࿔*:・ cabin 108

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01. sohn youngjae
02. na jaemin
03. jay chang
04. kim taehyung 
05. adam chng
06. mark tuan
✧ seok matthew。ˡᵃᵇʳᵃᵈᵒʳ ʳᵉᵗʳᶦᵉᵛᵉʳ 16 hours ago
@✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ /slips his arms around his neck, pulling eric down more as their lips connect once again, his cheeks tinting a light shade of pink, his heartbeat nearly loud enough to hear
To know that's how you really feel about me.. makes me even happier.
Makes me even more excited for our date
I'll tell you anything you want to hear so you better be prepared to like me even more
✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ 19 hours ago
@✧ seok matthew。ˡᵃᵇʳᵃᵈᵒʳ ʳᵉᵗʳᶦᵉᵛᵉʳ *looks down at you with the brightest smile, my happy gaze softening into one of admiration*
You really do make me happy, you know that?
Just being near you is enough.
*connects our lips in a slow, soft kiss*
When you smile though, I get butterflies.
Your laugh, brightens my day.
Your sass, makes me wanna hold your hand and never let go.
*kisses you again, letting our lips linger just a bit longer than before*
✧ seok matthew。ˡᵃᵇʳᵃᵈᵒʳ ʳᵉᵗʳᶦᵉᵛᵉʳ 19 hours ago
@✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ /he can't help but laugh at eric's happy reaction, bit surprised as they roll over leaving him now on the bottom, he can't help but bust into more laughter from all the kisses
Okay okay okay!
/he cries out beneath eric playfully, cupping the older's cheeks in his hands to hold him still, stealing a few kisses of his own from eric's lips
✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ 1 day ago
@✧ seok matthew。ˡᵃᵇʳᵃᵈᵒʳ ʳᵉᵗʳᶦᵉᵛᵉʳ *glances back to see your tail wagging, the sight making my heart skip a beat*
Yeah? You'll go on a real date with me?
*Drops my head back against the bed and lets out a delighted little yell*
Ahhh! I'm so happy!
*Rolls us over so I'm on top of you, peppering excited kisses all over your face*
✧ seok matthew。ˡᵃᵇʳᵃᵈᵒʳ ʳᵉᵗʳᶦᵉᵛᵉʳ 1 day ago
@✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ /he smiles, his tail wagging behind him eagerly
Well if the hypothetical likelihood of that happening is due to me agreeing to go on a date with you then that means that the probability of it happening is a 100% chance.
Or in short, I would love to go on a date with you... Not hypothetically of course
✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ 1 day ago
@✧ seok matthew。ˡᵃᵇʳᵃᵈᵒʳ ʳᵉᵗʳᶦᵉᵛᵉʳ I figured you wouldn't be the type to have a type...I mean if you were you probably wouldn't go for a dumb boy
*chuckles softly. Taps my fingertips gently along the nape of your neck and down your spine*
Hypothetically....it has a high likelihood of happening...if you were to agree to going on a date with me.
*Glances down at you again*
So...will you go on a date with me, Matt?
[post deleted by owner]
✧ seok matthew。ˡᵃᵇʳᵃᵈᵒʳ ʳᵉᵗʳᶦᵉᵛᵉʳ 1 day ago
@✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ Of course not, if you learn anything about me then you should know that i care about people themselves than all of that other trivial stuff.
I don't have a type either, i like anyone i can vibe with.
/lifts his hand close to his own face, tracing little circles into the other's shirt with his fingers
guess it depends on what type of stuff
/upon listening his ears perk up, sitting his chin up on his chest instead with a brow raised
Like? As in something that may happen? Because hypothetically I would enjoy something like that if that were to happen perhaps.
[post deleted by owner]
✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ 2 days ago
@✧ seok matthew。ˡᵃᵇʳᵃᵈᵒʳ ʳᵉᵗʳᶦᵉᵛᵉʳ Hey, Im not as dumb as I seem.
