⦀ store - "The Passage"

a beautiful place between the kingdoms to rest and recharge and maybe buy something for your loved one.
Kwon Boa [A] 5 years ago
@Leon Yaki /laughs as you mention jewelry and weapons and opens a few boxes, searching for something/
I got some new jewelry in today. Weapons will be in next week. If there's something special you want as far as weapons, I can order it.
/smiles, watching you inspect the scarves, because they are the highest quality and normally only the nobility would be able to afford them, but I have a friend who can get them for next to nothing/
They do. These are the same scarves that previously, only nobility could afford to wear.
Leon Yaki 5 years ago
@Kwon Boa Well, something of use to me would be great. Any cool weapons? Jewelry?
*keeps looking through the new stuff before reaching for one of the scarves in the box you're carrying, inspecting it before setting it back down*
Do women like these scarves?
Kwon Boa [A] 5 years ago
@Leon Yaki /looks up with a shy smile and waves back slightly while holding a box of silk scarves/
Hey. Are you looking for anything specific?
/gestures to all of the new items I've just put up and the boxes still waiting to be unpacked/
I just go a lot of new stock.
Leon Yaki 5 years ago
@Kwon Boa *peeks my head out behind a shelf and looks at you, lifting a hand to wave*
Hey, Boa. Do you have anything exciting for me today?
*grins softly as I head over to you, glancing at the new items you just put away*
Kwon Boa [A] 5 years ago
@Leon Yaki /comes out of the back with some new items that just arrived and begins stocking some empty shelves, before I begin to clean the shelves, straighten up the shelves and wipe down the counters and registers/
Leon Yaki 5 years ago
@Kwon Boa *secures my horse outside of the store and after making sure she has water and some hay I enter the store, looking around to see if I can spot the owner before starting to look through the goods*
Park Hyungseok [A] 5 years ago
@Kwon Boa "Yeah, they are bonded creatures," Hyungseok explained and smiled softly. "If one of them went missing or died I am sure the other would pretty much suffer." He gently petted Mateo and sighed. "I love them dearly too." They were family to him, a little bit like children he would probably never have. Simply because he had a hard time liking anyone but the prince of the Wolves. Though admitting that to anyone but the person mentioned was something he barely did. "Nah, I think he just does not like the sound the shower head makes." He laughed gently. "As long as he does not scratch your back open. Rufus did that once, had me bleeding like a ." He pouted a bit but then again he did not mind it. "Oh? You do not go into the water? Why not?" He tilted his head curiously. Was there a reason?

"That is not anything negative," the wizard said and shrugged slightly. Being childlike was not bad at all. It was something he himself had a hard time with but for working with children it was never a bad thing. "I hope so. I had an encounter with some really bratty children treating dogs badly." Though that had been probably the parents' fault. Hyungseok had taken care of this though, making sure no one would harm the animals even more. He himself was usually better with animals than with human. "Oh? That sounds like fun, riding on your animals back." He chuckled at the image. It was nice, though.
"It is good not to fear anything but still be cautious," Hyungseok said gently. There was not much he feared but that did not mean he feared nothing. There were things that scared him but he kept them deep inside.
A chuckle left his lips and he shook his head. "You hate the dark?" He then scrambled in his back and handed her a necklace. "Here. The stone shimmers whenever you are surrounded by darkness. Keeps you safe and sound too." He handed it to Boa and grinned. He had no use of it as he could create light with just his powers.

"I totally understand you. No matter what animal, they have good inside if you show it to them as well. It is how you treat them after all." But so many people feared wild animals and treated them badly - and then were suprised when they got attacked. Idiots.
Kwon Boa [A] 5 years ago
@Park Hyungseok She couldn't remember the last time anyone had made her feel so relaxed, well other than Jongsuk. Even though Hyun Joong was nice, she was very cautious around him. He was still the prince after all. That made her nervous at times, but she tried her best to treat him as any other customer. "Well that sounds sweet. So they get along well then? And you don't have to worry about Mateo so much." She smiled, thinking Rufus sounded like a wonderful cat. She couldn't wait to meet him. She couldn't help but laugh with him as she pictured it. "I mean can you blame him though? It's probably too hot or to much pressure on his skin. My wolf is the same way. He growls at me though and bares his fangs." She had learned quickly not to do that. Listening to him, she was surprised that Rufus was the one who was okay with water. "Maybe we could all hang out at the shore one day? I don't go in the water, but I love looking at it." She smiled wistfully.

