The orbeez from the day before had ALREADY dried up like some sort of weak tf - Haneul was forced to water it AGAIN like wtf was the point in putting the orbeez in there if he STILL had to water the plant everyday wtf
@✿ seungwan s。 HELLO, YOU'VE BEEN ADDED TO GROUP 2!!! ;; u ;; You all have been given a plot to plant your pretty potted plants! Comment each day to water them so they'll grow big and strong. If you forget or neglect them, they just might end up dying! ;; By the end of the episode, the group with the most flourishing plants will win!!! Just hover over the spots--- your plant will be wherever your name's placed!
Add mulch to the plant to help it go longer (3 days) without having to comment! Wanna find out how? Pick a partner (anyone participating in any group) and have one of you PM admin Andy!
I'm sorry Seungwan is leaving, hit a rough patch with my mood. Concept is a amazing though and I'm terribly sorry if nichkhun is still here and reads this.