// room 206.

jiwon 9 years ago
@hanbin "What a beautiful idea" I exclaimed, sliding fingers through my phone. "I'll call my Bin-oppa then" I chuckled, writing down your number after your call. Then I took some stuff into my backpack and waved my hand cutely, grabbing the keys. "I'll call you when i'm done playing, babe. Don't bore yourself!"
I send you a blow kiss before leaving the room and rushing into basketball court like mad.

[time skip + meet ya in the pool ouo]
seokjin 9 years ago
hanbin 9 years ago
@jiwon You're completely right with your words and I'm happy that you're not different from me when it comes to this subject. So far we agree in most of the things we talked about and it won't be too pleasant to suddenly start fighting with each other about more serious stuff. Like, I kinda got used to having you as my roommate here and I really hope that our time which we will spend together won't be wasted just because of small stupid thing.
I frown because I couldn't do anything else when I hear how your voice changed. I suppose that you're trying to act like a little girl my sister was but sadly you failed miserably.
"Oh my God. Don't you ever try to do it again because my sis will come here and smack you with her teddy bear. And yeah, she calls me oppa. Bin-oppa to be exact", I answer you, keeping a serious expression but one corner of my lips is slightly raised in something what looks like a beginning of actual smile.
"And you did good that you haven't watched it. Dude, it's like the most useless thing human had ever done and recorded. But let's not talk about it. I'm starting to recollect every second of this jar nightmare", I say as I watch you how you get up and go to your things. I turn around on the chair so I can continue looking at you. It's not like I couldn't stay in my previous vantage point. But it would be a little rude to talk to the wall when I could easly talk to your bunny face. But soon enough I turn around back to your laptop and actually Google the artist you were talking about. Seeing that you're busy with your phone, there is no need to disturb you too much.
"My sis name's Hanbyul", I mumble to myself and since I don't say it too loud you could not hear me. Before I decide to press play button, I hear your voice again so I turn a little to stare at you with puzzled expression.
"Oh yeah, sure", I say and at the same time I take my phone out of my jeans' pocket. I unlock it at look at you. "Tell me your number and I will call you so you have mine as well."
jiwon 9 years ago
@hanbin I frown a little, listening to your opinion. "Yeah, like as long as they loves each others nobody cares about their race. Love can stuck anyone and it's not your fault if you fell for a so-called 'wrong' person" i replied, wanting to share with you everything what's in my mind. I don't know why, maybe just because i have really big urge to give you everything i have to have your shy smile as a change. Weird wish but i can't help myself anymore.
My thoughts has been interrupted with your comment about our little sister. "Does she calls you oppa?" i ask, leaning my head at the side. "Hanbinny-oppa?" I tried to ask with cute kid's voice but i feel like I failed this so I just laugh loudly, looking at your reaction.
"'Jar squatter'?" i asked, not being curious about it at all. "Judging by a name i can't say THIS can be entertaining and useful for me" I shiver a little, trying to not imagine about that stuff. "My friend adviced me to watch it someday but i was fed enough with only a description and some pics in google. Ew, just ew"
I wonder how the topic could lead to as much terrible topic as this. Not that i feel uncomfortable but I stood up suddenly and ran to my almost unpacked suitcase, trying to finish is as soon as it possible.
"Probably you could hear it as hanbyul's cover. I love it, you can google it to check it out"I shouted, pulling my cellphone out. Three missed calls from Song Mino, my old american friend. He told me he's studying here but i wanted to make a surprise for him, how did he knew i'm here?
I also have two unread sms from him. "I'm in basketball court, you dumb" it says in first and "You have only 30 mins to run here before I ate you" in another. Then i looked on my phone's clock and yelled something awful in English. 10 mins left.
"Uh-" I hummed,not really wanting to left you there. "I should do some stuff right now, can we meet later? Just write my number and i'll call you when i'll be free okay?"
hanbin 9 years ago
@jiwon "Yep, it's not like humans or hybrids are worse than another, right? I don't know how they're able to live together. They're so different from each other", and again, I say something you don't ask me for but what I can do when I feel like I can share this information with you. Maybe I trust you a little too fast for my liking, however, it's not this type of information which will destroy my or my parents life, right? And you're a good bunny, at least that's how I fell about you. You're giving me positive vibes. "Your hyung graduated university and my sister hasn't even been once in the kindergarten. She's three."
It's better to talk about our sibilings than ask about why you're here, I guess. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable even if I know that it should've been working other way, like I'm this one who is supposed to be awkward with anything and anyone. You're here alone, your whole family is at the other side of Pacific. Intriguing.
"I like when they can make art from movie. Not some kind of gross play when you start questioning your life and your body and crying everytime you recollect the memory of 'Jarsquatter'", I say, the last part is actually mumbled as sadly I see this horrible sight with my imagination. I shiver and then jerk in my sit, keeping sour expression on my face. Thank you, Pewdiepie. You destroyed my world outlook with this one video about top five shocking websites.
