࿔*:・ lake!

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go swimming at the lake!
✧ jeon jungkook。ⁿᵉᵗʰᵉʳˡᵃⁿᵈ ᵈʷᵃʳᶠ 6 hours ago
@✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ It was a bit hard to concentrate when those big eyes were looking at him, but Jungkook liked it very much, it was a good idea to go on a date with him, to get his full attention to himself. He could swear he felt Felix felt a bit shy and it surprised him too much. A gentle smile was over his face when the beautiful boy was holding his sandwich. “Please eat a lot, you are probably really hungry as you just got back from work.” His voice was a bit worried, looking into his eyes when he said there wasn’t a reason to say no to him. “I’m glad and totally agree with you about dates.” His voice was soft to the other guy, having the feeling like he needs to protect him inside of him. Jungkook himself tried to stay calm and let the younger boy get to know him better, taking a sip from the wine. It felt nice and warm to drink it. The bunny hybrid was hypnotized by those eyes for a second before he realized what he said. “So many things- from =How was your day? To- What is your favorite color, food… things you like to do in your free time.” He said softly, taking a bite from his own sandwich now he really hoped Felix would enjoy the food he chose to bring with him.
✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ 13 hours ago
@✧ jeon jungkook。ⁿᵉᵗʰᵉʳˡᵃⁿᵈ ᵈʷᵃʳᶠ Felix watched as Jungkook made the sandwich, focused on all the ingredients he was adding to it. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting the reason to be when he asked the question, and honestly it could have been anything— but “most stunning” brow a smile to his lips. He glanced up, wide eyes squinting above the bright beam of his smile, what a bold statement. Though the bunny’s face did look genuine when he spoke it. He took the sandwich from him; a little too shy to take a bite without feeling goofy. “There honestly was no reason to say no,” Felix tried to play it cool, trying to resist a blush from coming down from his ears and staining his face. “Dates are how you get to know people,” he clear his throat taking the stem of the wine glass betwixt his fingers balancing it there while swishing the wine around the glass and taking a light sip, eyes flicking up over the glass to meet Jungkook’s. “So what do you wanna know? “
✧ jeon jungkook。ⁿᵉᵗʰᵉʳˡᵃⁿᵈ ᵈʷᵃʳᶠ 4 days ago
@✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ Jungkook gave him a sweet smile, nodding at him. “Let me spoil you then.” His voice was soft, wondering what was in his mind right now. The older one was organizing everything like it was a piece of art, not wanting to ruin anything. Glad when seeing Felix grinning and sitting on the blanket, sitting next to him he started to make a sandwich, putting some nice cheese on it and butter he handed it to the pretty boy next to him. Felix's next question made him smile again as he tried to find the right word to explain his reason. “I'm glad you like it, I wanted to take you out as you are the most stunning guy I have ever seen in real life- and I wanted to be alone with you to get to know you better…” Jungkook said quite honestly, even when the younger liked to badly he still had a soft spot for him. “I'm glad you said yes, even when I wasn't sure you would.” He said honestly as he was pouring wine in the nice glasses, handing one of the glasses to Felix, making another sandwich with all the good stuff in there.
✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ 4 days ago
@✧ jeon jungkook。ⁿᵉᵗʰᵉʳˡᵃⁿᵈ ᵈʷᵃʳᶠ "Agreed. Prince treatment required." Felix nodded his head curtly, watching as Jungkook set up the blanket, smoothing it when he needed and letting the older rearranged the goods he brought. Though his ears did perk up at the sound of chicken, he shouldn't be indulging in a picnic. Must resist the urges. Felix shook his head, shaking those thoughts free. Jungkook really had brought a variety of things to the picnic and it was aesthetically pleasing. Felix liked that's part. Felt like he was in a movie where you frolic through the forest and picnic on the Swiss Alps. With his hands on his hips he stepped around the blanket, admiring the bunny's handiwork. All great foods to go with wine, and lately-- wine was something Felix was very much interested in. He took a seat in the spot left open for him, grinning from the thought put into the picnic, "This is actually very nice, so why'd you wanna take me out on a date?"