One of the first lessons her parents had taught her was that there was never a good enough reason to do harm to others be it physical or emotional. She'd had plenty of people do it to her, but she rarely retaliated. Besides, good always won, right?
Blushing lightly at the compliment, Boa shrugged. "I guess I'm just very childlike still. They are wonderful children though." She loved them as though they were her own, even when they misbehaved and pranked her. She really enjoyed reading to the little ones. "I can understand that. Well, just know that if they choose to come, they will be spoiled. Those kids are really good and gentle with animals." She chuckled. "Snowy even let's them ride on his back and he doesn't like a lot of people." He was fine with them if she was around, but with the kids it didn't seem to matter. "Okay. Thank you for that." She didn't mind so much if they were silly innocent pranks, but sadly those weren't the ones she was usually the victim of. She got the feeling that he wouldn't hurt her, so she accepted his words as the truth. Besides, what was the worst that could happen? She'd experienced so much hardship and pain that she knew not much would bother her now. "I believe you." She smiled softly. Hearing his fear of her changing her mind about him, she shook her head. "I haven't. Besides, I don't really fear anyone or anything." It may be stupid to some people, but to her, it was just easier.
"Lucky him. I HATE the dark!" Although oddly enough, if she was near the water, it didn't bother her so much. She often found that strange. "Ah, well then no wonder you don't worry about him." She scratched the animals chin gently and smiled at him. "He's a baby. How can I not? And I think given the chance, all animals are like that, but people judge to quickly." After all, her pet was a wolf of all animals and snuggled with her and made her feel better if she was having a bad day.
Park Hyungseok [A] 5 years ago
@Kwon Boa A chuckle left Hyungseok's lips and he nodded. Being around the woman made her relax and feel good, the tension he usually had in his body was gone and he hummed. Mateo made soft sounds whenever Boa touched him, clearly showing he felt safe and sound now. "Yeah, Rufus usually is low maintenance. He also takes care of Mateo sometimes." But not all times, sadly. He laughed gently and looked at Boa. "Rufus does sometimes like the water," he said and smiled gently. "He likes swimming and bathing but if you put the shower head too close to him he is a goner." He laughed gently and shook his head amused. "It's a beautiful view. You surely will see it sooner or later." He smiled satisfied. "Mateo is okay with water. Not a fan but if he is dirty he is okay with it."

Listening to Boa made him wonder how such a good person existed. She was warm and friendly and gentle and so full of love. He could feel the warmth coming from her and Hyungseok was sure even without his magic he would have noticed. Oh yes, he would. How could anyone not see it?
"I am glad you think so. I am sure you are great with kids," he said and hummed. "I would love to see you around." He then nodded slightly. "If they want to tag along, I will. But it is their decision. Mateo probably has enough energy for sociailising though I do not know about Rufus." They could decide if they wanted to be there after all. He smiled slightly when he saw the change in her eyes. "I will not prank you," he then said and shrugged. "I usually do it to people who deserve it." Bad people, oh yes. He could sense those people miles away and he disliked them. Often people he newly met were created with cold behaviour, making the servants think he was just rude - but no, he was just greeting bad people. And he was not there to put in energy he did not have for those s. "You are safe with me, no worries." He chuckled slightly. "I hope you won't change your mind of fearing me." His magic was bad, sometimes, and he just hoped she would not ever have to see it.
"No, Mateo is not scared of the dark." But Hyungseok was, sometimes. No, most times. He just had never told anyone. "Do not worry, he has a shield around him, some magic I spilled to keep him safe." He smiled at the other. "But it is really nice of you to take care of him." He then gently patted Mateo's head. "He does that to people. Giving them happiness and such."
Kwon Boa [A] 5 years ago
@Park Hyungseok Boa relaxed when he told her she could use the paper if she just wanted to play with Mateo. That made her happy. "Oh of course. I would expect nothing less. I just really like him. He's a sweetie." She scratched his little ears. Hearing the possibility she'd get to meet Rufus made her smiled too. "I would like that. I'm sure he's not bad. He sounds like he's just independent. That means he's low maintenance, right?" She wasn't sure, but she wouldn't be offended at all. She felt sure he just needed his space at times. She sure did. When he said to just text him, she giggled. "I will keep that in mind. Does Mateo or Rufus like the water?" She knew most cats didn't, but she wasn't sure about Mateo.

