Slaves quarters

"When home is too far, you need a place to crash in the big city. You never know when your master will call upon you."


☠ Bang Yongguk¥✔ 1 year ago
@☠ Kyo Youngguk parts his lips and then quickly closes them, thinking twice better about his questions. He didn't want to come off rude, and he hardly knew the other ghoul's intentions. Bang shook the thought away and figured it was best to leave his question for another time and place. It is far too soon for Bang Yongguk to open his life's hatches before being central's property. He was neither comfortable nor ready to reveal the origins of his family living in the Wastelands. "Sorry, so never mind…I got caught in a bit of brain fog and forgot what I was going to say." He gave an apologetic smile knowing his new master would find his behavior rather odd. "Sorry, let me get that door for you." His hand reaches for the handle popping it open for you.
⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ 1 year ago
@♆ Choi Seunghyun ( I've always been trying to reply here but I keep forgetting to reply sorry ;;; )

She gasped as the unknown entity whispers words in her ears, it seemed to know what happened to her parents, it must be connected to 'him'! Seungwan tries to walk closer to the entity but it disappeared into the mist, the cold atmosphere she felt just this morning has gone. That entity she saw through her newfound power, it must hold some valuable information about her parent's death.

The hybrid shook her head and looks back at the bed before noticing that the notebook that her father always wrote is the same notebook that Seungwan draws doodles in, if her hunch that the entity is after what's inside her father's diary, then Seungwan had to make a ruse if ever that entity again shows up inside her room. She have to hide the diary. She gets her backpack and put the diary inside and carries it before setting off to her job as a maid in the central.
♆ Choi Seunghyun {H} 1 year ago
@⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ “Seungwan.” The demon whispered the name when the woman signed her name over the page. Spark of amber flames rest on his eyes as he went on stand by for his master’s further instructions. He was busy circling the young kitsune when an outburst of energy send him flying and his back hit the wall. For a moment, his head light and his ears ringing though it didn’t last long. The demon got back on his feet then the snake appeared wrapped around his neck.

“” The man cursed under his breath when the snake realised the situation they’re in and whispered words of profanity into the other creature’s ears. A fox replaced the woman they were keeping an eye on but all they did was stare at her, ignoring the fact she could see them. “Woe to you, woman of power. I hope your homes continue to smolder and never again you will rise.” The man pointed his hammer at the woman as blue flame engulfed the entire weapon but not leaving any damage to it. Slowly, like a vivid dream, they disappeared.
☠ Kyo [SH] [A] 1 year ago
@☠ Bang Yongguk¥✔ I chuckle at your humor, a dry sound that leaves my lips. Even now I’m not entirely sure what I’ve gotten myself into, considering you and I have sparsely interacted outside of the recent desperation in the arena. We walk to my transport in silence until I’m met with your question. I glance at you, an eyebrow raised in curiosity before looking straight ahead again. “Of course. Ask away, Yongguk.”
⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ 1 year ago
@♆ Choi Seunghyun The hybrid woke up in the next morning, her diary was still on her chest looked around. She took the opportunity write the last page, this time to conceal the hidden message that his father had as she wrote a heartfelt message on the last page: "I know it's hard to accept it but I know you were still worried about me, you never lose hope until the end and I know that you never gave up searching for me. Thank you, Mom and Dad... Your ever loving girl, Seungwan..."

Then her overflowing emotions she felt right now is so strong that her collar couldn't control its energy just like how she transformed into a fox for the first time, she unlocked the power to see the unusual things. Her eyes flared up blue and sees hears unusual things then she looks back to see a black figure behind her, "W-Who are you?!" She asked them as she holds more of the diary.
♆ Choi Seunghyun {H} 1 year ago
@⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ “Ha!” Both the man and the snake sneered hearing the woman’s conclusion. “Someone must tell him about the book’s content.” The snake said, coiling itself arund the creature’s wrist. “You do it. I want to mess with her.” The other groaned, poking the woman’s cheek. They waited. And once the twilight slowly peeked through the horizon, the man opened his palm while the snake slowly disappeared into thin air.

Seunghyun stayed at the infirmary, imprisoned by the limitations of the vessel he has chosen: Going outside when the sun slowly rising would definitely cause suspicion if he didn’t disintegrate like a vampire would. So despite hating the idea of spending his day cooped up inside the infirmary, he remained in his office. A dark shadow gliding through the light, onto the table where Seunghyun was busy reading a list of patients. Slowly, the shadow showed a silky scale, revealing the snake in its form. “Spit it out.” The demon said, not even giving any recognition.

