Train station

"All aboard! Welcome to Central train station. We take pride in our 100%-pure-Mist powered train- fast enough to get you to your destination just as efficiently as an airship or steamboat"

♦ Christopher Bang 1 year ago
@† Bambi Naka With how the train ride has gun thusfar, Christopher was more annoyed than surprised when the train was forced to a standstill. Now, they were all sitting ducks. The storm didn't show any signs of letting up any time soon so who knows how long it would take before help could even reach them. He has to take a few deep breaths to calm the flare of rage that ignited all throughout his veins. Christopher gathers all the remaining willpower he has and settles back down into his seat, jaw clenched. With his current mission at hand, even using his abilities would be a high risk of blowing his cover -- needing to come off as just a simple human man doing odd jobs or whatever lie he comes up with at a later time. There was nothing he himself could do except sit tight and twiddle his ing thumbs even though he was fully capable of clearing the debris in seconds (being telekinetic had its perks). Of course he could... discreetly do it, making it looks like everything fell naturally. However that would require getting a visual on it and he is nowhere having a visual on it. Hearing the woman beside him express her own frustrations helped him gain the rather risky approach; asking a complete stranger to help sneak their way closer so that he could take care of things. Christopher glances towards her, hesitant. Most people don't react well to him just randomly popping into their heads, especially those who don't know him, so he had to get her attention first. He lifted a hand, waiting for her to glance towards him before gesturing up to his head and tapping his temple with the tip of his finger. Then, a low, husky voice floated through as he used telepathy to communicate with her. 'You wanna get this over with as quickly as I do?'
♅ Choi Dongwook [A] 1 year ago
@♅ Kim Hyunwoo Four males with air cannons leap from the top of the train to the side, causing a loud thud once they land on the ground. Each firing of three warning shots for the people gathered outside the train to stay put with the other two invaded the train. They march down the aisle, ensuring that each individual remains seated, waiting for their leader's signal. I stayed calm, my expression neutral as I observed the situation be cooperative for the time being. I may be immortal, but not all the folks on the train and the docking station were. I knew I would have to devise a plan and fast before more blood slips. I turn to look outside the train when I recognize another divine energy hiding amongst the crowd. I squint hard to confirm you were a son of heaven, and maybe, if I communicate with you, we could come up with a plan to home safe and everyone alive.
♆ ♕ Huang Mi Ni 1 year ago
/sitting on a bench in disguise, eating a sandwich and watching the trains come and go with a happy hum
/the world sure has gotten a lot more techy while I was away
❖♕ Bambi Naka † [A] 1 year ago
@♦ Christopher Bang I rear back when I see the human nearly topple forward. An intuitive hand places up between us on the off chance your human reflexes fail you. They didn't, luckily. Once you steadied yourself and then took your seat, I level an analytical gaze in your direction. I merely held up a hand to ensure all was well. Oscillate motions continue to the train as it presses through the high winds. The rain relentlessly pounded on the glass, further distorting the world outside. Lights overhead flicker several times due to the frequent turbulence. "Damn storm," I mutter, knowing it will take twice as long to get home at this rate. The locomotive sways and bounces on the train, then suddenly slams into something hard.

I launch forward, stopping myself from colliding with you once more, when death grips the nearby railing. The train rattles then came to a screeching halt just as we entered the tunnel within the underpass, and the lights cut off completely. "What now?"

"Ladies, Gents, and Folks, it looks like we hit some debris on the tracks. Please give us 5 mins to inspect the disturbance and assess the damage. We should be on our way to our distance shortly looks like we are just about 2 miles outside Meldorn station at the board of the Undead Wastelands. We do apologize for the inconvenience. Please sit tight and do not exit the train; we thank you for your corporation." "You gotta be in kidding me. What else can go wrong tonight?"
♅ Kim Hyunwoo 1 year ago
@♅ Choi Dongwook ¥✔ I've been waiting for the owner of the letter to show up for the past the hour. I decided to wait a little longer when I hear an annoucement that a train is departing to Crystal Cidale. Moments later, I had grew tired of it. 'Probably it's one of those childish pranks for me to get here so that I can be more targeted.' I thought in my own state of mind...that is until I alsonheard gunshots coming from a train. Not wanting to wait for them any longer, I start to grab my things quickly and start to flee away from that spot since I don't do well with violence as I start to panic even though I wasn't inside of the train..but near it. Clutching my things tightly, I ran to the nearest exit right before I saw it is on lockdown. ' I'm stuck here..what am I going to do now?' Sighing out of distress, I sat down on the bench and decided to go back on waiting for the person whom I'm suppose actually show up to me in person.
♅ Choi Dongwook [A] 1 year ago
@♅ Kim Hyunwoo [Don’t apologize; I get it. I accepted replies of all sizes love.]

I had no intent on making this train ride social, for I had far too much on my mind for pleasantries this evening. I had to be on top of my A-game. The for no talk focus starts well enough, given I could tone out the disheartened angel in the booth, two heads of mine, and the right-hand side. My eyes were fixated on the old Byzantine architecture that greeted the train as we emerged from underground. The sound of steam pushing and pulling through the locomotive without spurting out of control indicates that we were indeed keeping up a good pace. The train whistles echoing through the tunnel momentarily engulfed us in darkness before the interior lights illuminated our surroundings.

