♡ jaewon x bitna ♡

jaewon x bitna
✧ jaewon ✧ [A] 5 months ago
@♡ bitna ♡ lets out a soft chuckle, covering my mouth with two fingers, my palm facing outwards before i shyly look over your way. i can't believe that! i call out softly, finding the situation quite funny. we really were that silly, and nervous for something that was so obvious, hm? well, i beg to differ, you are amazing and you're too good for me whispers tucking some hair behind your ear before i smile softly and nod slowly. one of a kid she said mutters. i would like for us to get married whenever it felt right, we can plan something honestlya s long as you're happy with the weddingi will be happy too. i explain, smiling and nodding slowly. you're so cute ash whispers kissing your forehead gently just to nod. we can do that tomorrow, defintely. i am sure she would enjoy the company of a sibling! i already imagine them turning our house upside down chuckles, peeking over at the sleeping doggy.
♡ bitna ♡ [A] 2 years ago
i mith us too u n u
✧ jaewon ✧ [A] 2 years ago
cries in here because i miss my baby what the heck :< i wanna reply and uhm blooshes happy us day uwu drowns my baby in kisses and then kisses paffle's head gently too pcs cootie ;;
♡ bitna ♡ [A] 3 years ago
@✧ jaewon ✧ i was sooooooo madly in love with you and i really thought i was being so obvious and obnoxious with just how obvious i was being- you know those cartoons where the characters have heart eyes for their crush? i thought i looked just like those, just in real life- i say, shaking my head lightly with a laugh escaping my lips at the thought of me back then. i am not too good for you, i'm just right for you! and you're the one who's too good for me, let's be honest. i know no one has loved me or will ever love me and care about me the way you do. it's special, one of a kind. you are one of a kind. mm, do you want us to get married in a month or so? or were you thinking of a special season you'd like us to get married? my eyes widen even more as you say that we can get paffle a sibling. oh my! can we go tomorrow? can we go get her a sibling with her tomorrow, baby?
✧ jaewon ✧ [A] 3 years ago
@♡ bitna ♡ im talking about how nervous i was to be with you because i thought you saw us as friends, bitna laughs and shakes my head slowly. well i did get rejected before so i was expecting rejection, you know? nothing like past experiences to make you feel anxious mutters under my breath and nods slowly. i mean thats true, it doesnt matter. because you're too good for me, ash mutters under my breath before i pull your hand having your body crash against mine, our faces inches apart speaking of which when will you give me the pleasure of taking your wedding dress of you? asks playfully biting your bottom lip. smiles as you call me by my name, feeling my heart warm. she gets tired? purses my lips as i hum i think little one really needs a sibling smiles and nods, laughing quietly as i hear you yes, another one, would that be okay with you? chuckles at the glint in your eyes, nodding slowly of course we can, love pecks your forehead when do you want to get it?
♡ bitna ♡ [A] 3 years ago
@✧ jaewon ✧ you weren't cringy, what are you talking about! you were so precious, okay? oh wow, i didn't know i gave off that aura towards you, at least i just think i wasn't giving off that vibe. i don't know- eventually we ended up together, so it really doesn't matter, heh. oh no, baby, why would you even think that? i mean, why did you think that? i ask, chuckling softly under my breath before shaking my head. i could never not like you, baby. i love you so so much, jaewon. my jaewon. i smile at you as you kiss my cheek a few more times, disney sighing before whining playfully at you as you take the pizza away from me, acting like a little kid. she's always tired. we can't even go on long walks because she gets so tired, our princess. a a a a another one!!? i ask excitedly, eyes sparkling at the mention of adopting another puppy. i- can we?!