“The father wrote of his views of the world. His journey and leaves words of life onto his daughter’s life.” The snake replied. Seunghyun stopped, groaning as he leaned back and stared at the ceiling. “Then he must have left a hint there. Dig more.” He waved his hand and the snake returned to its owner.
⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ 1 year ago
@♆ Choi Seunghyun Seungwan looked around and found the window rattled violently because of the wind, she quickly fixes it so it won't rattle and looks around again. "I guess mom and dad's ghost is haunting me now..." She muttered and went back to her bed, now clutching the diary on her chest. Seungwan sighed and closes her eyes to sleep once again, forgetting what has happened tonight and wanted to wake up in the morning so she could work again in the community services around Heleo.
♆ Choi Seunghyun {H} 1 year ago
@⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ As the woman stirs from her bed, the creature float about circling her, analysing her every movement. Then the least expected happened, the woman opened the diary. A grin of victory slides across the creature’s face. The snake rattled its tail, now sticking it’s tongue and poking the creature’s pointy ears. They silently settled behind the kitsune, looking over her shoulder and reading the handwritten journal of the father. “Useless informations.” The snake hissed when the woman only read parts of when her father gave encouraging words. “Release me.” The slithering animal went inside the creature’s ear and out into the other. “I cannot. Thee must stay.” The creature replied. “Weak.” The snake aggressively parted its mouth and digged its pearly fangs into the creature’s neck.”

“Thou must cease such behaviour.” The creature pulled the snake by the tail as black fluid ooze from his neck. He raised a brow, flicking the woman’s forehead when she growled. “Silly woman.” The window pane rattled as the wind blew harder.
⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ 1 year ago
@♆ Choi Seunghyun Seungwan rose from the bed and gets the diary, she then starts reading back at his father's notes to make herself feel better. When she was kidnapped and branded a slave, her father gave words of encouragement to her through his notes. It made her smile. Ever since she became a slave she never cut her hair short, her mother always wanted her to have a long hair because it suits on her. So every time she cuts her hair, it was always the same level as her upper torso.

Her felow slaves told her that she's more beautiful with her long hair and she kept their words. She sighed and she was about to go read the last blank page but decided not to because she is very cautious that anyone is spying on her. Then she felt the cold breeze out of nowhere, "Who's there?" She clutched her diary close to her chest while her other hand draws out her claws then she growled at whoever is spying on her.
♆ Choi Seunghyun {H} 1 year ago
@⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ The creature that the harbinger of bad omen left to watch the woman is a tall muscular man with pointy ears and burning eyes. His mouth crimson and his tongue of that of a snake. With him a hammer and a snake slithering around his right arm. Enormous wings on his back, his complexion blueish like that of decaying body. The lesser creature listened and witnessed the young kitsune grew ears of a fox and claws springing out dangerously. He hissed and huffed smoke out of his nostrils. “He who has no name must know this.” A low husky voice came from the snake that wrapped itself around the creature’s neck. “We must wait.” The creature said staring at the diary underneath the makeshift bed then noticed the collar around the woman’s neck. “She hear none of us.” The creature scanned the room and immediately, cold breeze blew in.

Meanwhile back at the infirmary, the Seunghyun has been busy taking care of his wealthy patients, picking who offers a better deal as they line up to be given quality of care
[post deleted by owner]
⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ 1 year ago
@♆ Choi Seunghyun Seungwan was sleeping soundly when all of a sudden, she got into a nightmare where she was in a void all alone until she heard screams of her parents, the hybrid ran to where their screams are before she was met by a fiery flames and imagined how her parents died. She could see them trapped in their own room with nothing that could set them free. Seungwan screamed and tries to ran towards them but it was no use until a debris collapsed on her which made her wake up with a shout on top of her lungs with her fox ears and claws showing, her orbs were glowing cerulean.

