please remember to follow the rules. failure to compliance will lead to unacceptance. Our rules aren't that hard after all, are they?
I. Favorite the roleplay. This is compulsory. However, upvoting is entirely optional; although we will most likely appreciate it if you do.
II. Strictly no face-chasers and biased roleplayers. Given that Roleplayrepublic is a community, let us try our best to communicate with everyone. The other roleplayers are just a wallpost away - so don't hesitate to talk to them. The admins, especially.
III. OOC drama is not allowed. IC drama, however, is loved.
IV. Profanity is allowed, yes. is allowed, too - but I advice you not do it just anywhere or everywhere. Remember: this is a zombie apocalypse-themed RP. Unless you want a zombie to join your intimate scene, I suggest you keep your somewhere safe. This applies to being realistic, yes.
V. This an AU-themed roleplay as well - so you're not an idol. This is, as well, a 3rd POV roleplay. The use of 1st pov is not necessary unless talking OOC in walls or the OOC rooms. If not in the OOC rooms, please use brackets to indicate the out of character conversation. ( [ ], ( ), { } )
VI. We have nothing against homouality, but I'd like to keep it minimum. Please remember that we also have straights in here.
VII. Always remember the first rule in roleplaying etiquette: if you ask to roleplay, be obliged to post the starter. As well as be fair to your roleplaying partner. If he or she gives you a fair length for a starter, try your best to at least match the length. One-liner replies/starters are completely forbidden.
VIII. I do not tolerate the act of plagiarism in characterization and profiles so I suggest you be unique and have your own profile constructed by your own ideas. So please at least try to be creative.
IX. No godmodding. Control your own character, please.
X. You may only have two characters per account, of opposite es and different groups. You may only be able to have a second character once proven that your first character is active enough. If you'd like to have another character, do approach an admin.
XI. If caught inactive, you are to be given at least two warnings. If you do not get back to activity by then, you will be banned from the roleplay.
XII. If you are to go into a hiatus, please refer to contacting admin Baekhyun through PM, stating from when and until when.
XIII. You must always check the OOC room. Updates are often posted there.
XIV. There is a password - please check it out on the how to apply part below. This is your only ticket to acceptance.
XV. This roleplay is also based off from the game/series, Resident Evil. So yes, you may use that as basis for constructing your character. Some organizations might even exist in this RP as well (including the FPC (Federation of Pharmaceutical Companies), and even BSAA (Bio-terrorism Security Assessment Alliance)). You may use the Resident Evil Wiki for basis.
I. Check the face claim list if your desired idol is available.
II. Use the format for application below:
Face Claim:
Group: (if soloist or actress/actor, do state so)
ual Orientation:
Writing Style:
Writing Sample: (min. 100 words)
III. After you have filled the form, please have it commented so we can add up your desired character.
IV. Keep it in mind that reservation of character only lasts for 48 hours (2 days) max.
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