✧ jeon jungkook。ⁿᵉᵗʰᵉʳˡᵃⁿᵈ ᵈʷᵃʳᶠ 6 days ago
@✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ Jungkook was glad when noticing Felix was smiling so sweetly after his compliment, meaning every word because the boy next to him was just stunning. It was cute to see him being shy suddenly, as he was quite confident most of the time. Pretty sure the younger one was so used to people staring at him in admiration all the time, thinking he might get bored from all the attention .He chose to wear a short tight black shirt and simple high skinny jeans, it was quite simple but also his style. It was normal for him to be soft and gentle but he was chuckling as Felix called him gentleman. “Well… a prince like you deserves it and quite more.” His voice said calmly, following the stunning boy and letting him choose the spot, holding his large picnic basket he smiled gently at him while he asked about the food. “I brought different kinds of cheese, some dips, bread, macarons and wine… but if you want something more or else like chicken- I can always order it for you… as you just got back from work. You must be really hungry.” Jungkook said gently, the teasing made him chuckle again. It wouldn't be so bad if my face stuck on such a stunning view… would it?” He winked at him, taking out from the basket the nice plaid blanket, placing it under the tree near the lake as he started to organize the food he brought with him.
✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ 6 days ago
@✧ jeon jungkook。ⁿᵉᵗʰᵉʳˡᵃⁿᵈ ᵈʷᵃʳᶠ The reassurance had Felix pressing his lips together unamused. Usually, when a sentence started out with 'don't worry' there was indeed actually a reason to worry. He didn't miss the glance to his lips, nor the smile that followed. Felix leaned against the door, nibbling on his thumb, grinning shyly from the compliment. He hadn't really changed after the fashion show, just putting on jeans and sneakers instead of the boots and slacks he had before-- something the be comfortable in. He nodded his head idly as he listened to Jungkook. The city outside passing as his words did, slowing only when they were near the lake. Felix unbuckled his seatbelt pulling his bag from the backseat and leaving the others there, looking up to Jungkook as he stepped out the door he'd open. "Wow so gentlemanly~ of you." He stretched his legs after the drive, a small hand coming up to barely shield his eyes from the glare of the sun, searching for the most optimal place to sit for the picnic, relishing the fact that not too many people were there already. He spotted a tree and started walking that way. "So what did you bring us to eat. That's the main part I wanna know?" Brows furrowed from the sunlight, glance at the beta, only to see him smiling again. Felix was really trying not to but, it just slipped out, "You know, your face can get stuck like that if you do that too often..."
✧ jeon jungkook。ⁿᵉᵗʰᵉʳˡᵃⁿᵈ ᵈʷᵃʳᶠ 1 week ago
@✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ Jungkook couldn't help but to chuckle at him. "Don't worry cutie, I'm a great driver. Even when I have such a beautiful distraction boy next to me-" He said gently as he looked at the road, even after a long day Felix was stunning. It actually made him happy to know Felix chose to spend his time with him as he was so busy. "I see.. you look stunning." He smiled and stared at his lips for a second before his eyes returned to the road. "I have some free days from the military... So no schedules, damn I kinda miss the idol life but also... not missing it at all at the same time." He chuckled softly, they were already near the lake so he stopped his car, taking the basket in one hand and went to open the door for Felix, looking at him with a soft smile. Feeling excited but he tried to look calm, not to give the other any reason to more than he usually do.
✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ 1 week ago
@✧ jeon jungkook。ⁿᵉᵗʰᵉʳˡᵃⁿᵈ ᵈʷᵃʳᶠ He inclined his head to the beta, accepting all compliments, though hi eyes were squinting giving Jungkook a playful side eye. "Don't skip any beats while driving, I'd like to get there in one piece." He said matter-of-factly, eyes flickering back from Jungkook to the front of the car. Felix was still settling into the car, taking his hat off to run his fingers through his hair and unhooking his mask from his ear to put on lip balm. "Yes I did just get back from work. Me and Lino hyung had a fashion to go see." He smacked his lips together with a little pop and put his lip balm away, folding his hands in his lap and looking out the window. These windows were pretty tinted, he thought. "Where are you coming from? Did you not have any schedules today?"