Not sure why he thought she was interesting, she shrugged. "I try to be. There's so much violence and harshness in the world. I don't think I need to add to that." Her parents had taught her to always be kind and helpful to other creatures. That lesson had definitely stuck. Whenever she'd take Snowy for a walk, people gave them plenty of room as though the wolf would just attack them for no reason. It made her mad.
"Yes. One thing that I love about them is that they are all resilient and they don't see the bad in our world." Much like her, but she chose not to see it. In most cases they were just too young to notice it. "Then I would love to come." She grinned. "Oh, will you bring Mateo and Rufus? I know they'd love them. They even like my wolf and he turns into a huge pup when they're around." She laughed at one particular memory.
"I see." At the word prank, her eyes changed slightly. They became more distant and guarded. "Pranks are something I'm all too familiar with, but not from causing them." Nope she got pranked a lot and often times they were harmful. Once she was drenched in water and had to walk home in the middle of a bad snow storm. She had been sick for the next 3 weeks. "That's true. But I don't fear you. You're a nice man Hyungseok. You're different, but different can be good. She looked from the ferret to the wizard. "Is he afraid of the dark? And I would bring him home even if he didn't go one his own. After all, I'm not trying to steal him. I just want to play with him. He makes me happy and relaxed." She was no longer thinking of closing up early.
Park Hyungseok [A] 5 years ago
@Kwon Boa Surprised Hyungsoek looked at her and then chuckled. The way she was asking if she could use the paper to just play with Mateo was endearing, a beautiful person, inside and out. "Sure," he said amused and hummed. "Though I might have to finish whatever I started first," he explained and smiled at her. "I could bring Rufus next time too but please do not be disappointed if he is a stubborn ." Because sometimes his cat liked to just ignore everyone and do whatever he felt like. Like leaving right after he had arrived. It would not be the first time after all. "I often roam the lands anyways or am working on something not important so always feel free to just, well, text me." Using magic was the fastest way after all.

"I know," the wizard said and shrugged. "Maybe it's because you are different than most people. Nice and interesting," he said and looked at her. She was a friendly person with a nice aura, how could he not talk to her? Especially after those nasty people had been here and made her feel so sad. He was not too good with reading people but his magic did the trick after all.
"That is true," he then nodded. Children were so much different than adults and if Hyungseok was honest he was just always scared to break them. "I will ask her but I really do not think it will be a problem. She cares for the children, a lot, and I am sure them having you there will do them some good. So she will surely approve." Jinah was a clever young woman and she surely would see that it would help the kids.
Watching her gasp was adorable but there was no fear in her eyes, just confusion. "I am the Raven's wizard," Hyungseok nodded and hummed gently. "I do like to prank people and I have my priorities straight. Some people do not like that so... yeah." Also whenever he was too tired and caught up in his studies he might or might not have scared a few people by accident. "But sometimes it is good to be feared. Gives me more authority." He knew he did not look like someone with power but here he was, trying his best. "I would not hex you but he would leave your house after an hour or two anyways," he chuckled amused and let Mateo cuddle the young woman, making him smile. "He lets people pet him and spoil him but he always comes home before the dark." He gently scratched Mateo's chin who made a few gentle sounds.
Kwon Boa [A] 5 years ago
@Park Hyungseok Even though he said it was okay, she wasn't so sure. She really didn't like bothering others. The look on his face though told her he was adamant and she didn't want to offend him. Instead of arguing, she nodded. "In that case, thank you." She suddenly wondered if she had an angel watching over her lately. After all, first Jonsuk had come into her life, then Hyun Joong and his servant had come into her store and they were both really sweet to her, and now Hyungseok was here. She wasn't sure why, but it seemed as though her luck and life were shifting to a more positive vibe. She liked it. Watching him and listening, she nodded and took the paper. Looking sheepish, she glanced at him. "Would it be okay to use it if I just want to play with Mateo?" She really liked him.

Boa shook her head. It seemed to her that the two royals were actually very similar and she wondered if without their family history they'd have been good friends or maybe more. She was a romantic, but with her own love life being nonexistent, she had to live through other people. His confession made her frown. "But, you have no problem talking to me." I guess that's because I'm just plain and ordinary. "I think the kids would love you and they are so much more loving than adults. I mean, they've all be deprived of love, but that just makes them want to give and receive it more." She smiled thinking about them. "If it is okay with the Princess, I wouldn't mind coming. I just don't want to crash the party." She thought just showing up would be rude and she didn't want that.
As he spoke to her and then glanced at all the stuff the women had left before speaking something she didn't understand, she watched the objects levitate back to where they had been. With a gasp, she looked back at him. "You're a wizard. You're the Raven wizard." Then she looked confused. "But I don't understand. People always say you're weird, but I like you. You're nice to me." She didn't find him weird at all, but then perhaps she was weird too.
"You're welcome." She smiled as the ferret finished the berries and his mouth. She didn't even move as he scurried up her arm and onto her shoulder. Chuckling at Hyungseok, she shook her head. "If I didn't think you'd hex me, I'd take him home with me."
Park Hyungseok [A] 5 years ago
@Kwon Boa "I know," Hyungseok said gently, knowing perfectly find what a kind soul Boa was. Yes, he might not be able to read someone's mind but he could see how gentle she was, how warm and his magic did not alert him when he stepped closer to her so he knew she had no bad intentions. She filled this place with so much sunshine and warmth, it made Hyungseok smile as well, even if he had had no intentions to do so. "But if I offer my help I already considered that, no worries." He tilted his head a bit. A smile was seen on his lips. "Here," he said and handed her a paper. "If you write something down on this, it will appear on my hand," he said before he took a pen and wrote his name down just for it to appear on his left palm for a few seconds before it slowly faded. "It makes my body tense for a second but it does not hurt, though it makes me not ignore it." He hummed softly.

