
Lee Jongsuk (S) [A] 8 years ago
@[H] Kim Woobin (S) "Is that so?" Jongsuk asked and wiggled his eyebrow, not minding that Woobin waa groping his . Honestly he had missed this. Playing around and the skinship - only with the ex bandit it felt right. Probably because they knew what it meant to each other.
"You know a lot for someone who prefers to run away," he teased and winked at the older one.

'Not my last choice, my only choice,' Jongsuk thought but did not speak it out loudly. That was, once again, too cheesy. Usually the prince disliked sharing his bed with someone and he was even pickier with his baths but with Woobin it was okay. No, enjoyable. With Woobin he was really looking forward to it.
"Yeah, my last choice. But be happy I am inviting you. Honestly, you rather deserve a burned for being a coward," he then teased. Woobin really deserved it.

"My bath already is ready," the prince then said and popped an eyebrow.
"You can nap later, so move your pretty butr," he then saif and wiggled his eyebrow, holding his hand out for Woobin to get up.
"Come on." Jongsuk tilted his head, waiting for Woobin.
[post deleted by owner]
[H] Kim Woobin (S) 8 years ago
@Lee Jongsuk (S) "So many things about that lier... the best is still to feel for yourself..."
His hand d at the royal next to him, his lips curled and he really didn't mind to be scolded, the fright of being forever condemned for desertion slowly fading.

Woobin had retrieved his hand when he heard the reason behind the troublesome visit at the castle was the bubble bath but he didn't question it further, hoping he could get an insight later.
"Don't remind me of that... but sure, I know I'm your last choice to join you in this bath but I'm still loving the attention you know. I'm an easy guy."
That was laughable, as he was rather picky for an ex bandit but Jongsuk did turn him into a loyal soldier on a few hours per day and these were them.

"Hurry up and get my bath ready before I realize your slap on my calls for a nap on the prince-size bed." He ordered shamelessly.
[H] Kim Woobin (S) 8 years ago
@Lee Jongsuk (S) "So many things about that lier... the best is still to feel for yourself..."
His hand d at the royal next to him, his lips curled and he really didn't mind to be scolded, the fright of being forever condemned for desertion slowly fading.

Woobin had retrieved his hand when he heard the reason behind the troublesome visit at the castle was the bubble bath but he didn't question it further, hoping he could get an insight later.
"Don't remind me of that... but sure, I know I'm your last choice to join you in this bath but I'm still loving the attention you know. I'm an easy guy."
That was laughable, as he was rather picky for an ex bandit but Jongsuk did turn him into a loyal soldier on a few hours per day and these were them.

"Hurry up and get my bath ready before I realize your slap on my calls for a nap on the prince-size bed." He ordered shamelessly.
Lee Jongsuk (S) [A] 8 years ago
@[H] Kim Woobin (S) “Ah, well, I heard this person has a really nice and the best in the entire area so I am sure you did enjoy it.” Jongsuk wiggled his eyebrows amused and titled his head.
“So, no worries, I know you had fun.” He watched the other and tilted his head a bit. Surely, Woobin was not bringing him luck but at least he made Jongsuk enjoy his mysery. He would not say it out loud but it was totally worth it.
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe and alive.” After all until that had been working well anyways. Right? “As long as you don’t run away again.” With that he side eyed the other.

Quietly he watched Woobin rest on his bed and shook his head amused. He somehow was glad they were back to normal but, definitely, Woobin had no manners towards him. But if Jongsuk had to be honest, he was glad about that.
“Definitely the bubble bath,” Jongsuk joked and stretched a bit. He was tired and his hurt from riding this damn horse for way too long but still, he did not feel like falling asleep or anything. He rather wanted to keep talking to the other. It somehow felt refreshening.
“Wanna join me?” he then offered. Why not? No one would come in anyways if he did not want it. “I mean, we already have experience with water, don’t we?” he joked, referring to his great adventure with the ice cold water. Not to be recommended.
“Or is my bed nicer?” he then asked and walked closer, slightly slapping Woobin’s . “It’s soft, isn’t it? The bed.”
[H] Kim Woobin (S) 8 years ago
@Lee Jongsuk (S) Woobin's sight lowered as he had to admit Jongsuk had seen worse, undeniably, still he was in no seat to enter in competition with the Prince's already bad fate. He looked up at the light touch on his cheek. He sighed and figured it was time to lighten up their talk or earn himself a slap if he could: "It's been a ehile since I played with one of those girls actually. The last one was..." he hummed and got closer to the Prince, teasing in full force. "Against all odds, your Majesty, it was a girl that calls herself a Commander for one of your troops. She dresses like a guy and really likes my company a lot. As we speak she must be sticking needles to a doll looking like me and wishing upon my death..."