"It was... a nightmare..." She pants before looking around, not aware that there's a demon lurking and her sensitive senses were concealed because of the collar. Seungwan clutched her chest tightly and looked at the bright light that went through the window, it was from the moon, maybe it's midnight. The curfew of the slaves has already begun and it was a good thing that she went back to the quarters early.
♆ Choi Seunghyun {H} 1 year ago
@⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ With his prying eyes, he watches her every move and wishes that she give a way any hint of knowledge about the secret that led to his parents’ death. But the demon falls heavily from the high he’s on, jumping of the ceiling but lands without making any sound. The woman choses to be mum, ignoring her comrades and sleeps in such uncomfortable place. The demon takes few steps, lowering himself and hovers above the girl. “No tears.” He said, frowning in deep thought about the woman’s behaviour. “You either are hit hard by your parents’ death, you became numb. Or you didn’t care at all.”

He dares to reach for her face, grazing his sharpened nails along that smooth skin and whispered into her ears,
“Woe unto thee oh death
For thou has ambushed
Me like a bandit
Paged my face with sorrow
I sought solace in grief
Come finish me off quickly
I'm of no good than a dead Widow”

“Master.” A groggy sound ringing in the demon’s head as he snapped a look out the window. Squinting to adjust his vision, the demon saw the creature he sent to spy in the infirmary. “They seek the doctor.”

The demon took another glance at the woman. “You watch her like a hawk. And make sure to take grab the opportunity to see what’s inside this diary. Know her name. Her friends. Her acquintance. She if this idiot have anything to live for. And if she does know something, then report back to me.” He said, stepping off from the sleeping creature and turned to the evil spirit. “Make no mistake. She must not escape the excruciating pain of this unjust world.” The demon left and went to be Seunghyun, the vampire doctor.
⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ 1 year ago
@♆ Choi Seunghyun ( Its okay~ <3 )

Seungwan went back to her quarters, she was greeted by the other slaved kitsunes with a smile that turned into a frowning ones, just by looking at the hybrid's face, they knew it was a bad news. One of them offered her a comfort but Seungwan refused and walked inside her room, she placed the diary and a pocket watch at the end table beside her makeshift bed and there she stayed on top of it. Curling up and hugs her knees, she must not grieve, she cannot cry on them forever, she had to be smart and collective.

Her mind starts to make a bulletin board inside it and making a plan to investigate on what caused the fire, she first had to look for the doctor and where his clinic is and then, when time comes she had to have enough money to make an appointment with him. Maybe that's one of his plans but she's a slave, but she needs to find a job first. With that in mind, she sighed and fell asleep.
♆ Choi Seunghyun {H} 1 year ago
@⚜ Son Seungwan ¥ Now, the demon in his spirit form lingered in the shadows, hiding himself from any light to avoid a mishap. So close yet so far, he could see everything she’s doing. Alone. It is so easy to just kill her and be done with it. But something is not sitting right with him. the woman’s father is such a blabber mouth, who else did he tell Seunghyun’s secret too? The line of information spreading should be cut off. And it should end with the death of the man and his wife.

The woman returned to Heleo looking so gloomy while the demon feeds off from her grieving soul. He became energetic as his powers grew, making all of his senses in their pristine condition. He heard her doubtful words. “Mhmm…she is suspecting. Not good.” The demon thought to himself when he noticed where the road has led him.

“Ah…” A sly grin slowly creeping across his face when the woman entered the slave’s quarters. “Tsk tsk. Poor child, so alone. She’s needing a shoulder to cry on. Bleh” He hunched forward and tried not to gag because to even the thought of feeling sorry was making his stomach go 360. The demon entered the slave’s quarters, hanging upside down from the ceiling, waiting for the woman to fall asleep.