"Yeah," Hyungseok said gently and tilted his head. "I guess they both aren't that different." A knowing smile was seen on his lips and he hummed. "I am not... not that good with children," he admitted then and rubbed his neck. "I mean... they are people and I am not that good with people," he added slowly and his lips. He knew how to be sassy and confident but not how to deal with people that were not dear to his heart. "Maybe you can join the party. If they are already comfortable with you, maybe they'll feel a lot better about that too?" He smiled a bit shyly and looked at her.
A chuckle left his lips and he shook his head. "No, most people do not know who I am." He looked at Mateo and petted him gently before looking back at Boa, wondering if he should tell her. He was already giving her so many hints, but he was not sure if it was good if he spoke it out loud. He looked at all the objects on the counter and smiled, speaking a spell before the objects started floating back to their places.
"Thank you, I am pretty okay with my name," he said and chuckled, watching her and his ferret. "I am not surprised, Mateo likes nice places." He winked playfully art her. "If I was him, I would like it too. Also you are giving him snacks, he is already head over heels for you."
Kwon Boa [A] 5 years ago
@Park Hyungseok The more she listened to this man, the more mysterious he became. He seemed so young, yet he knew so much. It amused her and made her want to keep talking to him or get to know him better. The man reminded her of how much she'd always wanted a brother, but it hadn't been her destiny, so she was an only child. While she'd been hurt over and over, it never stopped her from jumping in to help someone, even someone who had hurt her before. It was just her way to be giving, loving, forgiving and generous to a fault. Most people thought she was crazy for it, but it made her at least feel good about herself.
Looking back at the counter and all the items she had to put back, she mentally sighed. Maybe she should just close early today and go to the beach. The water always made her feel better after all. She'd need to check on Jongsuk first of course, but she could use something to make her feel whole, even if only for a few minutes. "You don't have to do that. I don't want to cause you or anyone any trouble." She smiled at him as she d the ferret's long back.

"That's so nice of you. I would let you know, but I have no way to contact you. I'm sure everything will be fine though." She smiled when she heard the princess planned to help the orphans. "That is very sweet of her. I heard someone in the wolf kingdom say the prince is letting the orphans move into the palace with him. I think that is such a wonderful thing. I would have taken them all in if I'd had the space. I love spending time with them." She played with them, cooked for them sometimes and even taught them some things. "If I can help make the transition easier or do anything to help, you'll let me know, won't you?" She loved these kids like they were her own, from both kingdoms. She just wanted to see them all happy and loved. Baking and planning were in her blood, but she'd never been to a real party before. "I'm glad." She liked Mateo, a lot.
Why did he keep saying that? Who was this guy? "No, I don't. Should I?" There were very few people she knew simply because she chose to stay to herself. It caused less pain that way. She now looked at him curiously though. Who could he be that he would ask such a question.
Nodding the young woman smiled. "They both have nice names. As do you." It was clear he cared deeply for them both, but that puzzled her. They were rivals. Weren't they? It filled her with warmth at the thought that the other young woman would find comfort in something she too found comfort in. "She deserves to be happy." Everyone did...except her. That was okay too though.
That surprised her. "Well, I'm very glad he likes it here." She was rarely at the register, but she was almost always out in the store. Stocking or cleaning or repairing something. That was where she tended to focus.
Park Hyungseok [A] 5 years ago
@Kwon Boa "I do know what is true and what is spoken with a twisted tongue," Hyungseok said, an amused smile on his lips. Of course he knew, he knew a lot about the people around him. Even his pets knew how to smell lies and how to hide from them. Some people just needed some bad karma to realise what they were doing was wrong. Watching the woman amused, Hyungseok nodded and bowed slightly when he heard her name. Yes, of course he did not need to do that but he wanted to. Just because he was more or less part of the royal family did not mean he did not need to show manners.
"True," Hyungseok sighed and it reminded him of the council he sadly had to live with even though he really disliked them. Some things just had to be accepted. "Though I'll make sure they will stay away from here," he then added, looking towards the door for a very long moment and whispering a spell before he looked back at her, chuckling at how Mateo enjoyed the snack. He really looked happy. His ferret was easy to be made happy after all, while it was a lot harder to satisfy Rufus.

