Our Rules!![](https://38.media.tumblr.com/0d9dc0e014e173618adcf22fa8f47a9c/tumblr_neqyicWGSs1u1nuzeo1_500.gif)
1. This RP is any POV, as a sign of respect please ask the other person which POV they prefer before you post on their wall. (though for those of you who don't like the occasional /SPAZZES/ all over your wall, please state in your status 'no random starters'. That way people will know to plot with you first! ^-^
2. All races, genders, and orientations are welcome! I don't care who you are or who you love! Children are also accepted, but please keep romances 15+. We don't like es here, this isn't a kink rp (on the outside).
3. Absolutely no OOC drama! This RP is all about having fun and enjoying each other's company! On that note you can have as much IC drama as you want as long as it doesn't negatively effect the rp!
4. Upon applying you will be put into a catagory for the Love Horoscope quizzes. We will put you in the catagory we think best fits your character overall!
5. Your results for the quiz are not not a mandatory match make, they are simply a way to help nudge you in the right direction! Helping you to find someone you have common interests with, if you decide you want to find love on your own you don't even have to take the quiz!
6. There is a three character limit for now, but if you are super active and you ask the main admin super nice you may be allowed to have more than that! But please make sure you have some variety in your characters! Okay?
7. Try to be fun! This is a fun roleplay and a fun place! So enjoy your time here and feel free to invite your friends to join too!
8. There will be an inactivity set for 10 days. We want to keep this rp active, so you will get three warnings before you are removed. HOWEVER if after the first warning you don't respond to us, you are not on hiatus, and someone else wants your character we will give your character to that person.
9. If the character you want isn't on the master list, then please COMMENT the NAME and GROUP of the character you want! We will add it ASAP!
10. Please FAVORITE the RP before you apply, and COMMENT after you apply!
11. The password is: So Right! Love!
The Application! ![](http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/271/2/0/tumblr_modhaysdgt1sqj3p9o1_500_by_mydreammagic-d6obzta.gif)
Idol Name:
Preferred POV:
Five Words to Decribe Your Character:
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