“Good evening, ladies, gents, and mythical folks. This is your conductor speaking. We are now approaching The Crystal Cidale. We’ll be arriving in 15mins; please make sure all your belongings around are attended to, and please report all suspects actively.” Thank the heavens, I said silently, for I was ready to be freedom of these cramped quarters. Damn, I would give anything to have my powers back to full functionality. But, as long as I bared the mark of the slave, I needed to keep the truth of my agency under wraps, even while I was home. “Ladies, Gents, and Mythical folks, we are. Hey-Hey you! What are you doing? You can’t be in here! Someone help call security; they’ve got a gu-” A loud gunshot rounded off, and the conductor was silenced. “Sorry about that, everyone. Your conductor is taking a little nap in the Eslyain sea. We’ll be taking over this train ride. Apologies, we’ll be taking a little detour.”
♦ Christopher Bang 1 year ago
@† Bambi Naka ( likewise, love <3 )

If it wasn't for this particular job, he wouldn't even be on this train right now. Christopher would already be at the location and, at best, the contract would have already been complete by now. However, this case was... special. It was a personal favor from a loyal employer. Apparently one of their loved one got kidnapped and the notorious dark mage was immediately sought out to do the job because who else would? It was a rescue mission but also a contract; the guy was willing to pay more than double for Christopher to bring back the target's head. Literally. However, said target was even more notorious than he, so discretion being preferred was most certainly an understatement. Very /very/ select few knew that Christopher lived a double life. Right now, he seemed like an ordinary grumpy man that favored the color black more than anything and also appeared to wear a permanent scowl 24/7. It's weird, honestly. Normally, he puts on the mask to hide and become Vagabond. Now, in order to become Vagabond, he has to remove the mask. Getting close in a proper way without garnering attention was the best route so every second counted. Luckily all expenses were paid for, as a compliment. The guy was grateful Christopher took the job so, in return, he took care of everything else so that all he would need to do is worry about completing the job. He was moving down the aisle after returning from the restroom (it was disgusting in there, he never used it though he did end up using his abilities to track down the target and see what they were up to). The train jerks suddenly and he nearly fumbles into one of the other passengers that was currently seated. Luckily, his reflexes were always rather keen and he was able to catch himself before something awkward and uncomfortable could happen. The mage was decent enough to turn towards the person - oh, it was a woman - and dip his head in a small yet sincere bow as a way to apologize for the mishap before Christopher turns to his seat which was, ironically, right across from her.
♅ Kim Hyunwoo 1 year ago
@♅ Choi Dongwook ¥✔ I arrive at this station to meet up with someone after I received a letter from a mysterious not too long ago. Probably it's an old friend of mine whom I haven't seen in a while. I was so busy job searching that I barely have any free time for the past couple weeks. Then I started to go to the meet up spot and wait there after 30 minutes of finding it before taking a seat on an empty bench. "Ugh..what a day..." I muttered to myself. I took my huge stack of job application papers out and sighed as I read every single page in which said 'Rejected' stamped on it. "What am I going to now?" I sighed as I run my fingers through my hair with one hand while tossing all of the papers into the trash bin.

[ sorry if it's a bit short; i can only do semi-para ]
♅ Choi Dongwook [A] 1 year ago
@♅ Kim Nahee ¥ The ride from the hangar on the outskirts of the Elysian Crest, the capital of Heaven, to the Crystal Citadel Place at its center is quiet. The opaque tint of the windows is one way-way thing. A vibrant, colorful view of Elysian Crest is clear from inside the transport. In silence, I turn to the window and look out at the glittering municipality I know as well as Crystal Citadel. My brothers and I had a home on the shore of Nirvana. As we got older, we seemed to stay there least and least only in the Crystal Citadel in an official delegate capacity and, as such, stayed in with the royal family as Knights of the Kingdom so we could remain close to the Academy. Kevin and Yuki's face flash before me, then vanish just as quickly as that came. I dig my nails into my palms, using the sting of the pain to chase away the fresh misery that blindsides me. This was the first time I'd been home since they'd both fallen.
❖♕ Bambi Naka † [A] 1 year ago
@♦ Christopher Bang I turn my eyes to the gentle tapping of the rain on the glass, soon accompanied by the rolling belt of lighting. The wind whimpers across the outside of the cart that didn't compare to the growling crack of thunder roaring overhead. 'Hi there, ladies, gents, and folks. We are now departing from Mystique Rainforest, and the next stop will be Undead Wastelands which we'll be approaching in 15 minutes. Please take your seats as we prepare for departure, and once again, thank you for riding the Central Coin Bullet train.' I let go a weary sigh attempting to exude patience, knowing that it would most likely be another 1hr and 45mins to Bahamut Summit, especially with weather like this. I just really wanted to get home and back to the castle, to Lord Taemin. I should've known better than to hire an Airship pilot instead. I never really fancied trains, but had I known what was in store for me this evening; I never would've boarded in the first bloody place.

[thank you for your patience love <3]
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Midnight_Muse 1 month ago
this rp still exists XD
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4c3716b565ea1078e468 5 months ago
kim jongin (kai) as a kitsune please?
enchantedrixue 6 months ago
hewo, for my last character - could i possibly get wi hajun as a hybrid?
Keepyouwarm 6 months ago
If it is possible to return, can i please have kim myungsoo as vampire
vronvron 11 months ago
Hello~ I'm so sorry for going inactive and disappearing last time ;;
May I please join again? as Park Seonghwa as a Dragon
[comment deleted by owner]
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Keepyouwarm 1 year ago
missing this place already.
Daddysbabygirl 1 year ago
Hi may I join this rolelplay???
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