[ sorry about that]
☠ Bang Yongguk¥✔ 1 year ago
@☠ Kyo Bang Yongguk, the ghoul, stands in the center of the door to his slave quarter. He's anxious to leave the old quarter. A run-down shake he'd called home for that past year with his belongings in his hands. A grateful smile rests on his face, his suitcase in hand, staring at you. Appreciative of the gesture of his new Master being a family face and a ghoul himself, it brought an underlying sense of comforting familiarity.
"Is a pig made out of pork? Let's go home, Master."
He joins by your side, giving the play that once was his home a final glance, more than prepared to close this chapter in history. "Master Kyo," He prompts, turning to look over at you. "May I ask you a question?"
☠ Kyo [SH] [A] 1 year ago
@☠ Bang Yongguk¥✔ The auctioneer shows me to your quarters, giving a brief knock on the door before swinging it open wide. Despite the abrasive behavior on the auctioneer's behalf, I maintain my cordiality. "Good evening, Yongguk. Are you ready to go?"
♦ Christopher Bang 1 year ago
@☠ Christian Yu ¥ (SH) What the did he just walk in on? He was here for a completely different reason. He was here under a completely different contract. This was... what the was this? Torture, the mage realized dully. This was torture. The second Vagabond walked into that room was the same second he knew something was up. Watching those men beat and drag someone across the floor after surrounding it with fire just to see the fear in its eyes. The scream was what terrified him, and very little things nowadays terrify him. However it was just the way it screamed... writhing on the floor in agony as it was forced to revert back into a different form. A human form. They tranquilized it. The same ghoul they sent him out countless of times because he broke out of this supposedly "safe" environment. But that was clearly a lie. They were lying to him - this place was not a safe space. Not for him, not for the ghoul, or any of the other poor souls he can see locked in various other cages and cells. This room was clearly not a room the assassin was meant to see and that much was clear.

The mood in the room shifted when everyone became hyper aware that Vagabond had witnessed every single second of it. The slavers were nervous, they couldn't read him. Not with the mask on. It hid his features, hid his expressions and it hid the fury in his eyes. He never liked being lied to. Vagabond's slow footsteps echoed through the room, combat foots heavy against the rotten floorboards as they creaked, groaned, and whimpered under his feet with every slow, methodical step he took. The slaver's cowered as he sized them up, fury now evident in his tense shoulders and in the way his hands were now tight fists. There was only one thing that could be distinguished from him and that was-

'Get the out of my sight.'

They ran. Like cowards, like sheep staring down at a hungry wolf, they ing ran. He will deal with them later. Vagabond now stood before the crumbled figure of a man. Wounded, bleeding, . The man was the same ghoul that tussled with him several times. The ghoul had every reason to loathe him. Now, however, Vagabond is not here to harm him. His other contract was going to be ignored - in his mind, this was more important; had he known he was helping the wrong people sooner... Gritting his teeth behind the mask in annoyance, the mage uses his spellcasting ability to conjure up some some medical equipment as well as a thick blanket. Slowly approaching, not wanting to anger the man, he crouches down and places the blanket around his shoulders; a peace offering, of sorts. With the first-aid kit in hand and every intention of patching up any wound he could, he remains still and unmoving in front of him for a moment; waiting patiently to see the other's reaction. Would he let him close enough to be able to tend to him?

It's the fact that the assassin was even willing to do this was enough of a hint that there seemed to be a change of heart and thus, a shift in loyalty. The ghoul, the man before him, seemed to have Vagabond's hand in favor at the moment and it was up to him to decide where he wanted to take that.
☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ 1 year ago

@♦ Christopher Bang Christian hit the floor with a guttural noise, and a choked cry of pain, a right hand held to his chest as the left arm bent partially inward as blood gushed from defensive wounds and the shielded puncture. Disoriented, with the drug inducing sleepiness and relaxation, he tries to fight the onset- but it’s in the blood stream and the dosage could have taken down a full grown horse. Within minutes, the bloodied and battered frame settles on the floor with a quiet groan, surroundings growing dark until the consciousness completely slips. The limp frame is then drug out into the hallway, the clothing he’d stolen stripped away until all that remained was a body, and with hands gripped on ankles and wrists, he’s hoisted up and swung into his cell with a loud ‘Thud!’.

Jᴜsᴛ ᴀ ғᴇᴡ ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛs ᴇᴀʀʟɪᴇʀ..

Flames spur forth from a flamethrower as shrill shrieking echos throughout the entire building, other neighboring slaves cowered in their cells and shackles. One would think being barred kept monsters like Christian at bay, but the false sense of security was one man’s demise just a week earlier. An emaciated limb reached into the cell of a curious mind coming to see what all the ruckus was, but not fast enough to get away from sharpened claws and bony fingers as it shredded the stomach open. To this day, the room still reeks of a bodily odor...

Meanwhile, slavers clamor to corner the rabid wendigo into a room with fire, in hopes to get a moment to shoot, but despite being a whooping 8 ft tall, his movements are quick and unpredictable, the searing heat from the flames the only thing keeping the creature stationary for longer than 2.5 seconds. With impenetrable skin, several shots were wasted, but it is only with the help of a buckshot from a shotgun, and a last ditch effort from a fire-tipped crossbow arrow, did the tranquilizer meet its target.. and thus did the creature cry out upon impact.


☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ 1 year ago
@დ Kang Daesung The unusual noise that clashed and formed his name together confused Christian, unsure if what he was looking at was in fact Daesung or not. Unfortunately, no amount of blinking would clear the vision. The second time the voice rang much clearer, and he's making a genuine attempt to sit up, or at least lift the head- and to some extent he did. The shape of the physique did come to be less blurry, but otherwise perception had remained unchanged.

'ᴮᵉ ˢᵗʳᵒⁿᵍ, ᴵ’ˡˡ ᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ ᶠᵒʳ ʸᵒᵘ'

With the remainder of strength drained from rearing the head, it slowly descends downward back to the floor to rest on the same cheek, the unfamiliar voice providing little to no comfort. There was a response this time, although the quiet, helpless groan is overshadowed by the yelling of the guard. The exchange was a quick one, a drooping eyelid closing off the leftover interaction, noting feet moving away as the last known image. For Christian, time passed slowly, and the dozing in and out from pain, starvation and exhaustion meant a slow onset of stress induced anxiety attacks. Off and on over the course of the day between minuscule sleep, and dry crying, the weak frame managed to crawl over toward the makeshift bed, but unable to climb into it. That, is where Daesung would find him, on the floor, in a partial fetal position, with dried blood cascaded down either shoulder, the back and bare buttocks.
დ Kang Daesung 1 year ago
@☠ Christian Yu ¥ (SH) It only required a mere glimpse of the man's poor state to inform Daesung of what had transpired moments prior. His face remained unchanging recalling his former days as a battered prisoner. He places his voice modulator to his throat to translate for him allowing the robotic voice to speak for him. “Christian.” The man’s name came out choppy automated sound. “Christian,” he repeated through the voice box this time sounding full of stern yet warmth. “Be strong, I’ll come back for you.” Though the computerized voice echoed no humanize harmony his chestnut brown eyes remain firm and full of promise.

“Hey, you! You are no longer a property if these premises you must vacate immediately. A guard
Appeared to the right of Daesung ushering him along. The shifter gradually released the bar holding his gaze on the man on the floor. Daesung mouthed the words “wait for me,” though no voice came out before being escorted out of the building. Outside he headed towards the nearest train station until he was out of the guards' view. Once certain that he wasn't being followed nor watched the shifter wait in the forest just beyond the slave quarters and waited for the sun to descend into the earth. Hours passed, and he was cloaked within the darkness camouflaging into the night. Intent on keeping his word Daesung headed back to the slave quarters through the secret passage he’d created years prior. For he was a man of his word and he was hell-bent on keeping it. He wouldn’t allow another person to suffer the way he had suffered all those years.
☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ 1 year ago
@დ Kang Daesung Christian's head pounded while the entire body, and namely the back felt like fire from multiple lacerations and open wounds. Dizzy from blood loss and nauseous from the earlier 'adventure', the focus all poured into breathing carefully as not to trigger shooting pain from the expansion of lungs. The shouting from down the hall sounds distorted, and yet a relief to know his captors and abusers were no longer there to beat him. Uncomfortable for varying reasons, he never moved from the current position where the body had collapsed and been left.

The sounds of footsteps nearing were heard, but not registered- only subconscious fear linger in the back of the conscious mind.. and he did not want to die here, wherever he was. Beginning the stages of dozing in and out of consciousness from the unbearable pain and overall lack of strength, noise of bars being hit against by presumably a hand does not to stir anything but unseen emotion. However, the noise is persistent, and so he tries to open the eye that wasn't swollen, and got a brief, blurry glimpse of a familiar frame. The physique wasn't the tell tale sign, rather, the hair and watery eyed shape of a nose was. Unable to get the vision to clear, it can be seen he's straining to see what he's looking at, but never does he reach or cry out, likely from pain and the belief he could not be saved in this foreign territory.
დ Kang Daesung 1 year ago
@☠ Christian Yu ¥ (SH) His ears prick up at the sound of labored breathing and faint sobs. The sound provoked no reaction from him. Years of living in the slave quarters made the distressing cries now equated to the ambient white noise rather than a call to action. Daesung released a long exhalation of his own before scrambling to sit up. "Hey, you! Champion!" He turned in the direction of the guard, placing the key in the lock and pilling back the cell block door. "It's your lucky day. By the power invested by Central government authorities, you are no longer declared state property. You're free to go." The words came as a shock. Still, he found it hard to believe the government officials would honor their word. "You got one hour to clear out of here, alright?"