He chuckled and nodded at the other's question as he did feel immensely guilty. He was only understanding now that joining the army didn't just mean to fight the enemies of the crown, but any one who'd rise against one of the soldiers because it was the same, the soldiers stood for the authority of the crown just like a Prince was Commander.
"That's quite the threat here... but I do enjoy being a guard here." He walked closer to the bed and poked it in places before spreading his long body on it, face and front down. He sighed and didn't move for a few seconds before he turned his head to speak freely.
"Why did you come here exactly? Is it because your family asked or to take an actual bubble bath?"
Lee Jongsuk (S) [A] 8 years ago
@[H] Kim Woobin (S) A small snort escaped Jongsuk and he looked at Woobin, straight face. “I would dare that. You know me well enough for that.” After all this was his home, the castle he had grown up, majorly at least, and he would not stop feeling at home because new people arrived or could see him. And if he wanted Woobin to carry him, he would order that.
“Woobin, I don’t know who you think you are – or, who you really are to say it in a better way. But aren’t you forgetting something?”
For a long moment he looked at Woobin and shook his head, almost laughing.
“I was born into a royal family. And even though I was the youngest I’ve had much worse situations than you probably ever caused. This one you got us in was dangerous but not in any moment life-threatening.” He slightly touched Woobin’s cheek and shook his head. “I might seem fragile to you, like a doll, but by now you should know that I am nothing alike those girls you usually play with.”
He looked right into the taller’s eyes and then sighed, a small smile staying.

“You honestly worried, didn’t you? You honestly thought you caused trouble.” A soft chuckle escaped the prince.
“We had worse. The whole army had worse. I would not be a commander nor be still alive if I was not able to survive such situation or handle them. Yes, I was weak but because I trusted you. I know that I can put my life in your hands and you won’t get me killed.” But if Woobin was not able to save him, Jongsuk had to be able to save himself. He did not mind showing his weak side in front of Woobin because he did not want to hide any side from him. It was fun and he did not have to worry, did he?
“You might hide many skeletons but never forget that many people already died because of me.” He been kidnapped and threatened more than once and Jongsuk had already killed people. Woobin and he might be different, different roots, different characters but they both weren’t in the army for nothing.
“Actually, my luck hasn’t changed ever since we met, to be honest,” the prince said and looked at Woobin.
“Try to get my killed by the end of the year but I beg to differ,” he then added and grinned at Woobin. “And yes, next time as before leaving. Because otherwise I’ll get your face dug into some disgusting cow . You should have stayed so I could have complained. These wounds will heal. If not, I’d have them pay for it right away. Got me?” He then smiled slightly.
Woobin was still Woobin.
[H] Kim Woobin (S) 8 years ago
@Lee Jongsuk (S) Woobin's eyes widened as his lips curled. He shrugged lightly as it didn't seem so bad after all, Jongsuk didn't limp pitifully, he looked in pretty good shape and that was without his help so he assumed his presence wasn’t as mandatory as the Prince implied.
"Right. I took the liberty of doing what I thought was best for the troop and me of course or as you call in the army..." he acted like he was really looking for the word, exaggerating even: "A desertion? But after a battle, which has to be recognized as an upgrade in the coward game won't you agree? I'm no therapist to help you with your coordination and you turned out okay without me, do you really want to act butthu-..."
He paused, considering it was maybe early, or at least the wrong place to be saying sucha thing to Jongsuk. "Huh. I caused you and the rest of the guys enough troubles. If you only knew how many more skeletons I hide throughout the country..."
This was all he'd say because one thing one sure: giving out how guilty he felt for indirectly or directly hurting Jongsuk all the time sickened him. He liked the younger's company but breaking a doll was only fun a few times before it made him remorseful, like an elephant in a porcelain store whenever he was with the precious prince of this country.