"Hm I think I might hear it somewhere", I hum as you work on your laptop on finding the song. And yes, it turns out that I did heard this song but not with Justin Bieber as someone who sung. "Oh I heard a cover of this song. It's not that bad, it's actually kinda nice. I like one One Direction song. 'One way or another' is the title. But maybe I like it because I love the orginal version of it and this new one isn't that hurting for Blondie."
jiwon 9 years ago
@hanbin Though you look scarred i'd like you reassure i'm not that mean. I never bully my friends, especially ones i do like. Yeah, teasing a little, but that doesn't count, isn't it? Every friendship or every close relationship include some playful behavious, just deal with it.
"But somehow she married your dad?" i asked, listening about your family amusedly enough. Seems like i'll recollect all the things that could make a smile at your face in special notebook. There's water, marvel, anime and so is your little sister? Interesting enough. You don't seem really related to your family. But i can be wrong, like psychology was never my major, and you're too unexpected guy.
I should notice that makes you more and more intriguing in my eyes.
"That's cute, and your mom really loves you, judging by your stories" i said finally, suddenly thinking about my one. "My dad and mama are both bunnies, they've met in college and now they live in States with my hyung, he graduated the university already"
I try to sound as usual as i can, but indeed, i miss my family already. It hasn't been long time,but i miss them already. Plus, the distance, it's really makes me feel sad. Anyway, why the hell i remember about my family? It's really sad, but it was my choice to come back in Korea, so I can't complain to nobody. I try to smile widely, fixing my ears to make them perk as always.
"I've got you. I prefer with a plot, it's interesting to watch though, not just a simple " Being a bunny i have really big libido, that could probably being enough for two. Luckily now i'm much calmer than i was a teen.
"Oh" suddenly I has been distracted from my ual thoughts with a Justin Bieber. Ew.
"It's 'as long as you love me' title. Wait, let me found it" I type quickly, revealing my internet geek's skills. Then i typed play and froze, waiting for your judging. Liking Bieber's songs means being a little teen girl or weird . Since i'm no one of those, that's really important to me, your opinion about that weird preference.
hanbin 9 years ago
@jiwon Seeing your failed attempt to bite off my finger, I chuckle softly, making sure that my finger is in the safe distance. You said something about your deadly teeth before and I'm sure I don't want to find out if you were telling true or just bullting.
I'm not sure if I want to know my future nickname you're going to give me but I know that I don't have any other choice because when you came up with something, you probably won't forget about it quickly.
"Uh she isn't a hybrid. My father is. And we will see what about my lil sis. She already spends more time in the water than at the playground so she probably will be a cute sharkie later", I say even if you don't ask me about it, getting a little too sentimental at the thought of my sister, her adorable smile and how sweet she is with everything she does.
You can see it in my eyes and the tone of my voice. God, it's my first day here and I already miss this kid.
"No, she has other way to show me the cruelty of this world. When she gets mad at me, she drains the pool behind our house but she makes my dad and sis suffer too so it suddenly turns out that the whole house is angry with me."
Getting water away from sharks is a big no no.
"I know that there are two types of people: those who watch and those who lie they don't. But honestly... doesn't... entertain me."
Because what could I say if I'm like 95% certain I'm aual? I find beauty in human's body but watching others or thinking about having doesn't make my heart beat fasten and lessen the space in my pants.
"If someone was looking for it, there would be some reward announced and I would be rich now and since nobody has seemed to care so far, I can admire this pink bottle standing on my shelf."
It's been a long time since the last time I extend my collection, however, since we agreed on going at the ocean together, I will get something new. New thing and new memories.
"Which one?"
jiwon 9 years ago
@hanbin No wonder if you didn't gave upon me so quickly, i was expected for that.
"Your miserable life?" I chuckle, trying to bite your finger but you took it off quickly enough so all your limbs are in safe. I can make your life even worse if I want to bully you, so think twice, Hanbinnie. "Don't worry, honey, I don't use someone's inventions while i can use my own-" I wanted to give you some cute nicknames already but your words just shut me up, making my ears twitch curiously.
"Your mom isn't a shark as well?" That's weird, my mom is a bunny hybrid just like me and i've never heard her teases about my ears and teeth. "Probably she just tries entertain your life? Like 'see, baby how cruel this life can be?" Anyways, she sounds really interesting woman and i'd love to meet her once. I hope she'll come to you someday.
"Nah, I'm okay with both so you're free to call me whatever you want" I nodded happily, looking at your cute reaction on question. You're definitely on my hook.
"Ha-ha, I'd never ask you to that so called 'group activity'. But attitude can tell about human a lot" I'm not fully psychologist, that trick told me my american friend once. Now i know you don't love talk about it so you're even closer than i thought before, okay then.
I don't think you can live without the past, unless something terrible happen in your life. I shrug a little, listening about your treasures. "Really? I'm so curious that probably i'd check that drive as soon as it possible! What if it's important thing and someone is desperately searching it?"
