shipwreck beach

sw beach.ᐟ
sw beach.ᐟ
event room
shipwreck beach is nicknamed as such because many ships in ancient times crashed into the sharp rock wall that lay in the water just before the shore. in reality, the beach itself holds gorgeous white sand, with a slight reprieve from waves because of the previously mentioned rock wall so anybody can swim happily in the crystal blue water.  is allowed in this room.
♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ park kyungri .ᐟ "Okay, I don't think I would go as far as following you to the bathroom. That's a little weird. But I guess some people really are weird and obsessed like that." She playfully rolled her eyes at Kyungri when she said she was only telling the truth, having heard that line one too many time in her life. No matter how sincere, it was exactly the kind of things someone would say who was well versed in the arts of sweet talking. "Someday, yes. I'm looking forward to meet you Siro." She turned to the screen, as if talking directly to the pup on the photo, smiling softly. If there was one thing that Shiyu adored, it were animals.
"Anyways....should we order something?"
♡ park kyungri .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ " as long as i get some me time when i go to the bathroom then im fine with it. Or as long as it is not obsessive like me not being able to meet friends"
Her smile was permanent on her features. There was this urge to press a soft kiss to her cheeks but maybe this wasnt the right time to do so
"Sweet talker? Well id say i only say the truth~"
With a small nod she looked at the picture as well, she missed her dog and if shiyu met him one day shed be cuddled by him immediately
" thank you. And yes it feels really bice. You have to meet him some day he'd like you a lot"
♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ park kyungri .ᐟ "Really? What if they are almost an obsessive kind of clingy though? To the point where they stick close to you wherever you go?" Not that Shiyu was that kind of extreme, but she was just curious to know where Kyungri would draw a line. "You're such a sweet talker....But thank you. For the compliment." The blush remained on her cheeks, heart fluttering in her chest as Kyungri caressed her skin. The more time she spends with her, the harder it becomes to not fall for her charms. Part of her wonders though, why her? What made her so special in the older woman's eyes that she was trying so hard to charm her, even talking about meeting her parents? Or perhaps...was she like this with every woman she talked to? As Kyungri pulled out her phone to show her a picture, Shiyu pushed those thoughts aside for a moment, her attention focused on the small screen. Unconsciously, her lips curve into a smile, cooing softly at the cute pup. "He looks so cute and soft. Cuddling him must feel really nice."
♡ park kyungri .ᐟ 1 month ago

@♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ ""bad? I dont think i could ever say that its bad because someone is clingy. I like when one is clingy with me especially if i like the person"
Seeing the red hue on shiyus cheeks a smile spread across her lips, thinking she looked more than just beautiful in that moment
"I cant wait for that~ but you always look rpetty no matter what you wear"
Humming softly she gently caressed shiyus knuckles with her thumb
"I mean yea i am but thats comes with time you know" she said before taking out her phone showing a pic of herself and siro
" he is really cute hehe he is a jindo dog "

♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ park kyungri .ᐟ "You say that now, but you've never seen me being clingy yet. It's really bad." Even when Kyungri lifted her chin up, she still continued to avoid looking at her, only slowly, tentatively, her eyes wandered back to meet her eyes. A grave mistake, as she could feel her cheeks heat up again. "Alright...tomorrow 6pm it is. I'll make sure to wear my prettiest dress for you."
Unable to continue this kind of intense eye contact, she eventually leaned back in her seat, out of Kyungri's grasp, though she didn't let go of her hand. "You're really adamant on meeting my parents, huh?" Nodding as she listened to Kyungri talking about her pet dog, she tried to imagine them together, but without knowing the pup's breed all she could picture was one giant floofball. "He must be really cute. What kind of dog breed is he?"
♡ park kyungri .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ "I dont mind that, kitten~
But be sure i wont stop spoiling you"
Kyungris gaze fell onto their hands before they landed back onto shiyus eyes. A small pout formed on her lips wjen she tried to avoid her gaze. With her free hand she gently lofted shiyus chin and made the beautiful woman look at her
" then how about tomorrow evening? Lets say 6pm?' She asked and tilted her head a little.
"Flying over to shanghai sounds like a good idea. That way i could end up meeting your parents as well"
She said with a soft chuckle
" my siro is such a fluff ball. A gentle giant as id say and he loves to cuddle.. so basically like me if i think about that"
[post deleted by owner]
♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ park kyungri .ᐟ Looking at Kyungri for a moment, she let out a soft sigh, knowing she wouldn't be able to change her mind. "Fine, do whatever you want. But....I might become really clingy if you continue spoiling me like that." Her gaze wandered to their laced finger and she gave Kyungri's hand a gentle squeeze. "Mmh, just tell me when and where and I'll be there." She still kept her eyes cast down, too shy to look the other in her eyes.
