⟼ p:s two

slow chat


this chat is also online, but a slow chat for those just wanting to casually chat a little.

m. sakura .ᐟ 3 days ago
Been a hot minute.
ten .ᐟ 1 week ago
it's like the night is just dragging on.
y. jimin .ᐟ 1 week ago
logs on and sets my status to "away"
starts to do some work and edit a video
c. beomgyu .ᐟ 1 week ago
• logs on, setting my status to away, being busy •
this painting just.. doesn't want to flow right..
m. sakura .ᐟ 1 week ago
Hmhmhm almost done w the cake >.>
m. sakura .ᐟ 1 week ago
Hahahaha cutie
Id see you soon then, lucky for you I was already dressed :eyeroll:
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
you have no choice now, i'm already out of bed and dressed :/ but yeah, i promise
m. sakura .ᐟ 1 week ago
Promise me? Only then I'd come
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
...s i g h s
alright, fine fine.
m. sakura .ᐟ 1 week ago
Okay I could meet you but like only if you would eat something with me, deal? :points:
And you need to definitely drink more water.
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
, my phones been giving me trouble lately.. are you free? could meet up at the local center and talk?
should probably get out of my apartment at some point, anyway - tired of being cooped up in chats with everyone. i'll even get water--- but no, still haven't had food.
m. sakura .ᐟ 1 week ago
()I wanna talk to Rina but like how rip xnsksk
m. sakura .ᐟ 1 week ago
Tails and all, look like a doll to you? :eyes:
And well I mean I can understand where you're coming from so I get what you're saying jun bug ♡ hah its pretty sweet and endearing that the more we hangout the more things we pick up from one another huh? Either way, are you being a good boy and drinking your water and eating? :points:
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
nah, i'm sure it's a little hard to understand how it could be worse on my end, especially comparing it to how you would feel. yeaaah, my presence tends to do that.. it's my own braindead self rubbing off on people, you're cute though.
geez, i hope not, i might not recover </3
what? it fits - tails and all
y. jimin .ᐟ 1 week ago
logs on but stays quiet and puts my status to "away"
as I am doing things for my channel
m. sakura .ᐟ 1 week ago
Aaaaa yeah you see I'm so dumb and slow I'm down so bad its not even funny smh. Sigh. Its like I saw your name pop up on my phone and all brain cells are depleted and my brain goes to zzz but not in a negative way, in a way that damn you got me fkd up (pos). Either way, you won't ever lose me :kiss: :hug:
Doll— boy stop >.>
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
lmao why would it be more upsetting for me? to lose the closest person to me? because you'd have done something so bad i had to walk away? i think it's self explanatory.
:pleading: i accepted it as endearment, doll-
m. sakura .ᐟ 1 week ago
Why would you end up upsetting yourself more than me? Am I just slow for not understanding. — I know I was called slow fr bc I am lmfao.
:sigh: pft pls — you're a handsome one at that and I call you these things because I'm always endeared by you — are you offended, baby?
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
it's technically a compliment- means i don't think fae magic would work on you lol i don't plan to try, i'd probably end up more upset than you----
you'd have to do something pretty bad to deserve it, amorina, i don't think that'll be a concern, especially from a *fool* like me
m. sakura .ᐟ 1 week ago
Wow too damn stubborn and hard headed?! Smh I don't know if you're trying to be sweet or diss me :squints: either way. You're not getting rid of me unless you throw me away :( and even then I'd be demanding a goddamn explanation bc I ain't deserve that :hand: handsome fool
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
i mean, i could have but there's also the fact ive never once used my magic like that - why would i want fake love? i could get that just going to a bar, wouldn't be hard. plus, you're too damn stubborn and hardheaded to fall for tricks like that.
m. sakura .ᐟ 1 week ago
Oh— inch resting stuff :writing:
So basically what I'm reading here is that you think I love you and wanna be with you and around you because of your marvelous powers as fae folk? I think that isn't true because I adore you naturally but — I'd also like to think that being demon fox and all I would have my head screwed on a little more right compared to others. But — either way, kidnap me for you want I don't mind :hand:
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
you know fae like to steal people, right? especially those with talents that can bring entertainment or resources to their own realm.. names mean power, same as with.. like, demons. technically, you don't even know mine, so there's that.

i'm saying you could feel that way and never actually know if i was making you or not. powerful magic and all.
m. sakura .ᐟ 1 week ago
Eyes. So wait a minute. You think I love you because you just own my soul?! Or is it because you have such compelling powers to make me love you even if you're a lil :thinking: yknow that sounds pretty accurate. :o
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
of course i know about my own species, silly-
fae are already mischievous, evil little things.. plus, you know, giving one your name is like giving over a part of your soul, usually used for... nefarious reasons.
who knows, maybe that's *why* you love me
m. sakura .ᐟ 1 week ago
Mmmm it's fine. Just remember I love you :(
m. sakura .ᐟ 1 week ago
:eyes: oh now I'm in nymph 101 with professor junnie :] do tell me more so I'd keep my peace with your spirit oh wise one
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
it's been a weird day, my brain isn't all there
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
you know raising a nymph from the dead just makes them more and more vile, yes? not *only* would i be evil, i have your name.. never give your name to fae~
m. sakura .ᐟ 1 week ago
Did I get you shy :p


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schnuggldiwuppdich 4 days ago
Nature07 5 days ago
May I reserve Honda Hitomi?
LoveMeDown 5 days ago
Can we reserve non-Korean characters? Like, if I wanted to roleplay as "Tems"?
orbitinsomnia 5 days ago
May I know how many character can we reserve?
tendojigoku 6 days ago
May I reserve kwon eunbi please?
shaboom 1 week ago
may i reserve choi soobin please
babyfangz 1 week ago
:raises hand:
Hi! I don't know what to be, but i'd really like to join this rp under one condition: do you welcome internationals?
cer_berus 1 week ago
can I reserve park sunghoon (enhypen), please?
bvbbles 1 week ago
Uhm, I'd like to apply but I have one tiny problem.
preciosa 1 week ago
hello i had reserved an yujin >< may i change my reservation imsosorryfhdsufsf
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