Creature Cravings Diner

Nestled in the heart of Grand Central Townsquare lies Creature Cravings, an ethereal diner that beckons to all creatures, both seen and unseen. Owned by the shapeshifter, Nicole Jung, this haven for the supernatural caters to a diverse clientele, serving delicacies like Kitsune mixed berry pie and Shapeshifter blood brisket stew. Whether you're a Fae in need of a hearty meal or a Dragon craving a delicate touch, Creature Cravings is the place to satisfy your hunger—and your curiosity.

The warm glow from the diner’s windows promises not only nourishing food but a respite from the battles of the Misty Continent. Creature Cravings is now hiring! Join us in this magical oasis with the following openings:

  • Head Chef: Craft extraordinary dishes that celebrate the rich cultures of Heleo.- Bang Yongguk ¥
  • Server: Serve with charm and a knowledge of mystical cuisine.- ♦ Hyunjin ¥
  • Buster: Keep the place clean while embracing the chaos of a cross-species diner.
  • Hostess: Greet guests with grace, ensuring everyone feels at home in this enchanted space.

Manager/ Owner- დ Nicole Jung




☠ Kyo [A] 2 months ago
@☠ Bang Yongguk¥✔ Kyo smiled as the young ghoul acknowledged him, offering Yongguk a silent wave before perusing the menu. Despite being well-known for its diverse dietary options, he'd had yet to experience their food for himself. A waitress came over to take his order - a bowl of bone marrow stew with a cup of freshly brewed elk-blood tea. She delivered the tea to him quite promptly considering the lunch rush, and he proceeded to watch the staff bustling about as he sipped it, the warmth coating the inside of his throat like honey. Needless to say it was impressive, and he hummed contentedly to himself as he awaited his meal.
☠ Bang Yongguk¥✔ 2 months ago
@☠ Kyo The diner has returned to a normal rhythm after the chaotic lunch rush. Youngguk flipped and sizzled a mix of meat and vegetables on the grill, all while barking orders at the wait staff. “Two bbq blood squirrels for table 4, Dungeness Dixie figs for table 8 and 9.” Bang shouted to the nearest waitress. Sweat beaded down his brown tracing the veins on his forehead. The ghouls had his eyes set on ensuring each meal was delivered on time. The demands of the hungry customers overwhelmed him, causing him to miss the elder ghoul entering through the front door until the bell rang. “Oh, M-Master Kyo?”
☠ Kyo [A] 2 months ago
@☠ Bang Yongguk¥✔ After seeing Yongguk flourish in his duties while catering at the Blood Trials Tournament, Kyo realized just how uninvolved he'd been in the young ghoul's life. The event had forced him to ask himself if he was really doing all he could for the small community in the Wastelands if he couldn't even manage to show up and support his own kin. Yongguk's slave status hadn't mattered to him when he'd elected to purchase him years ago - if anything, he was simply doing the duty of protecting his own kind, ensuring that their already damaged kingdom wouldn't suffer the loss of another ghoul -, so why shouldn't he show up to encourage him in his endeavors?

Determined to make amends, he found himself settling into one of the booths at Yongguk's workplace.
დ Jung Nicole [A] 5 months ago
The doors were locked for the night with the closed sign hanging on the wooden door. A soft hum was all that kept the kitchen alive at this hour of the night. Nicole had finished some paper--paperwork that will be helpful for when she's gone on her trip with her good friend. She's been preparing and creating recipes that would be helpful on their journey for Daesung to test. Packing some of the non perishables goodies into a container, she cleared up the kitchen. "Now.....we just need to drop these off." She yawns softly. Although tired, she wanted to make sure everything in her power will be okay for their trip. "Where's that shop of his again?"
დ Kang Daesung 6 months ago
@დ Lalisa Manobal During his meal, Daesung halted and glanced at his spoon before refocusing on you as he stood. His gaze shifted from the four bites remaining in his bowl to you, and then to the bowl again, before returning to you, noticing how the shape of your back grew distant. A silent string of unintelligible words swiped through his lips before finally deciding to leave the rest. Fishing out 5 gold coins and a silver for the server’s tip Daesung slapped down the table then pushed to his feet, trailing behind you. Giving a rushed wave and a polite smile, he tried to avoid tripping over a sticky spot on the floor as he followed you and entered through the door.

