I sat quietly in my room, sprawled comfortably across my bed, reading a book. It was a good book, great really. But it made me think. It made me think about things that I hadn't thought of for months. The book was basically an novel.
As I read, the thoughts came to me against my will. Of course, the characters in the book were completely infatuated with each other, so, I started comparing their lives to mine.
Not a good thing.
I was nearing the end of the book, Wicked Pleasure, by Lora Leigh, and I continued to compare every aspect of the characters to myself. As soon as I finished, my thoughts were totally focused on my life. More particularly, my love life. I know I'm still young, but I have to tell you, my mind works much different from most.
I think my mind has matured much too fast. Maybe it's the things I read; that's quite possible. Anyway, I'm not smarter than most of the guys my age, per sa. Just much more mature. And much more needy.
I sighed, laying on my bed. Still thinking. Still enjoying my time alone.