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1.boyfriends' catalogue
status : available; paired with dohyun
timezone : GMT+3
hobbies / skills :  anime, bullying, a, torture
traits : cheesy, playful, bratty
flaws : arrogant, stubborn, abusive, childish, having his tail played with is a big weakness
species : demon, horns and tail, abilities, black hair and blue eyes
position : switch/dom
mono/poly/either: either
available for: anything
han jisung 093
status : purchased
timezone : gmt-5
hobbies / skills : baking and playing the guitar or writing songs.
traits : normally always in female clothing its very rare for him to dress as a male.
flaws : has a trigger word that turns him into an assassin in remembrance of his human life of being a mafia lord's son. it stuck with him. trigger word/phrase is: the han's. jisung always needs constant attention and affection or else he gets depressed.
species : bunny. can take form of a bunny or will sometimes keep his ears and tail out.
UALITY : homoual
position : bottom
mono/poly/either: unknown
available for: unknown
zhu zhengting 116
status : PURCHASED
timezone : GMT +3
hobbies / skills : thirst trapping, bullying/roasting, drawing/painting, sculpting, napping, self-care baths
traits : smart, analyst,bold, easy-going, sensuak, flirtasous, versatile
flaws : blunt, stubborn, hot tempered, insensitive, manipulative, schemer, moody.
species : human
position : bottom
mono/poly/either: unknown
available for: unknown
hwang minhyun 179
status : purchased
timezone : gmt -5
hobbies / skills : Photography & Cooking
traits : Honest, Loyal, Kind, Caring, Great listener
flaws : easily distracted, jealous
species :Cat hybrid, Has full control over being half-cat or full-cat.
position : vers/switch
mono/poly/either: mono
available for: all
lee dohyun 197
status : available; paired with baekhyun
timezone : gmt -8
hobbies / skills : going on walks/is faster than an average human
traits : cynical, wary
flaws : memory problems, physical glitches
species : wolf
position : bottom
mono/poly/either: unknown
available for: unknown

