⟼ nymphis



crystal and organic herb shop owned by: yeonjun

c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 2 days ago
@c. soobin .ᐟ He couldn't say the compliment didn't make him happy, it wasn't often people came into his shop and offered such praises. 'Don't worry, you don't really look like the stalking type,' he pointed out with the same amusement though his tone had calmed, not wanting to push too much, 'must be the world giving you a sign.' Turning from his spot to step closer to the stockroom door behind him, he hummed in acknowledgement, head tipping. 'It's cute. The rambling and whatnot — /you're/ cute, too. It's fitting, I think.' Yeonjun collected his jacket and keys from the hook around the corner of the door before pulling it closed behind him, glancing to the clock on the wall. 'Well.. I don't feel like being here anymore today, sooo.. how about you get to know me more while walking to find something to eat? Don't worry, you can keep the crystal, too.'
c. soobin .ᐟ 4 days ago
@c. yeonjun .ᐟ Soobin’s cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink as he processed Yeonjun’s teasing tone. He fidgeted with the edge of his sleeve, trying to find his footing. “Uh, yeah, pretty,” he echoed, feeling slightly absurd for repeating himself. Yeonjun’s playful banter and lean in were surprisingly comforting, helping to ease Soobin’s anxiety a little. “I swear, I’m not following you.” He chuckled nervously, though it was more genuine now. “I just seem to have a talent for running into you.” The comment about wearing something nice made Soobin’s eyes widen in surprise. “You could wear anything and still look great,” he said earnestly, then quickly added, “Not that you need to worry about that! I, uh, should probably stop before I embarrass myself even more.” It was entirely embarrassing, this entire interaction, which was the foundation for his next words. If he was in this deep, he might as well go full force right? If anything went badly he would simply never show his face around the area again, easy enough. "Honestly I came in today, not for the crystal but to try and get to know you more.. clearly I am no casanova."
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 4 days ago
@c. soobin .ᐟ Yeonjun blinked, watching the panic unfold as the latter tried to salvage what had just spilled out. For a moment, he simply stayed still and quiet, gaze tracing the flush that spread over his cheeks, earning a tiny grin. "Pretty, huh..?" he parroted, leaning forward on the counter slightly, his tone teasing but never unkind. He was amused - very amused - but also flattered, droopy pierced ears twitching slightly. "You've got a way with compliments, don't you?" Folding his arms on the counter, he studied him with exaggerated curiously. "You sure you're not following me? Because, I'd hate to think my looks were causing such burden." It was a long shot but he hoped his light teasing could at last ease the panic, even a little. He let the words hang in the air for a moment, giving him the time to not shrink under the weight of his nerves before laughing, waving a dismissive hand. "Can't say I haven't noticed you, being taller than most people around, but I will say I'm not as.. observant of faces, so.. you're off the hook for now, I guess. But, if you /do/ decide to follow me, at least let me know ahead of time so I can make sure I'm wearing something nice."
c. soobin .ᐟ 4 days ago
@c. yeonjun .ᐟ As the clerk turned their back to him, Soobin has a millisecond long check-in with himself. All he had to do was show interest, it wasn’t that big of a deal! Any person on the face of the planet could do this, I mean there wasn’t even anyone else in the store! His teeth worry the inside of his cheek as the other placed down the bag, blinking at them with a scattered smile. “I have seen you around and I think you’re really pretty.” It was word vomit, something he hadn’t even cleared with himself before speaking and definitely not supposed to come off as creepy as it probably had. Mortification was quick to settle over the tall man’s features, his skin flushing a rosy shade as he waves a hand in panic, trying to do damage control. “I haven’t been following you! I just— your shop isn’t far from mine so I think we run into each other often and since you are really good-looking I probably notice it a lot more than you would notice me?” He was so doomed.
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 5 days ago
@c. soobin .ᐟ Having heard and mildly ignored the tiny bell to his shop dinging for his attention, Yeonjun decided to leave whoever it was to their own devices as he sat on the floor before the counter, organizing the jars of stones and dried herbs, carefully lining them against the display glass. Getting to his feet earned a groan and a curse under his breath as an antler caught the edge of the counter, leading to his quick prayer that the action wasn't scene — or heard, he really didn't need to embarass himself like that. His eyes closed, only briefly, waiting to hear something before he relaxed, straightening with a defeated sign to himself. He'd found himself on a streak of hitting things like he entirely lacked spacial awareness and it was grating on his nerves. Thankfully, he managed to push that attitude aside as an.. oddly familiar face approached the counter. He didn't even realize he squinted at first, shifting his expression to a small smile.