"Maybe...if I decide to stay here on this island for a longer period of time, I might bring them over for you to meet them. If might have to fly home to Shanghai with me...." Eventually she peeked up at the older woman, smiling softly. "Only if you want, of course. Your he a lot like you? People say that dogs oftentimes resemble their owners and vice versa."
♡ park kyungri .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ " i mean yea that too but still it needs to be perfect. I mean yea sure for myself it doenst need to be that great but for others it should be" smiling at the poke, kyungri gently took a hold of shiyus hand. Her fingers slowly lacing with hers
"I wont overwork myself trust me. For you id gladly do it"
Though waiting for that answer kyungri found herself biting on her lower lip, a small sigh of relief left her lips at shiyus words
"Then my dear shiyu. May i take you out on a date?"
She asked and hoped that shed say yes. Well she already did confirm that shed want it but still there was a small worry inside kyungri that she mighr say no..
"Then you need to introduce them to me one day! I bet they are cuties just like their mom~
I do have a pet hes a dog. My lil good boy siro lives with my parents now since im here"
♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ park kyungri .ᐟ "You're such a perfectionist. What happened to it's the thought that counts?" She , reaching out to gently poke her side. "I just don't want you to overwork yourself for my sake." So far, Shiyu had been the one most flustered between the two of them, so to see the blush on Kyungri's cheeks it just felt so endearing. She almost even called her cute, but stopped herself before the words could slip out, unsure whether she would appreciate it or not.
It's not like she really needed to think about a response, having already made a decision when she asked about Kyungri's intentions. Still, she hummed quietly as they moved over to the table, only responding when they were seated, a little smile on her lips. "I..want it. So, you better ask me out soon before I can change my mind." Her eyes light up at the mention of cats, eagerly nodding her head in response. "I do! Two of them, actually. But right now, since I'm here, they're living with my parents. What about you? Do you have any pets?"
♡ park kyungri .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ " okay.. but the rest will be made with love! I mean you may not be picky but when i cook for friends i want it to be perfect for them you know?" A small red hue went over her cheeks, tubbing the back of her neck
"I would want to ask you on a date, shiyu. only if you want that too" kyungri followed the younger woman towards the table and took a seat
" then kitten is the perfect nickname for you~
Do you by chance have cats?"
♡ kim minjeong .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ chu sojung .ᐟ "Careful there, I think your head just grew three sizes." She was quick to retort, one hand reaching up to gently poke her forehead. It felt nice to be finally able to enjoy their playful banters in person. Which proved to be even more fun than online, but also came with a tiny problem. Now that she couldn't hide behind a tiny screen anymore, her silly little faces that she would often make were now out in the open for the older woman to see. Not that she thought that Sojung would mind. But for now, she wanted to show her only her prettiest sides, to leave a lasting impression.
Leaning just a little closer, Minjeong pretended to be taking a good and thorough look at Sojung's face, dark doe eyes tracing along each and every of her facial features while she kept hers as neutral as possible. Eventually, the blonde stepped back, eyes now wandering down the other's body, from head to toe and up again. Keeping silent throughout the whole act, she then let out an appreciating hum, nodding her head as a wide grin soon bloomed on her face. "I think you do, very much so. Are you sure you won't regret giving me sugary drinks, though? I do yap a lot. You might grow tired of my voice and my boring stories quickly."
♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ park kyungri .ᐟ "It's okay if you don't make everything by yourself. bought wrappers should be fine too. I'm really not that picky when it comes to food. As long as it's tasty, I can eat anything. Especially if it's prepared with love by someone else." Her lips curved into a smile. "It...depends? Are we having dinner and watching a movie just as friends? Or are you asking me on a date?"
Momentarily distracted, she turns back to her companion, a sheepish smile on her lips as she nodded. "It's really cute. But then again, I like everything cat themed." She looked around once more, eyes setting on a free table at the far corner of the ice cream shop. "Let's stay here for a bit? It's nice and calm and quiet. Makes it easier to talk to each other."
♡ chu sojung .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ kim minjeong .ᐟ she hummed through a grin, endeared by the faint smile lines embedded at both corners of winter's eyes. she may have appeared somewhat conservatively dressed, as if she were off on a trip to the amalfi coast, but minjeong's nature was much more lighthearted and approachable the longer they chatted.