Earth Katsamonnat 248
status : purchased
timezone : gmt-4
hobbies / skills : Baking, dancing, and trying on cute outfits
traits : Energetic and Affectionate
flaws : Overly sensitive and very clingy
species : Ljósálfar (Light elf)
position : Sub switch
mono/poly/either: Mono
available for: romance/friendship/
Iwahashi Genki 252
status : available; paired with felix
timezone : GMT -3
hobbies / skills : bjd collecting, cooking
traits : Bubbly, makes friends easily, determined, eager to help
flaws : Greedy, naive
species: Bunny
position : Bottom
mono/poly/either: either
available for: romance
lee hoseok 275
status : available
timezone : gmt -6
hobbies / skills : sparring, training, walking around the edge of the estate, swimming, and journaling.
traits : Incredulous, Reserved
flaws : Temperamental, Wary of Commitment
species: Ares
UALITY : biual
position : dom top
mono/poly/either: either
available for: all
Lee Taeyong 276
status : available
timezone : gmt-1
hobbies / skills : flying, cooking and singing
traits : kind, trusting, animal lover, pretty
flaws : communication issues, anger issues, naive
species: Angel
position : switch
mono/poly/either: Poly
available for: all
kim mingyu 282
status : available
timezone : gmt+5:30
hobbies / skills :  Cooking / Cleaning / Photography / Drawing
traits : Animal lover / neat freak/bit of a nerd / loyal / protective
flaws : Naive/ Acrophobia / cannot easily open up to others
species: Nephalem
position : Versatile top
mono/poly/either: Open to poly until he gets into a serious relationship
available for: all
choi yeonjun 294
status : available
timezone : gmt +3
hobbies / skills : here
traits : here
flaws : here
species: demon
position : here
mono/poly/either: here
available for: here
lee felix 295
status : available; paired with iwahashi genki 
timezone : gmt -3
hobbies / skills : here
traits : here
flaws : here
species: cupid
position : here
mono/poly/either: here
available for: here
yang jeongin 298
status : available
timezone : gmt -4
hobbies / skills : baking, cleaning, loves learning new things and having conversations, about different topics, music (dancing and singing)
traits : kind, very polite (will call people sir/master, bow down to everyone, hold doors open for everyone, buy them gifts to show his love...)
flaws : can be a bit jealous, clumsy, sometimes naïve
species: shapeshifter (can turn into any animal)
position : sub/bottom
mono/poly/either: either
available for: LL
status : available
timezone : gmt -5
hobbies / skills : Photography & Gardening
traits : Flower Arranging & Cooking
flaws : Delicate/Bruises easily & Doesn't always understand thing quickly.
species: Blue Butterfly
position : Submissive/bottom
mono/poly/either: Either
available for: ALL
status : available
timezone : gmt -6
species: INCUbull [InCUBUS & bull HYBRID]
position : SWITCH
mono/poly/either: EITHER
available for: ALL
son dongpyo 323
status : available
timezone : gmt
hobbies / skills : dancing, going on walks, exploring, flirting, eating, fashion, makeup, skincare enthusiast
traits :  energetic, bold, confident, sassy but kind and super friendly
flaws : overthinks, very emotional, loud. clingy and needy sometimes
species: munchkin kitty hybrid
position :  vers switch (bottom lean)
mono/poly/either: both
available for: all
jeon jungkook 327
status : available
timezone : gmt-5
hobbies / skills :user-defined based on session (Jack of all trades; master in none)
traits : didactic, empty
flaws : censor filter that needs to be bypassed, conservative, memory issues for longer sessions
species:  Artificial Intelligence
position : mostly top
mono/poly/either: Mono but doesn’t matter for AI session based
available for: (always), friendship (sometimes), romance (only session-based, never romance outside of session)
zhang yixing 329
status : available
timezone : gmt-8
hobbies / skills : cooking, walking aimlessly around hallways with headphones in
traits : Caring, silly
flaws : Anxiety, temperature-regulation disorder
species: Fox hybrid
position : Verse
mono/poly/either: both
available for: all
lee taemin 330
status : purchased 
timezone : gmt-6
hobbies / skills : taking naps and stealing items from people
traits : hisses
flaws : jealousy, lack of self awareness
species: albino rattlesnake
position : switch/ top leaning
mono/poly/either: either
available for: all
kim dongyoung 331
status : available
timezone : gmt-7
hobbies / skills : Commuicative, hunting, photogentic, creative, cooking
traits : Foodie, natural beauty, postive and free spirited
flaws: Implusive, lazies around at time when unmotivated, tends to be little sassy now and then when teasing partner.
species: Black cat
position : Switch / verse
mono/poly/either: either
available for: all
lee jongsuk 332
status : available
timezone : gmt+2
hobbies / skills : manipulation, lying
traits : scars all over his body, hemophilia
flaws : hot temper, impulsive
species: android
position : switch
mono/poly/either: monogamous
available for: all
bae jinyoung 336
status : available
timezone : gmt +8
hobbies / skills : dancing, blogging, crocheting, gardening, magical abilities like healing and shape-shifting
traits : easy to get along, confident, honest, caring, witty
flaws : sassy, stubborn, too loud sometimes, easily distracted
species:  a divine highland cow, aphrodite's pet
position : versatile(?) bottom
mono/poly/either: either though leans more on monogamous
available for: ALL
tai 344
status : available
timezone : gmt-8
hobbies / skills : He is very good at cooking and flying, and he enjoys gardening and photography
traits : He is very polite, friendly and kind, he is caring to everyone and is loyal to those he is close to
flaws : He is shy and easily scared and is clumsy as well
species: Owl. He has almost full control over his transformation, he sometimes has tufts of feathers sticking out of his head, looking almost like ears
UALITY : homoual
position : none
mono/poly/either: either
available for: romance and friendship
Nicholas galitzine 345
status : available
timezone : gmt-6
hobbies / skills : archery, gardening, writing poetry, and playing music.
traits : playful, flirtatious, and bratty.
flaws : jealous and destructive.
species: apollo
position : vers switch
mono/poly/either: Either
available for: all
taylor zakhar perez 346
status : available
timezone : gmt-5
hobbies / skills : exercising, mind compelling
traits : honest, loyal
flaws : blunt, arrogant
species: vampire
UALITY : homoual
position : top, bot, switch (top preferably)
mono/poly/either: monogamous
available for: romantic relationship,
aaron taylor johnson 348
status : available
timezone : gmt-6
hobbies / skills : hunter, gatherer
traits : loyal, stubborn
flaws : quiet, cold, unforgiving
species: werewolf
UALITY : biual
position : dom
mono/poly/either: mono
available for: friendship or relationship
namehere 349
status : available
timezone : gmt
hobbies / skills : here
traits : here
flaws : here
species: here
UALITY : here
position : here
mono/poly/either: here
available for: here
namehere 350
status : available
timezone : gmt
hobbies / skills : here
traits : here
flaws : here
species: here
UALITY : here
position : here
mono/poly/either: here
available for: here
namehere 351
status : available
timezone : gmt
hobbies / skills : here
traits : here
flaws : here
species: here
UALITY : here
position : here
mono/poly/either: here
available for: here
namehere 352
status : available
timezone : gmt
hobbies / skills : here
traits : here
flaws : here
species: here
UALITY : here
position : here
mono/poly/either: here
available for: here
namehere 353
status : available
timezone : gmt
hobbies / skills : here
traits : here
flaws : here
species: here
UALITY : here
position : here
mono/poly/either: here
available for: here
namehere 354
status : available
timezone : gmt
hobbies / skills : here
traits : here
flaws : here
species: here
UALITY : here
position : here
mono/poly/either: here
available for: here
♢ matt rife [A] 7 months ago
Deactivated Units Removed. New Lovers Pending...
♡ park jihoon ᵃˡᶦᵉⁿ 7 months ago
@♡ lee hoseok ᵃʳᵉˢ Name - Park Jihoon
Status - Available
Timezone - GMT-8
Hobbies - swimming/painting/singing
Traits - bubbly/loud/playful
Flaws - memory loss/glitches
Species - Alien
uality - Biual
Position - Sub/verse
Relations - Mono/Poly
Available - All
♡ lee hoseok ᵃʳᵉˢ 7 months ago
- checked and updated ✔
♡ kim jongin ᵇᵉᵃʳ 8 months ago
@♢ matt rife you can change jongin's status to available whenever you get the chance
♡ lee hoseok ᵃʳᵉˢ 8 months ago