He looked at the noble's face when invited to.
"I don't think your kingdom would get the good idea of their Prince if he was carriedall the time... Also, you wouldn't dare."
He was daring too, speaking that way to a very pissed Prince.
He then sighed and looked away.
"I will ask before leaving next time." He said, clearly not promising he'd wait for a positive answer, an answer at all. The thing was: he had hurt people before, but none had been as unlucky as Jongsuk and it seemed to be getting worse.
"Don't you think your luck really has disappeared since we met? I feel like I will have his Majesty killed by the end of the year."
And by his Majesty, he meant the very man standing with him. It was rude but he really thought so and somehow he couldn't fathom how frail was the Commander's survival instincts.
Lee Jongsuk (S) [A] 8 years ago
@[H] Kim Woobin (S) “Well you would have known if your feet didn’t get the better of you and you’d run away like coward,” Jongsuk said and crossed his arms in front of his chest. He had craved to see Woobin, he had wanted to speak to him but at the same time he had wanted to hit the other so badly as well.
On the one side he was so glad to see the other but on the other he was still so damn angry. “Who even allowed you to leave? I was in the right mind to make decisions and I did not agree to your sorry to run away.” He hissed quietly. There was still anger in him and Woobin being, well, just Woobin did not really make it better. But he did not worsen it as well.
“So you’ve been here, huh? In the castle? While I fought with my ing body to follow my brain? Wow, you’ve gotten lower than I thought.” Oh yes, Woobin deserved quite a few curses and some anger. He had put himself upon this.
“Maybe I’ll do that. Let you gladiate for your wrongs and my pleasure.” Of course he would not. He was no one to put his soldiers into danger and even though Woobin knew how to fight Jongsuk still wanted to take care of him.
“You owe me answers. No matter in what mess you put me, next time don’t ing run away like a little child.” He then kept his eyes on the other.

“I couldn’t walk for a week because they burned my skin to my bones. You should have been the one carrying me, ,” he then growled. Woobin knew exactly how much Jongsuk hated it to be weak and useless and that was what he had been. Weak and useless while being bound to the bed. That had happened way too often recently.
“Guess you have to carry me now. Like princess.”
He took a step closer to Woobin before lifting the other’s handsome face. He still had the urge to break the other’s nose but it wasn’t worth it. No, it was not.
“Don’t you dare run away like that ever again.” He kept his eyes on Woobin’s face and tilted his head. “Because if you do I will follow you and I will find you and you’ll wish it would be one of those pirates that had found you instead of me. Got me?”
On the one side he was glad they were still able to talk like this, that there was still the pretty smirk to be soon on the others face but he also needed to make sure Woobin would not do something like this again. Leave him behind like that, weak and suffering.
[H] Kim Woobin (S) 8 years ago
@Lee Jongsuk (S) There was something obviously incoherent between the invitation to apologize and the way the Prince nearly hissed it with disgust, or was it mockery. The guard of circumstances hid his doubt at the other's words, orders actually, and he not so innocently spoke low for just the younger to hear.
"I apologize..."
His hesitation tainted the excuse with a cruel lack of seriousness and in this Castle, he was downright disrespecting the an actual Prince he swore to serve. He bowed his head a little too late and frowned to himself, asking himself what he was even trying to achieve with an half-assed apology to a very pissed off Prince slash Commender. Now however, he'd lie if he said he didn't get a little curious about the reason why Jongsuk missed him, or so he deducted. He was a burden in the chain of command, no matter how much conviction strength he could have on his peers, he was pretty much only bringing issues for the guys and very few solutions that didn't imply running away from issues cowardly.
"I apologize for bringing more issues to the troops, sir." He added and he was already more serious now that he explained what he was sorry for. "Your Majesty."
He bit on his lips to not smile and bowed his head so much his chin touched his clavicle to hide the nasty little smile that the honoric he mostly used for Ladies in the bedroom. He would have all the hardships to step back from the closeness Jongsuk and him shared and yet, he had no idea how the other could react.
"The decision was unilateral but I should have spoken up about my intention with My Commander." He quickly added before risking to look just at the shorter's feet. He felt stressed as he was the only to speak, burying himself in protocole offends and shame with each word.

