@Bae Jaewook *smiles*
That sounds like a good idea too
*looks around the convenience store*
I also need some snacks, so hmm
*thinks slightly*
I personally really like~
Banana peppers.
Uhm no-
That's not a snack
I don't know, I don't buy snacks
*pouts lightly*
@Kim Jinhwan [H] *nods with a small smile, taking note of all the first aid things in your basket*
I’m buying snacks, myself.
*looks down into my empty basket*
Obviously, it’s a tough choice.
Do you have any snacks you’d like to recommend?
@Bae Jaewook *smiles lightly*
Oh I am just buying things for my first aid kit back at home.
*Nods lightly glancing over everything I have*
@Kim Jinhwan *smiles and nods, glad that I got your name correct*
Yes, Benji.
What are you doing here?
*laughs a little at my own awkwardness, knowing that people only come to convenience stores to buy convenient items*
@Bae Jaewook *is at the convenience store to stock up my First Aid kit*
*looks over as someone says my name*
Oh Hey.
*smiles and nods*
Yep, it's Jinhwan
*thinks for a moment*
Benji, right?
@Kim Jinhwan *comes to the convenience to buy some snacks for my room*
*notices you from before and recognizes you*
It’s Jinhwan, correct?