I lost my usb drive once and there were my term paper. And i spent two sleepless night to remake it because nobody found my drive. But it's your descision even if i don't approve it.
"Surprisingly i like one Bieber's song" i smiles shyly. "He's not really awful like everyone says"
hanbin 9 years ago
@jiwon (No. :v)

Seeing how much you want to know the secret of my embarrassing nickname, without much thinking, I poke a corner of your lips which are now curved in this evil smile of yours.
"With this look? Forget it. I can already imagine how miserable my life would be, if I told you something", I say, my finger being away from your face for a few seconds already. And I obviously don't realise what I've just done because it wasn't a big deal. "I can just tell you that there were times when instead of 'Come on, son! Dinner is ready' she played 'Jaws' theme song. God, tiger shark was a victim in this movie. What was she trying to tell me?", I ask you since I tried to find the answer for a few years already but still I have nothing. Instead of looking at you with frown and genuine wtf-face, I look at some random point in front of me, spreading out my arms in complete helplessness. Gee, my mother may be weirder than me.
"And do you want me to call you Jiwon or Bobby? Or you don't care about it?"
In my case, I don't really care about your . I like girls as much as boys but I can't pay much attention to their bodies honestly. I'm weird I know but I can't change it to become more normal. My last years of being hormonal teenager are pretty boring.
"Why? Are you planning to when I'm in here?", I ask you, one of my eyebrows goes up since I don't know why you ask about this so suddenly. Tho I'm not a prude to be scared of talking about those things. But I'm abnormal enough so random hereto, gay or lesbian isn't able to give me a . "And just not to make it too awkward you want to make it some kind of... group activity?"
Really. Let's stop talking about this.
"Well, it's important but I can live without this. This box is full of memories and I came here to create some new one, not to spend my time here on recollecting my past", I explain it to you as I want you to get my point. I know that I won't have really exciting life here because I'm not adventurous guy. But who cares. It's my life.
"Ewww, man, gross", I whine when you mention overdentures, grimacing on thought that I actually could touch something like this. "I found a prosthesis hand and obviously I have an old shoe. And a bottle with pendrive in it. I haven't openned it yet."
Doubtlessly this bottle is my the most interesting trove but even if I'm curious about what is on this pendrive, I still haven't brough myself to open it. I guess I just don't want to let myself down when it turns out that there is nothing interesting on it or the pendrive is broken.
"Please, I survived ten hours with 'Heyayayaya what's Goin on' and Nyan cat. Only Justin Bieber is worse than this."
If I had different roommate who would be more passionate with his fury and rage, well... he would quickly experiance how nice sharks can be.
jiwon 9 years ago
@hanbin (stop reading my thoughts!)

My ears twitched as I smiled evilly, looking at your face. "Your momma? Please tell me, i should know it! i can say how my mommy calls me instead so we'll be equal"
I tilt my head to the side, feeling both my ears fell a little. Usually that works, my aegyo, but you're new there so i don't know. Probably I should add some more cuteness to get you mom's nickname. "As for me, everyone called me Bobby when i used to be in States because it's simple to locals"
Come up with something mine? Ha-ha, don't worry i'll figure out a billion nicknames for you, i bet you'll hate me for that like never. I smile in anticipating. Just wait, Jiwon, just wait.
"Japanese girls could be wild, but they doesn't use so surgery as Koreans so i found it interesting" i chuckle to you, thinking that actually even if i like girls, strangely i prefer boys in reality. "Do you like watching ?" I asked suddenly without any cheesy nor obvious smile in my face. is very important boy's thing and I really need to know if we're compatible here as well.
"Where do you live? Maybe you can bring that stuff later? Or it's not so important to you?" I turned around my chair over again, stopping by your knees. "I wonder what can you find under the sea. Do you have human's overdenture?" I asked with obvious laugh, trying to imagine poor granny who can lose her teeth because of some shark boy.
"Oh please" i replied, trying to copy your voice tone. "Ten hours of ponponpon and i have perfect killing machine" This is true,i can't be mad for a while. Just only few seconds of rage and that's all.So you're really lucky with your new roomie.
hanbin 9 years ago
@jiwon I frown seeing the sudden change of your facial expression or maybe it's just about your bunny ears which fell down instead of proudly standing up. I don't really know what is wrong but luckily you quickly get back to your happy self. And seriously, you have nothing to be worried about. As you correctly noticed, I'm not social guy, having one or two friends is completely enough for me. And you forgot about one very important point - I'm a swim team leader so I can use the pool whenever I want to and we can be there alone so no one will see bunny's first steps in water.
"Hm not really. I'm not that cool to deserve a cool nickname. And there is no way I will let you call me like my mother calls me. Another reason to tease me? You know, Jiwon, I will pass", I say, putting my hands up as I just give in. "You can come up with something yourself. And what about you?"
I don't realise what my hand on my chest is doing to you but it's only because I don't have such a wild thoughts as you do. Thanks God, making it too ual from the very first day of living together wouldn't be something good at all.