He risked looking up and his look was undecided: did Jongsuk want to punish him or was it okay already? It was hard to decipher and thus he smiled a little awkwardly at the teasing tone the younger had shifted to. He felt like he could relax. He had met some royals who would have given him for merely coming in late, he felt blatantly spoiled by the Youngest Prince of Pyrope.
"I thought I was the one piece of gum stuck to your shoe, putting you in the middle of messes you don't deserve but you just got me for a moment. I really thought you were going to have me gladiating for my wrongs and for your pleasure..." he smiled and stepped closer to the one he still worried about.
"Did you really not walk for a whole week, that's a little extreme, were gou being a princess? Who carried you after all?" He asked with a smirk, taking a better look at the face he had been so eager to protect when they found themselves stranded on a pirate ship, the face that had no price to him.
Lee Jongsuk (S) [A] 8 years ago
@Kim Woobin (S) Jongsuk wished he had thrown the pillow a little bit stronger to at least hurt Woobin a tiny bit but than again he was glad he didnt. He didnt want to hurt Woobin. He just wanted him to realize that he was an and deserved a bucket of ice cold water in his way too pretty face. The prince was still very salty about Woobin disappearing.
Hearing the others words made Jongsuk's eyebrow rise. Apologize? Woobin? Well that was something new. "Sure. Go aheadm" he said and it sounded like everything but not satisfaction. A simply apologize wouldnt make it better, no. Woobin needed to suffer. Oh he would make sure of that. He would make him do all the he hated the most.

The prince's face darkened when he heard Woobin's next words. "Excuse me? You really think I would let you disappear again?" He snorted and crossed his arms, looking at the other. "Dont you dare think I'm making this easy on you. You ran away, you wimp! I couldnt walk for days and you ran away. You should have carried me around." Oh yes he was hurt. More than he should be but who was he to hide this? Woobin surely knew he was pissed and hurt, otherwise he wouldnt be here. Even though he was surprised that the other was here, he hadnt expected Woobin to come and apologize.
"If you miss our talks, then stay, you rotten ," he cursed and looked at the other. A small snort left his lips when Woobin asked if the people would start a rumor.
"I have been the center of many rumors by now so do you think I care? At least with you the rumors are fun. But we should give them some real stuff to talk about." He tilted his hed and looked at Woobin, letting the other decide how to understand his last words. He had missed him and Jongsuk hated himself for that.
[H] Kim Woobin (S) 8 years ago
@Lee Jongsuk (S) The pillow landed on his face and fell flat on the floor. He scrunched his nose up but quieted his urge to protest or accuse the prince of assault. No matter how little noise he had made, he was ninety percent sure a guard was in the corridor, waiting for a significant noise to come in. He nodded and stepped closer because he didn't want his voice to be heard correctly but also to invite Jongsuk into believing he didn't come so far to get caught.
"I wanted to apologize?" he whispered, wincing a little as if he epected the Prince to punch him in the face anytime. He really wanted to apologize. But the fact that he stoof there, weeks after he had left without a word made his enterprise look quite vain. He had certainly hurt Jongsuk for disappearing to work for another member of his family. But dire times called for dire means.

"I said nothing because I didn't see a way where I wouldn't change my mind... I couldn't afford to put your life in danger for a trivial rivalry about a married woman I don't intend to visit again." he continued still whispering, his palm brushing the back of his neck while he kept his little smirk in check because the other looked quite ready to call a guard. It was not time to mock him.
"And I wanted to say it to just you because I miss our talks and I know you are a Prince here, I'm not even supposed to be in here at this time but I actually wonder if they'd start a rumor about us."
He smirked, knowing he hadn't been seen but only trying to see how comfortable the other was and if he was anywhere close to being forgiven.
Lee Jongsuk (S) [A] 8 years ago
@Kim Woobin (S) Just when Jongsuk had changed into some more comfortable clothes and had rested on the bed there was a knock on the door. He groaned quietly and buried his face in his pillow. No, he did not feel like seeing anyone. He had been traveling for quite a few hours straight and his hurt from sitting on the damn horse and even though his feet were healed they still were horribly sensitive and he just wanted to sleep. So no, whoever was on the door had to wait until later. He wasn’t in the mood for anything.

Burying his head in the pillow he sighed and was just about to relax when the door suddenly opened. Confused he lifted his head and saw the person he wanted to see most but also least. Irritated he sat up. Was Woobin ing serious? The other wasn’t even allowed in this part of the castle so why was he here? Right, the bandit would probably be able to lie his way through every single thing if needed.

“What the ,” he hissed after hearing Woobin’s excuse. Was he for real? Anger rose in Jongsuk and he threw the pillow at the other, hitting him in his face. “Are you for real?”
He had noticed how Woobin’s voice had been a lot quieter than usually, he had noticed how his entire body language seemed to show that the other was guilty but right now Jongsuk was just so pissed. He had buried the anger deep inside and now it was coming back. Goddamnit this wasn’t fair.
“What do you want? You better speak or I'll call the guards and you'll be kicked out faster than you can say my name.” Oh yeah, he was pretty pissed but this wasnt the first time Woobin had to deal with an angry Jongsuk.