"Let me know if there is anything I can do for the orphans," the wizard said gently. "I heard their building has been badly damaged so Jinah plans on taking them into the unoccupied wing of the palace." He smiled slightly, a gently smile but almost not there. He was a little caught up in his own mind - he still had to finish the preparations for the welcoming party for the orphans and he definitely was not good with parties. But he was trying his best after all.
"He is happy you are sharing with him too," Mateo said and then smiled a bit more. He always felt happy when he saw his companion be happy. It was all he needed.
"You might not be able to do anything but I can," Hyungseok said and looked at her, tilting his head. He had his connections, yes, but aside from that he was a wizard. "You do not know who I am, do you?" There was an amused expression on his face. Boa was adorable, he liked her. She was endearing and aside from that she was friendly to his ferret and that was all he needed to know. She was a good person.
"Yeah, Hyun-Joong and Jinah," the male said and nodded. He spoke those words with fondness and gentleness, he always did. He cared so much for the both of them, he would definitely die for them without hesitation though he rather preferred staying alive for now. "I am sure it will," Hyungseok nodded and his lips.
"I will," Hyungseok nodded and smiled at her. "But I am sure he will come here on his own again," he added and chuckled slightly. "He said he likes it here after all." A place Hyun-Joong enjoyed and it did not surprised the wizard. It was a beautiful store and the aura was filled with warmth and love.
Kwon Boa [A] 5 years ago
@Park Hyungseok Boa nodded slowly. "That is very true. It's why I never take what people say as truth, unless I know for sure it is." She was careful not to aid people in hurting others the way she had been hurt so many times. With lies and falsehoods. Although she didn't know exactly who he was, now she at least knew which kingdom he belonged to. Personally, she didn't care about the kingdoms. She just wanted to keep her parents' store open and help as many people as she could before she died. Given her luck though, that wouldn't be for a long, long, long time. She smiled and extended her hand to shake his. "It's nice to meet you Hyungseok. I'm Kwon Boa." No, she hadn't heard his name before, but she was glad to meet him just the same. Smiling sadly, she agreed. "That is very true, but when it's a constant part of your life, you learn to live with it. There's nothing I can do about it anyway." She looked at Mateo who was digging into the snack bag happily, not paying attention to them and she laughed. He had almost finished them, but she didn't mind.

Here was another rich person throwing their wealth in her face. Or was he? She'd snapped at Jongsuk for this and he hadn't even meant anything by it. "In that case, Snowy and the orphans thank you." That's who she would use it for. She'd been wanting to buy the kids all new clothes for the coming winter and now she could. She finally had enough. "I agree and I'm happy to share with him." She scratched the ferret's ears again and smiled at how he was enjoying himself. It made her heart so happy. This was why she loved animals so much. They always made her feel loved and happy.
"No, really. It's okay. Besides, it's not like I can do anything about it." After all, she'd spread it across the entire kingdom already. It was just something she had to live with, just as knowing she would never have another child. Well, things could be worse. She could be totally alone. "I don't think he ever cared about me either. Our whole relationship was more a dare or a prank to him, in hindsight." She didn't care at this point. The only good thing to come from the relationship was her little boy, but that hadn't lasted either. It was obvious she wasn't meant to be happy.
"Is that his name?" She liked it, but she'd never known his name. Just as she hadn't known Jinah's name either. She simply knew they were the prince and princess of their respective kingdoms. "I hope she will like the candle and it will remind her of something good." She really didn't want the Jinah to be sad, but she knew the woman had also lost a lot and on top of that, she had a kingdom to run. At the mention of giving the prince something from her or telling him to say hello, she quickly shook her head. "No, that's okay." She was fine just knowing he liked her store. If anyone saw him talking to her, it would likely start rumors that he didn't need and wouldn't appreciate. She blushed anyway though, because even she couldn't deny the prince was handsome. "You could tell him if there's anything he needs and can't find to let me know and I can try to order it though."
Park Hyungseok [A] 5 years ago
@Kwon Boa Of course Hyungseok noticed Boa was caught in her own mind for a bit but he did not mind. Those people surely had said hurtful things and acting like this was just plain rude. "Sometimes people say things that are neither fair nor true," he said and watched her, tilting his head, noticing that she seemed to slowly realise he was part of the royals, more or less. After all he had mentioned the words royal ferret and it did not surprised him the woman realised it. She was clever after all. He then offered her his hand.
"I'm Park Hyungseok," he said but he was sure she had never heard his name before. People did not refer to him by his name, they usually called him the crazy wizard. But he left that open, for now. After all he did not want to scare her in any way though the rumours about how bad he could be easily made their way around. "Not being a stranger to pain does still not make it okay for the people to say such things, you know?" He gently looked at her like she was worth so much more. And she was.