"Nah, not everyone has to be into Japanese culture, right?", and honestly, my interests are only anime, manga and obviously different type of food which contains fishes. Usually I don't even care to remember their names, I just want to eat them. "Japanese type of beauty isn't my style either."
"I have a box of weird stuff I found while diving. And no, it's not a box full of old shoes tho I found a pair. But everything is at my home, I don't plan to bring it here", because what for? I can live without it, those things just help to bring my memories back. Beautiful memories.
"Oh please, 'Ponponpon' and 'Ninja Re Bang Bang' are awesome songs", I say, still sticking to this dangerous mood, however, it doesn't seem to be dangerous at all anymore.
jiwon 9 years ago
@hanbin "That's perfect!" I exclaimed, clapping in my hands, but then my ears fell a little because i realize that in the poll there are crowd usually. Not that i'm scared of people, no i love them but it's a one thing showing you my shameful swimming abilities and another is being ashamed in front of whole school. Somehow i belive you and i don't think you would gossip about me or make some dirty rumors. At least because you don't seem really friendly to others. "Thank you, Hanbin!" I smile again, shaking your hand a little. "We're deal with it. By the way i'm all wonder, do you have some shortcut name? It's really boring to call you fully Hanbin"
Your hand just grabbed your chest and i feel like i'm turning on again, probably only because of your not really just friendly smirk. Chill out, Jiwon, you don't need getting hard in front of your roomie. I took a long breath before shaking my head and replying at your request. "Alright, you won. It's kyary and yakitori, i'm not too original, to be honest" I raise my hands in surrender gesture, chuckling a little. "But speaking of the girl, i prefer to stare at her, she's werdy but in good way, music is kinda lame, our girls are the way more interesting i should say"
Then i squint my eyes at you as I've heard obvious nonsense. "I did it, because it's really rare thingy while my volumes weren't too important for me, so that exchange could call fair enough" I shrug a little. Yes, sometimes i need to sacrifice some of my treasure for another ones. "What about you, by the way? Do you have yours treasures?"
"Justin Bieber is a kid comparing to kyary's songs, babe" i murmured with a husky voice trying to sound as more mysterious as I can. Actually i could make you a quick revenge you like punch your face of even bite you hard, my teeth is really good weapon but i don't think i'll let you ever suffer. You're too cute and interesting to offend you, plus i'm a victim, so it's you who should look scary to me.
hanbin 9 years ago
@jiwon Surprised with you sudden burst of excitement, I twitch a little, leaning back so any part of excited body won't get in crash with my face. Your happiness is like some kind of contagious disease because it's so easy to feel you and I don't even want to stop myself from smiling and getting cheerful together with you.
"Sure, why not. Anytime convenient to you", I say and nod along, showing that I don't mind teaching you swimming. Expecially when I saw how sad you became when we were talking about oceam and swimming. Your face without smile makes this room darken. And since teaching you swimming is linked to water, there is no way I will say no to you.
I guess you have some kind of wrong influence on me because instead of being flustered and getting all shy when I see this unambiguous stare of yours, I send you a smug smirk, grabbing my chest with one hand.
"And what are the other two? Tell me more, now. I can't wait longer", I ask you like this thing with taking my clothes off has never happened. We both are know that I won't take them off so quickly. Even if you gave me your whole collection of figures.
"Oh how dared you?", I ask with some kind of disgust on my face because how could you sell Naruto for Jack Nicholson but quickly my face gets back to normal, not wanting to get into serious fight over nothing. "Only one or more volumes?", I ask just to know how expensive this figure was. I know that some fans get crazy over their stuff and are ready to pay anomalous amount of money to get their wanted item.
"Long and painful?", I ask, my voice a little lower and quieter, just to suit the mood of uncoming death. "You mean ten hours with Justin Bieber?", I look up at you, squinting my eyes to see if there is any fury in your eyes but there is none. But how could I be scared of your threats? Of course I wouldn't dare to destroy your stuff because I have some respect for people and their property but bunny trying to scare off a shark is something this world probably hasn't seen until now.
jiwon 9 years ago
@hanbin Listening your stories about swimming made me jump on my sit in excitement. "Woah you make me want to try swimming. You surely have to teach me, your stories about a water are too tasty to handle"
Then i look at your gills. Probably I won't be so good swimmer as you but at least i will try to approach to feelings that makes you feel so happy.
My ears twitched up again and i gave you oh-so-innocent playful stare, trying to imagine your body ready for me. "You've got take your clothes away right now because One Piece is the one of three my Japanese interests" Although it's not my full obsessions, i have a chopper plushy somewhere in my room and few new mangas. "You'll find out others too very soon, my dear friend" Resisting to touch you getting to hard for me, but i still can hold myself even if you probably know how much do i like it. I show you two Jokers, completely different ones.
"Look, that is Ledger's one and that" i point to another one with gun, "That is Nicholson's, it's rare enough and i sold my Naruto's manga to get it" I love all my figures even if it's really expensive hobby but i don't regret at all.