(It is perfect like this, no worries x3)
[H] Kim Woobin (S) 8 years ago
@Lee Jongsuk (S) Woobin barely even sat on his bunk, feeling restless and annoyed but the fact that no matter how many times he counted from three to one, no one tapped his shoulder, no one knocked on the door twisted his nerves all wrong. It seemed like he had been waiting forever but only twenty minutes passed since the young Prince had disappeared in his quarters and he was losing all patience.

On his way to the royals' apartments, he served all kinds of lies to be so much as allowed there. He had the clearance, but without a proper reason to be there, he faced sanctions, especially if a member of the royal family was annoyed by his presence. And yet Woobin was determined on bothering one prince he happened to have fled from a few weeks ago.

He knocked at the door twice and after waiting for a minute, he heard steps coming down the hall and rushed in the room without waiting for an answer. He felt more comfortable to deal with an angry Jongsuk than a royal guard lacking a sense of humor. He turned slowly to screen the room he landed in and mumbled quietly:
"Heeeeeeeeey… sorry for walking in unannounced… and for leaving without notice…"

((I kept the answer because it was short but I'll just post it like that... ;;))
Lee Jongsuk (S) [A] 8 years ago
@[SH] Heo Gayoon (R) "I think nowadays people have to be careful and aware of princesses. After all they are stronger than most think." Jongsuk smiled softly.
Most princesses he knew about were surprisingly strong and new how to kick asses. But he was sure that Gayoon was the strongest of them.

"Ah, yeah, maybe," Jongsuk said and laughed softly. "We will see that sooner or later." He smiled amused. "So no worries." He hummed and stretched a bit. The night felt good on his skin.
"I just hope no one wants to kidnap us for a while."
[SH] Heo Gayoon (R) 8 years ago
@Lee Jongsuk (S) Gayoon shakes her head at the idea and remembers she haven't spoken to the pirate who attempted to capture her. "Well, who would say that because you are a princess or a girl, she is always weak right?" She thought of the kidnapping again and it was the first time someone attempted to do it, "i'll just hope it would be the last too."

Gayoon thought of what the prince says and chuckles a bit, "Well, we don't know when will we be lucky about it or when will be the end like I always think." She pursed her lips a bit for thinking and looks at the prince, "maybe you'll get your luck next time? I think I'm lucky at that time too. I just happened to have my bow and arrow and my guards were near me while some were scattered around."
Lee Jongsuk (S) [A] 8 years ago
@[SH] Heo Gayoon (R) Jongsuk laughed softly and shook his head amused.
"They should have known better," he said softly and tilted his head. "I am glad you were able to kick his ." He smiled slightly. He hadnt expected anything else of her.
"I havent been this lucky with kidnappers yet." No, really not. But at least he was lucky with surviving. That was at least something.
[SH] Heo Gayoon (R) 8 years ago
@Lee Jongsuk (S) "Me? Getting kidnapped?" Gayoon shakes her head and remembers the pirate back in her home.
"Well, there was once that someone attempts to do that, but let just say he did not expect what happened." She just shrugged and try to move a bit than be stagnant on one place, "he was a pirate and he was hungry. He thought that by kidnapping me defenseless, he can survive in exchange of a ransom or some sort. He did not get the idea that I happened to be a skilled princess and immediately tackle him down before he made an attempt."
Lee Jongsuk (S) [A] 8 years ago
@Kim Woobin (S) Jongsuk was very glad that he wasn't all alone on the way to his home town, to the castle, because of course they would wait for him just like always - with half a parade, neatly placed people, trumpets and all this. Never had he liked this and now was no difference. Luckily his big brother had decided to check the camp and then take him home for a while so that all this wasn't only for him because /all this/ was making him uncomfortable.

An inaudible sigh left his pretty lips. Rumors had reached him of Woobin residing in the castle and even though he liked this a lot, at the moment he was just extremely angry, annoyed and pissed.
Mentioned had packed his things even before Jongsuk had been able to wake up after the kidnapping and when Jongsuk had asked for him they had already given him a new place to stay. The castle.
Oh yeah, mentioned was a wimp and a coward and Jongsuk was just straight pissed. Yes, he hadn't been angry at Woobin for getting him kidnapped but he had at least wanted to throw him a bouquet of withered flowers or nettles in his face or maybe even screamed at him for a few seconds. He had wanted the possibility to do so or at least mention it but when he had woken up Woobin had been gone already, leaving Jongsuk alone with the pain and anger and, yes, fear he had had. With Woobin he could have joked about so it had been okay but instead of Woobin there had been silence.

