// movie theater.

jiho (fattydae) 9 years ago
@jinyoung .
"Try?" He laughed, too obviously amused at the follow along of play. O course he knew Jinyoung's boyfriend wouldn't come after him with a knife - and if in the curious case he did, Jiho didn't carry his cheetah spirit as just mere decoration -, or at least not a kitchen knife of all things; no, if you were looking to murder, there were better choices of weapon than the quick first sharp object. While he wasn't quite sure whether Jinyoung had taken his loose plea seriously or not, Jiho found it suitable enough that there was even a joking promise to gain trust. It wasn't as if he were scared - no, of course not - but he'd been taught over and over again, never make enemies. You never knew quite exactly where life would take you, after all. Keeping his arms looped around the panther a second longer, just to tug him close and thump him lightly on the forehead, Jiho laughed, bright and loud. "Well, you can never be too careful." Not that he needed the precautions.

Jiho hummed, his eyes dancing as he regarded the younger boy. His tone was accepting of the denial, but his eyes denied it, continuing its tease aimed at the fellow feline. It simply was too much fun teasing the boy - he fell too quickly for it, providing reactions that only made him want to continue to poke. "Of course you're not," he mock agreed, the sarcasm dripping thick from it. If ever Jiho had a younger brother - though the likelihood of such possibility stood impossible, having grown up without a father - he imagined he would be much like how the panther was: much too fun to tease.

His reaction to the draw of hat was to raise curiously a brow. Why? The next few sentences flew mostly through him in little care as the cheetah tilt his head. Why the sudden hat - was he trying to hide his ears? Having never too caring of what the others had spoke of him, Jiho shared not the same emotions about the outstanding animal features. Let them see, was what Jiho had claimed. The once childish embarrassment of his quickly lightening hair had long since faded out as his ears and tail had grown in; it didn't matter what anyone said.

And so to the sudden pull on of hat, Jiho reached forward, snatching the cap off of the panther's head by the brim. "What's this for?"

(otl i feel like i'm constantly apologizing after every post. i've been, admittedly, a tad lazy. my bad)
jinyoung (September) 9 years ago
@jiho Jinyoung looked at the other male with a blank look as he tried to take in what he just said about his boyfriend before tilting his head. He was pretty sure his boyfriend wouldn't suddenly come after something with a knife. Though he might do something else, but not a knife.

He made a small noise out of reflex when the other suddenly started ruffling his hair. "I'll try to fit it in somewhere, but no promises." He muttered softly under his town, Hoping the other didn't hear him. "Though I'm 99.999999 percent sure that there's a fifty fifty chance or less that Hoseok will come after you with a knife."

The panther smiled at the other and embargo sly rubbed the back of his neck. "That was a bit of an awkward thing to suddenly said." He took in a deep breath. Before he came to the universe it had been quiet literally maybe him and his parents. At times he tried to talk but he hated the small looks that they gave him. He was actually happy that the Cheetah wasn't treating him as some huge disease that most people treated him like.

The black haired male smiled widely as he heard this, glad that he had another friend. "I'm not sulking." He suddenly denied, twitching his ears before he suddenly remembered something and turned around. He opened his locker again and pulled on a hat over his ears and closed his locker again. "I probably would have more friends if I actually talk to some people." He admitted in a small voice, looking down at the ground. "But id rather just, you know, stick to my self at times." Jinyoung then shut up for a bit before looking at the other. "So... Movie?"

(/Lol >_< I only reply fast depending if I'm willing to stop watching a tv show on Netflix and or willing to stop playing mine raft for a few minutes, and depending on writhed or not I had a computer or just my iPod O.O but you're fine! ^_^)
jiho (fattydae) 9 years ago
@jinyoung .
It was hard to keep from snorting, at least not out loud. How amusing, what he'd meant in tease had gone straight through the boy's head and took a stab at the heart instead. Jiho hadn't expected the sophomore to react with such a love struck expression. Maybe he himself had been far too out of his game to sympathize. He laughed instead.

"Well, put in a good word to your boyfriend," he laughed, reaching over, looping his arm around the panther's neck and ruffling the black tuffs of hair in greatest growing tease. "I don't have a death wish just yet. Wouldn't want your boy getting the wrong ideas and coming after me with a kitchen knife." Jiho grinned, leaving a lasting pat, rougher in boyish play, before pulling back off, hitching his sagging bag back up his shoulder.

The panther, no need to mention, was an interesting sort. They'd only seen each other a handful of times, and never quite for reasons over than to direct the fellow feline to the other locker, and yet there was a sort of fondness growing for the dark haired boy. Almost as if he'd seen the boy since perhaps even the beginning of his university career. And now, hearing about the more tragic past than what Jiho was used to hearing, it was as if there was a closer pull to pulling the boy into his smaller circle of friends.