I threw my significant gaze at you before looking at my little collection. "You're too young to know it, my fellow roomie. But surely it will be long and painful" And surely i lied because i can't hold something bad inside for too long time. But i have to freak you out a bit just to show you how important they are to me.
hanbin 9 years ago
@jiwon When you start talking about how it is during basketball matches, I nod a few times, agreeing with you since I kinda know this feeling you're trying to describe to me.
"Yeah, you're just too focused on the game so you just don't care about people around you, you concentrate on doing your best and having some fun", I say after releasing a soft hum, getting your point because athletes could understand each other easly. "I'm swim team captain and maybe swimming isn't as popular as basketball, but sometimes it can be really noisy too. But it doesn't really matter because while swimming you can only hear water splashing. And your breath", I add, thinking that sometimes this breathing part doesn't count in my case since sometimes I decide to use only my gills and safe people this stupid facial expression which shows up during taking every next breath.
"Just tell me that you're into One Piece as well and my body is ready for you", I say, of course not being serious. I put my hands up like I totaly mean it but the mood is too light here to actually take anything like it's not a joke. "How are they different?", I ask as I look up at your hand as you put all the figures at your shelf before I look at your face again.
I don't think that maybe my otp may have its second meaning considering the fact that Cap is one of your favourites and Bucky is mine and really, it's good that I didn't come up to this conclusion. I don't want to get another heart attack and start thinking weirdly about my new roommate. Even if I didn't expect to have someone as awesome as you here.
"And what is punishment for putting them back in the wrong order?"
jiwon 9 years ago
@hanbin Looking at your face I pout a little, feeling that you're mocking on me when i try actually to help you, but it wasn't a secret for me you're not really party person. Me neither, I can never understand people who have fun only at the parties with alcohol.
"Sport is fun, you're right. Did you knew, i'm school basketball's captain?" I smile with a cheer in my voice. "I can say you, normal match is noisy and crowd as a , but it makes me happier than normal drunk wasting of the time"
Now you can think i'm that annoying healthy lifestyle fan that isn't true actually, but who cares? We're going to live together next academic year so you'll discover how first impression could be wrong. But everything in its own time, i thought, smiling back to you. Did somebody said that your smiles are like a sun?
"Does it mean you'll love me as long as i have that box?" I ask, chucking softly. "That could make me want to enlarge my collection" After humming i decided to pull out all my figures and place it at the shell. "I also have two Jokers but they're different"
A think that you probably equate yourself as Bucky and me as Steven makes me smile and twitch excitedly at their shipname. Suddenly I wonder about our possible couple name but i threw this away, putting the figures at the shell under your head. "Okay, as you wish, You're free to take them whenever you want, just put them where they were after"
hanbin 9 years ago
@jiwon Of course I know that I don't have to dance like a pro but it doesn't make me feel better anytime someone is brave enough to drag me with themselves at a party. It's always like I stuck to the table with alcohol and food and when my stomach is full I make my way to the door unseen.
"Thanks, I feel so relieved with your words", I say with an obvious irony in my voice, my lips'corners raised up in a fake smile but my eyes show that I don't really mind it as much as I sound to mind. "But I have better way to get rid of too much energy. Sport is usually less crowded and not as noisy."
Yes, sadly your roommate is boring as . Silence is just too precious for me to exchange it for having some fun with other girls and guys at my age. Loneliness is something I can deal with easly.
Feeling your finger on my nose, my eyes widen and I blink a few times, twitching slightly surprised with sudden touch.
"Hah, if you didn't have your Marvel box of treasure, I would be far away from this room already", I say, not looking at you but this small smile on my lips says something completely different than my words. I like you.
I look up at you and then at the Cap figure.
"Cap who wanted to become as fabulous as Winter Soldier but he ed this up", I say and at the same time I put Bucky on your desk. "Nah, I will just steal him from time to time. He has to be somewhere close to Cap because Stucky is life."
jiwon 9 years ago
@hanbin "Um- yeah, you've got me right, Hanbin" I nod happily, placing the box at the table and mirroring your position subconsciously. I wiggle a little, chewing my lips. "I can't dance neither but it never stops me from acting crazy if i want to dance" I chuckle, moving my body along the quiet music from the laptop. "I don't think you should dance like a professional dancer if you want to burst your energy out. So rather i'll tease you about your shyness than lame abilities"
I laugh at those words suddenly poking tip of your nose. "I can show you my skills someday, I like dancing when nobody's home" To confirm my words i move my arms in some shameless insane dance at the chorus with a loud laugh. "See, there's nothing wrong and you're still here, liking your mad new roomie.
Maybe then my smile was too warm and sweet but luckily you were too focused at Bucky's figure so you didn't noticed it.
