¤ [Guidance Scientist's] Laboratory ¤

Hidden underground, this is where the Guidance Scientist does his notorious experiments. Don't be surprised to see the failed experiments here and those in progress. His quarters are also attached to his labortory for easy access.

Eunhyuk (Guidance Scientist-SH) 11 years ago
(( I'm forseeing a smite to the face for joking like that eue ))
Kyuhyun (Special) 11 years ago
(( OUO Donghae with glittery pink wings?? XDD ))
Eunhyuk (Guidance Scientist-SH) 11 years ago
@Donghae (Ace Specialist) The scientist rolled his eyes slightly to the side as he heard Donghae's reply, muttering a simple 'I see' to the other and continued with what he'd been doing and then turned his head a little to glance at Donghae over his shoulder for a moment as if he were thinking of something to say to the Specialist. Unknown to himself, a slight smirk danced its way over his lips for a moment before it faded again. Skilfully he'd place the vials in his hands onto the counter for now and then turned his body around so that he fully faced the Ace Specialist, leaning against the counter as his arms folded over his chest, eyeing the Specialist carefully.

“Well, firstly I wasn't implying I was expecting to see you, since I've been writing up some things for the past few hours. Secondly, you're getting let off lightly for now since I'm saving the better experiments for you.” That smirk crept back onto his face for now, it was as if he was trying to make the other curse at him some more, when really, he was just having a bit of fun with making the other think he was going to be experimenting on him sometime soon. Eunhyuk tilted his head to the side slightly while the smirk left his face and left him with an expressionless look. “And what did you do exactly to have others hunting you down? I hope they won't do too much damage to you, I'd hate to see that pretty face of yours all covered up in bruising...and other things.” He shrugged his shoulder while leaning off the counter and stretching his arms over his head briefly before turning back to the vials.

“You can barge in whenever you like, I wouldn't stop you anyway.” He said while grabbing the vials and started to mix them up into the empty ones he'd brought, smiling briefly when they changed into different neon glows. “A-hah, I knew it would work this time... that's the first part a success again.” He said happily before setting the vials aside again and turned back round to wander over to Donghae, stopping at the table and leaned the palms of his hands down on the edge of it. “I wonder, Ace Specialist. I do need some 'help' with my next experiment, the one I will be trying on you.” His sudden small grin almost looked teasing while it took every ounce not to laugh in amusement at his 'idea'. “So I hope you'll enjoy having a small pair of cute, baby pink wings with glitter and flashing lights.”
Donghae (Ace Specialist) 11 years ago
@Eunhyuk (Guidance Scientist) "I never wait, If I wanted you, I would have found you myself." Donghae grumbled as his eyes flicked opened and zoned onto Eunhyuk. He examined the other's physical features closely, noting that he was rather slim yet finely toned for someone who was a special. Finely toned. Donghae shook his head, his eyes never leaving the other as he spoke up a couple seconds later. "Dont mind me, and dont you dare ing try anything on me either... I just,"

Donghae bit his lip as he tried to find the right thing to say. I just was bored and had no life so i came here? or Im so used to being experimented on, I practically live here? Again, no. that would probably be an invitation for the other to experiment on his . "There is a rather pissy cyborg and a determined hologram trying to hunt me down at the moment, and they wouldnt dare interrupt barging in here and interrupting your work." Donghae lied, though the blank expression on his face never showed it.

"me on the other hand, I'll barge in here and do whatever the hell I want. get used to it, i practically live here." He grumbled, untangling himself from his body as he sat up a bit straighter and crossed his arms. He had to admit, the other wasnt nearly half as bad as what he had thought. at least... He seemed tolerable. Donghae tore his gaze off the other and stared at the items he was carrying in his hands, wanting to ask what he was up to, but not really caring at the same time either.
Eunhyuk (Guidance Scientist-SH) 11 years ago
@Donghae (Ace Specialist) After Eunhyuk had made final amendments to the paperwork he'd go ahead and actually re-write it all into a perfect document other than having messy work everywhere. He was pretty sure that it'd work this time without a doubt and without any failures. He grabbed at a couple of vials and placed them on his desk to double check he was taking the right ones. His current experiment wasn't likely to be seen as all that much to some people, but he liked the idea of what he'd come up with, which was having markings on the face or body that would differ in colours if Special were to show any type of emotion or even thinking in a positive or negative manner. It was definitely a tricky one but he was sure he could manage to pull it off sometime soon.