✧ jaewon ✧ [A] 3 years ago
@♡ bitna ♡ i rest my fingertips over my right brow as i listen to you. was i that cringy? i whisper undermy brath laughing quietly as i recall how nervous i was when it came to you i swear, i was just thinking over how i could not be friendzoned. you have no idea, i thought you saw nothing in me but a best friend and i was like well it's okay even if she doesn't like me, i just want her happy and i think you were talking to someone else that time and i was jealous. so i was really surprised when you said you liked me back i was like...what do you mean? i mutter and smile, shaking my head as i recall that moment, snorting quietly. i love you too, bitna i mutter and kiss your cheek gently a couple times before sighing happily and taking a bite of the same slice as you, humming happily as i eye our paffle. she's tired- i mutter, pointing out how she's laying down with her paws under her head. that's cute mutters, chewing the pizza quietly. should we adopt another one? eyes you softly.
♡ bitna ♡ [A] 3 years ago
@✧ jaewon ✧ i know, i know, those are just dreams of mine- i mutter as if i'm sulking before chuckling under my breath, trying to remember how you acted towards me and around me, laughing out loud. you're so damn cute, baby, you were even cuter back then, i swear. oh my, really?! i thought i was being pretty obvious too- i even thought that i looked like one of those cartoon characters where they have hearts instead of their eyes-- i say, laughing once again as i remember the two of us back then when we weren't certain of anything. you were really interesting to me. you were acting like you were cool and chill for everyone else but when you were with me, you were trying really hard which really made me fall for you even more, if it was even possible at that point, heh. smiles as you peck my chin, eating the pizza you feed me before smiling widely as you kiss my cheek a few more times. i love you, baby
✧ jaewon ✧ [A] 3 years ago
@♡ bitna ♡ baby...come on- rolls my eyes playfully poking your side before i shake my head slowly paffle can't possibly do so mutters and shakes my head slowly. oh dear lord you dont recall how nervous i was? bab i thought you saw me as a friend i was SO ready to be friendzoned coughs i was like k it was nice knowing my princess we staying as friends mutters. i dunno i guess i thought i wasn't that interesting mutters and pecks yur cheek. look at this baby laughs quietly and pecks your chin gently before feeding you some pizza and pressing more kisses to your cheek as i chuckle
♡ bitna ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ jaewon ✧ pouts at you as you eye me quite weirdly before laughing out loud as you raise your brow at me, shaking my head lightly. you don't think she'd actually do that if she could? we're nice to her though- of course i remember when we first started dating, silly. how could you possibly have thought that? i thought i made myself pretty obvious and that i couldn't really hide it-- smiles sheepishly, pecking your nose a few times gently, enjoying the kisses you place on my temples; laughs softly and comes up onto your lap, opening my mouth playfully for you to feed me.
✧ jaewon ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ bitna ♡ eyes you quite weirdly mostly to just tease you, raising a brow. imagine paffle actually understanding and sticking out a finger on their paw for that- chuckles, head shaking slowly at the thought knowing it is very silly. hm? im literally nothing much, ash. do you remember when we started dating? i thought straight up i was gonna get rejected, it was funny laughs softly and hums. but im very happy to have you too, ash, im happy we are..still...together pecks your teples sighing happily. she's hungry too chuckles, leaning back on the couch, patting my thigh. alright come here my big baby calls out softly, nomming on a slice.
♡ bitna ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ jaewon ✧ paffle is really smart, i think she could do it. with a little bit of effort and practice, why not? jokes a bit more before letting out a soft laugh, loving how silly we are being together. it just comes to me. i don't know. i find myself looking at you and i think to myself what did i do to ever deserve such a precious gem? i swear i'm the luckiest and most happiest woman on the whole planet just because i have you by my side to love and to be loved by you. it's such a special feeling and i couldn't ever ask for more. laughs some more and hums. i'm hungry too! feed me. says in a cute tone, opening my mouth playfully for you to feed me.
✧ jaewon ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ bitna ♡ eyes you softly before gasping. do you think we can teach paffle how to pay- i swear she would be the smartes doggo if she managed to do that, i swear to god. blinks at your sudden confession, smile widening. where did that come from, my love? asks softly, pressing a kiss to your cheek. i am in love with you as well, really in love, just so you know. chuckles, sitting down and bringing a slice over to my mouth. im hungry, your husband to be is hungry, okay? mumbes, nomming on the pizza as i look at you
♡ bitna ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ jaewon ✧ smiles as you agree to the choice i picked out of the ones you gave me, laughing softly under my breath. you think so, babe? i mean, we have paffle. she can bring us whatever we need, she's really smart. laughs a bit more as you continue to play along with your own joke, shaking my head lightly as i watch you, a goofy smile on my face as i feel so in love with you, that it's crazy just how much. i'm so in love with you, it can't be put in words. i say, chuckling as i watch you sniffing the pizza, finding it so funny at the moment. baaaaaabe. you're so silly.