Grateful for your ignorance of the ungraceful exit from the Diner, he fixed himself upright and smiled charmingly at you. The tinker gazed at the moon while the clouds revealed the stars in the dark sky. The conditions for air travel were ideal this night. It’s night’s like this that made Daesung want to apply and pursue his pilot license. However, the idea of freefalling due to his lack of experience always terrified him. He enjoyed flying. He waved down the nearest horse and trolly and it wasn’t long before the sound of hoofs echoing off the cobblestone road greeted them. The coach pulled up to a stop halting the horses and tipped his hat towards the pair. The shifter reached for your hand, offering a gentle smile as he tugged you along into the carriage, assisting you in the lavish transport. Daesung handed the stagecoach the address of the Northern airship docks before hopping alongside you closing the door behind him.

[to the airship next!]
დ Lalisa Manobal 6 months ago
@დ Kang Daesung Golden hues studied down to the penmenship presented then flickered back up to Daesung's devious expression. That's what she wanted to see. Maybe there was some rebellous spunk in the mute's body. Of course she couldn't turn it down. A sense of adventure always called to her. It was in her nature. "Not afraid of heights unless you plan to push me off a building. I wish you good luck in that." Lisa offered a friendly smirk before she ate more of her stew. The meat easily crumbling between her teeth as she chewed. She'd wash it down with the ale provided and placed it onto the surface before her. "Think your friend can put this on your tab?" The ex solider gave a small wink towards Daesung then got up from her seat when she was finally finshed with her dish.
დ Kang Daesung 6 months ago
@დ Lalisa Manobal The shifter said nothing as you pulled away. His gaze lingered where your hand last rested and he could’ve sworn that he still felt your sorrow and unrest. A quiet breath passed through him and he pushed back the unsettling self-critic in the back of his mind. The feeling of helplessness was all too familiar to the old tinker. It took him down a road of hardship he never dared venture down for too long. No, never again. He told himself. Daesung continued to enjoy the meal displayed before them. His smile is now genuine and his belly hummed in appreciation as he continued to devour its contents. He paused when your voice broke the barrier of silence. Jerking his head up from the bowl he smiled with a hint of mischievousness on his lips. ‘I have somewhere in mind that we can go. ‘ Daesung scribbled down then flipped the notepad back towards himself.

‘Are you afraid of heights Lisa?”
დ Lalisa Manobal 6 months ago
@დ Kang Daesung As the food arrived it's polite to bow one's head in thanks and stares at the meal. But eyes shifted to the hand on top of hers resting upon the table. The sadden gazed had matched with the man's sorrow features for a moment. But a soft smile tugged the corners of her lips as she removed her hand from his, grabbing the bread and using it as an eating utinsil. "No sense on dwelling on it now. Eat up Daesung. Not sure of it's it good cold." The shifter digged in. Mixes of spiced and flavorable broth danced on her tongue. She savored every bite like it was her last meal. Every meal could be the last really. "Have you been on any adventures? Or are you more of a, stay out of trouble kind? I'm wondering where should we go next. Do you have a favorite place Daesung?"
დ Kang Daesung 6 months ago
@დ Lalisa Manobal Daesung was quiet for so long that he wasn’t aware of his silence until the Chef presented the meal. The smell of spices warmed the stewed meat, and golden riches potatoes filtered his snarls but his stomach remained sour. Pitching his signature smile at Ghoul then helped make room to place the meal. The Chef received a thankful gesture from the tinker and reciprocated. Or at least his best, from what Daesung had taught him of the language. After he was out of their line of sight, Daesung nervously shifted his gaze from the meal back to you. He lacked confidence in comforting or protecting others. He wasn’t sure what compelled him to reach out to place a gentle hand over yours. He had no other options. No amount of words of sympathy would take away the burning sting of losing your home, your people, and your traditions. He knew this firsthand. Eyes vacation with an underlying sorrow just underneath the tinker offered your hand a warm squeeze before slowly meeting your eyes. He wanted to offer her a brief respite from her pain, even if it couldn’t fill the void.
დ Lalisa Manobal 6 months ago
@დ Kang Daesung Strands of long hair depsite of it tied back with a ribbon cascaded over her shoulders. She watch the anxious man in front of her. Every moved, she watched. The hand rubbing at his nape gave it all along with the slight tremblingness of his fingers. It was cute, she had to admit. This one is peculiar. The note book was shown to her and eyes read the scribbles left by ink. Within limits, he wasn't deaf or blind. Being mute would probably be a blessing anyhow. At least he's charming from what she could see. And his writing was good too despite the nervousness.

