⟼ park



take a walk, see the stars

h. hitomi .ᐟ 4 days ago
@c. beomgyu .ᐟ The park one of the few places a fairy like herself could come to when they need some peace and quite at night plus it's a free public place. She decided to come just a hour or two after the sun had set placing herself up high on a tree branch hidden to anyone who looks up, but Hitomi could see if she looks down. It was only then that she proof off her human form to relax. The nice cool wind playing like a lullaby luring her to sleep.

It felt like only a few minutes has passed when in reality it was a few hours when she woke up in terror. The fairy eyes wide as she tried to catch her breathes from the nightmare- no memories of her past played out like a movie in her sleep. She had hope being outdoors especially being so close to nature would stop if not at least ease mind enough for a more peaceful sleep.

A almost soundless bitter laugher escape her lips as she proof back to her human form shaking the visions she knew that wasn't there out. It was not the time nor place to lost control of her emotions.

She jumped down from the tree without looking to see if anyone was there as the multiple things she done this there's never anyone around as this time of night. It wasn't until she fixed her clothes and hair that she spotted someone sitting not to far away. Weird, but it feels nice to know she wasn't the only one out it somehow make her a tiny bit calmer.

Her body took over walking over towards the male taking a sit on the other end of the bench before she notices what even happen. It wasn't like her; however tonight she just wanted some company even if it means just sitting in complete silence. She tilted her head to look at the sky before closing her eyes only for her stomach to growl in protest mare moments later since the last time she ate was in the morning.
c. beomgyu .ᐟ 4 days ago
The park was quiet, as it often was at night, the kind of stillness that only came after most of the world had tucked away for the evening. A cool breeze rustled through the leaves and his unkept locks, carrying with it the faintest whisper of autumn, thought the air was still warm enough to not raise goosebumps. Beomgyu settled on one of the benches near the edge of the park, relaxed posture, almost lazy, as if he had all the time in the world.

In truth, he really didn't. That was a thought he didn't want to dwell on - not there.

His gaze traced the path in front of him, watching as the occasional lost soul wandered by, lost in their own thoughts. He could feel them, though - their energy, their warmth. The pull was always there, just under his skin, reminding him of who and what he was. He could feel the call of souls trapped in fleshy prisons, writhing and squirming to escape the twisted realm they were in. Like so many nights, he let it simmer beneath the surface, the hunger, undisturbed.

For the time being, at least.

He leaned back, one arm draping casually over the back of the bench, his gaze lifting up to study the sky. The stars were faint, barely visible thanks to the haze of city lights, but they were there - distant and untouchable, just like everything else in his life as of recent. A wry smile tugged at his pierced lips.

Banished to Earth. It felt so surreal, even after so many years.

He shifted slightly, ears standing tall and one leg crossed over the other, his boots scuffing against the ground as he settled further. There was no urgency in his movements, no sign of the weight that lingered over him like a shadow. Anyone passing by would see nothing more than a man lost in thought, seemingly enjoying the night air.

But there was a lot more to Beomgyu's thoughts. Something a lot darker than the eye could see.

His fingers tapped absently against the armrest of the bench, ears twitching here and there due to the buzzing of the city. He didn't know how long time had even past once he sat down or how long he planned to stay - maybe until the park emptied, maybe until a stranger found themselves looking for the company.
n. jaemin .ᐟ 1 week ago
Jaemin flopped down the bench as he look ahead with his messy hair and dark eyebags. High school exams , even for freaking teachers grading the hideous exam papers with aweful handwriting than sometimes looks like witchcraft. He took a deep sigh as he knock the cigarette box on his thighs as he cross the idea of quiting all together. Taking the cigarette between his lips and taking the first breath in and keeping it inside. Praying to all gods that he doesn't meet any of his students nor their parents.

(Feel free to reply!)


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schnuggldiwuppdich 4 days ago
Nature07 5 days ago
May I reserve Honda Hitomi?
LoveMeDown 5 days ago
Can we reserve non-Korean characters? Like, if I wanted to roleplay as "Tems"?
orbitinsomnia 5 days ago
May I know how many character can we reserve?
tendojigoku 6 days ago
May I reserve kwon eunbi please?
shaboom 1 week ago
may i reserve choi soobin please
babyfangz 1 week ago
:raises hand:
Hi! I don't know what to be, but i'd really like to join this rp under one condition: do you welcome internationals?
cer_berus 1 week ago
can I reserve park sunghoon (enhypen), please?
bvbbles 1 week ago
Uhm, I'd like to apply but I have one tiny problem.
preciosa 1 week ago
hello i had reserved an yujin >< may i change my reservation imsosorryfhdsufsf
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