"i know, i know, i just can't seem to stop giving, i'm far too generous for my own good."
her grin turned stupid, a playful bit of laughter sounding up from . with the girl's head in the palm of her warm hand, nuzzling towards it, all the laughter soon softened into nothing, her focus becoming winter's comfort as her thumb reached to her cheek once before she was out of reach again.
clearing , sojung tuned into the answer she asked for earlier.
"do i qualify as a beautiful women by your standards, then? because i'd love it if you came and grabbed a drink with me. you don't have to drink alcohol either, i'll buy you a soda, whatever you like so you don't shut up."
♡ im jinah .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ engfa waraha .ᐟ A eliciting groan escapes from Jinah, her twitches bewitched by the breathtaking woman. She felt joyful. "Do you want me to stop?" asks Jinah pushing Engfa down onto the soft sand so that she lies spread out and arms above her head. She begins to fondle Engfa's beautiful s, taking them in handfuls and pressing the s into .
♡ park kyungri .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ " oh really? I mean i never made them all on my own either but it should be alroght. I will watch some tutorials on how to make them" she said
"Alright that sounds like a plan~ maybe we could watch a movie after that as well?"
Once they were inside she smiled as she turned to shiyu, that seemed to be captivated by their mascot " you think its cute? Oh and do you want to eat the ice or while taking a stroll?"
♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ park kyungri .ᐟ "It's not that hard, really. Just time consuming. At least my grandma always made it look so easy." Laughing softly, she then tilted her head, looking at Kyungri for a moment, as if deep in thought. "Alright, let's do that. Next time. I'm looking forward to try your homemade food." Entering the small ice cream parlor, she looked around, taking in the pastel colors and cute vibes, a soft smile in her lips when she caught sight of a cartoon cat, apparently their mascot. "Lasagna, that's a great choice as well. I don't think I've ever made it myself though. Most of the time I either order food or do only the simplest of cooking to save time."
[post deleted by owner]
♡ park kyungri .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ "To me its not. Warning sounds little bit cuter than a threat"
She chuckled. As the two were walking she was about to hold shiyus hand. But luck wasnt on kyungris side when they rather quickly reached the ice cream parlor. A small sigh left her lips but hey there would be more opportunities for that
"Okay soup is easy but soup dumplings are a little bit harder. Though id try my best to make you some. Maybe next time you could hang out at my place and i could make us some dinner?"
She asked while holding the door open for shiyu. After the two walked inside she hummed a little
" i think for me it would be lasagna. Just the thought of makes my stomach rumble and damn thats one dish i perfected over the years"
♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ park kyungri .ᐟ "Threatening, warning. It's basically the same." She followed along as Kyungri guided then to the ice parlor, wanting to reach out to hold her hand again yet, after hesitating for too long, they had already reached their destination. Perhaps next time. "My favorite food...I guess I like noodles and soups. Anything that makes you feel warm and comforted. A bowl of hot noodle soup feels even better than a hug on a cold winter day....Ah, I guess I also really like dumplings? All different kinds, but especially soup dumplings." Her lips curved into a sheepish smile, realizing just how much more passionate she sounded when talking about food, compared to other things. "What about you? What's your favorite food?"
♡ engfa waraha .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ im jinah .ᐟ Her one hand plywd with her stiff while the other got on. With a loud plop she let go of the nub, letting the other woman take off her bikini top more easily. The air making her nubs turn harder as well
"If you keep talking to me like this i might literally melt.."
Biting her lower lip her hand slid down her delicious curves down to her giving it a squeeze
♡ kim minjeong .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ chu sojung .ᐟ "I'd be a rather simple and vain person, if you already know everything about me after just two days, no?", she retorted the sarcastic remark, mirroring the playfulness of sojung's tone with her own voice. knowing that the other had already forgiven her, minjeong's lips began to curve into a wide smile, the apples of her cheeks becoming more prominent, eyes crinkling at their corners. "thank you, jungie. that's very generous of you." although it was their first time meeting in person, there was no tension, no awkwardness, so when sojung reached out to brush back some of her stray locks, she didn't move away. rather, it was the opposite. her head tilting, cheek gently nuzzling against the other's palm. the show of affection only lasted for a heartbeat though, before the blonde already pulled away.
