Music Room


TN - ChangKyun 8 years ago
@S - Sunggyu (Ill start itll gove you an idea of what im thinking of)
S - Sunggyu 8 years ago
@TN - ChangKyun (Who starts? ^_^)
TN - ChangKyun 8 years ago
@S - Sunggyu (Lols is it?? -grins- lets go to the park then)
S - Sunggyu 8 years ago
TN - ChangKyun 8 years ago
@S - Sunggyu (lets play pretend. super spies at the park and whenever we get killed or spotted it ends with kisses. idk im bored and not much of an idea person)
S - Sunggyu 8 years ago
@TN - ChangKyun (knock me if you have and idea. ^3^)
TN - ChangKyun 8 years ago
@S - Sunggyu [not really but then again im kinda sleepy so i dont have any ideam at the moment. give me the night and ill see what i can come up with tomorrow. ]
S - Sunggyu 8 years ago
@TN - ChangKyun (aww~ come on~ is there anything you've wanted to do? anything at all~ :3)
TN - ChangKyun 8 years ago
@S - Sunggyu [mmm but im chill with anything.]
S - Sunggyu 8 years ago
@TN - ChangKyun (hmm~last time, we followed what i want, this time you can decide what you want ^^)
TN - ChangKyun 8 years ago
@S - Sunggyu (haha mmm drama or no drama??)
S - Sunggyu 8 years ago
@TN - ChangKyun (lol. Hot XD but if we can plot something new, it'd be fun as well~ >< idk)
TN - ChangKyun 8 years ago
@S - Sunggyu [hehe and im not sure we can either go have hot or find something else to do. this room doesnt offer much rn. or we can do the audition scene]
S - Sunggyu 8 years ago
@TN - ChangKyun (naww~good to know XD btw, what should we do here? want to continue or..?)
TN - ChangKyun 8 years ago
@S - Sunggyu [i make time for rest haha and im sure you will pass ]

a long and happy life
i can do that
S - Sunggyu 8 years ago
@TN - ChangKyun (Lol. Whatever you do, make sure you always have time to rest ^_^ and thanks. i hope i pass too ㅠ.ㅠ)

Well, it was a little shaky at first but I guess being around you makes things better.
Lets live a long and happy life Kyunnie
TN - ChangKyun 8 years ago
@S - Sunggyu [ohhh yay :D nice nice and i hope you pass all of your exams. im pretty much thinking i might end up cutting back to 4 classes and take my loss with one class but i wont know until next week how itll turn out.]

-smiles softly and nods-
youre welcome
and i love you very much
and today has been a good day huh
S - Sunggyu 8 years ago
@TN - ChangKyun (Im back home for a week. Yay. More time to rp~ its been a crazy exam week. Im crying T.T nawww ddaengkyuu I wont Leave You too)

*Kisses You back just because he enjoys the feeling of your lips on his*
I love you too.. and thank you.
*Rests his head on your shoulder, feeling calm and happy*
Ah~ it's been a good day~ Im happy...
TN - ChangKyun 8 years ago
@S - Sunggyu (Same im struggling to keep focused for one of my class. And i wont leave you. Ill stick around. Im always around even if i told myself in the last 3 or 4 years ive been around this site. Never left once well unless you count mini vacations or down moments)

Cause you are always first for me. Myself im not that important. But i always will do my best for you.
-kisses you-
I love you baby
S - Sunggyu 8 years ago
@TN - ChangKyun (Aww... Im struggling. Been busy lately but I dont wanna leave you ever ㅠ.ㅠ please dont leave me too,neh?)

*chuckles amd holds your hand tightly*
Silly changkyunnie. I dont see how you can keep a happy and sincere face whenever you tell me Im handsome or any other nice compliments but you dont have that confidenece for yourself. I think you are so handsome and talented. The most awesome person ever. You can do anything you put your mind to and I trust that part of you most.
*Smiles brightly*
TN - ChangKyun 8 years ago
@S - Sunggyu [ayyy dont worry about me ^^ im rarely on here now a days. every once in awhile ill reply to wall stuff but not active anymore which kinda be yeah. i hope you passed your exams :) and i missed you too.]

meh i dont know maybe
but by then i would need a little bit of money and have some sort of background in the industry
so who knows maybe i will maybe i wont
and im not hot. handsome yes but hot not so much
S - Sunggyu 8 years ago
@TN - ChangKyun ()Sorry for the late reply. Gosh I miss you T.T I hate exams

Maybe one day, you can open one up on your own~?
Who knows... You'll make a hot ceo~ ><
TN - ChangKyun 8 years ago
@S - Sunggyu [mmm good luck with school :D and hehe yesss]

i dont i just dont like their system
its so by the book
S - Sunggyu 8 years ago
@TN - ChangKyun ()Its ok i understand. Me too ㅠㅠ but I'll still reply. Im not giving up on you..

You make it sound like you hate entertainment companies or something XD
TN - ChangKyun 8 years ago
@S - Sunggyu (Sorry love a new semester started and im taking more than im used to so if i dont reply quickly or anything during the next 5 months *until may* its probably cause im swamped in homework)

-chuckles and hugs you back-
Its nothing
I just want to make you happy
Even if it means going to entertainment companies
S - Sunggyu 8 years ago
@TN - ChangKyun *Smiles and hugs you tightly*
Thanks Changkyunnie, for being the best boyfriend ever.
Thanks for always being there for me.
I couldnt ask for a more perfect guy..
TN - ChangKyun 8 years ago
@S - Sunggyu -taps your lips-
Dont worry ill be there for support
I dont really enough spot lights so if i was to debut thats alot of spotlight
Ill lwt you enjoy that and ill support you always
Even if you need a rapper for your solo album
S - Sunggyu 8 years ago
@TN - ChangKyun *pouts*
...ok then. Think about it through, okay?
At least, please come with me to the auditions, neh? If you dont, then I will leave.
TN - ChangKyun 8 years ago
@S - Sunggyu -holds you hand and smiles-
Mmm im not sure
Ill think about it
S - Sunggyu 8 years ago
@TN - ChangKyun *holds your hand*
Come with me, lets audition together, Kyunnie~
*gives you puppy eyes*


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TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
Hey david and Calvin need a two wek haitus due t a family deah think you
NInaJewel 5 years ago
i'm going to have to leave this RP, its been awesome but with my lover leaving me, i can't really get over it or try again in this rp.
Thanks for all the memories :)
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
can david's and calvin's haitus be extended by another week
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
Can I have a week hiatus please?
TokidokiHelloKitty 6 years ago
Yo, can Calvin and David's hiatus be extended by one more final week?
TokidokiHelloKitty 6 years ago
Can Calvin and David have a Hiatus please? My PC is acting up
hopeworld 6 years ago
I would like to talk to the main admin ^^
TokidokiHelloKitty 6 years ago
david and calvin left permantently
vronvron 6 years ago
Sorry, but Chanyeol left
Creamyy 7 years ago
Hansol left bai
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