࿔*:・ hiking trail!

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the hiking trails!
hiking trail。
hiking trail。
✧ kang taehyun。ᵍᵒˡᵈᵉⁿ ᵗᶦᵍᵉʳ [A] 1 week ago
he gets up more at the motion of the others, following suit. helping pick up the items as he could, before nodding his head lightly again, agreeing with beomgyu's words.
we will be here for whenever you need us.
he hummed lightly giving a small frown before he nudged his head towards the way they came, a small yawn following
lets go home, guys
✧ choi beomgyu。ᵐᵃˡᵗᵉˢᵉ 1 week ago
-letting go as the older sits up before getting up to start gathering the things we brought-
take your time, soobie. we aren't gonna push it but you know where to find us if anything. I would offer you something with my scent before you leave cause familiarity but it probably would cause the opposite effect since you'll be having someone..
-yawns as I wait for you two to get up as I lean on a try. taking one last glance at the sky as I mutter something-
✧ choi soobin。ᶠˡᵉᵐᶦˢʰ ᵍᶦᵃⁿᵗ 1 week ago
if it’s still bother me after my five days i’ll open up, but for now.. now it’s not— i’m, not ready.
the announcement of his smell has his eyes opening, the alpha sitting up with a breath and sniffing his wrist, biting his bottom lip with a sigh.
yeah.. we should probably head back soon. i smell it too, don’t wanna cause any reactions. definitely all together though.
✧ kang taehyun。ᵍᵒˡᵈᵉⁿ ᵗᶦᵍᵉʳ [A] 1 week ago
yea, its good to talk things out, i think, and not hold it in.
he hums in agreement with beomgyu, before sitting up at the mention of leaving, looking at the two, giving a small frown at the idea of their small time together ending so soon.
we can all head back, that way no one's left walking alone in the woods? if- if that's okay?
✧ choi beomgyu。ᵐᵃˡᵗᵉˢᵉ 1 week ago
no, you don't have to brush off what you feel cause it seems to be something that's been plaguing your mind.. we have to hang out more when you're back. I'll be texting you.. and hope I don't interrupt but I want to be checking on you
-voice muffled as I bury my face on soob's shoulder, rubbing his side gently before heaving a sigh. pulling away enough to look back at the sky-
youre starting to stink, soobie... which probably means I'll have to go first soon...
✧ choi soobin。ᶠˡᵉᵐᶦˢʰ ᵍᶦᵃⁿᵗ 1 week ago
oh- guys it’s alright, i’m sure it’ll pass eventually? or well, i hope it will. i probably shouldn’t have brought it up
patting over beom’s arm, he closes his eyes and tries to focus on the surroundings rather than his brain overthinking.
the sky is nice out here. the lights in the city drown the stars out.
✧ kang taehyun。ᵍᵒˡᵈᵉⁿ ᵗᶦᵍᵉʳ [A] 1 week ago
he blinks over at beomgyu and then at soobin for a moment, silent as he thinks.
I wish I could be more of help to you, hyung.
He frowns lightly with a soft sigh, his words eluding him, only able to offer the company of himself at the moment
✧ choi beomgyu。ᵐᵃˡᵗᵉˢᵉ 1 week ago
there's no label cause he's oblivious
-mumbles more to myself before frowning in worry as I look over at soobie. gnawing on my bottom tier before I shift to bring soob in a hug-
I'm sorry you feel that way... though I can quite relate.. we will always be here for you, soobie but I know there's an emptiness that is hard to fill.. and I really hope there comes a reason that helps fill that
✧ choi soobin。ᶠˡᵉᵐᶦˢʰ ᵍᶦᵃⁿᵗ 1 week ago
// i cannot stand them lmao
✧ choi beomgyu。ᵐᵃˡᵗᵉˢᵉ 1 week ago
()sorry. little break cause kai just posted this and I'm sjsjdkdk
✧ choi soobin。ᶠˡᵉᵐᶦˢʰ ᵍᶦᵃⁿᵗ 1 week ago
flickers his gaze between the both of them, pursing his lips up perceptively and then dropping his head back down to stare at the sky.
nah. honestly, i don't really care what the answer is.. labels are lame.
he falls quiet for a few beats of silence, searching the constellations with a low breath and resting his free hand against his chest.
i think i feel lonely, and that's why i am so restless these days. like nothing satisfies me.