"A small village east of the Mystique. It's lays-" Lisa had to pause for a moment then sadly smiled. "It used to lay right outside the kindom. It was peaceful. When I returned home, it was no longer there. Shame really." A hand brough up to cross over her shoulder to hug her bicep briefly as she remember the village fondly. "But time moves on, right? It's good to see that the entire rainforest hasn't gone down in flames and the castle is still standing, right?" Lisa released her bicep to push over the notebook back to its owner. She was curious of what was inside it but had to stop herself of invading the man's personal book right in front of him. Besides, she had other means to get the know Daesung instead of snooping in his commuication book.
დ Kang Daesung 6 months ago
@დ Lalisa Manobal Brown freckles highlighted but the tinge of pink on his cheeks. Her willingness to speak for him on his behalf took him by surprise. It often bothered Daesung that he would never appropriately communicate with the staff of the diner he frequented. He certainly has never had someone to speak up for him on his behalf before. Oddity for the mute but he admits to himself that it felt rather nice. Offering himself a comforting message at the clever tease, a nervous hand reached for the nape of his neck. His anxiety threatened to resurface in the silence. Reaching for his notepad Daesung was desperate to keep this engaged interest. To keep himself interesting. He’d hoped his lack of physical charisma wouldn’t be a deterrent.

“So where are you originally from? He wrote, sliding the pad in your direction.
დ Lalisa Manobal 6 months ago
@დ Kang Daesung Dark hues had followed the simple two taps on what the male wanted to eat. Scanning of the contents of the dish, Lisa too had agreed that the meal sounded pretty good. But her taste inquired something else. Like that lamb she had mention before. Maybe rabbit instead? There was many choices that flooded her sight. Perhaps a simple stew. Ah, here is something. Her attention was interrupted by the waiter stopping at their table. Lisa spoke for Daesung and ordered for them both. "One blood broth bisket and one beef stew. Two ale please as well." Lisa sat back in her seat. Her eyes remined on the shifter before her. "Not much of a talker are you?" She lightly teased knowing full well the other is a mute. "What's your story huh? I'm sure you have one."
დ Kang Daesung 6 months ago
@დ Lalisa Manobal Once they reached the familiar diner Creature’s Cravings, the thumping of his heart resonated in his eyes. With their hands joined, the tinker’s eyes grew larger as a wave of anxiety washed over him. As soon as Lisa’s words became inaudible, Daesung was aware of his quick descent into chaos. For a moment, he believed he had also lost his ability to hear. He shook his head to clear his thoughts, then nodded and handed you the menu. He doesn’t have to see it, as he’s already sampled every dish before the grand opening. Perks and curses of being the owner’s friend. His very, very good friend. Similar to you, his friend would sometimes speed up his heart rate. Pushing thoughts of the other shifter aside Daesung reached over and tapped his finger twice on Flesh and blood broth bisket. Nicole’s dish had always been his favorite.
☠ Bang Yongguk¥✔ 8 months ago
@♦ Parkha ¥✔ The ghouls opened his palm upward allowing the flood gates of his power to vibrate through him. Large blood tendrils laced around the cyborgs ankles drawing them to the floor before a blood blade driving it straight into the head the enemy. A sharp pain slashed through him and blood pour from the side of his abdomen when a large hunter's knife sliced this his shirt and flesh from another robot on his left and another approached from the kitchen. He growled in warning at the encircled him ready for them to leap. "Well what are you waiting for you son's of es come on!" Bang rushed the attackers but was slowed by a sharp piercing pain exploding in his neck. "Ah sh-!" He put his hand to his neck and pulled out a 3 neck needle. His body became unsteady, eye heavy and his vision blurred into black oblivion. "That was a dirty little trick." He falls to his knees and the darkness over takes him. "These two will do." He heard a voice say to the cyborg, This voice human not and the smell of mortal blood lingered on him. "Take them back to the lab. We'll have them marked and sent to Circuit city in the morning. "
♦ Hyunjin [A] 8 months ago
@☠ Bang Yongguk¥✔ With Parkha laying on the floor unconscious, there wasn't much the human can do. The drug in his system pumping through his veins caused Parkha's brain to shut down. Yet he could hear the commotion around the room and Yongguk's vemon words. Can't even be left unconscious and he was getting stupid threats. Of course Parkha was trying his damnest to get up. But everything was fertile. Wake up. Wake up damn it. He mentally cursed at himself being easily overpowered with whatever they injected him with. This seemed to be worse when he was taken in to be a slave. At least he was somewhat conscious depsite being drugged and handed off. Flashes of memories from his timeline came to him. From being in the scouts to being captured and auctioned off. This is all he could do until he could be rescued. What is taking the hellish ghoul so long?
☠ Bang Yongguk¥✔ 8 months ago
@♦ Parkha ¥✔ The sudden collision had the ghoul's skull rattling from the force of the impact. He rubbed his sore bottom after tumbling to the floor. "What the hell Parkha? You clumsy little_" Bang's blood frozen inclined his neck up and up and up to see something shiny metallic, with glowing neon lights that traveled up its body like veins pulsating through the steel frame. His confusion rapidly dissipated when Bang surveyed his gaze around the diner only to spot an unconscious human behind hoisted over another steel figure. His head hanging, body limp it was only when Bang noticed him take his first breath did momentary laps of relief swept through him. " Kidding uh? Well, somehow this doesn't surprise me. What he do steal parts from your supply store?"