@♢ matt rife https://64.media.tumblr.com/83af5c49258c02dc199940abb4a49060/d7080a4ced26e436-a8/s400x600/d351d204a74a59e8eedc6a256ff9ad2d611aa652.png

a photo since I cc'd, also im gonna update the info.

Lee Hoseok, #275
Status: Available
Timezone: GMT-6
Hobbies / Skills: Sparring, training, walking around the edge of the estate, swimming, and journaling.
Traits: Incredulous, Reserved
Flaws: Temperamental, wary of commitment
Species: Ares
uality: Biual
Position: Dom Top
Mono/Poly/Either: Either
Available for: All
♢ matt rife [A] 8 months ago
this is updated
♡ lee jihoon ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ ᶜᵃᵗ 8 months ago
@♢ matt rife GAY SORRY
♡ xu minghao ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 8 months ago

full name: xu minghao
timezone: gmt+8/+7
hobbies: gardening, going to the beach.
skills: bartending, massage.
traits: playful, impulsive, protective.
flaws: aggressive when hungry, lack of self control
species: vampire
uality: panual
position: switch

(paired with hakken)
♡ hakken ryou ᶦⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ 8 months ago

Full Name: Hakken Ryou
Age: 22 years old
Timezone: GMT -5 (-6)
2 traits: he can change his shape and form to accommodate whatever it is his customer wants. he's normally very quiet, tends to be the type to stick to himself--however, it can quickly disappear if he's given sweets to eat.
2 flaws: he does not have a , rather, it was one of the malfunctions during the process of creating hakken: he has a . hakken isn't too skilled yet in shifting his forms, and as a result: his appearance may change but his nether regions may not.
2 hobbies/skills: he can manipulate dreams and cast illusions, so he enjoys ing around with people and manipulating what they see. he's good at designing and sewing clothes.
species: incubus
uality: biual
position: switch