✧ kang taehyun。ᵍᵒˡᵈᵉⁿ ᵗᶦᵍᵉʳ [A] 1 week ago
smiles innocently at the glare given his way, bwfore shrugging his shoulders lightly
he hums out lightly before closing his eyes for a moment ears twitching lightly as they become more sensitive to the sound before he snickers lightly
You guys are cute though, we all missed each other a lot, huh? Seeming like we going away forever
✧ choi beomgyu。ᵐᵃˡᵗᵉˢᵉ 1 week ago
it is scary.. but spending it it alone also . there's no winning
-eyes closing for a moment before chuckling at the exchange between you two. lifting an arm like I'm trying to reach a star-
I don't want to be kitty free... are you still trying to find something out, soobie?
✧ choi soobin。ᶠˡᵉᵐᶦˢʰ ᵍᶦᵃⁿᵗ 1 week ago
You are never a bother, taehyun.
he turns his head to stare at tae, eyebrows knitted together to give as fierce of a glare as possible with floppy bunny ears.
besides, you two got closer while i was away, which is good-
✧ kang taehyun。ᵍᵒˡᵈᵉⁿ ᵗᶦᵍᵉʳ [A] 1 week ago
Huffs lightly before laying back as well, resting his arms behind his head
It’s scary, actually asking someone to help you through something so I get it.
He turns his head to look at the two
It’ll be over before you realize too!
And then you guys will be kitty free for a few days so I won’t be there to bother you guys
✧ choi beomgyu。ᵐᵃˡᵗᵉˢᵉ 1 week ago
still feeling anxious? I'm sure it'll go well. I know you're stronger than it seems
-running my fingers through soob's locks before humming to myself as I look over at tae. reaching over to tug him to lay down with us. lips parting before closing again-
we will see
✧ choi soobin。ᶠˡᵉᵐᶦˢʰ ᵍᶦᵃⁿᵗ 1 week ago
I do have someone to help, I know I just..
he shrugs, looking back at the blanket before lying down and staring up at the starry night sky, an arm behind his head as he scrunches his nose up.
I may not be as fun as tae but I will try my best to entertain you while he is gone, gyu
✧ kang taehyun。ᵍᵒˡᵈᵉⁿ ᵗᶦᵍᵉʳ [A] 1 week ago
I was a sad kitty without my hyungs
he pouts lightly as he gets a bit more comfortably on the ground glancing over at Soobin, a soft chuckle escaping him
I feel like most of us would want to skip it if we could, but as you said at least you have someone to help!
he sighs at beomgyu’s words, hugging his legs lightly resting his chin atop his knees
Well.. at least we both won’t be gone at the same time, right?
✧ choi beomgyu。ᵐᵃˡᵗᵉˢᵉ 1 week ago
-smiles a little more gently as I reach over to ruffle soob's hair-
I know. still hoping it goes smoothly for you.. and have to hang out more when you're back. we really missed you, soobie
though.. you'll be coming back and tyunie would have to go for his...
-sighs as I let myself fall back on the blanket to look at the sky better-
✧ choi soobin。ᶠˡᵉᵐᶦˢʰ ᵍᶦᵃⁿᵗ 1 week ago
i can’t help my clumsiness unfortunately..
frowning, he sits down to the side of the other two and stares at the pretty waterfall with a slightly sentimental expression.
it’s not like i wanna go. if i could just not have ruts, i would.
