Trading post

"Trade, selling, buy and exchange goods here. Collect earnings from an honest day's work."


Herbalist - 


⚜ Murase Sae ¥ 1 year ago
@♦ Ok Taecyeon After exiting the shop and walking a bit from it, not letting go of his hand, Sae did relax a bit and was more comfortable than before in the presence of the two almost staring each other down. But, she was also in her own little world again giving over things that they might need or crossing things off in her head that she had already picked up days prior or could get later on. Sae gaze snapped over to his own as he spoke, taking her out of her own little world. "What is on your mind?" Sae asked him.
♦ Ok Taecyeon {H} 1 year ago
@⚜ Murase Sae ¥✔ Shaking the irritation off, Taecyeon glanced once more time at the man sizing him up. After gaining nothing but a scoff from the man, he followed Sae outside and brought himself closer at the latter. From the corner of his eyes, he observed the woman who seemed in deep thought. The icky sensation building in his chest is becoming heavier by the minute. Is it just him or Sae is getting beautiful by the minute?

He cleared his throat and forced a smile, "Penny for your thoughts?"
⚜ Murase Sae ¥ 1 year ago
@♦ Ok Taecyeon Sae glanced from Taecyeon to Max then down at Taecyeon's hand. She took his hand as she curled her fingers around his own. She nodded as she turned her gaze back to Max. "It was nice to meet you," She said only to be polite not to be rude or anything, which she was not. "Yes, lets go," Sae gently tugged on his hand as she headed towards the door. Sae tilted her head to the side as she thought about what else they needed to pick up at the market today.
♦ Ok Taecyeon {H} 1 year ago
@⚜ Murase Sae ¥✔ His face is flushed in a deep shade of red, and he scrunched his face up having a stare down with the other man in the room. He could hear his own heart pounding against his chest and barely heard Sae’s explanation. The other never backed down without a fight, he puffed his chest and even glanced more at the woman.

“Huh?” Taecyeon snapped from his own thoughts and smiled a little at her. “Oh, is he?” He darted an eye back at Max and said, “thank you for the offer, but you heard the lady. Shall we?” He turned to Sae, offering a hand.
☾ Dong Youngbae {H} 1 year ago
@დ Jung Nicole With little to no income, he is desperate to obtain anything valuable in order to survive. Stealing is one way to do it but to be the victim of his own devices came across wrong for the man. He worked so hard for those coins that he followed the woman despite being fully aware this can be a trap. He might have lost his special abilities but he’s somewhat strong. “You…” His jaw hung low when the woman morphed back. “Hey!” Suddenly realising the woman’s indentity, he caught the bag of coins and was quick to count it. “And you’re just giving this to me, after what I did.? What exactly are you, an angel?” He uttered and slyly grinned. “What’s the catch?”
〄 Jeon Jungkook 1 year ago
@♅ Felix ¥ *at the question, I looked up towards you with what you asked me about what i usually craved. I kept quiet since i didn't know that one fully and shook my head* sweets, baked goods *i repeated low, and to myself. Halo berries. *repeated anything and everything you spoken* halo berries? what are halo berries? I've never heard of them. can you show me?
♅ Felix ¥ [A] 1 year ago
@〄 Jeon Jungkook "You do feel hunger? That's interesting. What do you crave usually?" Felix finds an empty basket just to place fruit and pastries into it while he walked along. "I do feel hunger. I really like sweets and baked goods. But I also eat vegges and fruit. Halo berries are my favorite. I can't believe they have them here."
〄 Jeon Jungkook 1 year ago
@♅ Felix ¥ *my eyes roamed over you while you spoke. I looked at you giving a nod* that's just what I remember. *says and walks with you while we neared the area you wanted to get to. while i listened about you coming from light and hope. happiness and bravery i tilt my head* i... understand. *says and when you asked if i eat anything. I looked at you and back in the way we were walking* eating. hmm eating. feel hunger. I have never tried. Do you feel hunger?
♅ Felix ¥ [A] 1 year ago
@〄 Jeon Jungkook (sorry for the long wait)