"What about you use the money for something nice?" Hyungseok said. "Either food or you spend it on your dog or maybe you give it away. Whatever you prefer. I do not need it, really. There is plenty where I come from," he said and looked at her, tilting his head slightly. Mateo made gentle and happy sounds while Boa cuddled him and it made Hyungseok smile. "Berries are pretty tasty, I totally get that," he hummed and chuckled slightly, a gentle expression on his face, soft. He loved seeing Mateo happy and Boa definitely knew how to do that.
"Just because she is not all bad does not mean she has to be a to some people. You obviously loved her son dearly, you would have not been in a relationship with him. And getting such treatment is not fair of her. Instead she should have made sure the both of you were as happy as possible." Hyungseok was not really good with talking about relationships as he had never had one himself - he still was not too sure how to call the thing he had with Hyun-Joong - but he knew that if he loved someone and if his children loved someone - not that he would ever have any, probably - he'd make sure they all were happy.
"You mean Hyun-Joong? Probably, yeah. He likes going to very casual places. And I can see him enjoy it here," he hummed and looked around. He liked it here too. He then chuckled and nodded. "Jinah? Yeah, she is a good one." His best friend aside from Hyun-Joong. How weird that the two people that mattered the most to him were from different kingdoms. "I will give this to her. I am sure she will appreciate it," he said and looked warmly at her. "I can give Hyun-Joong something too from you, if you'd like to. Or I'll tell him to say hello next time, if you'd like to chat." He winked at Boa, still not entirely giving away who he was.
Kwon Boa [A] 5 years ago
@Park Hyungseok After coming home to find her parents had been murdered, on the very day she was going to tell them she was pregnant, Boa's life had only been a series of bad events. After a while, she'd become so desensitized to the pain that she thought maybe she was dead inside. Then she'd found Snowy and now she'd befriended Jongsuk and suddenly the insults hurt once again. Not only did they hurt, they made her second guess her worth and herself as a whole. The man in front of her put her at ease though. It was weird. Usually people made her nervous no matter what, but he, like Jongsuk made her feel safe. There was one person who came in regularly who didn't put her on edge either, but she was pretty sure from what she'd heard that was the wolf prince. He was always so kind to her that it was off putting. She wasn't used to that. "It's okay. As long as I know the truth, nothing else should matter." She gave him a warm smile, but then frowned. "How do you know that?" He couldn't possibly know for sure, but wait. Hadn't he said his pet was the royal ferret? Oh no. "Don't worry. I'm no stranger to pain of any kind." It was a long lost friend that was finally coming home.

Boa shook her head again. "Mateo didn't do anything wrong and I love animals. All animals, so why would I be mean. Besides, you got rid of those women, so how can I accept your money?" Even if she did take it, she'd use it for the orphans who often came by and she'd feed them and play with them. She loved kids and was just sad she hadn't been able to have her baby. She wanted to badly to be a mom. "Oh don't say that. Mateo is very smart, aren't you sweetie?" She scratched his little ears. "But yes. Snowball loves having his tummy and ears scratched." It always made her happy to do so, since he kept her warm at night. She couldn't resist laughing at the way he described Mateo's love of berries and the laughter increased when the ferret ran for the bag, she pulled some out and held them out to him. "I can't say I blame him. These are my favorite treat." She didn't eat much, but she loved berries.
She shrugged. "She isn't all bad. I mean she loves her son, so I guess I can understand why she'd be concerned, but I doubt you'll meet her. She doesn't like leaving her home. She has her servants shop for her." Boa figured it was because she didn't want to come in contact with any "peasants." Whatever the reason, it was just fine with her. She nodded. "I agree." It was a sad part of their reality. "I suppose you're right, but I don't live in either kingdom. Although, if I did, I think I may like the Wolf kingdom. I think their prince comes in here and he's always really nice to me." She smiled shyly. She just wasn't good with much attention. "Oh. So that's how you know they aren't friends with the Princess. She seems lovely." She then came from behind the counter but continued into the store and brought back a large scented candle. "Please giver her this for me. I know how hard it is to lose your family and the smell always makes me relax and think of good things." She wanted the same for the princess.
Park Hyungseok [A] 5 years ago
@Kwon Boa "Are you now?" Hyungseok said and popped an eyebrow. Now, that amused him. But he was not here to give away who he was, at least not to the women. He'd curse them, but that was more than enough already. They would never speak a negative word about the lady here again and if they did, oh, they'd have to deal with the consequences. He shook his head and looked at the women as they were leaving. He then looked at the lady in front of him and shook his head. "Do not worry. They will not mutter another word of negativity about you," he said surprisingly gently for how he usually spoke. "They are not friends of the princess or any royalty. I would know." He winked at her and smiled warmly. "It must be painful. Those people love to ruin people." He was used to be feared but sometimes it did hurt, even though he mostly did not show it. Only Jinah and Hyun-Joong knew that he sometimes got pretty hurt by it.