Daesung did as he was instructed. Gathering what little belonging he had to claim in the quarters, he placed them in a tattered leather rucksack. The light weight of the bag was a great reprieve for him, knowing that he kept the majority of his valuables at his shop. With that thought in mind, where was he to go? The quarters had been his home for nearly four years. The shop's long table was going to have to do for the time being. Another exhaled breath fled his lips. He stepped forth, taking his first breath as a free man. He made his way down the long corridor of the halls when something of interest earned in pause. He turned to his left to see a seemly lifeless figure lying on the floor of a dirty cell. His eyes narrowed on your form, and immediate recognition alerted him. 'Christian…' His eyes take notice of the torment your body has suffered. The mute man placed his hand on the bar and kneeled to get your attention while tapping the metal bar.
☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ 1 year ago
@დ Kang Daesung ¥ Christian had vanished from the Grand Ballroom some days ago after the announcement of the final trial- having pulled Daesung away to compete, left their budding friendship a bit.. uncertain. An air of mystery hung about for both men at the very least. By the time everything was said and done, there was no one to return too to continue their conversation- where had Christian come from? The question surely remained...

[ Somewhere in Grand Central ]

Christian was still dressed in the suit he'd been given for the event, but it was beginning to look tattered and misshapen on a cowering frame. Unsure of his surroundings or who spoke the same language, he wandered for a place to sit or go to the bathroom for hours. After countless searching, he'd found what was believed to be the local pub and came in, able to use the restroom and wash up once he figured out the fancy mechanisms of the bathroom, from flushing to the unusual knobs for the sink. Eventually, he reappears- but what to do from here? An unnatural hunger had set in by now, and a yearning gaze looks to the front from smelling food, but alas.. no currency to spend. Stressed, confused and very anxious, Christian sits in the furthermost corner of the room and essentially passes out there. The staff do occasionally check on him, and offer water and crackers, but there's little else that can be done.

About 30 or so minutes after passing out, the pangs of hunger rouse an exhausted man;"God.. why.." The words whispered under breath rather than out to someone. But there's little time to decide how to handle the problem when familiar slavers come into the establishment and spot him just moments before he realizes he's been seen. Terror, Christian freezes and stiffens, head hanging low, a 5'9 frame managing to cower even further in the chair than before. 'Get up.' Subconsciously, the body trembles;"I-" Strong arms yank him up against his will and clatter iron-like cuffs over the wrists, and a strange collar on the neck that's attached to a rod, likely to control a writhing frame had he attempted to resist in the slightest.