It wasn't even the fact that Woobin had asked for a change in place. It was the fact that he had taken his leave while Jongsuk hadn't been conscious. And Jongsuk knew way too well why he felt so attacked by it: Because he had someone how considered them friends. Bros. Colleagues. Something along the line. But with his leave the other had on everything Jongsuk had believed in. And that made the young prince feel horrible stupid. Obviously they hadn't been anything else but buddies and Jongsuk was the stupid idiot here who had been mistaken.

Jongsuk was glad when they had finally passed the people, he didn't even look around in fear he would see Woobin and that would only make him angry. He let his brother get down from the beautiful horse he owned before Jongsuk carefully got down as well. His feet were mostly okay now but still sensitive after all.
"Good job," he said and patted his horse, a soft smile on his lips. Luckily only shortly after some smalltalk with his family he was allowed to look for his room, excusing himself and saying he didnt need anyone to accompany him to his room. He had been living here for quite a while, his absence wouldnt make him forget the positions of the rooms.

Being home now didn't feel like being home right now.

(upps it got longer than I wanted D: I hope that is okay!)
[post deleted by owner]
[H] Kim Woobin (S) 8 years ago
@Lee Jongsuk (S) This day was the day when the young Prince was coming home. Woobin had been avoiding his commander ever since he had returned from the Piratery of a trap at large. He almost wished Jongsuk would have made a big deal of what his half disclosures and brought onto his innocent self but he was too soft. Woobin enraged to be this protected, to be forgiven when he came from a town where redemption didn't exist at all.
He was dressed neatly and for once, he did his work and did not bug the maids nor his fellow guards standing in the ranks when the trumpets resonated in the high halls of the castle. He kept his eyes down and returned to his quarter by the end of his duty of the day like he was supposed to. Oh he was only thinking of one man but he would pay for his crimes his own way.
[post deleted by owner]
Lee Jongsuk (S) [A] 8 years ago
@[SH] Heo Gayoon (R) (It is okay, no worries!)

Jongsuk blinked and chuckled then.
"There were many times I got kidnapped but that was rather a trap," he then said and hummed. "We got some tips that people were doing, well, illegal things there so we went to check just to find out it was a trap. Wasnt nice and I dont like remembering it, I have quite a few scars from that but we all made it. Some with major injures, some with only a few scratches." He shrugged a bit.
"Stuff happens and as I said, I dont give up easily." Actually, none of them did, that was why they were in the army, trying to protect the kingdom.

"I actually had worse cases where I got tortured so... I guess by now I know how to handle such things."
The prince smiled softly.
It was no nice memory and sometimes he had nightmares of such things but he was strong enough to keep it under control and handle it. "And you? Were you kidnapped, ever?"
[SH] Heo Gayoon (R) 8 years ago
@Lee Jongsuk (S) "so I heard, they even told me that even the smallest spec that we can find can be a torture for us." Gayoon says as she agree on what Jongsuk have said. "How and when were you abducted? I heard rumors once that you and your men were abducted and trapped on an island far away." She remember that incident and she was barely 16 years old but that time. The prince was still very young but get to survive with most of his men. She even thought he was a completely goner. " you're arrival in your kingdom alive, and not dead was also heard in the rest of the region. There were even a lot of stories about it, not knowing whixh one is true."

She sigh as she notice she talks to much already.

[sorry for the super late reply! I shall not explain myself because I'm being a jerk if I explain hahahaha!]
Lee Jongsuk (S) [A] 8 years ago
@[SH] Heo Gayoon (R) "Well, I might die any second. I dont imagine me dying, actually. I don't care about the possible bad outcome of my battle. I just try my best and try to protect the people I love," Jongsuk said and shrugged. "Either it works or it doesnt. In the and I cant change it anyways." It was sad but true.
"Aside from that... I've been kidnapped and tortured so many times... I am used to it." Up to now his guardian angel had been nice and strong but who knew how long it would protect him, mh? They would see.
"Everything can be used to torture you, trust me," he chuckled then. "Dont imagine that."

