(Anyone can reply to this if they would like to)
Jinah explored these waters a lot when she was younger, so she knew the skull alley pretty well. She looked around and saw a bunch of familiar sights.
@Lim Changkyun (C) Once again, Woobin tricked his way into a little house he knew Changkyun might use. There were a few hideouts both knew about and at five in the morning, Woobin suspected his younger friend to be in a place of his even if he has slept elsewhere. It was the second time in Venria since he left to join the army on the recommendation of the Empress Jung. The first time was just a few nights ago, except Woobin found Changkyun nowhere. The skilled thief could have turned his life around in the last two years as well, but before asking around, Woobin figured he'd lay low. A few wealthy jealous husbands in town had frames for Woobin's head in their hunt trophies room.
He didn't dare venture those streets in his navy outfit just yet, people had enough reasons to antagonize him and above all, he never informed Changkyun of his sudden choice to leave and train to become a soldier. His adroitness was still on point as he moved silently, visiting one room after the other but Woobin wasn't at peace: Changkyun was even better than hil and if he was in this house, chances that he heard him come in were high.