
 "Come expand your mind, for a library is not a luxury but a necessity of life."


† Sun Soons ¥✔

☾ Winter ¥ 1 year ago
winter walks across the streets as she looked over the map of the central in her hand, she was given a task to 'borrow' some books she could read at a time being as she starts to learn how to read and write. when she sees the signage of the library that was written in the map, she walked inside. winter sees so many books, but on her list she had to find four to five books about learning to write and read, she looked through it, not minding people asking what book she wanted to read before going through the shelves, reaching up the books she needed before walking out of the library, though she never knew that she's stealing books as she had to ask for consent on the librarian about borrowing those books.
♦ Christopher Bang 1 year ago
@† Lee Soohyuk For a moment, all Christopher did was watch him. Silently watch him. Curiously watch him. This man... what a mystery he was. The crafty little human could never put his finger on it but he knew -- deep down, he /knew/ -- that this man craved something from him. Something that would most likely make Christopher think. And he never really liked thinking. He never liked delving into his thoughts, they were never really that pleasant. Then again, look at the world at their feet; it's not entirely that pleasant either, now is it? Being surrounded by it on a constant basis will certainly not help one's train of thought. It's hard to remain positive these days because it's hard to find positive things, people, places, and everything in between -- and yet... what the did /this/ guy want?

Oh. /Oh/.

When the puzzle pieces finally snap into place, his hardened expression relaxes some. Now, he doesn't look so hostile. A little bewildered, sure. This was most definitely a first for him; not a single soul has ever really bothered to approach him so boldly (was it the tattoos?). Now, up close and personal, Christopher seemed to come to multiple realizations. 'You seem to know who I am but I do not know who you are,' curious yet cautious eyes peered back at Soohyuk, choosing to remain still and let the other approach. The mage leans against whatever was behind him, arms folded. He had yet to address everything else that had been said. But that was because he was thinking. Should he? Should he allow himself this? After /years/ of refusing himself the slightest bit of pleasure? His hand shoots up to grab Soohyuk's wrist with the intent to push the hand away from his face yet it only slackens its grip, letting unfamiliar fingers brush against his warm, soft skin. Christopher's eyes absentmindedly glance down to a pair of lips that now, oddly enough, seem rather tempting as he starts to get lost in thought; creating an opening without realizing it.
♆ Joy 1 year ago
@† Sun Soons ¥✔ She looked up at how big the library is, she never walked around Heleo to be honest. Joy always think that walking around the central means walking around mortals. She grimaced a bit at the exterior of the library, she crossed her arms before looking at him, then she proceeds to walk inside. Her eyes widen a bit at how big the library from inside, there are large shelves that almost reached at the ceiling and books that are exactly arranged from A to Z. "Huh, not bad for a librarian." She told him before looking back at him, then noticed that her hand is still with his. The usual Greedy fashion would swat it away quickly but she suddenly felt the comfort from him that she haven't felt centuries ago, despite that there are people inside, she walked passed them with the vampire. "What do you recommend for a businesswoman, who owns the Wild Boar Inn, who is the Princess of Hell and origin of Greed?" Then she looked at him.
† Sun Soons ¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Joy The Sun the politician arrived with the you in hand. His fingers intertwined with her hoping the cold flesh doesn't unnerve her as they arrive at the enormous library. Its brick walls stack and towered high up displaying the clocktower to the townsfolk. "Here we are the grand library of central." He announces looking over to you. "Every book known to our planet is within the walls of this building. "Welcome to my pride and joy? No pun intended." He grins a adorable smile before reaching for the handle as he holds it open for you.
♆ ♕ Nam Vo [A] 1 year ago
Well that seems easy enough
† Lee Soohyuk 1 year ago
@♦ Christopher Bang "A fool? Oh no, much far from it actually," he said shaking his head with a slight smirk. He couldn't help but watch as the man in front of him began to reveal himself starting with his white hair and his other unique features. "Yes, he was innocent of the crime I said he was guilty of but he wasn't exactly innocent of doing other things either. But of course, I will eventually reveal to you my true intentions for summoning you here, you're a very hard man to get in contact with." As the young assassin showed his features to Soohyuk, he couldn't help but study them before realizing that the person he's been talking to was none other than Christopher Bang also known as the Lord of Shadows, a dark mage that he has heard of before but never interact with. He raised his eyebrow at the realization of who he was, not only was he getting the assassin who is known as Vagabon but also a very well-known mage as well.