The slave is escorted out of the pub and back to the slave quarters, where he was jostled around and beat the entire distance, at one point, the right knee buckles under the pain, but the collar forces the body up by the neck, making him walk anyway or suffer worse. Time could not possibly pass any slower than it was with the beatings, cuts, and swelling on the face, and a multitude of lacerations on the back from what could only be believed as a flogger with what felt like glass shards attached at the end that tore through the flesh. By the time he'd arrived, the body is stripped of his 'borrowed' clothes and pummeled to the ground for not returning. The sounds of Christian's voice screaming, crying and blubbering for an excuse about why he did not return echoed from the torture room, and seemed to go on for a really long time. Finally, the sound of bludgeoning subsided, and a limp frame is drug back to one of the rooms and dropped there with a thud. 'Teach you not to return on time-' is the only clear voice heard from neighboring rooms. When all fell silent, harbored breaths rose and fell out of rhythm from the now occupied room at the end of the hall..
დ Kang Daesung 1 year ago
@☠ Christian Yu ¥ Daesung coughs as the dust rises from the worn floorboards. The debris collects in the air and then disappears when fanned by the wave of his hand. It had felt long since he'd last returned to his living quatres. These days he'd been spending his time primarily at his shop, working late hours to avoid the long commute back. His eyes are traced with dark circles, and his hair hangs long and greased. His heavy, labored steps release noisy squeaks when he makes his way to bed. Grimness paints his visage upon looking at the uncomfortable soiled haystack he called a bed. Reluctancy gives way to exhaustion flopping on the clothes covering the bed. Attempt after attempt, he fights to fall asleep, but it doesn't come as naturally as he'd hoped, given the fatigue state. He rolls on his back, giving into insomnia, finally allowing his mind to release its scattered thoughts.
☠ Bang Yongguk¥✔ 1 year ago
Exhausting took him and his gave way once Bang collapsed on his bed. The lingering smell of coffee from his work and attached with the scent of smog clung to him. He eyes fluttered shut giving way to his weary body.
♆ ♕ Huang Mi Ni 1 year ago
@♆ Wong Yukhei ¥ Mini looked from one choice to the other rapidly. Without noticing, she was her lips. She wasn't actually thinking of eating the dresses although, that was an idea too? Now she was thinking of eating the dresses. ...No. Mini shook her head and made a dismissive gesture, signalling to toss her anything. Looking away from the dresses, she was now staring at the soaked sheets. She pressed her hand into the bloodied sheets and the blood oozed out of the fabric, pooling around her pale fingers until her whole hand was dyed red. Mini lost herself in the pretty sight for a few moments, and then wrote her name, her true name, Beelzebub, into an unstained part of the sheets. Why was she signing her murder scene? Just for fun. As soon as she'd written out her name she blurred it out. Once given the clothes, she slipped them on and got off the bed. She shook out her hair, whipped her head back and then filed her bloodied fingers through her pitch black hair. Even the faerie's blood smelled good and the princess smiled. "I'm hungry. Get me my cupcakes."
♆ Choi San ¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Huang Mi Ni "I think you left them back at the slave quarters, I'll grab them after I find you something... pretty." He wasn't entirely sure what pretty meant to Mini if he was being honest, he knew what pretty meant to him but he didn't think they had the same taste in clothes, even women's clothes. Still he shifted through hangers, pulling out garments until he found a few options, mostly silks of different kinds. He figured the light material wouldn't be as restrictive or irritating to her skin, the colors were rich and they were adorned with stunning embroidery and inlaid with gems. They were all in the typical faerie fashion, but Lucas had always appreciate faeries, they certainly understood beauty. Taking out the options he's picked he held them up for Mini to inspect. "Yes or no?"
♆ ♕ Huang Mi Ni 1 year ago
@♆ Wong Yukhei ¥ "Had?" Mini blinked. ...Oh, right. A light laugh spilled out of her. She followed Lucas with her eyes, leaning forward a bit to get a better look at where he went. "Hm.." She looked at the fairy's blood-soaked garments in thought, then, finally, back at her little brother. Her lips were pursed into a pout as she thought. "..." Her mind was perfectly blank. "..." She'd get there eventually. "Something pretty." There, she was happy with that. Mini smiled to herself and then shifted off of the bloodied part of the bed, using the shirt to mop up some of the blood that had spilled down her front. "Also... where are the cupcakes? I want to eat them if you aren't going to. Ah... I wonder who will buy you.", she hummed suddenly. "I'll eat them for you if they bully you", she laughed.
♆ Choi San ¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Huang Mi Ni "Yeah, she's got all kind of here. That door there is a whole walk in closet, almost as big as this room. Seriously, this woman had money." Lucas explained with a shrug as he walked over to push open the door of the closet. There were racks of clothes, some on display mannequins, drawers full of more jewelry, shoes, probably all kinds of other that Lucas couldn't care less about, but he did wander in to start poking through the drawers. He might as well take some of the jewelry since she wasn't going to need it anymore. Pawn it off and pocket the cash. He didn't really need money, but it was nice to have sometimes to wave around when he wanted something and was too lazy to talk his way into it. He had his own supplies tucked away in places, he'd been building them long before this bull slavery punishment. "Anything in particular you're wanting?"


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Midnight_Muse 1 month ago
this rp still exists XD
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4c3716b565ea1078e468 5 months ago
kim jongin (kai) as a kitsune please?
enchantedrixue 6 months ago
hewo, for my last character - could i possibly get wi hajun as a hybrid?
Keepyouwarm 6 months ago
If it is possible to return, can i please have kim myungsoo as vampire
vronvron 11 months ago
Hello~ I'm so sorry for going inactive and disappearing last time ;;
May I please join again? as Park Seonghwa as a Dragon
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Keepyouwarm 1 year ago
missing this place already.
Daddysbabygirl 1 year ago
Hi may I join this rolelplay???
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