Smiling briefly at the thought of success on this try, Eunhyuk took a small tray of vials with him as well as his small bundle of carefully re-written instructions and notes. Before using them on a Special he'd need to make a few small mixtures up within other vials first and where better to do such a thing than in the lab. On his way to the lab he'd glanced at the fish tank and found himself thinking about the Ace Specialist for a moment, wondering just how often that one spent daily in front of the fish tank and of course as soon as he got started on thinking about that, his mind would trail off into thinking about other possible experiments.

Almost at the lab door he'd pause, swearing that he had heard something. He'd shrug it off and head on into the room, not paying any attention to the syringe currently wedged into the door by its needle and placed the tray on the counter before sighing to himself, placing the papers next to the tray as he busied himself for a moment or two and only just then did he notice the Ace Specialist on the table. “Were you waiting long?” He'd ask before turning back to the counter to set up some things he'd need for the mixtures.
Donghae (Ace Specialist) 11 years ago
@Eunhyuk (Guidance Scientist) By the time Eunhyuk had reached the hallway, Donghae was already at the entrance of Eunhyuk’s lab. He opened the door slightly; peaking in to make sure no one was inside before disappearing into the room entirely. Damn, this room changed a lot since the last Guidance Scientist. Donghae sighed, looking around the room as he ran his finger tips across the top of the counters; never believing that he was secretly wishing for the guidance scientist to pull out some stupid experiment to try.

“ you GS .” Donghae grumbled as he made his way over to an empty table that he was quite familiar with. He ran his fingers over the leather straps, remembering each and every modification that had been done to him. Heart beat synced tattoo. Eyes that grew darker when in anger. Stronger bones. Greater stamina, and those were the only things Donghae remembered since he was usually knocked out when in a procedure and never told what was modified to his body exactly.

He jumped up onto the table, crossing his legs as he reached over for a syringe that was close by. He picked it up, examining it slowly before looking down at the crook of his arm that was bruised by the numerous injections he had been giving to knock him out. In anger, he threw the syringe across the room, causing the point of the needle to bury itself into the door about a good inch. He pulled his legs up this his chest, hugging them as he rested his chin on top of his knees. He closed his eyes as he inhaled slowly, enjoying the dead silence inside the room that he was all to familiar with.
Eunhyuk (Guidance Scientist-SH) 11 years ago
@Donghae (Ace Specialist) A look to Donghae and Eunhyuk allowed a very faint hint of a smile. He'd take the box back over to the desk and put items away in the correct box and quickly went to clean off the tweezers and then set them back in the box as well. He'd place both boxes back in the same cabinet before wandering back towards the desk to peer down at the piles of paperwork on it. Where should he start exactly, or should he add additional things on top of the one he was working on. “Aish...” He'd mutter to himself mostly, his head turning only at the sound of the door slamming shut. “Ya!” He'd call after Donghae, did the other really have to slam it shut like that? He'd shake his head and tub at his temple for a moment.

Grabbing his pen, he'd shift to sit on his chair and bundle the papers closer to himself, taking the top one and read over it briefly, nodding to himself as he read the things that happened in the experiment and then frowned when he got to the parts that hadn't, looking between what he'd originally written down and what notes he'd wrote down during the testing. He'd tap the pen nib on the table, glaring at it after a moment for being way too noisy. Maybe he could experiment on the pen next, see if he could make it quieter while it was being tapped.

Sighing, Eunhyuk set back to work, quickly going through the notes he knew were fine and took his time with the rest. He'd continue correcting and making minor and major amendments within his text and workings until he got to about halfway done with the small stack of papers. Leaving them where they were on his desk, he'd wander over to the various vials and other materials he kept, eyeing them closely to make sure he had what he'd need for the future re-do of the experiment. Smirking to himself happily he'd then wander out of the office and down the hallway to take a break from writing things down. Food sounded good right about now.