Jongsuk laughed softly. "He wouldnt? Well, I am not surprised about that," he grinned amused and nibbled on his food. "But really, such events always kill me a bit inside."
Even though right now he had nice company.
[SH] Heo Gayoon (R) 8 years ago
@Lee Jongsuk (S) "Well, we should not really fear death since we'll be ending on that one anyway," Gayoon starts to say but her eye twitch abit, "but not knowing how you will die is something that makes me curious at."
She looks at the prince from head to toe who is busy chewing his food, "you already accepted and see yourself dying in front of every battle, but what if you die not in there or after the fight? What if you die in another method?" Gayoon's curiousity keep rising up and even to something not everyone should look up to, "I usually look and observe everything around me. I try to see things as a tool for my death. How can such instrument kill me or torture me."

She laugh a bit, for a mere seconds and brush the idea off, "I should stop thinking about it. If my father would hear this, he won't like it. Not even one single bit of it."
Lee Jongsuk (S) [A] 8 years ago
@[SH] Heo Gayoon (R) Jongsuk chuckled amused and shrugged slightly.
"Well, that is for the people to choose," he said and took a bit from his food - it was delicious but it really wasnt worth for going on an event like this. He preferred the dry bread, rice and overcooked meat they had in the camp than an event like this with good food.

The prince blinked when he heard her words and tilted his head.
"I know I might die in an ambush or just by an accident so... I rather fight for the kingdom I live in to keep the people safe instead of falling down the stairs and breaking my neck. And most of my men are like this. Trust is most important and I train them the best I can so... I think we all go into a fight with hope for seeing the next day." He then tilted his head. "I don't fear death, actually. I mean, if I die, I die. Then maybe it was my time. I still try to do my best anyways."
[SH] Heo Gayoon (R) 8 years ago
@Lee Jongsuk (S) "Well at least someone here understands me even for a bit," Gayoon points out as she just look over the scenery and to the prince alternately. She leans and bite her lips a bit before continuing, "Also likes guys or hates dancing? well, you got that point but I'm not sure who you are referring to that one." She just chuckle upon the caught of examples but brush it off.

"Anyways, is being a commander that hard? I mean, you will be leading your army into a battle, not sure if you guys will be feasting the next day or be dying on the day of war and conflict," she asked as she keeps her eyes locked on the prince, "does that don't scare you? Have you ever thought about those kinds of stuff?"
Lee Jongsuk (S) [A] 8 years ago
@[SH] Heo Gayoon (R) "Well, I think only you yourself can really know who you are. Even I might have a different picture of you and you might have the same. Only when having all parts of the puzzle you can see the full picture and, if I am honest, I dont think anyone will ever have every part of a puzzle of one person." Jongsuk shrugged slightly.
"I mean, there might always be one small detail missing." He tilted his head a bit and smiled warmly.
"Like... he also likes guys or she hates dancing." He chuckled and took a bite from his food. "And the people out there will never really give a to see who everyone around them is. "Just like in my camp. I might be a commander but most people do not know I am a prince."
He tilted his head.
"But I understand it. I dont like people assuming things."
[SH] Heo Gayoon (R) 8 years ago
@Lee Jongsuk (S) Gayoon followed Jongsuk as they made to the balcony. She lean on the balcony as she rest her hand on it. She shakes her head and made her face react to it, "Not really on making them curious, I just.. well, plainly don't like crowds." She looks at Jongsuk, "plus they put expectations in their head in which you may think if you are obliged to do some things or not. The people in the crowd often times try to come up with conclusions on what you are than who you really are." Gayoon just say what she wants to say as she is expressing it. From time to time, she rolls her eyes when explaining.
"I just hate them." She sigh and look to the ground.


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bigboybbg 1 year ago
hippie 1 year ago
colazero 2 years ago
sad this isnt active :c
Jarzus 6 years ago
I miss this place ; v ;
BubblegumWitch 7 years ago
Can I join here?
c3d87639ae30fa03c05b 7 years ago
jieqiong left, loves. ; u ;
c3d87639ae30fa03c05b 7 years ago
ayyyy i'd love to join this place.
bamstastic 7 years ago
is this place still open?
0894cf9d84a8161701ca [A] 7 years ago
hey guys I'm very sorry but Lee Hanui left, thank you for having me but my health is too poor to continue. I wish you all the best ♥
erinyes 8 years ago
hello, may i reserve ahn hyejin? c:
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