Based on what you roll, this is the level of your performance - you write a short description, rp style, of how you did and what happened. Be creative. Dice rolls are as follows:
1- completely messed up. How you portray this mess up is up to you (forgetting lyrics, forgetting moves, being off beat or off pitch, using satoori, etc.)
2- a little less mess ups than 1, e.g. you forgot the lyrics and tripped over your feet during the whole song, but at least stayed on stage
3- little bit better than 2, you ask to start over but still mess up.
4- not horrible but not that great. You ask to start over however and do it perfectly.
5- almost perfect performance with small mistakes here and there but they’re barely noticeable or you play it off well.
6- perfect performance all around
Now, in addition to this, you also have the chance to re-roll the dice once, if you have had 1-3 and we will count your higher mark. Additionally you can pay 150 points to get to the next tier only, for example if you've rolled 4 and can't re-roll - you MAY pay 150pts and get up to 5. This is of course your choice, please tag an admin if you want to do it. After that you write a post of your liking, describing your performance, beginning with what your level of performance is.
Audition Room