✧ kang taehyun。ᵍᵒˡᵈᵉⁿ ᵗᶦᵍᵉʳ [A] 1 week ago
you should be more careful, hyung-
- continues to glare lightly at soobin before he follows along with the others, staying out of the way, not wanting to hinder their setting up until they're finished and he sets down, taking a seat as well, finally calm for a moment -
wow, this really does look nice
✧ choi beomgyu。ᵐᵃˡᵗᵉˢᵉ 1 week ago
-having to bite down on my bottom tier as it was just too tempting to laugh and tease you but I decide against it. guiding tyun towards soob before placing the water bottles down to help him place the blanket down. sitting down right after as I rest back on my hands to stare at the sky-
I'm happy I got to see this view with you two.. though a shame it was right before soobie abandons us again..
✧ choi soobin。ᶠˡᵉᵐᶦˢʰ ᵍᶦᵃⁿᵗ 1 week ago
his heart was racing still as taehyun whacked him, his eyes widening as he protests with his signature high pitched noise.
yah i didn’t do it on purpose!
he grimaces, glancing at the view and then shuffling towards the spot he thought would be best for them to sit comfortably while out of the splash range.
✧ kang taehyun。ᵍᵒˡᵈᵉⁿ ᵗᶦᵍᵉʳ [A] 1 week ago
he jumps slightly at the rustling in the bushes and even more when he notices soobin jump as well, clinging harder onto beomgyu, followed by a small shriek, before looking bewilderly at soobin, his breathing labored from the panic. hand reaching out to lightly hit the eldest on the arm shooting him a glare, unable to take in the fact they just entered the clearing while he takes a moment to calm down
what the- ...
✧ choi beomgyu。ᵐᵃˡᵗᵉˢᵉ 1 week ago
-biting back a snort at soobie as I prepare myself to catch the kitty as I know it'll inevitably happen. dragging him faster at the sight of the water and thankfully the moon is shining bright, reflecting on the water-
it is beautiful. definitely was worth coming here
✧ choi soobin。ᶠˡᵉᵐᶦˢʰ ᵍᶦᵃⁿᵗ 1 week ago
even after all his talking, he still flinches and jumps about a foot into the air when there was an audible rustling in the bushes nearby, panicking internally until realizing he had just kicked a rock— he blinks and continues on like nothing happened, face warm as they enter the clearing.
✧ kang taehyun。ᵍᵒˡᵈᵉⁿ ᵗᶦᵍᵉʳ [A] 1 week ago
That's true
he hums quitely, before shrugging his shoulders lightly, despite his heart rate picking up from the small fear during their walk he was quite happy to get out regardless.
If not it'll be okay, was an interesting trip regardless, and as long as we don't get attacked my anything, its even better.
✧ choi beomgyu。ᵐᵃˡᵗᵉˢᵉ 1 week ago
there could be but I think we can defend ourselves as three. so don't worry your pretty mind
-patting tyun's hand to try reassure him. looking up to see a glimpse of the moon but the top of the trees are pretty dense still-
hopefully is open enough that we can see the stars...
✧ choi soobin。ᶠˡᵉᵐᶦˢʰ ᵍᶦᵃⁿᵗ 1 week ago
hey! i’ve always loved nature and going outside.. since i’m in better shape now, i can manage a hike pretty easily. it’s nice.
rolling his eyes at the unreasonable things that could be lurking in the trees, he ignores the goosebumps rising along his arms and points ahead with a broad smile.
we are almost there. it’s in the opening in the trees- hopefully we can see it well with it being so dark.


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drifting 8 hours ago
lee hyeop, 25, drippin + hamster
sullen 2 days ago
Kim Yugyeom | | 26 | | GOT7 / Solo Artist Now | | Red Panda, please!
NoirISH 3 days ago
Jin Yonghoon, 30, coyote, Onewe, please
wisper 4 days ago
lee jaewook, 26, black cat please
fromtwilight 6 days ago
Choi Yeonjun (TXT), 24, as a red fox please!
mintcho [A] 6 days ago
— please comment full name, stage name, age group, + hybrid type !
cautionramen 1 week ago
Adam Chng, 30, model, cane corso please
jamjari 1 week ago
could i come back as my mingi please!
DNABleached 1 week ago
Kim taehyung, 28, bts, siberian tiger please
creamsoda 1 week ago
may i return?
seo changbin 25 straykids grey wolf
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