45minutes after Donghae was back at the pretty tank 30 seconds .0 milliseconds later

Eunhyuk stretched his arms over his head, groaning at the thought of having to write down all those extra details he'd thought of during his break from writing. Not only that, he'd came up with various small ideas that might be useful. His head tilted slightly as he folded his arms in thought then shook his head, stuffing his hands into the pockets again and continued on down the hallway.
Donghae (Ace Specialist) 11 years ago
@Eunhyuk (Guidance Scientist) “Hmph.” Donghae said grumpily as he clenched and unclenched his newly bandaged hand. Granted, it did still sting a bit, but he was at least happy it was taken care of… or at least his version of happy. Donghae’s lips pressed in a thin line as he watched the other begin to clean up. What the hell was he supposed to do? Especially when his schedule usually consisted of waking up, eating, missions, then being experimented on for the rest of the day. As much as he loathed it, experimentation was just something that he kind of learned to expect while coming here, but….

it, if that was it, then that was it. Donghae stood up, trying to hide a joyful smirk as he made his way to the door. He could do anything. He had all the time in the world, why, this was a major change in history for him. A guidance scientist that was… hm… well, not a . Donghae would give him that much credit anyways. He practically sprinted out the door before the other even had a chance to tell him to come back. There was no ing way he was undergoing any operation.

With a loud bang, he slammed the door shut, a slight smile formed across his lips. Damn, was he smiling? What is this? A scowl immediately replaced it as he walked slowly past the fish tank… or almost anyways. He turned to look at it, taking a few steps backwards as he approached the fish tank and tapped on the glass, all the fishes swimming to his attention. This fish tank would certainly be the death of him some day, yet he didn’t seem to care. “Aish, that bastard let me go. Hope to see you soon.” He whispered to the fishes, looking both ways, making sure nobody was around before pressing his lips against the glass where the fishes were rubbing their nose against. He tried to keep his composure as he made his way down the hall, anxious to be free.

XD 3 hours and 24 minutes 16 seconds .3 milliseconds later.

Donghae sighed as he trudged his way slowly back to the fish tank, banging his head against the glass repeatedly. Never in his life had he ever been this bored. He felt so hopeless. There was no mission to be completed, all his specials were busy with something, and Donghae felt like a lost puppy wondering around for something to do. He pressed his forehead up against the glass as he turned his head to look at the door to the Guidance Scientist’s office. Perhaps he could up one of the ‘mad’ scientist’s experiments just so he could be yelled at or given something to do. Donghae continued staring at the door as he zoned out into his own little world.
Eunhyuk (Guidance Scientist-SH) 11 years ago
@Donghae (Ace Specialist) Folding his arms over his chest as Donghae said he wasn't bleeding, Eunhyuk soon smirked slightly letting an amused look take to his face briefly at the harsh glare. He'd sigh as water went everywhere. “You really like making messes, don't you?” He'd mutter while running a hand through his hair, tilting his head slightly. “I'm sure I wouldn't.” Eunhyuk said bluntly. Once the other had started to follow him he turned and wandered into the office, leaving the door open for the Ace Specialist while he went to the table to grab some items from it that he would need.

“That would depend, I haven't had any ideas that would suit you.” Eunhyuk muttered as he scoffed under his breath, he was missing something from the items on the desk. “Now... Where did I...” He started, instantly trailing off as he placed the items down again and wandered over to another drawer to search through it, a slight grin adorning his lips momentarily as he found what he'd been looking for. “Here we go. I knew it was there somewhere.” He said semi-happily while wandering to the desk to pick up the items again and then saunter on over to Donghae, raising a brow at the other before scanning him over. “Maybe something pink if he doesn't stop looking at me like that... I'll need to note that down later.” Eunhyuk shrugged and then opened the box before setting it on the ground while taking Donghae's injured hand and looked closely at it, placing a small towel down to soak up some of the blood.

“Oh will you just shut up and be patient for a moment already.” Eunhyuk groaned while using tweezers to pick away at glass that he could see. “Damn I hadn't realised you were this impatient, you weren't exactly intruding on anything. I just got finished.” Eunhyuk muttered, rolling his eyes slightly. “I wasn't being serious when I said I'd actually think of something to do to you for improvement. Maybe I could take a risk and experiment on you but, I don't think it'd be worth doing something that may end up a bit...irreversible. Who knows?” He rambled on, shrugging his shoulders thoughtfully and muttered to himself for a moment, taking the tweezers away and placed a small padded item on top of the wound, holding it with one hand before reaching to the box to pick up a new bandage, replacing the old one with the new one.