He hummed. "Well, I'm a friend," Jiho decided freely, his tail swaying slight in his pliant mood. Again he reached, flicking a finger against Jinyoung's forehead. "So quit your sulking. You've probably got a lot of friends, just without you knowing." You didn't need an outright statment before making friends. If you matched, talked, and didn't feel yet quite the urge to run someone down with a lawn mower, Jiho supposed that was enough to consider a friend - or, at least, something of a closer acquaintance.

(/pats your brain. take a rest. tests are never any fun otl. you reply so fast - i feel so bad bc i'm so slow in comparison otl. it's not bad ~ /though my reply otl)
jinyoung (September) 9 years ago
@jiho Jinyoung bit his lip as he nodded his head to keep him from smiling too widely. "Yeah, in a way I guess you could say that... I don't know why really. I should."

He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he continued to try and keep a smile from bursting into his face. He loved spending time with his boyfriend. He really really did. It was something that he looked up to in a seance. But at the same time he can't just have his whole life revolve around one person. He needed friends as well. And who better to ask than the person who's locker he keeps mistaken as his own locker?

Couldn't they say that in a way, the panther and cheetah kind of know each other from the few locker mishaps? It's easier to say that than they were just two strangers tied together by a locker...Jinyoung shook his head to get the thoughts out of his head as a small pot formed on his lips. Why were lockers such an interesting locker to him? The fact of the locker could mean anything.

At the same time the locker could just simply be... A locker...

'Anyways, back to the movie' The Hybrid thought to himself. 'Don't get off the idea of the movie.' He took in a deep breath. "I guess it's cause I want friends? Friends are essential to living needs. If you don't have friends, then you won't get far in life... And before coming to this school I never really had friends." The panther looked down at the ground with a frown.

He really hope that the other would agree to the movie because it was the one thing that Jinyoung knew made friends easily, hanging out or something like that. Maybe even just talking. And from that day forward he vowed to never mistake the others locker for his own, but it would be nice to continue talking to him at least. There was no point in mistaking the locker anymore... And he knew he could make it a habit of going to his own locker. 'Great the locker again.' He thought and sighed softly to himself.

(It's fine! ^_^ I was a bit brain dead today anyway. I had to take this huge four hour test :( it was not fun. Anyways I apologiZe if my replies start getting crappy and or go to good to crappy or whatever.)
jiho (fattydae) 9 years ago
@jinyoung .
They had bumped into each other so many times, by this point it would have been lonely to come to his locker and find no one already there, trying entrance into a storage not theirs. Jiho, for sure, would have felt the absence of it.

The first time Jiho had come to his locker to find the raven haired panther at it, he had simply thought of it as a cute mistake; everyone made them, after all. But the second, third time, he grew of slight wary. Was it possible for someone to lose their locker that so many times? Was he trying to get into his locker, by any chance - though he couldn't find any reason to, with it being quite so messy inside, it wasn't likely anyone except the cheetah himself would be able to find what they needed. Then, the repetition grew. By the time single digit happenings turned to double, Jiho had already grown accustomed the familiar face knocking at his locker, a curse hanging on lips at the junk of metal refusing to open.

It had too grown into a habit to nod out the correct locker for the boy.

Jiho laughed, his ears shifting amongst the blond locks, picking up the slight sigh. "Honestly, it's fine." If given ever the chance that Jinyoung began going directly to his own locker without a pit-stop at Jiho's, the hybrid wasn't quite sure what he would do. Perhaps even, he would have to plea for the boy to come stop by his locker and knock every once in a while, just for old time's sake. His after class evenings just wouldn't have been the same without the sophomore there - was he beginning to grow a dependence?

"A movie?" He blinked, twice in lazy synchronization at the register of the idea. With the curse of his final year in college hanging like a guillotine, just above his neck, he honestly hadn't much time to pick out to relax, enjoy a evening away from his graduation reports and projects. Just so, the idea brought a curled grin to his lips, the more he dwelled on it. "Sounds great." It certainly wouldn't have been much like him to say no to the offer - especially since it was free, not saying he was too much of a frugal.

But then he grinned, coyly, a thought occurring in his head. "Oh, but I've heard around you've got yourself a boy." Jiho's head tilt a degree, shifting to nudge the panther on the shoulder. "Don't you want to go watch it with him?" He laughed. It was a play, in all good means.