✧ jeon jungkook。ⁿᵉᵗʰᵉʳˡᵃⁿᵈ ᵈʷᵃʳᶠ 1 week ago
@✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ Jungkook was patient so he waited for Felix to arrive without complaining or sending any other message. He was surprised when the beautiful guy had so many bags with him. A large smile was all over his face when the younger boy was sitting next to him. "Hi, beautiful. Hyungnim... Do you try to make my heart skip a beat?" After all the teasing, to hear such a nickname made him smile brightly, Felix was really unique. "Did you just get back from work?" His voice was a bit worried as he was driving to the lake, hoping to give the stunning boy a really good time cause he sure adored his sweet smile and thought he deserved to have some fun.
✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ 1 week ago
@✧ jeon jungkook。ⁿᵉᵗʰᵉʳˡᵃⁿᵈ ᵈʷᵃʳᶠ Even though he had sent the text, Felix was certain not on his way. He had to make some rounds in the building telling his manager that now he was leaving officially and then he was down the steps, pulling up his face mask and pulling down his cap as he rushed to the car to avoid fans. He carried a few bags with him, his own Louis Vuitton keepall duffle and a few gift bags from the patient fan he had run into at the doors. After getting in the car he put his bags on the floor and put his seatbelt on, glancing over to Jungkook. "Hello, hyungnim"
✧ jeon jungkook。ⁿᵉᵗʰᵉʳˡᵃⁿᵈ ᵈʷᵃʳᶠ 1 week ago
@✧ felix lee。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ It's been a while since Jungkook went on a date, so it was pretty exciting. Felix for sure was very beautiful and it would be a shame to miss his chance and not ask someone like him on a date. Of course he wasn't like other guys, Felix was unique and it just made him curious about him even more. He had a large picnic basket with different kinds of cheese, bread and wine. Waiting in his luxury car to pick him up. After sending him a message to tell him he arrived.
✧ han jisung。ˢᵘᵍᵃʳ ᵍˡᶦᵈᵉʳ 1 week ago
@✧ lee minho。ᵛⁱᵖᵉʳⁱⁿᵃᵉ *makes happy little chitter sounds as you rub my head up, wiggling in your hold just enough to get comfortable. Tail flickers, indicating I'm ready for some much needed belly rubs*
✧ lee minho。ᵛⁱᵖᵉʳⁱⁿᵃᵉ 1 week ago
@✧ han jisung。ˢᵘᵍᵃʳ ᵍˡᶦᵈᵉʳ he can't help but the laugh out loud, the entirety of the situation properly dawning on him. ridiculous, throwing his best friend into the air and watching him come back. minho collects the small boy with ease, his hands wrapping around his little frame, tip of his finger rubbing his head.

✧ han jisung。ˢᵘᵍᵃʳ ᵍˡᶦᵈᵉʳ 1 week ago
@✧ lee minho。ᵛⁱᵖᵉʳⁱⁿᵃᵉ *excitedly spreads my arms when you launch me, gliding a bit of a distance before circling back towards you though I land just short of you. Bounces along the ground to make my way back to you, hoping up to grab onto your pants leg, climbing up your leg*
✧ lee minho。ᵛⁱᵖᵉʳⁱⁿᵃᵉ 1 week ago
@✧ han jisung。ˢᵘᵍᵃʳ ᵍˡᶦᵈᵉʳ he nods, moving his hand back just to launch you forward with a forceful toss — still somewhat wary of any proper damage he could cause. he trusts you, watching as you glide with the help of his throw.
✧ han jisung。ˢᵘᵍᵃʳ ᵍˡᶦᵈᵉʳ 1 week ago
@✧ lee minho。ᵛⁱᵖᵉʳⁱⁿᵃᵉ *makes little chitter sounds as you rub my head, tail flickering as if to indicate I'm ready and excited for the throw*
✧ lee minho。ᵛⁱᵖᵉʳⁱⁿᵃᵉ 1 week ago
@✧ han jisung。ˢᵘᵍᵃʳ ᵍˡᶦᵈᵉʳ minho quickly follows suit, eager to grasp you small body in his palm, cooing out.

you did great, jisung. ready for me to throw? he mumbles, rubbing the top of his head.