"I do. drink, I mean. water, tea, soda, juice. love juice. coffee too, but i can't have too much of it or i won't be able to shut up." of course she had to turn it into a joke first, eyes turning into crescents as she flashed sojung a toothy grin. "as for alcohol...occasionally. though i am more inclined to do so when accompanied by a beautiful woman." which didn't happen too often, but sojung didn't need to know that.
♡ park kyungri .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ " not threatening you, rather warning you"
She didnt mind their hands holdkng longer than thought, rather she enyoed the soft touch. Not long after kyungri guided both of them towards the nearest ice parlor
"I know the basics yea but i want to know more. Like your favorite things maybe favorite food for example. And maybe i happen to be good at cooking it"
♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ park kyungri .ᐟ "Are you threatening me?" Reaching for the offered hand, Shiyu pulls herself up to her feet, letting the touch linger for a little longer than necessary before she let go of Kyungri's hand. Carefully, she patted at her clothes, brushing off the little grains of sand sticking to her. "Well....what do you want to know, though? Like, you know the basics already. My name, my age, my job.....I could tell you about my hometown, if you'd like?"
[post deleted by owner]
♡ chu sojung .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ kim minjeong .ᐟ she lifted a brow at the truth. winter was an odd name, perhaps it gave reason as to why she looked dressed for a different climate.
"then i apologise, i guess there's more to you than i could've learned in two days. who knew?"
sojung asked sarcastically, her previously cold tone melted away into something much more playful.
"if you keep the puppy eyes up, i might change my mind again, but i guess you're forgiven. for now."
introduced to one another in person at last, she felt comfortable enough to extend a hand, reaching her fingers into minjeong's hair to push it back from her porcelain face.
"i was on my way to the bar anyway, do you drink?"
she honestly couldn't tell. sojung was sure she could banter back and forth, but upon seeing her in person, winter appeared so prim and proper round the edges; her outfit almost smelled of old money.
♡ park kyungri .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ " for now i will, kitten~
But always be prepared for an sudden tickle attack"
With a wink she got up dusting herself free from the sand that was glied onto her before holding her hand for shiyu out
"So kitten, tell me a bit about yourself:
♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ park kyungri .ᐟ She could tell that Kyungri had no intentions of stopping the teasing and tickling, making her eye the older woman with suspicion. Only when she was sure that at least for now she would be spared, she relaxed a little. "You better keep your words." Still laying on her side, she looked up at Kyungri for a moment, humming softly in thought. "Mmh, alright. let's get some ice cream. I could need something to cool off a little."
♡ kim minjeong .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ chu sojung .ᐟ when sojung removed her hand, minjeong couldn't help but feel like a scolded child, the short interaction reminding her all too much of the way too many times her mother had reprimanded her, both through words and actions. crossing her arms behind her back, she lowered her gaze, staring down at the space between their feet, her pursed lips quivering to bring the image of the remorseful puppy to perfection. even her voice sounded small, almost childlike when she responded.
"i didn't really lie name really is winter. but it's also minjeong." carefully, she peered up at the other woman through thick lashes, lips forming into the teensiest pout. "don't be mad, jungie. jeongie is really sowwy. it's just that mama said to be careful around strangers...." was this over the top? cringy? embarrassing? all of the above? yes. but minjeong didn't care. she had done way worse things in her life.
♡ park kyungri .ᐟ 1 month ago
@♡ zhou shiyu .ᐟ "Yup the smart person was absolutely right about that"
Kyungri couldnt help but chuckle at shiyus reaction. It was more than adorable to hear her threat but in the other hand she loves playing with fire and shed definitely do it again but probably when she wouldnt expect it
"Okay okay no tickling. I dont want my finger to be biten off" she said with a grin
"Since you like spending time with me. How about we maybe go eat some ice cream? Im kinda craving some right now"


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Keikeu 4 days ago
supporting :^)
bvbbles 1 week ago
Can I have Jeewon from Cignature?
Nature07 1 month ago
May I reserve Lee Luda?
blurblue 1 month ago
can i reserve blackpink's jennie please?
HOKAGE8AVATAR 1 month ago
Hey! Can I reserve Red Velvet's Irene, please?
kagaki 1 month ago
may i reserve lesserafim’s miyawaki sakura?
proud-shawol 1 month ago
kang seulgi, redvelvet pls
crowdedhour 1 month ago
can i get wjsn's chu sojung / exy? please & thank you .
vearth 1 month ago
Gidle's Yeh Shuhua please
FallenBloodyAngel 1 month ago
GIDLE Sooyeon please
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