Not all the time at least.
*Runs a hand along your lower back slowly, the other stroking your hair back*
Hmm I guess I never really considered another alphas scent.
Does it change anything for you knowing I'm an alpha?
*Twirls your hair around my finger gently*
I know before you said you like cute stuff like good morning texts and all that but how do you feel about romantic stuff?
*Asks quietly, stealing a brief glance down at you*
Like if I were to take you out on a first date and it was something like dinner under the stars, with a spot set up for us to snuggle after and stargaze as we talk all night, bonding.
✧ seok matthew。ˡᵃᵇʳᵃᵈᵒʳ ʳᵉᵗʳᶦᵉᵛᵉʳ 2 days ago
@✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ /his ears flush red in embarrassment at the unexpected kiss but he smiles as he pulls away
WOW, how dare you wound me like this.
/playfull clutching at his heart pretending that he's in pain, resting his forehead against eric's after they kiss again with a relieved sigh
Even though it wasn't straightforward I'm glad you understand and that i was able to make something clear.
/turning himself around to face eric's bed , taking his hands and making his way onto the bed with his help, laying down on top of eric with his arms randomly resting on either side him with his cheek resting against his chest, lowly humming a short tune
To be fair... You have a really pleasant scent. Most alphas I've known smelled like burnt forest trees and dark. Or really plain but never forget get the burnt forest tree smell and burnt nature. I really thought you were a beta like me or something.
✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ 2 days ago
@✧ seok matthew。ˡᵃᵇʳᵃᵈᵒʳ ʳᵉᵗʳᶦᵉᵛᵉʳ *one eyebrow raises slightly as I listen to you speak, taking in every word that you say. Stays silent for a moment before leaning in to press a chaste kiss to your lips when you look at me*
I'm pretty determined to make this pup mine one day.
He's far too special to let go of so easily. Even if he doesn't have any "cool" points.
He didn't have them to begin with.
*teases softly, smiling against your lips as I go in for another kiss*
I appreciate you coming to talk to me. For sharing that.
It helps clear some things up.
*Sits up so I can reach down and pull you up onto the bed with me, laying on my back, guiding you to lay on top of me. Arms wrap around you, nuzzling my nose against your hair*
How did you not realize before that Im an alpha? You can't smell it on me?
✧ seok matthew。ˡᵃᵇʳᵃᵈᵒʳ ʳᵉᵗʳᶦᵉᵛᵉʳ 2 days ago
@✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ /he stays silent for a while after the other speaks, placing his arms on top of his knees resting his chin against them before taking a deep breath
Listen, it's all meant to be fun and jokes with my members. Are we all gay? Yes, but most of the over the top things we do aren't meant to be serious. It's not us liking each other. I mean some of them do like each other but they don't act like that for that reason I mean- not all of the time. I mean I don't fault you for feeling uncomfortable. Imagine having a crush and knowing how they interact with the people closest to them in proximity is just weird. Maybe it sways you off from liking them... But maybe the way they act with you is different and it's not the same and means something special instead of something funny and platonic and they can't express that because they're shy about it and stupid so they try to work up the courage to say something but everytime it just gets lost and sound super stupid and embarrassing. Maybe they lose all of their "cool" points because they're so much cooler from afar but can't seem to pull it together when you're around even when they seem fine. But they'd understand if that still makes you sway away and find someone who doesn't make everything seem complicated.
Does that make sense?
/rests his head back again the mattress, looking up at eric
✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ 2 days ago
@✧ seok matthew。ˡᵃᵇʳᵃᵈᵒʳ ʳᵉᵗʳᶦᵉᵛᵉʳ *ears flicker when I hear someone walking around, only moving my hands from my face when I hear your voice. Watches as you move to sit beside the bed instead of on it. Rolls over onto my stomach, my head near yours, folding my arms under my chin so it can rest there*
I'm sorry about earlier.