"I have almost whole collection, plus additional two Batmans and spoiled another Cap" i sigh, pulling out a figure without a hand. "Let's just call him Captain in retirement, okay?" Then i pulled Enchantress, Wonder woman, Hawkeye and Quicksilver. "I have lots of that collection but never a Witch, what a "
You look really cute with a small figure in your hands so I smile once again. "Yea, no other choice. And you know... I think Bucky can live in this room in your shell, i wouldn't mind of his little crossing"
hanbin 9 years ago
@jiwon Your explanation was really needed because I want to understand your point. Everyone has their own view at the real manly man and everyone interpret it in their own ways, everyone is just different.
"Something like Survivor's 'Eye of the tiger'? Or maybe Tina Turner's 'The best'?", I ask as I change my possition a little, hanging my arm on the backrest of my chair, slightly turning my front to your side.
"I don't like dancing. Probably because I can't doing it without embarrassing myself and my family", I say, taking my eyes off you for a few seconds as I lower my head and shake it while letting out a faint laugh. "And I think I shouldn't have told you about it because now I suppose you will tease me about this until the last day of us being roomies. At least."
I look at you again, not noticing the insense staring contest we just had. I don't find this short silence awkward, just like I just don't want to pay any attention to this, being too lost in your dark orbs.
When you take out Bucky's figure, I take it in my hands, playing with it like a little kid who really badly want Winter Soldier to throw the shield back to Cap.
"Yeah, yeah. It's not like I have any other choice, right?", I ask, looking at you before I lock my eyes on the figure in my hands. At my house I have only one figure and it's no one else than Wolverine. "Even if Jared Leto will totaly destroy Joker character."
jiwon 9 years ago
@hanbin [omg deadshot* ofc him, i just thought abt new deadpool's movie when wrote that orz]
[post deleted by owner]
jiwon 9 years ago
@hanbin Your question just trapped me, even my smile disappeared for a moment, thinking about the answer. "Well, that not what i mean". Sometimes things are too hard to explain. Even if i'm talkative- sometimes too much talkative I don't have right words to explain what i feel.
"Not the meat and beer things, but something motivating?" I tilt my head to another side, looking directly in your eyes and hoping you'll get my though. "Something that make put your out of the chair and do something, dance at least, do you like to dance, by the way?" I asked, finally breathing with relief. My smile is came back when i look at you again. I caught your direct gaze but somehow i didn't want to avoid it. Maybe because you're naturally predator while me is a victim and i can't just resist when danger is so close to me. My instincts shouts at me to run away and never talk to you but my hand put Bucky's figure at the table. Slowly i put cap's shield away and pull it in Bucky's hands.
"Of course you can, they're homies" I laugh loudly, finally breathing with relief. I don't know what it was few seconds before but i hope you didn't noticed anything wrong.
"He's cute as an actor. Actually i always love marvel's cast. DC's one made me feel down because of Joker and Deadpool in suicide squad. But i'm still gonna go to the cinema next august. And you'll go with me, hun" I smile cheerfully, that you can't resist to me.
hanbin 9 years ago
@jiwon "And what's manly then?", I ask because I don't really know what is wrong with this song. Of course I kinda understand you, the tough life and stuff but liking songs like this one doesn't make you worse in any possible way. It just shows that you have a different side. But I don't know if this other side is so much different from the first impression people get after looking at your smile and bunny attributes. "Song about eating meat, getting laid and lifting 50 kg with your index finger?"
Of course you have only one chance - I let you know it with a hum and quick nod. Maybe this thing isn't as important as I make it sound to be, however, if I know something more about many Marvel and DC characters than only basic stuff they show in their movies, I'm able to say something about the person who choose them as their favourite, right? So looking at you and keeping my serious act, I watch you as you take a few figures out of the box. I chuckle softly as I hear your answer - you're completely right about Margot.
"Nah, I think I can work with this. My favourite one is Bucky", I answer, looking straight into your eyes as well, somehow not feeling uncomfortable with doing this. "It's just so hard to resist Seb Stan."
And of course I don't like this character only because of Bucky's actor's face. Most of my favourites have their sad past and I just want to give them the love they need.
jiwon 9 years ago
@hanbin I never believe in love nor in some bull like falling at the first sight but my heart twitched too hard just for normal reaction at friend's wide smile. I try to capture that image deeply inside of me and remember about it sometimes. For that moment it's too early to admit some crappy things about my new friend.
"Yea, that's a problem" I whined, playfully praying to heavens. "I try to look cool as more as my rabbit's face allow and that 'cute' song. It's not manly at all"
I huff a little, tying to look irritated about the word 'cute' towards me. I tried to offend or even punch a face of someone who was bold enough call me cute when i was younger, but it completely doesn't work on you, seems like i can forgive you literally everything, so I decided to think you shivered after my touch only because of sudden, not because of disgust.
"So i have only one chance?" I tilt my head to the side and acts to look scared. "But i just started to get used to my new roomie how can i let you go from now?" I laughed, pulling out three figures, two girly and one male's. "I hope my reply is right, but i haven't really one favorite. There's Harley, Widow and Cap"
I touched gently Harley's blue and red hair. "She's my most lovable lately because Margot is hottie"
I smile to you, handing a bo to pull your favorite character. "What about yours, Hanbin? Will we be roomies as we were?"