The floorboard splintered sending wood scattered from every angle when the cintenla slammed its fist down nearly missing the Ghoul's manhood as he performed a wide split. Heart pounding against his chest he rolled out of the way. "Well damn if I know this was a two-for-one deal I would've just let you take the human but since we're making this personal. Bang squared his shoulders and took a solid fighting stans reacting for his ghoul strength allowing the blood to surge through him. "Hey Parkha! I know you're useless per usual but, do me a favor and don't die while I be this things . Or I'll kill you myself."
♦ Hyunjin [A] 8 months ago
@☠ Bang Yongguk¥✔ There was still a bit to do with the end of the night. Clean up the floor, bus the tables, make sure every used dish was clean and of course he had to help the dirty ghoul close the kitchen for the night. Big thing he had to do for the owner was to secure their earnings of the day and put them into a safe, after counting them of course. It was a night like no other. While Yongguk was busy with his station, Parkha was in the office putting away the safe in the usual spot. But soon the vibe of the room felt off. Like things made a shift and Parkha's trained senses made his ears twitch. The slave stood up, there's something behind him. So he grabed the nearest weapon he could, not having his sword on him made things so much harder. However when he went to protect himself, Parkha was injected with something into his neck. A hand had covered his nose and mouth so he couldn't shout for Yongguk even if he wanted too. Seconds after he was grabbed, his body went limp- deadweight in the stranger's hands.
☠ Bang Yongguk¥✔ 8 months ago
@♦ Parkha ¥✔ The city central chimed off echoing throughout the city signaling to its citizens hour of twilight. the sunrays cased a vibrant gradient of auburn and purple painting the cityscape as the sun traded its watch of sky with its twin moon brothers. A neon green open sign shuts off, entry do of the diner locked and the shades drawn lowered the eye of the general public. The ghoul Bang Yongguk stuffed the keys in his trousers then dried his hand with a dish towel eliminating excessive grease. Finalizing his task duties Bang was more than ready to retire to his home back with Master Kyo even though he more than dreaded the 1 hrs airship ride to the wastelands. What he would've give to own property game if only to just establish and apartment in central. It would certainly allow him more time to focus on his craft and more hours here at the diner aiding Mistress Nicole. Curse of the slave he sighed at the flash reminded of the scar branded on his wrist. "Hey, I'm closing up shop and heading home. Just don't forget to lock up the back door again or else N_" Exhaling a long breath Bang rounded prepared to head to the employee room in the back to retrieve his belongings when something collided hard into his chest.
☾ Winter ¥✔ 1 year ago
@♅ Barbara Palvin (issokay ; u ; i too have finals as well)