I just had to remove myself from the room.
I have no right to be jealous. You're not mine.
I just...
*presses my lips together for a moment before continuing*
I don't know. I guess the the thought of someone else kissing you, slapping your , whatever else...just didn't sit well with me. Especially not when I still feel... invisible to you.
✧ seok matthew。ˡᵃᵇʳᵃᵈᵒʳ ʳᵉᵗʳᶦᵉᵛᵉʳ 2 days ago
@✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ /peeks his head inside looking around slowly stepping in and walking around trying to be discreet as possible
Pssst Eric~?
/loudly whispering with his hands cupped around his mouth, not too long after a familiar figure in the background catches his eye and with a small sigh he trudges over, flopping right beside their bed on the floor resting his back again the bedframe and hugging his knees to his chest
Do.. you want to talk?
✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ 2 days ago
*rolls over on the bed and stares at the ceiling for a few minutes before rubbing my face with my hands*
✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ 2 days ago
*walks in and falls face first onto my bed, yelling loudly into the pillow so it's muffled*
✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ 3 days ago
*yawns as I walk in, stretching with a groan. Flops down onto the bed, letting out a sigh, staring up at the ceiling*
✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ 1 week ago
@✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ Yes, yes I do.
I mean shiiiit if you run faster then pick my up and let's go
*Laughs softly*
You can be my hero I don't care. As long as we get out
✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ 1 week ago
@✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ yahh... what do you think I am some lightweight to just be picking me up.
what if I run faster than you? You want me to pick you up *points with drink raising my brows at you* I might have to be YOUR hero did you think of that?
✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ 1 week ago
@✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ You'll never know~
*Ears a nacho for myself*
Oh? You want me to escape too?
In that case I'll just toss you over my shoulder and make a run for it.
✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ 1 week ago
@✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ HAHA! *leans in slightly to take the nacho from you, eyes going to you suspicious while chewing* Youre just making that up aren't you? *turns back to the movie to lock in, crossing my legs and eating more nachos just in case you can really hear* I would want you to get out of the house as well if a monster was coming to get us Eric. I wouldn't just run and leave you by yourself yknow
✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ 1 week ago
@✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ *flashes you a wide smile*
Don't worry, I'll keep you safe.
*Offers you another nacho*
I'm hearing your tummy rumble a little. You gotta have some more nachos~
✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ 1 week ago
@✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ Mmmm *lifts my head off your shoulder to examine you in consideration, pursing my lips* mmm… I gusss I can be safe here. Nobody really be testing the trash bandits except the opossums. What you hearing rn?
✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ 1 week ago
@✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ It is. Gotta have great hearing while I'm out and about at night.
*snorts softly*
Very heroic, right?
Waddle away to safety, little otter~ your coon buddy has your back
✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ 1 week ago
@✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ *tilts my head confused and curious* is this a raccoon thing? Hahaha oh do you gonna stay and fight while I waddle away hahah. Wow how heroic of you~
✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ 1 week ago
@✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ I have very keen hearing.
*Smiles down at you*
If it's a slasher then I guess I'd be done for. You can run while I give em rabies.
*chuckles softly*
✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ 1 week ago
@✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ *eyes flick up to yours when I feel you watching me* You say it so confidently… *laughs through my nose and leans back on you* I guess you’re right…. But what if it’s a slasher? This how they be coming. Just when you’re cozy they getting you
✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ 1 week ago
@✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ *watches you curiously for a moment, squeezing you gently against me*
I didn't hear anything. But I can check it out if you want.
There could be any number of critters running around outside.
✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ 1 week ago
@✧ sohn youngjae。ʳᵃᶜᶜᵒᵒⁿ It’s the music it shocked me it was too quiet in here *eyes dart around anxiously between you and the movie and the sprite, puffing me cheeks a i watch* ….. are you sure you didn’t hear something or it’s just me?


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