All Open Taken Masterlist of Characters View: Groups Table Description Rules Masterlist Announcements ♢ OOC ROOM ♢ IC ROOM ♢ REQUEST ROOM ♢ COUPLE LIST ♢ WISHLIST ♢ CONFESSION ROOM * FOREST/PARK * INFIRMARY/HOSPITAL * ROOFTOP * SWIMMING POOL * DONGIE'S COOKIES BAKER * BASKETBALL COURT * ICE CREAM * NURSERY *AQUARIUM Hang out here room Affiliate ~ * Click on headers to sort Character Played By Group Baekhyun (APPLY) Exo Chanyeol (Inactive) --LovelyLittleAntry Exo Chen (Inactive) SparklingSuhoWater Exo Kai (APPLY) Exo Kris (APPLY) Exo Kyungsoo (APPLY) Exo Lay (Inactive) gravitropism Exo Luhan (APPLY) Exo Sehun (APPLY) Exo Suho (APPLY) Exo Tao (APPLY) Exo Xiumin (APPLY) Exo Chanho (APPLY) others Chihoon (APPLY) others Hongbin (APPLY) others Inseong (APPLY) others Jackson (APPLY) others Jaebum (APPLY) others Jinwoon (APPLY) others Jonghyun (APPLY) others Joohyuk (APPLY) others JR (APPLY) others Jungkook (APPLY) others Junhoe (Inactive) SingForMeJuneBabe others Kenn Wang Ye (APPLY) others L.Joe (APPLY) others Minki (APPLY) others Onew (APPLY) others Siwon (APPLY) others Sungmin (Inactive) --LovelyLittleAntry others Taehyung (APPLY) others Taekwoon (APPLY) others Taemin (APPLY) others Xero (APPLY) others Yoongi (APPLY) others Youngmin (APPLY) others Baekjong (APPLY) Twin Changyu (APPLY) Twin Jongdae (APPLY) Twin JongIn (APPLY) Twin Junmyeon (Inactive) SparklingSuhoWater Twin Kyungie (APPLY) Twin Ren (APPLY) Twin Sungmean [ H ] (APPLY) Twin Taesun (APPLY) Twin TaoZi (APPLY) Twin Xiao Lu (APPLY) Twin Yifan (APPLY) Twin Yixing SingForMeJuneBabe Twin