Afterwards he'd place the items in the box and left the tweezers out for cleaning and look up to Donghae. “Now you're good and won't bleed all over the place.”
Donghae (Ace Specialist) 11 years ago
@Eunhyuk (Guidance Scientist) Bleeding? Donghae’s face scrunched up in confusion as he stared at the other. “Im not…” Oh yeah, bleeding. Donghae’s mouth clamped shut as he gave the other a harsh glare; the water that was formed around his hand quickly falling to the ground and splashing everywhere, spilling blood with it. No ing way he was letting the scientist find out about that. He stayed still for a couple of seconds, not bothering to move the inch as he stared at the other. Okay, so maybe he wasn’t so bad. Wait, experiment? Scratch that… he was the ing devil compared to the previous one.

“Without me, you would have no life.” Donghae growled, hating the fact that the other was hinting at he could be doing better things with his life then fixing up donghae’s wound. After a couple more seconds of reconsidering everything, Donghae slowly started to follow the other into the scientist’s room once more. “Damn, what happened to.. ‘there isn’t anything needing to be improved?’ “ Donghae said in disgust as he slumped down in a chair and rubbed his forehead with his unwounded hand.

This bastard… what the hell was he doing? Donghae sighed, watching the other like a hawk. He knew exactly what was needed to extract shards of glass, and if the other happened to be bringing anything extra… even if it was so much as an experiment tube close to him, he would be skinning the other alive. “Damn, will you hurry the up? It’s not like I wanted to intrude on you while you’re in the middle of your freak experiments.”
Eunhyuk (Guidance Scientist-SH) 11 years ago
@Donghae (Ace Specialist) Eunhyuk tilted his head to the side, casually watching Donghae. He'd blink and say nothing at the response he got back. He scoffed at the threat, maybe he'd have to do something after all. Eunhyuk shook his head after a second thought, no. There wasn't any point to do so. Tapping his chin thoughtfully he'd look down at the items still on the table top and frown before looking at the way Donghae had gone, shifting his eyes to the ground and scowled. Why that damned...ugh. He'd move from the desk and half-storm his way over to open the door and glare out it, looking for Donghae, staring over at him once he saw him near the fish tank.

The scientist watched the other for a moment, silently before stepping out of his room to wander over closer to the Ace Specialist and stop, leaning himself up against the wall as he eyed him with a 'what the ' look. He'd shake his head a little, not really caring about what he saw right now, he was more annoyed that Donghae had left bleeding all over the damn place. He'd casually straighten himself back up, dusting off his sleeves before stuffing them back into his pockets.

“So. If we're both done with the childish behaviour, and if you're quite done with bleeding all over the floor... maybe you'd want me to 'fix' you up? You said you'd snap my neck if I didn't, didn't you?” He asked while tilting his head again, staring at Donghae with a blank look. “I was nice enough to be going to do it even if I'm technically busy with things and I could have told you to just off and do it yourself. So, come along...” He said trailing off as he went to turn back to his office, looking back at Donghae and stopped. “Unless you'd rather I actually thought of something to do to you for improvement. Hurry up, I don't have all day, Ace Specialist.”
Donghae (Ace Specialist) 11 years ago
@Eunhyuk (Guidance Scientist) Donghae stared at Eunhyuk. Just stood there… staring. No. ing. Way was he going near that guy now. “Watch you back, because I’m going to hologram your the first chance I get.” Donghae hissed angrily as he made his way to the door. He clutched his hand tightly to his chest as blood dripped down it and coated the floor. Kyuhyun knew computers right? Then he would just go to kyuhyun. He yanked open the door, leaving a trail of blood behind as he stopped by the fish tank and placed his finger in it.

Water swirled up his hand, coating it with a second layer to stop the bleeding. “Aish, ing bastard.” Donghae sighed, pulling his hand away as he looked at the bubble of water surrounding it. So there was a few secrets he kept from each guidance scientist... He had the ability to practically control water that was in contact with his skin, but it could never leave his body other than hover in the air about a centimeter away from his finger tips… and when he was around it, it somehow strengthened him. Call it a gift, or perhaps a power, it wasn’t like Donghae gave a about what it was; it wasn’t like he could form something great, yet he always kept this fact hidden from the guidance scientists. He didn’t want them trying extra experiments on him simply because he was a tad bit different.