(sorry i keep taking so long to reply otl. i actually had a reply written for this last night but my internet decided to crash right when i pressed send and i just - couldn't summon up the patience to deal with my internet otl - and now I don't remember what exactly I even wrote last night /////)
jinyoung (September) 9 years ago
@jiho Feeling curious as to what the mysterious locker that he always tried to get into thinking it was his, Jinyoung looked down. His mother would always say to him that 'curiousity' killed the cat, as a joke to him always being so curious around others. He always felt the need to ask certain questions at time, but most of the time he just keeps them to himself, or tries to figure them out on his own which only gets him more confused than he was in the first place.

However, as if on their own accord, his eyes quickly darted to the others locker and took in a quick look before he looked away real fast again. Apparently the other one was a better person disorganized. He looked at his own locker with a small frown. He whished his locker could be like that, but in order to find everything he needed when he had to go to classes, he needed everything organized and in its place. Or esle he would go mad trying fo find a simple paper that he seemed to lost, only to know it was in the first palce he tried to look for, which made him really upset at times it does happen. He only tries to be organized, but at times it never truely works for him.

JInyoung gave the other a small smile and nodded his head. "Oh...Okay." THe black haired male stated, before forwning a little bit to himself. He was sure at one point that the other got really annoyed for the same thing to be happening over and over. Maybe because it happened too many times, the other really didn't care that much anymore? THe panther sighed as he tried to get the thoughts out of his head. He hated whenever these thoughts came because most of the times all they really did in the end is confused him to no extent.

He frowned as he thought about it, crossing his arms. "How about.....a movie?" He asked before smiling. "I hear there was this cool new action movie that came out a little while ago. And its really well put togeather? Beside, the Movie theater isn't too far away?" He hopped the other didn't say no to this or suggest something else, because now that he htought abut it, he really really did want to go to the movie and watch it. He's heard nonstop talk from other people as he walked through the halls and apparently its a really really good movie.

(It's fine. ^_^)
jiho (fattydae) 9 years ago
@jinyoung .
It never failed to amuse Jiho, how surprised Jinyoung would become at his mistakes. In a way, it was cute; just how much did the sophomore have in mind, to be quite so preoccupied? By now, it felt nearly as if Jiho had earned himself a younger friend on the side, when he signed up for his locker - he certainly wasn't complaining now, on how far his locker was from his major classes.

When the panther moved back to his own locker, Jiho did the same to his own, twisting the lock to fill in his own digits - a lot simpler than it ought to be: 0777. The inside, like the situation with his room, was a mess, a number of stray papers flying around, lost and without a place to go. His fighting argument for the havoc had been that he worked better in the uncontrolled mess; the chaos was, he would say, was a necessity for an artist like him. And while it might have been more comfortable now, shoving things in without bothering to organize his books, the problem came at the end of the year, when he would need to empty out his space for the next coming freshman to fill in.

Oh well, he would think of that, when the time came.

Nudging his locker back closed, rolling the digits of his lock a several rounds for safety, Jiho tilt his head back toward his neighbor, a curious amusement raising his brow up into his bangs. "Nah, it's fine." He smiled, wide and genuine. In fact, he ought to thank Jinyoung for the laugh, especially after such a day. Reaching over, he pat the panther on the head as the boy bowed, chuckling to the overly polite attitude. Was he the only one, who felt quite as ease around the other? "It'd be weirder to see you not at my locker at this point," then he paused, "not that this is a bad thing, of course. I don't mind, really."

"Treat me to something?" His head tilt curiously at the offer. He simply wouldn't have been Woo Jiho to reject such offer, but was such thing necessary? The boy was overly, beyond normal, too kind. "Well, I won't reject," the hybrid hummed, his lips curled up. "What do you have in mind?"

(sorry this took longer than I thought to write otl)
yerim (mickhun) 9 years ago
/comes in with a popcorn and finds a seat at the back row before the romance movie starts

At least I'm alone /smiles brightly
jinyoung (September) 9 years ago
@jiho Looking over at the other boy as he came, the black haired stopped what he was doing, and looked at the other in complete shock. He made sure his mouth didn't drop to the floor like it had wanted to as he just stared at the other, cursing himself out in his head. He knew this was going to happen. It's been like this so many times in the past. He heaved out a breath as he looked at the locker number.

Sure enough it wasn't his locker. Jinyoung frowned as he moved to his own locker and put in the lock, successfully opening it right away. He then put everything of his into his locker as he thought about what to say to the other. To say that he was embarrassed was an understatement. He had no idea why he always came to the other males locker and not his own.

Maybe because it was a sense of habit? The first few days he went right to this locker, and then the trend just simply continued without him thinking it through. This is why he hated lockers. They were great for holding things but remembering where they were, not so much.