It's the way that you spoke about your creation that had my heart sank a bit. It might just have been the sheer bluntness of 'trash' that took me. "But.. You don't look like you were created from trash." I tried to reason. A soft light smile decorated my lips as I looked up towards the sky then back towards you. "I come from Light and Hope. Happiness and Bravery." I took a look around out surroundings and I could hear the hussle and bussle of the towns people buying, selling and trading goods for food or currency. "Do you eat anything? Can you eat? Do you feel hunger?"
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 1 year ago
@♦ Seulgi <you have been paid for the month of Jan. Sorry that it took so long. Thank you for being active in your job and paying citizen tax. ~love, Emily>
〄 Jeon Jungkook 1 year ago
@♅ Felix ¥ *while you spoke saying friend was a hard word to define and feeling a friend one would know of that feeling. I tilted my head lightly but walked on with you* where did I come from? I came from what's known as trash. *says while walking past more buildings and areas. Nearing the post, I looked at the pavement* where did you come from? may I ask? *i repeated back to you*
♦ Seulgi 1 year ago
Setting up her stall was an annoying but necessary chore, with the weekend starting that meant she needed to make money for the week. So she began to sort through all her jars of herbs and other magically ingredients, finally ground, dried, or otherwise preserved monster parts, and any other rare ingredients she had stumbled across in her hunts during the week. Bounties came in all forms, and she never liked to waste anything that could otherwise have sold for even a few coins. Her angel was on some kind of grande mission, and her soul was apparently also on the line, so she was going to do what she could to help.
♅ Felix ¥ [A] 1 year ago
@〄 Jeon Jungkook Friend? Well.. The term friend is a hard word to define. Hm... You'll know it when you feel it. *he pats the cyborg's back gently as he continued to walk on* Where did you come form? May I ask?
〄 Jeon Jungkook 1 year ago
@♅ Felix ¥ ♅ Felix ¥ Jan 21, 2023 23:24:22 Reply History
*curiously tilts his head watching the cyborg process things, then a soft smile painted his lips soon after* Okay! I'll let you by my guide. I think I only need a few things... Also I'm curious to know what they have in general. *nods once happily* I'm ready when you are, my friend!

my reply:

*it didn't take that long since i knew where to go having crossing that path a day ago. it was stored into memory where it was. Walking in the direction, I looked towards you* felix what was the meaning of friend? *walks us down the way passing the lhe night club called the 'riot' *
დ Jung Nicole [A] 1 year ago
@☾ Dong Youngbae A grins spread against her lips as she heard him. Now that she's gotten his attention again, it's her turn to return the favor in a away. Her feet picks up speed, gracefully avoiding bumping into other as she lead them towards the quieter parts of the trade post. Scanning the area to make sure not to draw too many attention, Nicole spun around to face him, watching him catch up to her. She is not one to joke around too much but she might as well make sure that he knows how much she can get back at others too. "Looking for this?" She juggle his bag of coins slowly letting her shifts morph back to her natural self. "Here." She threw it towards him before grabbing her portion from her bag and tossing it to him. "i figured, if you took the time to try and rob me, then I may as well let you keep it."
⚜ Murase Sae ¥ 1 year ago
@♦ Ok Taecyeon Sae was usually good at hiding her awkwardness, usually burying her nose in a book or a drink - something to distract herself - but she wasn't sure to do this in this moment. She wasn't interested in Max, but of course, she was only introduced as Taecyeon's friend. She was starting to think maybe that he really only did see her as a friend and nothing more. She snapped her head up when she heard Taecyeon cough, turning her gaze over to him. "Ah, yes - it is. He was just asking if I needed anything or if he could make me something - but I told him I was fine," Sae stood closer to him
☾ Dong Youngbae {H} 1 year ago
@დ Jung Nicole Taeyang slumped, hands in pockets scratching his head thinking he must've missed something. He looked back to where he met the woman then back to whom he bumped into. Cursing the sun and the moon for ripping his abilities into nothing but a mere human strength. "I swear she was going this way." The man mumbled, ignorant of the tone of her voice and the powers the woman holds. If anything, the said wolf has been checking, pointing at faces that it consequentially troublesome if not careful. He tiptoed scanning the marketplace for any hint of the woman. But he felt someone brushing against him, in fear, he looked at his pockets, looking here and there in his coats, pants and even his small bag of purse hanging from his leather belt. "!" Taeyang's shot a look at the one who walked passed him. "Hey! Wait! You!" He pointed at the woman, picking up his pace running after the woman.
♦ Ok Taecyeon {H} 1 year ago
@⚜ Murase Sae ¥✔ “I’ll take these.” Taecyeon told the tailor patting the pile of clothing he tried on. The man nodded and took note of the items that were picked and replied, “I’ll make the adjustments. Are we expecting a deadline?” Taecyeon simply told him that in a fortnight he’ll be attending a special occasion and this concluded their conversation. As they walked out of the dressing room, the scholar saw the tailor’s son in close promixity with Sae that he faked a cough, loud enough to disturb the conversation. “Is everything alright?” He said, standing next to her but eyes burning as he stare at the man.
დ Jung Nicole [A] 1 year ago
@☾ Dong Youngbae Spinning around to look at him and putting on her best acting, she gave him the confused look from a person they never meet before. "Excuse you." Nicole pulled back to put space between them when he apologized. "Just be careful." She scoff as if she was irritated that someone had disturb her whole day. Walking of in the opposite direction of him, Nicole rounded the corner. She peaked out to keep an eye on him, only to come back out shifting her looks to a dragon following him. The ember eyes stay put on his back as if he have a target there. Her legs working swiftly and carefully through the crowd here, but cautiously as she didn't want him to noticed. If he was desperate enough to steal from her, she figured he may as well get to keep it but only until he catches on. She swiftly moved faster, barely brushing past him in the crowd as she stole the silver from him, keeping the same pace a head of him just a little while longer.
⚜ Murase Sae ¥ 1 year ago
@♦ Ok Taecyeon Sae wasn't sure what this conversation was. I mean, she had a slight idea of what this conversation was and she wasn't surprised that he would try - but then sometimes she was as she never thought others would find her attractive. "Ah, thank you for thinking so," Sae answered, dipping her head a bit. Sae shook her head, raising up a hand slightly waving off teh idea. "No, no - I am already getting some dresses made for myself elsewhere. You don't need to do that, but again, thank you for the offer. I'm alright though," Sae told him with a nod. Sae didn't need any more clothes or dresses - she was fine with the items that she had and she was good at mixing and matching and layering to make new outfits.
♆ Choi Seunghyun {H} 1 year ago
@♆ Huang Mi Ni The demon watched cauldron after cauldron being taken away since the princess’s messenger was in a rush to deliver the food. The relentless woman became annoying like irritating fly continuously buzzing on his ear. His brows knitted. With pursed lips, he listened for once but laughed. “You’re telling me that the princess of hell keeps mages for something she herself can’t do?” He scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “See none of the food being served for the princess will keep a human alive. They are harmful. So, unless you and your friends gladly sacrifice yourselves for them. Maybe I can make a good stew or roast out of you to keep them alive
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♆ ♕ Huang Mi Ni 1 year ago
@♆ Choi Seunghyun Anger flashed in the woman's eyes, which quickly turned to panic when the deadline was announced. People started scurrying around her but she and the two of her kind did not move. "No, you don't understand! I'm not talking about myself." She sounded exasperated, she was. Someone bumped into her rushing a platter of food, she stumbled but caught her footing. Despite the monster's threat she stepped a little closer to him, although still at several meters distance. "I don't know much, but there are mages here. Locked in the basement much further down than here. They are doing... something, some spell, and need to be fed to be kept alive. If they weaken and the spell breaks we all die. The princess won't notice if a little is missing... please...!"
♆ Choi Seunghyun {H} 1 year ago
@♆ Huang Mi Ni The demon joined the working force he creatured, tearing apart the items he could, turning them into a edible ingredient before the clock stood still. Lesser demons, damned souls and other pathetic creatures cooked, baked and did all the can to meet the princess’ quota. Seunghyun won’t settle for less. If he goes down, they all must fall as well. It is a win and lose situation, and he is not one to surrender. A woman disturbed the pace, spewing things of fairness and a sympathetic look. But the demon saw the kitsune tail and even the two other creature with her. He inched himself till their eyes meet, he scrunched his nose and twisted his lips. “Say that again, or you’ll die. If what you say is true, then the princess must included you on the list. To me, you’re nothing but a nuisance. Do not bother me again. Or I’ll roast you alive together with those you’re with.” The demon turned his back on the woman when another minion of the devil announced that the princess demands her food.

They all stopped and turned at Seunghyun, gulping down the fear waiting for someone to take charge. He looked around, rubbing his forehead. “What the are you waiting for? Dish out the meals or better yet, carry the cauldron upstairs.” He shook his head as panic once again filled the room as those who survive tried their best to carry the food they’re going to present to the princess.
♆ ♕ Huang Mi Ni 1 year ago
@♆ Choi Seunghyun There was a small group of three who stood at the far side of the hall, observing the gruesome cruelty. They watched with surprise how the man... monster... got the demons to do his bidding. A woman stepped forward. She had deep wrinkles on her face but a steady foot and a cold glint in her eyes. Once she was close enough for the monster to hear her, she spoke: "We need some of the food as well. There are people in the castle the princess wants to have fed even more than herself." Her tone was firm but she could not hide her fear entirely. The tails curling around her leg betrayed her to be a kitsune. The two remaining people who still stood at what they hoped was a safe distance were of the same species. "Do you have any food left safe for a human to consume?"

Mini sat up in her soft blood and stretched her arms high up above her head with a lazy yawn. She smacked her lips and looked around the room in a daze. A hand rose from the pristine soft sheets to her soft stomach. The gaping, endless black hole within her was aching. The itch to eat felt like ants crawling under her skin. "Where's my food...", she muttered with a pitiful whimper, barely louder than a whisper. A lesser demon flew up to her. "Right away, princess! They're bringing it up!" Its words sparked a chain, one demon flying to the other until word reached the great hall in the depths.