I blink few times, looking directly in your eyes. Maybe i didn't guessed right about the characters, but who knows, probably my aegyo can help to keep you staying here"
hanbin 9 years ago
@jiwon Yes, your happiness hits me and I don't really know how and why but I kinda feel you. Your possitive energy is just too hard to miss and I don't have any other choice than just accept it and be or try to be happy with you. But it doesn't look like it's something hard especially when you're smiling everytime. Does your face not hurt you from doing this?
Your sense of humour is fine with me because when I hear about your mother and Freddy Mercury's relationship, smile cracks up on my face. I listen to your words, being curious about you and your taste in music. I notice how embarrassed you become but why? This song is very likable.
"Why? I wouldn't call you pathetic just because you like this song. It's kinda... cute I guess?", I say, not being sure about my words, maybe I didn't select them correctly but it has been told so I decide not to care.
Our differance of temperaments is obvious but I don't mind it, you're a nice guy but accepting you being like this is linked to having heart attack everytime you suddenly catch my hands or attack any other part of my body. Touching is something I usually avoid.
My lips corners get up in awkward manner before I experiance some kind of relief when you busy your hands with getting your box of treasure. When you openned it, I look inside and yes, dude, you totally win my friendship.
"Okay, there is this one ing important question which has to be asked. If you answer it wrong, we can't be roommates", I say in a very serious tone while looking at you with matching facial expression. "Who is your favourite Marvel or DC character?"
jiwon 9 years ago
@hanbin Probably you can see a sparkles flashed in my eyes when you agreed to go to the ocean with me. My ears twitched up even more than they could and seems like you can roast an egg on my cheeks.
"That's amazing!" i shouted, liking you more and more. Your smile added some cuteness to your face so resisting to urge pinch your cheeks is too high right now but i bite my inner cheeks. Calm down, excited bunny.
But I failed as always when things came to music. "You're right, my mom loves Mercury and she always said he's the only one male she listen to" I chuckle, turning around my chair and coming back right to my laptop. "I also like 'Love of my love' that's kinda pathetic but..." I blushed slightly, glancing in your eyes for second before covering my face with hands. "Yea, i'm too damned pathetic"
I whine playfully, making a joke from this statement. As for a rabbit, i'm not really timid, rather curious, but sometimes i'm still a crybaby and can do nothing about it. I also try to not freak you out with my too big feelings as for a new friend like you but when you mentioned marvel universe, it became too hard for me and i grabbed your hands in mines, shouting something excited.
"Dude, I'm gonna sell out my soul to Marvel, or I already did i'm not sure yet!" I laughed loudly, pulling out a huge box. "Look, here's my treasure, and i'm gonna share it with you"
I opened a box, revealing some comics, dvds, cinema tickets, lego figures and plushy Rocket toy. "I'm ing stan for Marvel/DC. My mom will send me all my posters so you'll feel it even more, just don't be too freaked out."
hanbin 9 years ago
@jiwon Listening to your answer, I hum softly along with a nod since now I can understand why you haven't ever tried it. I don't know if your mother's worries are needed but I can't judge her because yeah, I'm a shark so I know nothing about bunnies and what they can do and what they cannot.
"Yeah, sure. I haven't been there for months so why not", I say, nodding and sending you a small smile in exchange for your bigger one. Going at the ocean isn't a bad idea at all. Especially if I always say 'yes' when someone mention water to me.
"Woah, seriously?", I look at you with bigger eyes, excitement pretty visible because I didn't really believe that I would get a roommate with who I have something in common. "Bohemian Rhapsody is their best song, I mean, I love it the most but other songs are awesome too. Like 'Don't stop me now'. It gives me good energy enough for a whole day", I add as I lean back on my chair, crossing arms on my chest and spreading my legs comfortably. "I've heard it and I must admit that it's perfect."
I don't notice it maybe because I don't see anything unusual in it but I start feeling more comfortable around you. Or it's just because I have something to talk about, something meaningful.
"Hm I know a few their songs and they're good", I say and take a small break so you can play the song you want me to hear and just after hearing a few seconds of it, I continue. "Have you watched 'Guardians of the Galaxy'? This movie has the best soundtrack ever. Or maybe I'm just Marvel trash."
jiwon 9 years ago
@hanbin I shrug, looking kinda guilty at you. "I never tried to swim because my mom said that could be dangerous for rabbits." Actually i never thought about it before. I was wondering about ocean and some sea inhabitants but then something always scratched my mind so I never worried about my water fear. Instead of complaining i just started to listen you and imagining a new amazing world i can't discover fully.
Your voice is too soft and rapt to interrupt you, so I even close my eyes, enjoying this situation. You're absolutely right, ocean give an impression of freedom that i never have, being just decorative rabbit and living literally in the cage. "So we should go to the ocean once together, Hanbin" I said right after I realized you actually finished. I hope there weren't any awkward pause between us and just smiled to you as bright as always when you said near to me.