"You can," Hyungseok said and looked a little amused at her. "See it as a gesture for being nice to Mateo," he added and watched as she was so nice to the ferret. She really seemed to have a good hand for animals and it made him happy. The wizard was definitely not the best with human but he was good with animals and he liked people who were good with animals too. "He does?" he asked surprised and chuckled. "I never had a dog, only a cat and this idiot of a ferret," he joked and tickled Mateo a bit, showing clearly that he loved this animal dearly. He nodded when she got some treats from under the counter. "He doesn't eat berries, he vaccums them," he chuckled. "He loves berries." As soon as the berries were in eyesight, Mateo got up and hurried to them, sniffing them excitedly.
"Your ex's mom is a bad human. Let me know if I ever encounter her," he said. Oh, he'd make sure that those people were unable to spread stupid lies ever again. "Idiots. Money is worth so little in this world. All you can buy is luxury goods after all." he sighed and shook his head. "There is so many more important things." He huffed. He did not like such people and he was definitely not here to support them. "Sadly every kingdom has such people. I am sorry you have to suffer through it. Oh, also, I am from Raven but honestly, I do not care what kingdom, eventually we are all mortal."
Kwon Boa [A] 5 years ago
@Park Hyungseok While she was grateful to the man defending her, she was utterly shocked. For starters, he didn't even know her, but he was also being very insulting. She wasn't even surprised when the younger of the two women puffed up and retorted. "You must not be very aware of who you are speaking to. We happen to be very close friends of the Princess." That bit of information shocked the store owner and it showed on her face, making the women smirk. It was a lie, but Boa didn't know that, so she thought she'd better be extra careful. With raised brows, she nodded at him. "Thank you. I should be used to it by now. I guess it still stings a bit." She shrugged as though it was normal and not a bother at all. Inside, she just wanted to go home with Snowy and curl into a ball and never leave her house again.

Boa grinned. She loved all animals, even wild and dangerous ones. Smiling as the man put the animal on the counter, she giggled when he sniffed her hand. It tickled. When she saw the money, she gasped and shook her head. "I couldn't possibly keep the change. This is way more than you owe me." She didn't like handouts when she was perfectly capable of fending for herself, even if it was hard most days. When she saw Mateo roll onto his back she giggled and scratched his tummy. "My dog does this every time I come home." Without stopping her scratches, she pulled out a small bag with some treats from under the counter. It was full of fresh strawberries and blueberries that she had been snacking on. "Does he eat berries?" She didn't want to make him sick. Sighing, she nodded. "Yes. My ex's mom is their friend and she never liked me, so she spreads lies and they believe them." She laughed hollowly. "I'm not well off, so I can't possibly be a good person. I'm nothing more than a gold digger. That's what they all think." Her ex had never bought her anything though. She wouldn't let him and she hadn't even known he had money until they'd broken up.
Park Hyungseok [A] 5 years ago
@Kwon Boa "Oh gosh, your parents must be so embarrassed by having such daughters," Hyungseok said and snorted. "Such trashmouths. I'd be ashamed if you were my kids," he added and he sounded so arrogant and disappointed at the same time. Hyungseok shook his head and muttered a small curse under his breath that would forbid them to ever talk negatively about the owner of this store ever again. Happy with himself he nodded and then turned towards Boa. "Do not be worried, they will never have a bad word about you slip from their cracked lips," he smiled and watched her as she was walking towards his ferret. Her reaction was so genuine it surprised him. Most people usually were scared by his ferret even though it was just a sweet little boy, not here to scare anyone.

"His name is Mateo," Hyungseok said and nodded. "You can pet him, he loves scratches the most," he added and looked gently at her. For a moment he hesitated before putting his ferret on the counter after he had paid. "Keep the change," he added, not caring that he had given her way too much. Carefully he put all the things in his bag and despite his bag being a little too small, it all seemed to fit. What magic could do. Very convenient. "He loves snacks, so yeah," he nodded and looked at the ferret that had already rolled on his back, ready for scratches and cuddles. He felt comfortable around the young woman and Hyungseok could feel it too. She had a warm aura, it was very nice to be around her. No wonder these ugly es were envious. "Are they always like this?" he then asked, looking towards the door - of course the women had already long left but he still felt disgusted. He himself was a shady person but that was just disgusting.
Kwon Boa [A] 5 years ago
@Park Hyungseok Looking up at the man behind the women, she was shocked at his reply. Did he know them? Was he with them? She wasn't sure until she heard his next words. Truthfully, she felt grateful, but she didn't know whether to gap or laugh. Instead, she pretended to be ignorant of what he was talking. She noticed that as she started to ring up the women's purchases, they would walk back to get something else or say that one of the items was defective. The older one openly criticized her shop and called it dirty. The compliment made her blush slightly, but she offered him a smile. "You don't know how this one is." When she saw Boa's reaction, she scoffed. "Marcy was right. She's a little tramp. Look at her flirting with him." The young woman looked down at her feet, feeling embarrassed and hurt. She should be used to it, but it still hurt. "I'm sorry you feel that way, but you don't have to shop here." Her voice was quiet, but full of hurt.

