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You're in RP-mode here but it's a free room so do whatever! :)
Hey, everyone! Hogwarts is starting up again! :D Thanks for waiting patiently, but the rooms will still be under co. You can still rp in them.
Anywayyyyy~ Check the description for the new plot and if you ever want to change characters, the time is now! \o/
You may also restart your character and change your background story according to the plot. :) However, if you want to keep your relationships as they are now, feel free to do so and continue on. Do take into account that some of your friends may have restarted or changed characters.
If you want to change just let either Kyuhyun or Lee Jieun (admins) know and we'll change your character name so you don't have to reapply!
Official blog for hogwarts on tumblr. [click here]