She looked at the pictures in the menu and points it at the picture of meat, "I want... this... big." Winter told her as she looked at her. Then she pointed another, "This one too..." She added.
☾ Dove Cameron 1 year ago
@☾ Winter ¥ ((sorry I'm working on some finals at the moment so I am slow for the next week))

Barbara didn't mind that the other wanted some space. Public spaces could be very overwhelming, but the angel prayed quickly in her mind that some food would help ease the little one. "Reading is tiring. Thank you for trying. I know for a fact they have steak here, and plenty of other things. There are pictures to if you just want to reference those." the taller meant to be an easy guide, make the smaller feel secure.
☾ Winter ¥✔ 1 year ago
@♅ Barbara Palvin Winter silently sat across her. She stares at the menu and only eyes at the delicious steak on it, she tries to read it word by word by it was tiring since she doesn't read that much of books and only learns how to write. The wooden pup seems to be looking at the same steak as well and Winter's stomach grumbles from hunger. "... Reading is tiring." She uttered and puts down the menu on the table.
☾ Dove Cameron 1 year ago
@☾ Winter ¥ The angel smiled and nodded once. “Yes there is meat. You want steak, right?” The hostess came up to the two of them (plus the wooden pup) to which Barbara stated the number in their party, and was then ask to follow the host to their seats. She checked over Winter once more before beginning to walk again, leading the other to the booth as the host set down two menu’s for them. ”You can sit across from me or next to me.” Barbara told the other gently, releasing the girl’s hand and sitting herself down on one side, awaiting to see what the she-wolf would do next.
☾ Winter ¥✔ 1 year ago
@♅ Barbara Palvin She was led to a diner, only looking at the people inside with silence. Following them is the wooden pup that her fairy friend gave to her. "Is there... Meat?" Winter looked at the angel, not caring what is coming to the other's mind right now.
☾ Dove Cameron 1 year ago
@☾ Winter ¥ "This should be a good spot," she comments, once again to reassure the peite girl she walked into the diner with hand in hand. They had met and gone on a walk together not long ago, the wolf pup seemingly aloof, and yet willing to trust the angel, which Barbara took very seriously. She may not know the creatures story, but she was sure with Winter's characteristics it was a tough one. Maybe everyone's was in some way or another...but everyone coped differently. And the once-holy being could only hope that the younger wouldn't fall into the same path many others did...
The brunette awaited patiently for a waitress to attend to them, checking down on the girl for any signs of resistance or discomfort with the venue she'd chosen.
დ Kang Daesung 1 year ago
@დ Jung Nicole The shifter was far too elated for his mood to be dampened by the disorderly chaos in the office. Daesung waves an unbothered hand in your direction before making himself comfortable beside your desk. He wastes no time diving into his pouch to retrieve his documents and maps. An area of maps, port stations, and unidentified landmarks stamped with notes illegible notes attached. He hastily scribbles out another message before looking up at you with a smile that practically read, 'I'm glad you asked.' "Come with me."
☠ Bang Yongguk¥✔ 1 year ago
@♦ Parkha ¥✔ The ghoul releases his grip flickering and fanning the flame on his sleeve. Only the last thread of his steel iron discipline and willpower restrains Bang from wanting to further inflict fatal damage on your windpipe. Once dark brown eyes now turned a pitiless pool of ebony as he balled his fist, crackling his neck, never once taking you out of his sites. "Bull." He scoffed, spitting at your feet. "What would a Materia-born entitled brat like you know anything about staying in your proper lane? All you humans know how to do is take and have your own pathetic asses. There is no honor amongst men with you people, just selfish thoughts of self-preservation and entitlement." Bang spat, turning in the opposite direction before he lost himself entirely on the deep end. He snatches his apron from the hook, puts it on, and disappears into the refreeze to review inventory before the afternoon lunch rush arrives.
☠ Bang Yongguk¥✔ 1 year ago
@დ Jung Nicole The ghoul offers you an honored Half bow, then straightens his posture. "Where do you think would best begin interviewing the locals regarding the inspiration for our cuisine?" His forearms fold over his chest, filing through the most accessible resource at his disposal. "We should list all our contacts of different origins and see if we could learn anything from them." Dark caramel brown eyes filter solely on you. "Thoughts?"
დ Jung Nicole [A] 1 year ago
@☠ Bang Yongguk¥✔ She raise a questionable brow at him. "I don't think the worst in you, Chef Bang." Squinting her eyes just a tad bit at him, Nicole gave him a playful grin. "I'm just saying, my walls definitely speaks for you here and there." She pats his back. "But definitely, I believe in you. Why you think I gave you the opportunity to do the menu, Yongguk." Jolting down the suggestions in her little notebook, Nicole gave him the thumbs up. "Got it. I shall start on that and probably talk to others and see what more they'll like to see in terms of food. That means socializing as well for you...for us both actually."
დ Jung Nicole [A] 1 year ago
@დ Kang Daesung Maybe the office wasn't the best place to talk as Nicole quickly starts cleaning and making room for Daesung. Curse the previous owner for not really having a storage and office space. Instead she's stuck with this mess. "I apologize for the mess. Please take a seat." She offer the only chair in the office for him as she continue to shift a few things away, her arms shifting into tentacles to put some things away on the shelf behind her. Once done, she leaned against the office table looking at him with her full undivided attention. Her eyes quickly read through his note, her smile dropping just a bit. She won't have him around for 6 months and that didn't sit well with her. Nicole couldn't quite understand why though. She enjoy Daesung presence quite a lot. "that's exciting." A smile quickly took over her facial expression. "This is a big deal. You should of told me sooner. I'll see what I can prepare for you." It is exciting news. He'll finally get to see what other technologies he can get to help with his projects. Plus it'll be nice for him to explore the world now that he's free. "Oh god. 48 hours. Okay. What can I help you prepare beside food and snacks and herbs?"
♕⚜ Emily Mei  [A] 1 year ago