He knew something was familiar about him but couldn't quite put his finger on it until now. This also explained how he was able to communicate with him through his thoughts, hearing him again in his head only reminded him. Soohyuk walked out from behind the table where he was reading and walked up to the mage, "I believe there's something you want or rather crave and we can help each other that way, only if you're up for it. The smell of blood in the air of the man you just killed isn't enough to hide the pheromone I smell coming from you," he raised his hand and d the back of it against the young man's face. "Please, do correct me if I am wrong." Despite his build and the reputation that precedes him he knew couldn't help but feel the urge to take control and dominate him looking at the man in front of him as a challenge of sorts. He's not sure the man would be interested or not but it wouldn't hurt for him to give it a try.
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 1 year ago
† Sun Soons ¥✔ 1 year ago
@⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  Sun, the vampire, levitates himself to the 7th shift. He sorts and arranges the book in alphabetical order. His thumb glides over the spines of each textbook with the utmost care, careful not to damage the more fragile tomes. A smile creeps on his lips, pleased with his work, as he lowers himself back in his seat and stacks loose papers on his desk—attention snags on you when the unfamiliar voice. Light reflects a shine off his glasses as he presses his index finger to the bridge of his nose and slides them upright. "Oh, princess Mei. Welcome to the Heleo Library. I'm more than honored to be of service to you." His back straight after exchanging a polite bow with a nod. "Oh, the Legacy and Lineage of fire, Kitsune. Any era in particular?"
♦ Ok Taecyeon {H} 1 year ago
@☠ Kyo /stops writing and looked at the other/
Yes we do, they are in aisle four.
/he points on his right towards the towering shelves of books/
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 1 year ago
@† Sun Soons ¥✔ They have to have it somewhere, right? /Her eyes scanned through the books she have on the table but none really containing in depth informations regarding the fire kitsune and their lineage. With her dreams being more vivid of her parents death, she's curious what secrets do her mom side have that makes it all even more suspicious/
Excuse me. /She stopped by the front desk eyeing the very good looking man/ do you happen to know if there's any lineage books on the fire kitsune? I found all the basic background ones.
☠ Kyo [SH] [A] 1 year ago
@♦ Ok Taecyeon /Walks up to the front desk/
Excuse me, but would you happen to know if you carry any books on the history of ghouls, here?

() figured if Kyo is on a search for books he may as well ask someone who works here Lol ^^
† Sun Soons ¥✔ 1 year ago
@☠ Kyo /Pushes his glasses to the bridge of his nose./
Ghoul history, you say, Sir?
/Looks straight ahead then downward when realizing the voice came from a shorter male./
Ah yes, where Era are you inquiring about? We have everything from anatomical dissection and bodysnatchers to the bloodline of ancient rulers.
☠ Kyo [SH] [A] 1 year ago
@† Sun Soons ¥✔ /Walks up to the front desk/
Excuse me, but would you happen to know if you carry any books on the history of ghouls, here?
♦ Christopher Bang 1 year ago
@† Lee Soohyuk 'Do you take me as a fool?' The assassin fired back, this time with some firmness in his tone. The clasps came undone easily and he was able to completely remove the helmet. His back was facing Soohyuk currently so the first thing the vampire could see was a head full of wavy, snow white hair as well as the obvious outline of the zipper to his suit. 'The man was innocent of the crime you claimed he was guilty of,' a brief pause while his gloves come off, 'but the er was damn annoying so I slit his throat anyways--so don't play coy. You know damn well what I'm talkin' about.' And with that, Vagabond turns around to face the other man, gaze immediately finding his and holding it. Now there was no going back - his features were visible by choice, Soohyuk could see exactly what he looked like.

Neither eyes were the same color. The right eye was a calm sky blue while the left dueled deep brown and pine green. His eyebrows were well maintained with one having two small slits and the other having a black stud sticking out; dark lashes long, fanning out and fluttering softly whenever he blinked. Faint freckles adorned his tanned skin, spreading across his cheeks and temples as well as along the bridge of his nose, which also just so happened to have a blade hoop pierced through a nostril. A similar black hoop was pierced right in the middle of his thick bottom lip; hugging the delicate flesh a little snug. Now there was a face to the mysterious assassin. And if Soohyuk knew of this face, he'd know of the name that came with it; Christopher Bang. The dark mage turned that wielded the rare Shadow magic that, somehow, earned him the title of Lord of Shadows. Christopher was much like Vagabond, however he was much more difficult to talk to. Even with the mask off, he actively tried to avoid socializing and actually approaching people. The fact that he was here actually talking to the guy instead of stalking off elsewhere said something - the guy was curious, what else? He wanted to know what Soohyuk was up to.