With the stinging pain seeping away from his body, Donghae let out a sigh of relief as he began to relax a bit; talking to the fish as if it were another person as he rested his arm against the fish tank and placed his head on top of his arm. “Why does there always have to be one special that’s a bastard?” Donghae grumbled, watching as the fish swam up to his nose and begin to kiss the glass. He trailed his finger down the side of the water tank, watching as two more fishes followed it curiously; completely forgetting his anger at the moment. He seemed to always be soothed around these creatures though he never knew why, nor even noticed it, it was just always something that just came naturally to him. “and that one mother ing specialist always turns out to be the guidance scientist.”
Eunhyuk (Guidance Scientist-SH) 11 years ago
@Donghae (Ace Specialist) Eunhyuk took his eyes off of Donghae briefly as he started to take the pages from his notebook and set them into seperate sub folders within the binder, just merely letting a smirk linger on his face while the other spoke as he began to sift through other notes and experiment details. He'd place the other paper work onto the table before looking back up towards Donghae, once again observing the other with an emotionless look. He wasn't at all sure what to make of the Ace Specialist so far, but maybe he would decide later what he thought of the other, right now? He couldn't bring himself to care less... or maybe he could.

“Downgrade hm? It's such a pleasure to meet you too.” Eunhyuk asked, rolling his eyes to the side, what was he? A child? “Really though, if that's the best you can come up with, then, have it your way, AS.” He muttered, making the 'AS' sound like , not on purpose either, it just fit in perfectly by coincidence. While paying more attention to some of his notes on the table, placing them in order of what he had to re-do the most he would mutter other notes to himself while he was at it, grabbing the pen from the notebook to jot down additional amendments to the main papers that lay about. He assumed that if Donghae was here for a reason, he might eventually tell him it himself.

His attention was lifted towards Donghae as he opened a drawer and started to search it. An unamused sigh escaping his lips as he leaned up and crossed his arms over his chest while staring over at the Ace Specialist. Eunhyuk should re-arrange his office a lot if Donghae was going to go off and look through the drawers on his own. Then again, maybe it'd be ideal if he left things where they were so the other didn't bother him while he was focusing on things. After the other had turned back and showed him the hand, he rolled his eyes slightly... more so at the words than the hand. He looked at Donghae, allowing his gaze to fall darkly as he stayed quiet for a moment. “Experiment on you? Please, I don't really think there is anything that could be improved on...unless you count taking your womb out to control that PMS of yours.” Eunhyuk scoffed back at him. If Donghae wanted to throw threats like that, fine, let him. As long as he didn't think he was going to act like some in return for them. He'd turn to wander to the cabinet behind himself, opening the door of it and crouched to take the first aid box out of it and then returned to the table after gently kicking the door shut. Placing it down, he'd open it and take out some things from inside it. “You can come closer you know, I won't bite.”
Donghae (Ace Specialist) 11 years ago
@Eunhyuk (Guidance Scientist) “Yeah, I hardly ever see you out of your room, I thought you died… not like I would have cared.” Donghae grunted as he continued to examine the liquid with great interest. What the hell was this stuff. He didn’t bother to turn around to look at the other, assuming it was the other Guidance Scientist, yet wondering if the other caught a cold since his voice sounded a bit off. Only when the other leaned forward did he glance up and raise an eyebrow in surprise. So…. This was the new Guidance Scientist?

His facial expressions immediately hardened as he replaced the vial in its original place. “I see the Committee seemed to downgrade a bit in their new guidance scientist.” Donghae sneered as he glared at Eunhyuk. Where the did they find this guy? Doesn’t matter, there wasn’t a snow ball’s chance in hell that he was going to be removing the shards of glass from his hand, not after his little incident with him in the hall. Donghae gritted his teeth in hatred, wanting to snap the other’s neck. After all… being a guidance scientist’s experimental pet had its advantages. He knew he was stronger and faster than the other since the scientist much more often preferred to experiment with others before they even dared tried one of their horrid operations on themselves.