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creamsoda [A] 1 week ago
In Effect as of 02/11/25

We appreciate your application to the Ivory of the Mist community.

Until further notice, we are currently not accepting any more Demons, Wolves, Human/mages, Merfolk, Dragons, Hybrids, Angels.
We are currently seeking Ghouls, Fairies, Kitsunes, Vampires, Shiftshapers and Cyborgs. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Once the population in the 13 Kingdoms is balanced, we encourage you to reapply for your desired race.

Kind regards, Prince Hendery

[subject to change]
cthuwu 1 week ago
Could I please possible reserve Chisa Kondou
I’m stuck between dragon, angel and fairy so which one do you need most?
Pandoria 1 week ago
To come back or not is the question ♡
dazaiosamu 3 weeks ago
I still remember joining RPR 6 years ago and seeing this. Can’t believe it’s still ongoing to this day. All of you did a great job in maintaining the RP’s lifespan \^^/ Happy 6 years, yall!

I’ve contemplated and decided: May I have Lee Taeyong as a cyborg, please?
creamsoda [A] 3 weeks ago
In Effect as of 01/24/25

We appreciate your application to the Ivory of the Mist community.

Until further notice, we are currently not accepting any more Demons, Wolves, Humans/mage, Hybrids, Kitsune, Vampire, or Shapeshifters due to the imbalance of races. We are currently seeking Angels, Dragons, Ghouls, Merfolk, Fairies, and Cyborgs. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Once the population in the 13 Kingdoms is balanced, we encourage you to reapply for your desired race.

Kind regards, Prince Hendery

[subject to change]
neodreams 3 weeks ago
happy sixth years!! also may i have im yoona as human please?
tentwo 3 weeks ago
happy 6 years aoyo!!
SirButtmold 1 month ago
I'd like kim jaejoong as a dragon pls
AlexCross 1 month ago
Ayt giving in to the impulse and want to reserve Sen Mitsuji as human I guess orz
Keepyouwarm 1 month ago
It is possible to add a fifth character?Sistar’s Bora (Yoon Bora)- merfolk
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