✧ han jisung。ˢᵘᵍᵃʳ ᵍˡᶦᵈᵉʳ 1 week ago
@✧ lee minho。ᵛⁱᵖᵉʳⁱⁿᵃᵉ *as soon as you give the go, I leap and spread all my little limbs out, easily gliding over to you, wrapping myself around one of your hands*
✧ lee minho。ᵛⁱᵖᵉʳⁱⁿᵃᵉ 1 week ago
@✧ han jisung。ˢᵘᵍᵃʳ ᵍˡᶦᵈᵉʳ minho narrows in on the boy, amusement obvious on his face as he gives a little nod, his arms open for jisung to find his way back to him. he even prepared bugs for downtime.
✧ han jisung。ˢᵘᵍᵃʳ ᵍˡᶦᵈᵉʳ 1 week ago
@✧ lee minho。ᵛⁱᵖᵉʳⁱⁿᵃᵉ *scurries up a nearby tree as a sugar glider, soft brown fur blending in with the branch. Large eyes keep glancing around for signs of you, ready to jump the moment you get within range*
✧ han jisung。ˢᵘᵍᵃʳ ᵍˡᶦᵈᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@✧ kang taehyun。ᵍᵒˡᵈᵉⁿ ᵗᶦᵍᵉʳ *lets out a chuckle*
No rush~
*Settles in the water, watching you curiously*
Do you want me to close my eyes?
Would that help?
✧ kang taehyun。ᵍᵒˡᵈᵉⁿ ᵗᶦᵍᵉʳ [A] 2 weeks ago
@✧ han jisung。ˢᵘᵍᵃʳ ᵍˡᶦᵈᵉʳ *hums in thought, tapping his chin playfully*
well, you're right i probably won't either
*he looks around the lake to try find a lower spot, before moving closer to the bank, he sits down before looking back at you*
i'm suddenly shy so give me a minute
*he chuckles lightly at himself before settling back in the water*
✧ han jisung。ˢᵘᵍᵃʳ ᵍˡᶦᵈᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@✧ kang taehyun。ᵍᵒˡᵈᵉⁿ ᵗᶦᵍᵉʳ You're right, I probably won't.
But will you be able to resist the cuteness of the lil sugar glider?
*wraps my tail around your arm gently with a cheeky smile*
✧ kang taehyun。ᵍᵒˡᵈᵉⁿ ᵗᶦᵍᵉʳ [A] 2 weeks ago
@✧ han jisung。ˢᵘᵍᵃʳ ᵍˡᶦᵈᵉʳ You might not be able to resist the cuteness of the kitty if you see him
*chuckles a bit giving you a raised brow, teasing a bit*
Of course ~
✧ han jisung。ˢᵘᵍᵃʳ ᵍˡᶦᵈᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@✧ kang taehyun。ᵍᵒˡᵈᵉⁿ ᵗᶦᵍᵉʳ I absolutely want to see big kitty
*chuckles softly*
Big kitty or not, thanks for letting me join you~
✧ kang taehyun。ᵍᵒˡᵈᵉⁿ ᵗᶦᵍᵉʳ [A] 2 weeks ago
Just say you wanna see the big kitty hmm?
he teased lightly and tilts his head to the side.
✧ han jisung。ˢᵘᵍᵃʳ ᵍˡᶦᵈᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
()no rush hun! Drive safe!

What happened to being a big kitty in the lake hm~?
*Tail flickers, making little splashes*
✧ kang taehyun。ᵍᵒˡᵈᵉⁿ ᵗᶦᵍᵉʳ [A] 2 weeks ago
Scrunches his face up a bit and just wades in the water for a moment humming lightly
It does ~

() I gotta drive so I’ll be back but I’m still here !
✧ han jisung。ˢᵘᵍᵃʳ ᵍˡᶦᵈᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
*tail flickers, splashing you back with a smile*
This feels nice
✧ kang taehyun。ᵍᵒˡᵈᵉⁿ ᵗᶦᵍᵉʳ [A] 2 weeks ago
splashes you with water


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drifting 8 hours ago
lee hyeop, 25, drippin + hamster
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— please comment full name, stage name, age group, + hybrid type !
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may i return?
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