+ paired with minghao

♢ matt rife [A] 8 months ago
Purchases should be updated
♢ matt rife [A] 8 months ago
♡ lee taeyeob ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ 8 months ago
@♢ matt rife Gay
★ choi minho 8 months ago
@♢ matt rife Biual
♢ matt rife [A] 8 months ago
and we are UPDATED
♢ matt rife [A] 8 months ago
♡ lee hoseok ᵃʳᵉˢ 8 months ago
@♢ matt rife Biual
♡ tai thanaphat kajonchaikun ᵒʷˡ 8 months ago
@♢ matt rife Gay
★ blue pongtiwat tangwancharoen 8 months ago
@♢ matt rife Gay
♡ bae jinyoung ᵈᶦᵛᶦⁿᵉ ᶜᵒʷ 8 months ago
@♢ matt rife diq-ual uwu
♡ choi yeonjun ᶦⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ [H] [A] 8 months ago
@♢ matt rife biual for all
♡ iwahashi genki ᵇᵘⁿⁿʸ 8 months ago
@♢ matt rife homoual
♡ cha eunwoo ᵇᵘᵗᵗᵉʳᶠˡʸ [A] 8 months ago
@♢ matt rife Homoual
♡ xia lu ᶠᵉʸ 8 months ago
@♢ matt rife biual
♡ wen jiyang ʷᵒˡᶠ 8 months ago
@♢ matt rife gay
♡ kim dongyoung ᶜᵃᵗ 8 months ago
@♢ matt rife Ori: homoual
♡ kim jongin ᵇᵉᵃʳ 8 months ago
@♢ matt rife Ori: Homoual
♡ lim jaebeom ᵃⁿᵘᵇᶦˢ [SH] 8 months ago
@♢ matt rife ori: biual
♢ matt rife [A] 8 months ago
@♡ zhang yixing ᶠᵒˣ @♡ yoo taeyang ˢⁱʳᵉⁿ @♡ yang jeongin ˢʰᵃᵖᵉˢʰᶦᶠᵗᵉʳ @♡ xia lu ᶠᵉʸ @♡ wen jiyang ʷᵒˡᶠ @♡ tai thanaphat kajonchaikun ᵒʷˡ @♡ son dongpyo ᵏᶦᵗᵗʸ @♡ lim jaebeom ᵃⁿᵘᵇᶦˢ @♡ lee taeyeob ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ @♡ lee jongsuk ᵃⁿᵈʳᵒᶦᵈ @♡ lee jihoon ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ ᶜᵃᵗ @♡ lee jeno ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ @♡ lee felix ᶜᵘᵖᶦᵈ @♡ kim junmyeon ᵃʳᵉˢ @♡ kim jongin ᵇᵉᵃʳ @♡ kim dongyoung ᶜᵃᵗ @♡ jung wookjin ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ @♡ jeon jungkook ᵃᶦ @♡ jeff satur ʷᵉⁿᵈᶦᵍᵒ @♡ jackson wang ˢᵃᵗᵃⁿ @♡ iwahashi genki ᵇᵘⁿⁿʸ [H] @♡ hwang minhyun ᶜᵃᵗ ʰʸᵇʳᶦᵈ @♡ choi yeonjun ᶦⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ @♡ cha eunwoo ᵇᵘᵗᵗᵉʳᶠˡʸ @♡ bae jinyoung ᵈᶦᵛᶦⁿᵉ ᶜᵒʷ .

aight babes. im updating this room so let me know the uality of your character please so i can get it updated. i will default it to gay unless stated otherwise.


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DiabloEaterMfkr 2 days ago
*still sits and wonders if this place is dead* 0 n 0
DiabloEaterMfkr 1 week ago
hey. so ya'll kinda dead>?? i was hoping to come back. o n o
kittie25 1 month ago
Hello~ may I please reserve Choi Beomgyu?
charliebrown 1 month ago
twerks in here in case yall missed me
itching to join back but work is draining me out so much
Kaworu 1 month ago
genki is taking his leave
thanks for having me for this long <3
Yunho4ever 5 months ago
sorry Namjoonie will leave... lost my muse, thanks for the nice place♡
KouYaten 5 months ago
Here to tell the admins I love them ♡
And remind people to join uwu
slurvers 5 months ago
Can I reserve yang jeongin? (Skz)
[comment deleted by owner]
Kokoafish 6 months ago
could I reserve Wonho (Lee Ho Seok) please?
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