The moment she heard the woman squeal and then saw the other jump, she curiously looked to see what they were so freaked out by. Next thing she knew they'd be claiming she had roaches or some other bugs. What she saw made her smile. "He's so cute! Can I pet him." She walked from behind the counter, totally ignoring the women now. Of course they didn't like that, but finally they left. They mumbled the whole way out and didn't even get the stuff they'd brought to the counter. Well, it would all have to be restocked, but at least they were gone. "Which kingdom are you from?" She'd never met anyone from either kingdom as far as she knew. Straightening from where she was bent over, trying to see the animal better, she cleared and nodded. "Of course Sir. Will this be all for you?" She went back behind the counter and cleared the previous transaction and begin ringing up his stuff. "That will be 10.50 please. And can I give him a snack?"
Park Hyungseok [A] 5 years ago
@Kwon Boa "I sure hope so," Hyungseok said, standing right behind the ladies, holding a few items he had found. Yes, of course, he could have secretly stolen them, but Hyun-Joong had told him not to do that and that this lady was a good one. She definitely was. He had been lurking in the shadows while she had been working and without her knowledge he had worked some magic to repair a few spots in the store, she might or might not have already seen that needed repair. He was good with using magic like that. Yes, it made him tired if he used too much but it also helped her and it would take some weight from her shoulders. "Ladies, I am very sorry but your behaviour reeks of horse and you better get a hang of yourself, especially with such a great person in charge," Hyungseok said. He knew he looked like a rather young man, maybe very late teens but he also wore rather expensive clothes and it could clearly be seen that he was more or less part of one of the royal families.

A sigh escaped his lips when they did not hurry up and he rolled his eyes. He was not really fond of people whose auras already showed clearly negative emotions - he himself was a trickster and loved pranks and to play with people, but not with some who had such a pure heart as the woman in front of him had. He could feel his ferret look out of the bag he was wearing on one side and he smiled when he heard the elderly ladies made a sound that clearly sounded like they were scared. "What? Never seen the royal ferret? Shame on you." He gently petted the ferret and looked gently at him. "All good, Mateo. Do not look at them, they are ugly inside out." Oh he knew he was trashtalking them but he did not care. He would speak a few more spells around this place to keep evil away because these people should not be here. He'd buy the entire store if that helped but such creatures had nothing to do here. He then looked at Boa. "I'd like to have these," he said and put all the things he wanted on the counter - it was surprisingly much.
Kwon Boa [A] 5 years ago
@Park Hyungseok Boa sighed for the hundredth time as she struggled yet again to get stuff on the higher shelves. Jongsuk was gone and she wasn't going to grow anymore, so she did the best she could. Standing on the chair wasn't even enough to properly reach the shelf, but it was all she had, so she raised herself onto her toes and pushed the last of the scented candles up there. It made her smile to think she'd sold out of them so fast just a week ago. She'd have to talk to her Oppa and see if there was any chance he could bring back stuff from his travels for her to sell if she gave him the money for them.

When she finally finished, she climbed down, nearly falling, but she caught herself and went into the backroom to break down the boxes and put them with the rest of the recycling. It made her smile to see her store looking and smelling so lovely. When she walked back out, she had two customers waiting to pay for their items. Her usual cashier had left early, because his sister had been sick and his parents were working. Boa was big on taking care of family, so she'd insisted he leave, even though she didn't really like being around people. When the two noticed her, they forced smiles that were full of poorly concealed malice. She knew they were friends of her ex's mother. "Good morning ladies. Will this be all for you today?"


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KimmyKim62 4 years ago
Is this place still active? Asks taeyong ^-^
toben- 5 years ago
Hey! Pls reserve Leon Yaki and Kim Jennie for me ♡
rennuelaw 5 years ago
Btw, id like to reserve Adrian Patterson pls
rennuelaw 5 years ago
Hey can me and my friend join?
Angel110 5 years ago
Siwon is going on Hiatus until 14th Oct.
Mysterio 5 years ago
I have a inquiry that I need to be answered.
59f757ef7825758067ad 5 years ago
Kim Hongjoong as the Pirate King please
KimmyKim62 5 years ago
Could I have Lee Taeyong as the werewolf king. If this place is still active?
Von--- 5 years ago
Dennis Oh as the Wizard of Kingdom of Wolves? Please and thank you.
dazaiosamu 5 years ago
I’m sorry, but Ryeowook will have to go :(
It was nice RPing here! <3 Thank you for having me C:
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