"Hello to you, too." Yeonjun studied him for a second, raking the ridges of his brain for some type of answer to why he was familiar. Probably just a passing face, he decided. His gaze dropped to the crystal then back, letting slip a little comment on the use of it, which seemed to drift off into another realm. He didn't mind, reaching to carefully steady the crystal before collecting it to wrap up, the words earning a gentle chuckle. "I kind of figured," he mused, turning around to sift through the velvet bags, various sizes he hadn't organized, "no need to apologize, though.. never seen someone so enthusiastic about citrine." Turning back to him as he bagged the crystal, setting it back on the counter. "Thirty for the sun stone."
c. soobin .ᐟ 5 days ago
@c. yeonjun .ᐟ Soobin could be a very brave person. Sure, he was a larger guy and technically immortal, so it should track, right? To be specific, Soobin is only brave when he is doing it for someone else. When it comes to his own challenges, he can be intensely timid-- as much was proving true at this moment, as he pretends to really scrutinize a crystal he has never heard of, in front of a shelf inside Nymphis. The shop wasn't a place he would normally patronize, not because it was too out of the ordinary for a half-fae to frequent a mystical store like this one, but because he himself had no knack for the items sold here. He just so happened to have stumbled inside one time to purchase a hard to come by herb for a large order of cupcakes a few weeks back, and maybe.. just maybe he developed a slight crush on the person behind the counter. Slight was definitely an understatement if you considered his normal interactions with people. Ever since that encounter, (of which it could hardly be called) he continuously ran into the male during his day to day errands. The park, the grocery store, hell he even almost ran into the being while exiting his own store a couple days back! So maybe, just maybe it was a sign that he needed to make a move... but how?

The large hybrid finally chooses a crystal off the shelf, it was labeled as 'Citrine' and stated to give good luck-- something he would desperately need in order to get through this interaction smoothly. He in a deep breath and turns the corner, striding up to the counter and nervously clearing his throat. "Hello." Nice- he got out at least one word... wow, they were still as breathtaking as the first time he had seen them. Maybe it was the way the shop accented their features, but they seemed so.. enchanting to him in this place, like they were made to be here? His lashes flutter as he processes his feelings, not realizing the other has been blinking at him curiously. Oh- he must have said something.. what was he doing again? His eyes widen comically and he quickly sets the crystal on the counter, almost dropping it in the process. "I would like to buy this! S-sorry.."


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schnuggldiwuppdich 4 days ago
Nature07 5 days ago
May I reserve Honda Hitomi?
LoveMeDown 5 days ago
Can we reserve non-Korean characters? Like, if I wanted to roleplay as "Tems"?
orbitinsomnia 5 days ago
May I know how many character can we reserve?
tendojigoku 6 days ago
May I reserve kwon eunbi please?
shaboom 1 week ago
may i reserve choi soobin please
babyfangz 1 week ago
:raises hand:
Hi! I don't know what to be, but i'd really like to join this rp under one condition: do you welcome internationals?
cer_berus 1 week ago
can I reserve park sunghoon (enhypen), please?
bvbbles 1 week ago
Uhm, I'd like to apply but I have one tiny problem.
preciosa 1 week ago
hello i had reserved an yujin >< may i change my reservation imsosorryfhdsufsf
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