To prideful to ask the other to help, Donghae walked over to a drawer, yanking it open in search for the first aid kit he had used the previous times before when the old one was to busy to help him… which was extremely rare. Unable to find it, Donghae scowled, slamming the draw shut as he turned to Eunhyuk and glared at him; unwrapping his bandaged hand and showing it to him. “Fix it, or I’ll snap your ing neck, and if you experiment on me, I wont hesitate to turn you into a mere hologram.” Dongae growled while taking a couple steps towards the other. , he hated this guy already… Just his mere presences… Donghae’s eyes darkened as he waited to see what the other would decide his own fate would be.
Eunhyuk (Guidance Scientist-SH) 11 years ago
@Donghae (Ace Specialist) A rather amused smirk crossed Eunhyuk's face, possibly a little dark looking as well although unintentional, it was just the way it'd look. The smirk soon faded to a mere blank expression as he observed Donghae, noting the look of hatred that he was getting from the Ace Specialist. This could turn into quite an interesting turn of events, or so he thought so in his mind. As he noted the other turning around to face him, he'd stuff his hands away into his pockets. “That would all depend on the kind of attraction, now, wouldn't it my dear, Donghae.” Eunhyuk muttered to himself as he kept a steady gaze upon Donghae's figure.

Eunhyuk opted to remain silent for now, his gaze darkening ever so slightly at Donghae's choice of words, reminding himself that he did not show much of his emotions around anyone, including the Ace Specialist. His dark eyes trailed from Donghae's face towards the other man's hand briefly, focusing on the Ace Specialist's form and once again that smirk slowly engraved its way back onto his face as he assumed the other hadn't an idea of who he was quite yet. Instead of going anywhere, Eunhyuk stood and watched for a moment as Donghae knocked on the office door and then barged in, the slamming from the door made him 'chuckle'; if you could even call it that. After another moment of pulling out his notepad again and jotting another small thing down and pocketing it again, he'd make his way towards the office.

He slowly opened the door, not really caring if his presence was known or not at that point. Eunhyuk observed the Ace Specialist with an uncaring look for a moment before he'd simply make his way over to a side cabinet to take out a folder he'd need for later on and placed it upon his table, making sure the sound of it landing was audible enough. “Looking for someone?” Eunhyuk asked sarcastically as he leaned forwards and placed the palms of his hands on top of the table while he sent a semi-hardened look over towards Donghae. “And the last time I checked, I don't recall giving you much permission to touch my vials, Dong.Hae.” He added, pushing himself back to stand upright again, his hand plucking out the notebook again before tossing it to the table next to the folder while his gaze never once left Donghae.
Donghae (Ace Specialist) 11 years ago
@Eunhyuk (Guidance Scientist) Hearing a voice, Donghae turned his head, eyeing the other with hatred. Who was that? Noting that he was coming out of the Guidance scientist’s office, Donghae assumed that the other was a newly made special, but how did the other know his name? He scowled, turning to face the other with hatred flashing in his eyes. “Like you would know anything about attraction.” Donghae snarled as he turned to face the other, looking him up and down with a disgusted look upon his face. Obviously he would have to talk to the guidance specialist about this one; he seemed like he was an experimental failure. Where was the respect?

“Damn, what happened to you? Did the Scientist cross breed you with a ing ape?” Donghae scowled, keeping his bloodied hand close to his chest as he his heel and began walking to the Guidance Scientist’s office. “ off, and know your place, you ing dumb .” Donghae grumbled; dreading his encounter with the Guidance Scientist. He knocked on the door impatiently, and when he didn’t hear a ‘Come in’, Donghae barged in uninvited, grumbling a string of cusswords. “Damn it, where the are you?” He hissed, slamming the door once he was inside and noticed that the Scientist was missing.

He gritted his teeth, walking up to the Guidance Scientist’s latest test subject. He lifted the white sheet that was covering the stilled experiment, disgusted by what he saw. “Why do I even put up with this bastard?” Donghae growled, covering the experiment that went wrong as he turned around and began to check out the other new items in the Guidance scientist’s room that weren’t there before; half dreading the fact that he knew he would probably be a victim to them all. He squinted his eyes as he picked up one vial that was filled with a glowing blue liqud, examining it closely. “What the …”
Eunhyuk (Guidance Scientist-SH) 11 years ago
@Donghae (Ace Specialist) Eunhyuk frowned at the newly failed experiment, rolling his eyes to the side before plucking out a small notepad and pen. Jotting down some quick notes and muttering a small line of curses under his breath as he crossed out the parts that seemed to cause the issue with the current experiment. He ran a hand through his hair, stopping halfway before ruffling it around slightly as he put the notes away and turned around heading away from where he was to return to his office to rewrite his full experiment briefing. He was positive it'd work after this time.