"The princess wants her food!"

Upstairs, the princess was finishing off her lesser-demon wings.
♦ Ok Taecyeon {H} 1 year ago
@⚜ Murase Sae ¥✔ “Here are few new style that will fit your taste.” The tailor handed him three different cut of suits. The scholar dipped his head, politely thanking the said man and went inside the dressing room trying on the said suits. He looked in the mirror once he wore a white shirt matching it with a nice styled of black pair of suit. Pleased on the reflection he saw, Taecyeon continued to try on few suits.

Max smiled, raising a brow when the woman said there are far more beautiful than herself. The man shook his head, stepping a little closer. “Oh no miss. You are beautiful.” He insisted but stopped for awhile. “Yes I do, though I’m still new compared to my father. I’m trying to make dresses as well. If you allow me to take your measurements, I can make one you like.”
⚜ Murase Sae ¥ 1 year ago
@♦ Ok Taecyeon Sae had linked her fingers behind her back like she usually would when she was waiting around, or not exactly knowing what to do in a situation. She turned her gaze back towards Max, shaking her head a bit. "Thank you - but I assure you there are more beautiful women in Heleo than myself - but thank you for the compliment," Sae was simply being polite and she didn't want to cause a scene or anything - especially since Taecyeon had a good relationship with these tailors. Though, she did pull her hand back quickly after his actions, gently wiping them on the back of her skirt, nodding her head a bit. "It is nice to meet you as well. Do you tailor and sew like your father?" Sae didn't know what else to do expect make small talk.
♦ Ok Taecyeon {H} 1 year ago
@⚜ Murase Sae ¥✔ It was a long time that Taecyeon’s family even gathered together for dinner. They died even before they see their only child to take on the role that is left to him. The only people he is related to is a distant cousins he barely talked to despite being scholars themselves. But that is Taecyeon’s worry for another day. He picked a suit that’s cut perfectly to show his good physique. He tried it on while the tailor assessed the fitting. Unsure of what is going on at the main area of the shop, he glanced at the door hoping Sae is doing fine.

“Sae. A nice name for a beautiful lady as yourself.” The man said, not taking his sight away from her. He gently held her hand, planting a soft kiss on her knuckles. “Pleasure to meet you.”
⚜ Murase Sae ¥ 1 year ago
@♦ Ok Taecyeon Sae thought that visiting his hometown would be interesting and it would be nice to see where he grew up. It was probably a lot better than where she grew up. Sae entered the shop behind him as she greeted the shop owner and others in the shop. Sae hide her slight disappointment when he only called her his closest friend - but they hadn't exactly spoken about what they were. Sae glanced up at Taecyeon, nodding. "Okay," She told him as he left, turning to the other who had spoken. "Oh, I'm Sae, like he said," She bowed her head a bit. She reached out took his hand and shook his hand.
♦ Ok Taecyeon {H} 1 year ago
@⚜ Murase Sae ¥✔ Taecyeon returning to his hometown would be a great news for the rest of the court, yet he is not looking forward at the talk of marriage and status - one thing he is dreading to be subjected to. They went inside the shop and Taecyeon greeted the gentleman who owns the said shop. They exchanged pleasantries asking about the recent things that happened in their lives when the man introduced his son, who is about the scholar's age. He stood tall with broad shoulders. His jaw chiselled, paired with deep blue eyes. "Oh right. This is Sae. She's my uh..."Taecyeon briefly glanced at the woman unsure how he'll introduce her. So he resorted to telling the father and son that she is his closest friend. The tailor asked Taecyeon to have a look around and go to the dressing room at the back to get his measurements. "I'll be back." He whispered at Sae, touching her back before he went with the tailor. On the other hand, the tailor's son was checking her out, eyeing her from head to toe. "Name is Max." The man offered his hand.


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Midnight_Muse 1 month ago
this rp still exists XD
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4c3716b565ea1078e468 5 months ago
kim jongin (kai) as a kitsune please?
enchantedrixue 6 months ago
hewo, for my last character - could i possibly get wi hajun as a hybrid?
Keepyouwarm 6 months ago
If it is possible to return, can i please have kim myungsoo as vampire
vronvron 11 months ago
Hello~ I'm so sorry for going inactive and disappearing last time ;;
May I please join again? as Park Seonghwa as a Dragon
[comment deleted by owner]
[comment deleted by owner]
Keepyouwarm 1 year ago
missing this place already.
Daddysbabygirl 1 year ago
Hi may I join this rolelplay???
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