh, hold on."
She walks back and accepts the sample, nodding as she quietly chews.
"It's good."
♡ im jinah .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ "Well I can get the cheese and crackers."
Jinah said stopping at the store where different types of gourmet cheese were being sold. She walked up to the man who was holding a tray for free taste. The man smiled and so did she. She grabbed the cracker with a piece of aged gouda. She hummed while chewing, tasting the caramel notes, nuttiness and a little tang of the said cheese. "Try it's good." She nudged Irene.
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ im jinah .ᐟ "Mhm, cheese is a great thing to pair with wine and crackers."
She nods, listening to her offer to cook and to try some of the simpler things at the stalls.
"I'd love that. And yes, I'm down to try some cheese tasting."
Irene grins
♡ im jinah .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ “That works well. Next time I dont have work come by my place. I’ll cook and all. Though it wont be much though”
She said, looking around them. People going back and forth buying al sorts of things. “Though i think they’ll appreciate it if we try and buy. Do you like cheese?”
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ im jinah .ᐟ "What irony, I can bake, but I at cooking. I can appreciate a great meal, because God knows I can't do it on my own."
She laughs back, looking at all of the goods being sold.
"Almost makes me feel bad to buy anything, in case I mess it up."
♡ im jinah .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ “Purple seems to be a thing at the moment.” Jinah replied, tilting her head and giggled but not to insult only that she is comfortable. “I’ll have to try them later though.” She said continues to walk along the dried goods like cured meat, bread and flour. “I can cook but I can’t bake. So thank you again for the goodies.”
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ im jinah .ᐟ "Purple is one of my favorite colors, lilac specifically. And I'm not going to lie, I almost forgot about those muffins."
She chuckles and rubs the back of her neck unashamedly.
"I'm one of those girls who buys whatever the other person likes, I like seeing people happy."
♡ im jinah .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ Jinah chuckles, waving her hand a little. “You have me a basket of muffins and that’s enough to win me over.” She nods then thank the vendor. “It does. Blue in anything is great. But i’ll stick with purple for now.” She said, carrying the bouquet of purple tulips.
♡ im jinah .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ song yuqi .ᐟ “Was it really?” Jinah halt all the wishful thinkings and reminiscing. She always thought that they were friends since she did spend time growing up. Deep inside something ache was clawing trying to pick on a scar that was about to heal. Maybe she was wrong after all, or such delusional for even considering them friends. But when rubber meets the road, Jinah knew this to be right. Yuqi’s sister was her best friend. And even if Yuqi was the extension of that, she doesn’t hang out much with her unless she’s with the older sister, a family gathering or even tutoring Yuqi when they were younger. Jinah nodded, finishing her now lukewarm tea in one gulp and smiled. “Really? Well i guess it might be.” Jinah felt her body weakened for being hit by the truth. “So what do you say?” She yawned but immediately apologised. “Sorry. Sleepy. You can the bed. I’ll take the couch.” She did not wait for Yuqi to reply or even fight for it. Jinah grabbed the extra pillow from the wardrobe and lay on the couch. No longer should her conscience dictate her next action. She allowed her body to feel the exhaustion and slowly fall to sleep.
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ im jinah .ᐟ "Why thank you, although I was fully prepared to buy you the flowers."
She chuckles and takes them, gently basking in their beauty.
"The tulips do look very beautiful, and the color reminds me of the sea almost, a field of them would be a dream."
♡ im jinah .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ “Fertility. That’s something” A laughter escaped her lips as she moved to the next flower vendor. “Somehow.” Jinah turned to Irene and folded her arms across her chest. “I guess I do. But blue tulips are beautiful and calming too.” She turned to talk to the owner of the shop picking up a bouquet of purple tulips and another bouquet of lilies. She paid for them. “Here.” She said, giving the woman the bouquet of lilies. “As friends right? Innocently just wanting to know you.”
♡ song yuqi .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ im jinah .ᐟ Friends. She wondered if it would really be possible for them to become friends. Had they actually ever been friends to begin with? Although having spent a lot of time together growing up, Yuqi had always only been referred to by Jinah as 'my friend's little sister'. Meanwhile she had always put Jinah on a pedestal, idolizing her, admiring her. But how much did they really know about each other? "Rather than a second chance....wouldn't this be considered us becoming friends for the first time?"
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ im jinah .ᐟ "I think I read somewhere that lilies are about purity and rebirth, like starting over. But it can also mean fertility, weirdly enough."
She chuckles at an inside joke and watches her touch the flowers with interest.
"Would you like a white rose? Friend to friend, of course.
♡ im jinah .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ She was about to pick a red rose only to stop and glanced at Irene. "Roses are indeed beautiful. Like someone I know. Red in particular is romantic but can be intimate. Though." Jinah picked a white rose and sniffed a bit of the flowery scent. "I like white roses better. They are just pure. Though I think you're right." She smiled thanking the vendor for letting her to touch the flowers. "Does lilies offer a nice meaning too?"
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ im jinah .ᐟ "If this is nothing compared to the rest, I really do have a lot ahead of me here."
She looks in awe as well, seriously thinking of her answer.
"That's tough. Most people do roses, which are very beautiful and classic, but can be a little boring. Lilies are my favorite, especially the star gazer ones, but that's my own favorite, maybe not of others. I hear tulips offer a nice meaning, but I'm not so sure."
♡ im jinah .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ Jinah was mesmerized by the sheer variety of flowers on display. There were roses in every shade imaginable, lilies that seemed to glow with an inner light, and daisies that danced in the breeze. She looked at her and smiled. "Told you it's nice here. Though this is nothing compared to the rest of the island." She continued to browse through each stall, frowning. "If you're to give a girl a flower what would it be?"
♡ bae joohyun .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ im jinah .ᐟ "This looks amazing, I've never seen such a stocked and versatile market place."
Irene looks at all the different stalls, smiling at the fresh flowers and all of the other things able to purchase.
"I think I'm missing out by not coming here more often. Thanks for letting me tag along."


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Keikeu 4 days ago
supporting :^)
bvbbles 1 week ago
Can I have Jeewon from Cignature?
Nature07 1 month ago
May I reserve Lee Luda?
blurblue 1 month ago
can i reserve blackpink's jennie please?
HOKAGE8AVATAR 1 month ago
Hey! Can I reserve Red Velvet's Irene, please?
kagaki 1 month ago
may i reserve lesserafim’s miyawaki sakura?
proud-shawol 1 month ago
kang seulgi, redvelvet pls
crowdedhour 1 month ago
can i get wjsn's chu sojung / exy? please & thank you .
vearth 1 month ago
Gidle's Yeh Shuhua please
FallenBloodyAngel 1 month ago
GIDLE Sooyeon please
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