Leaning back against the wall behind him, arms folded, gaze piercing as the eye contact continued even as his voice filtered through the vampire's thoughts once again; 'What is it that you want, hm?'
♆ Seo Inguk [A] 1 year ago
@† Sun Soons ¥✔ Done
† Sun Soons ¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Seo Inguk @♆ ♕ Nam Vo {} I'd like to be a Librarian please admin
† Lee Soohyuk 1 year ago
@♦ Christopher Bang Lee Soohyuk didn't even have to look around to notice that his company was heading towards his way, he could just sense it. He kept his feet on the table and his face buried in the book he was reading as the assassin walked into the room. He was completely unphased by his presence, that is until he communicated with him telepathically. This came as a shock as he was unaware he even had such ability making him more interesting. There were times in the past when the vampire would have to protect his mind from having others infiltrating it but never would he have thought that the assassin would be the one to successfully do so. This prompted him to adjust himself in his seat and sit up in his chair, put his feet down and lean forward. He closed his book putting it aside, "I'm not sure what you mean, care to elaborate for me? I thought killing people upon request was your occupation. Or was I mistaken?" he asked using his words. He knew exactly what the question he was asked was pertaining to but chose to play dumb, wanting the other to say himself.

The fact that he ordered the young man to assassinate someone who was innocent of what he had told him but not exactly innocent of other crimes. He could smell it for himself that the job was indeed complete, regardless of how clean his weapon was, the stench of blood was still present in the air. He took a deep breathe and closed his eyes to contain himself from his eyes turning red and fangs being exposed. He watched closely as he set his weapon aside and removes articles of his uniform, could this be? The first time he would be seeing his face? As if his low and husky voice wasn't already mesmerizing hearing it through his head. Actually paying attention to his outfit looking at him up and down, he could tell that he was very well built. He didn't even bother to try and hide his attraction towards him. His mind started to wonder what else he was hiding away from his view under his skin fitted suit. Lee Soohyuk could help but think of how much fun he could have just toying with him for now.
♦ Christopher Bang 1 year ago
@† Lee Soohyuk ( pardon the typos!! i am doing this on mobile ><
assassin gear photo reference: )

Another day on the job meant getting his hands dirty for those who couldn't or just didn't want to do it themselves. Every day was trial and error, he never knew what he was going to be handed until it's given to him and he doesn't know what he'll be faced with until it stares him in the eye. A lot of his "employers" kindly left out key details that put the mage's life in jeopardy time and time again; they cared very little about his well-being, so long as the job was done. This was a case like that but... significantly different. Different in an unfamiliar sense - just what the hell was Soohyuk planning? Having Vagabond go around here and there on pointless contracts? He couldn't read the guy, however it was clear that there was /some/ kind of motive involed. It just didn't appear that the guy wanted him killed or harmed. It seemed quite the opposite, actually. Christpher was picking up subtle hints of attraction whenever he was in the company of the vampire but a part of him couldn't fathom that it would be aimed at him himself specifically. This target was completely innocent of all charges yet Vagabond killed him anyways - tough guy thought he could tag a highly trained combatant on with a ing slingshot. The deed was done though it still perturbed him, and thus brought him to returning back to where Soohyuk was located; burrowed a library. The darkest corner of the room suddenly got darker and a cold chill whisked through the room before the assassin's figure merged from the shadows, clad in his gear; mask and all. He still had yet to take that off in front of him.