That music i like so we shouldn't fight about it in future. That reassures.
"Queen? I like Bohemian Rhapsody the most!" I chuckled, quickly typing the song title at the search and playing it immediately. "Did you ever heard queen's cover by symphonic orchestra? That sounds too good, you should try, I mean it" I blink at your face trying to not poke you. Probably you don't like skinship THAT much. "I like literally everything, from something weirdly sweet as bubble gum to death metal if it sounds interesting, but rock music is preferable. Lately i feel i stuck at the Clash, they're old school so you should like them as well" I smile to your face, so you can see my too slit eyes but i don't care about it.
I type my favorite song title and nod in please hearing first notes.
hanbin 9 years ago
@jiwon "What do you mean? Like if you even try to learn how to swim, you won't be able to it?", I ask you, being actually surprised with this new information as I couldn't imagine my life without water and swimming. But that is probably only because I'm a shark hybrid. If I were monkey, I wouldn't be able to live without tree and bananas. I turn my head and look at you, having a small break from putting my clothes into the closet before I wake up from this trance, realising that I stare at you a little too intense.
"Well", I start, being a little awkward again as I don't really know what to tell you or how to describe what I feel everytime I'm in the water, in ocean. "Summer sun and ocean... are everything you need to feel free. When you're close to the surface, everything under you look just cute. But when you get lower, it's... astonishing beauty", I say, maybe revealing a little too much of my personal feelings but I don't really care about it. "You should go there one day, I mean at the ocean even if you only wet your feet at the coastline. It gives completely different vibes than sea."
Yes, this statement is too long for me but I get a little more talkative everytime water is involved. In the meantime I put my all clothes in the closet, so I close its door and take care of the rest of my stuff, like books and my laptop which I place on my desk.
I chuckle softly as place my now empty bag under the upper floor.
"Not trot. I'm not that insane", I resolve all your doubts as I take my chair and pull it with myself. I sit on it just next to you, looking at you before I turn my gaze on your laptop screen. "I'm more into American or European 70's, 80's and 90's. Like Journey, Queen, ABBA. Something like this, I won't mention everyone. And what about you?"
jiwon 9 years ago
@hanbin Since I have huge always perking ears, it's not a secret i have good hearing. And surprisingly i love your tone of the voice. That makes me want to hear it over and over again. But the problem is seems like you don't like to use your melodic voice at all. I sigh sadly, shaking my head, and even my ears just laid along my head.
"No, never" I replied, opening my small laptop on the table and tapping a password to launch my soundcloud account. "I wish I could see an ocean once but i'm a rabbit, i can't swim and i never will."
I sob quietly because that's really one of my biggest dreams - to rock in ocean's waves just like you probably do. "can you tell me about it? How does summer sun tastes like in ocean?"
I turn to you, smiling brightly and hoping you didn't noticed trace of my sadness. Everyone knows Kim Jiwon as a little energizer, so you shouldn't know about my little flaws as well.
"70's?" I chuckle a little. You totally defeated me. I was expecting for everything even for some stupid girly k-pop groups, but never a music like this. "Like really? You like trot?"
I tilt my head to the side, looking amused at your face but I fail as always. It seems like totally unreadable and just makes me want to unlock you even harder than before.
"Well, I don't mind of it anyways, each to his taste. Just tell me some of your favorite singers, i'll make a playlist for us" I beam to you happily. Now i really want you feeling comfortable with me. And I will do my best to make you smile, friend.


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hissra 7 years ago
I am the former admin Yubin of this /ancient/ roleplay now. A while ago, we closed down and myself as well as the other founder, who played Hyuna, fell out of roleplaying here at RPR. However, we are back now with fresh accounts and have made a revamp of this group. We would love for anyone and everyone reading this right now to join us at our new location. If you are interested, please reply to this comment and we will send you the link (or, if there are already replies, the link should be there, just click and join us!)
unsilenced [A] 8 years ago
i kinda wanna bring this place back by myself
-siren- 8 years ago
I miss this place so much, not gonna lie.
Moguri 8 years ago
It's been almost half a year. Is this place ever coming back? :/
4a11bef9fa0d33433ccf 9 years ago
Can you reserve Amber for me?
Moguri 9 years ago
When will this place open again? I miss it :c
bloomer 9 years ago
hey quick question.
whenever this reopens, can i be myoui mina from twice instead of yeonjoo
i had yeonjoo reserved beforehand but i changed my username since then.
thanks guys~
onlythebest24 9 years ago
i miss this rp ;;; jinki was my best character~
i haven't left him because you mentioned a reopening?
i'd like to reserve jinki if possible. i won't leave the character unless you tell me to~
xEvanescencex 9 years ago
please reserve seolhyun for me until reopening
5423d70eb718bb582a42 9 years ago
Seunghee is leaving. Thanks for having me.
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