As he walked he kept his usual face on, an almost blank look to it and the only thing preventing it from being a full on blank look was the slight frown he had. He'd been thinking to himself about the failed experiment and why he hadn't noticed something in the previous notes, evidently not an overall fan of his own mistakes but he was more than well aware of the fact that there would have to be some mistakes made in order to get any closer to success. The frown soon disappeared for a moment as a new idea came into his head and once again had pulled out his notepad to jot the idea down, it could be his next experiment to work on after this one had been a success.

Looking down to make sure the notepad had went into his pocket properly, he turned into the hallway that led to the office. Eunhyuk lifted his head up and his eyes trailed over the other person that was in the hallway. He continued to walk until he got a little nearer the other, stopping for a moment. After a moment or two, Eunhyuk started to walk on again after clearing his throat. “One may think you were attracted to fish, Donghae.” He'd say as he walked past the Ace Specialist, a slight smirk ghosting over his lips briefly.
Donghae (Ace Specialist) 11 years ago
@Eunhyuk (Guidance Scientist) Donghae made his way towards the Guidance Scientist’s laboratory, determined to find the . He gritted his teeth in anguish at the thought of meeting the other. As much as he enjoyed the committee, lately, he had been more than just disagreeing with their actions and strange behavior. He had been… loathing their presence.

With a small sigh escaping his lips, Donghae walked passed the apartment complexes, passing by several pretties that were drunk and having fun playing staring contests. Perhaps he was making a mistake. All he really needed was to make sure the microscopic shards of computer glass were cleared from his hand, and with his luck, he would probably have to go through another extensive operation, just to have his hand examined.

He muttered a string of incoherent cuss words as he made his way through the long hallway leading to the Guidance Scientist’s office, stopping mid way once he caught sight of a fish tank embedded into the wall. His eyes softened considerably; his mind feeling at peace when he reached up and touched the glass where a nearby fish was rubbing its nose against it. The edges of his mouth curled up slightly, a soft smile present on his face as watched the creature in fascination, at that moment, forgetting why he was even there.


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redzebra21 10 years ago
lol okay now Hyejeong actually left, a year later O.o
Chocopa 10 years ago
OK I feel really really really REALLY BAD ;_; as I`m never active in this rp, adn I feel really bad for it and all that stuff... and basically exams is coming up and well.. I practically never do anything here, adn well .... I guess by reading this you know what I have to do, but its because I lost in many rps and well... yeah...

SChool x.x *dies*

so I have to tell that nicole has to quit this rp D:

I have met so many nice and amazing people here, this was the rp that teached me to write more than just 200 words, and with this as an inspiration I have become a better rper, that WRITES HELL A LOT :D <3 thansk everyone


AND T.O.P LOVE YOU TOO DEAR !!!! *snuggles everyone *

Thanks for having me hair for such a long time ! Gonna miss chu <3333
Stormageddon 11 years ago
Ay! *cool handshake* What's up ma friend? ^^ Um, I think this rp idea is fricken amazing! *^* Like seriously, I love it. So~, I was wondering if maybe I could try to bring this rp back to life? T-T I'd love too! You don't have to but maybe you could give it to me? >.< O Jeez. I feel like an for asking but if you would I'd love you forevar! :3 *huggles* Just reply to this when you get the time! ^^
stereotype 11 years ago
Name: Bang Yongguk
Creature: Werewolf
Ghostbusters 11 years ago
Name: Lee Taemin
Notorious: Half Breed (Is that alright~?)
Joonivy 11 years ago
Name : Huang Zitao
Notorious : Vampire Slayer Leader
redzebra21 11 years ago
lmao hyejeong is finally leaving! thanks for the fun guys, honestly, this is a really cool rp <3
InTheNameOfTVXQ 11 years ago
*runs around*
I'm the best Kyuhyun everrrrr!
ChanRiB 11 years ago
This isn't is it? 'coz if it isn't I might join.... I haven't read the description yet though. Tell me if its or not kay? If you don't tell meh anything I won't join :)
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