'Mind telling me what that was?' came a telepathic question, one of the few times he had communicated with the vampire. His voice was husky and low, calm, almost soothing in an unexplainable way. Something was intimate about the way his voice wohld float through someone's head for only them to hear. He sets the sheathed katana down, a usual sign that he's not there to fight someone, then reaches up to pull down the hood, fingers moving towards the small release clasps at the back of his helmet.
† Lee Soohyuk 1 year ago
@♦ Christopher Bang Lee Soohyuk arrived at the library hours earlier than the time he had set to meet with the assassin, Vagabond. He spent quite some time looking through the sections in hopes of finding a new book that piqued his interest. Soohyuk was always the type to read in his spare time to relax and just escape what is reality. The book he had chosen seemed interesting enough for him to take it to one of the many private rooms in the library. As he sat down with the book in hand he couldn't help but think about how he found the young assassin to be quite attractive and came up with this scheme to use his work to get closer to him. It just so happened that he needed to "get rid of" someone and who else was there to get the job done than Christopher Bang himself as his reputation precedes him. A slight grin came across his face just thinking about it. He knew it was wrong for him to use the other's profession for his selfish gain but he believes they won't regret it and it'll be worthwhile, even if it meant that an innocent man would have been killed in the process for this to work.
♆ Choi Seunghyun {H} 1 year ago
@♅ Go Yoon Jung Hidden behind the tall shelves of ancient books, the demon pretending to be interested with the fairies in the fields when he is there to look for the woman who owes him a great deal of debt. He sneaked around searching for the familiar face because it has been two full moons since the woman agreed to surrender one of twins to serve his unholiness. News that the woman works in for scholar, the demon decided to wait till she arrived.
If all else fails, Seunghyun will have a pretty surprise waiting for the mother when she woke up in the morning. In his day suit of pitched black, Seunghyun picked a dark book with a cross on it's cover. He flipped over the pages and scoffed. "Boring." he claimed, shoving it back from where he got it.
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 1 year ago
@❦ ♕ Kitty Li Emily went through every book shelves she can, grabbing anything and everything that have even the slightest reference to the Fire Kitsune's lineage on records. Something did not sit right with her when she had a small vision regarding her parents....mainly images of her kitsune family. Quick flashes of faces and details of what seem to be the result of her parent's death. Books laid opened covering most of the tables surface as she jumps between lists of royals and nobles. With only knowing he last name of her father, she couldn't find any history on him. She did not know what her mom's would be nor would she know which family she'll be a part of. All she knows is something does not sit right about her kitsune spirit. "Just one detail....I just need one...." she whisper frustratedly as her black orb whisper's comes through hazily.
☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ 1 year ago
@⚜ Zico It’s clear that Christian is unsure what is going on, even though Jiho cannot see anything. “ I just see people using the public computer and a couple people look to be studying together for some type of group project for school or college, but no one is- what? I’m not gonna start lifting your shirt out here. You want us kicked out?” There’s a hushed chuckle;”We can go to the bathroom and check if you’d like?”
☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ 1 year ago
@⚜ Zico "No?" Christian remarks softly, resting a hand on Jiho's right shoulder for the sake of clarification on his location. "Are you hearing anything? Maybe you came in the wrong building?"
☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ 1 year ago
@⚜ Lu Han "There's what?" He comments softly, not only because of where they are, but to keep their conversation very discreet as not to attract attention in the quest atmosphere.
☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ 1 year ago
@⚜ Lu Han "............... right." Christian blinks hard and shakes his head, squeezing Lu han's hand, he guides the smaller male through the door. "Now where? also what's with the gps? I thought you were being pulled by the beyond?"
☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ 1 year ago
@⚜ Lu Han "Yeah? Am.. am I not following you?"
☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ 1 year ago
@⚜ Lu Han Christian knows Lu han can't see his stark confusion, but he simply mutters a soft okay while allowing himself to be led.
☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ 1 year ago
@⚜ Lu Han "Why are we coming in here?" Christian whispers softly as he'd dragged.
დ Jung Nicole [A] 2 years ago
@☠ Woo Jiho Nicole hums softly, dropping her sight back to her own. Thankful from the comfort of her long hair around her shoulder, she took a few more steps to the right. The little hair on the back of her neck stood up as she swear she heard movements across the floor. It didnt scare her. She didnt mind it causebas long as she dont bother them, shes hoping they wont bother her.

She took some mental notes of the different books shes been skimming over and on which shelf its on so that she canHer eyes landed on a old science book on supernaturals immediately running her finger along the spine not noticing the cut along the pad of her finger as she take the book happily.
დ Jung Nicole [A] 2 years ago
@☠ Woo Jiho The skin between her brows creased up from the way her brow knitted towards one another, a little frustrated now that she took noticed of how unorganized the books on each shelf. A part of her wants to reorganized it but knowing its not her place to do so, Nicole bites her lower lips as her fingertips graze upon each book title starting from her eye level down, ignoring the ones on yhe higher shelves.

The creakings from the old ropes made her take a slow look around the shop, the night vision helped aide taking in the layout more. She reminds herself where the desk was incase she gets tired of searching and would rather just ask. As Nicole turn back to focus on the shelf she was on, the little hairs on her arms stood up tall making her shivers. Someone else was in here with her. She can feel it. She make her hair grow a little longer and thicker, making the fall of het hair surround her like a thin blanket. With a soft hum from the slight warmth, she continue on down the bookshelf minding her own business.


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Midnight_Muse 1 month ago
this rp still exists XD
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4c3716b565ea1078e468 5 months ago
kim jongin (kai) as a kitsune please?
enchantedrixue 6 months ago
hewo, for my last character - could i possibly get wi hajun as a hybrid?
Keepyouwarm 6 months ago
If it is possible to return, can i please have kim myungsoo as vampire
vronvron 11 months ago
Hello~ I'm so sorry for going inactive and disappearing last time ;;
May I please join again? as Park Seonghwa as a Dragon
[comment deleted by owner]
[comment deleted by owner]
Keepyouwarm 1 year ago
missing this place already.
Daddysbabygirl 1 year ago
Hi may I join this rolelplay???
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