1. Favorite is a must. Upvoting is an option that is gratefully appreciated. Comment who you would like to be. Reservations last for 2 days.
2. You have 7 days until the inactive shows up by your name. You will receive two warnings before being kicked out.
3. Every orientation, nationality, including 1st and 3rd pov are allowed here. Keep in M rated rooms, wall, or PM. Talk with everyone no one wants to be lonely or forgotten. Please use every room to your advantage there are plenty!
4. Your allowed to have two characters. Before getting a second character you must have at least 500 points and notify the admins. You can use the gambling room to earn points as well.
5. Please check the imperial/kim/park positions and Hierarchy info before joining. we will know if you did not check them out. Long Live The Emperor!
6. IC drama is wanted urgently. Be realistic. Anything that happens in real life happens here. Do not be mad that your character is heartbroken you are allowed to have revenge. No OOC drama. You will be kicked out immediately.
7.Please notify the admins if leaving or going on hiatus. Pregnancies are allowed only with the admins permission and notification. If you have any further questions please ask the admin.
Full Name: (Ex: Park Kyungri)
Group: (Nine Muses)
Age: (25 years old)
Position: (Concubine)
Imperial, Kim, or Park: (FOR MAIDS ONLY)
Timezone: (GMT -5)
Password: (It's in the rules somewhere)
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