After successfully placing all of his items into the locker, Jinyoung closed it and turned to see if the other was still there. When he saw that he was, he in a breath. "Uh, I'm sorry for always doing this. I guess it's so easy to forget what locker I need to go to." He stated before bowing a little at his mistake.

He would have added that he'd be sure to make sure it wouldn't ever happen again but the chance of that actually happening was around point nine millionths or something like that. His hand went behind his head as he rubbed his head awkwardly before his eyes brightened. "I know! How about I treat you to something?"
jiho (fattydae) 9 years ago
@jinyoung .
A chapter of reading on the first class and a presentation due in the second. Jiho sighed. Even as the last of his classes released, the work never quite seemed to end. His fourth year into this never ending back and forth, the cheetah and somehow wished the tedious repetition to end. This didn't, however, seemed to be occurring. His wishes, ending a childish high school, for university to be something different from paper and pencil, seemed to die out, the last stomp on the wiggling hope making the last kill.

His texts, heavy in his arms, were all he carried, save given his empty backpack, hanging by the strap on a single shoulder. He would drop off his books and try to forget the buzzing in his head from his previous class until the end of the night. Jiho worked best, after all, only when the deadline was just at his front steps.

But there had been a queer highlight to his days in the recent days. It came in the form of an odd boy, someone Jiho would have otherwise never might have met. And he was there again that day, a frown hanging on lips and the obvious frustration visible in Jiho's eyes. He laughed, there was no mallice, but he laughed. Approaching his locker, shrugging his falling bag further up his shoulder, Jiho called out to the boy, a short whistle to catch his attention. "Wrong locker." There was a light in his eyes, a slight grateful for the coming amusement to his day - even if unintentional.

The boy was a lockermate, or perhaps a locker-neighbor. He was a smart one, Jiho was sure, but seemed to be at times a little absent minded, managing always to bang on Jiho's, frustration at the damned thing not opening. It was amusing, how no matter how many times he made the mistake, the boy seemed to always be back, back to Jiho's locker, thinking it was his.

The crooked smile not falling, Jiho stopped just by the way of his locker, nodding his head to the one next over. "This one's mine, that one is yours." Jiho didn't mind it. In fact, by the point, he would have felt a dose lonely, if given his locker neighbor began finding his way to his without stopping by to knock at Jiho's.
jinyoung (September) 9 years ago
@jiho Jinyoung, not paying attention to anything as he allowed all his thoughts to swim around in his brain, walked up to one of the lockers with his books in his arms. He was getting tired of holding them and was ready to put them away. It was the last class anyways and he didn't need to do any of the homework. Being the nerd he was, he already went to all the professors to ask for the next day's work. Not to mention he may or may not have printed out the chapter they were working on and had it in his backpack somewhere.

He sighed before trying to open his locker, frowning when the locker wouldn't open. He heaved a sigh and closed his eyes as he thought of the combo again. Surely, he didn't have the wrong locker again. That would be the... Too many times in a row. He frowned as he tried again. "Come on you stupid locker." He muttered softly under his breath as he tried again, hoping for some success but not getting any.

He frowned and angerly stomped his foot before letting out a soft whine. "What's wrong with you dumb locker?" He cried at the dumb thing.
seokjin 9 years ago
V is for V-card~~


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hissra 7 years ago
I am the former admin Yubin of this /ancient/ roleplay now. A while ago, we closed down and myself as well as the other founder, who played Hyuna, fell out of roleplaying here at RPR. However, we are back now with fresh accounts and have made a revamp of this group. We would love for anyone and everyone reading this right now to join us at our new location. If you are interested, please reply to this comment and we will send you the link (or, if there are already replies, the link should be there, just click and join us!)
unsilenced [A] 8 years ago
i kinda wanna bring this place back by myself
-siren- 8 years ago
I miss this place so much, not gonna lie.
Moguri 8 years ago
It's been almost half a year. Is this place ever coming back? :/
4a11bef9fa0d33433ccf 9 years ago
Can you reserve Amber for me?
Moguri 9 years ago
When will this place open again? I miss it :c
bloomer 9 years ago
hey quick question.
whenever this reopens, can i be myoui mina from twice instead of yeonjoo
i had yeonjoo reserved beforehand but i changed my username since then.
thanks guys~
onlythebest24 9 years ago
i miss this rp ;;; jinki was my best character~
i haven't left him because you mentioned a reopening?
i'd like to reserve jinki if possible. i won't leave the character unless you tell me to~
xEvanescencex 9 years ago
please reserve seolhyun for me until reopening
5423d70eb718bb582a42 9 years ago
Seunghee is leaving. Thanks for having me.
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