✧ jaewon ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ bitna ♡ bursts out laughing at the fact ou picked exactly what i suggested, finding it more than amusing the fact we are both two grown adults and still pretend we don't really care. sounds about right to me, honestly. i mutter, falling back on the couch, placing the pizza and drinks on the coffee table right in front of the couch, pursing my lips. we would be great parents- i blurt out, obviously joking considering the situation. oi, little one, get papa the pizza, the pin to the card is 1234, get papa the pizza- i call out after clearing my throat only to snort and shake my head, leaning forward to open the pizza box, sighing softly, blissfully as i sniff the pizza scent
♡ bitna ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ jaewon ✧ closes my eyes for a second or two as you bury your head on my neck, chuckling softly at the ticklish feeling. don't be sad, you'll be back here cuddling with me in no time! tries to cheer you up, smiling as you peck my neck. well, we did say we were going to order so- teases before sighing as the delivery man rings the bell, not expecting him so soon; laughs out loud as you say that you're mad, kind of pouting once you get up to pay and get the pizza, squealing excitely as you get back to snuggling with me. i'm happy. hmmm. we forget that we're responsible adults and cuddle! exclaims and leans in to peck your pursed lips. mm, my cutie.
✧ jaewon ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ bitna ♡ easily holds you in my arms, buryig my features on your neck for a moment breathing in your sweet scent. you know, the pizza man is gonna get here and i'll be sorta sad that i'll have to get up to get it mumbles, pecking your skin carefully just to sigh. why must he interrupt me and my wife to be when we are snuggling so happily like this- i call out only to hear the doorbell ring and freeze for a second. man are you for reals? squints, groaning as i get up, unwillingly. i'm mad- i call out, waving my finger around before patting my looking for my wallet only to realize i left it on the table, quickly fishing it up and huffing towards the door. quickly i pay for the pizza, taking it in and returning to you. do you want me to get some glasses and plates or are we gonna be lazy and just forget we are responsible adults and cuddle? purses out my lips looking for you, honestly hoping you go with the second option as i just want to cuddle you and not bother having to wash the dishes.
♡ bitna ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ jaewon ✧ smiles at you as you wrap your arms around my waist, tilting my head to the side as i watch you curiously when you ask me that, laughing softly as you say that we'll cuddle, beaming brightly at you. i love cuddles! especially with you, my baby. please do. i love your kisses. they're always so special and make me feel loved. says and pecks your nose after you pull me down with you on the couch, giggling under my breath once you squish me in your embrace, closing my eyes as you smooch all over my face, enjoying and basking the loving, affectionate feeling. opens my eyes once you've stopped so suddenly, looking back at you before breaking into a smile. you scared me-! i am always happy around you, baby. you're like a little happy virus. it's hard not to be happy around you, to be honest. you're the cutie here. mumbles back at you, pecking your lips once and then once again. my baby love. heh. the same goes for you too, then mister! always be whipped for me, okay? i promise i'll always be whipped for you and you only, jung jaewon. you're my person and my home. my soulmate. my world and my love. my sun and my moon. my universe. my everything. whispers the last part, leaning in to peck your lips gently. i love you, baby.
✧ jaewon ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ bitna ♡ wraps my arms around your waist rather tightly as i chuckle, head shaking slowly. you know what we are gonna do, miss? while we wait for the pizza? raises a brow, tilting my head to the side to see your face as i slowly and gently push you forward, wadding with you. we are gonna cuddle on the couch because i miss my baby ashley a lot and we are gonna give her the biggest kiss in this universe because it is unfair i've been deprived for this long! calls out, smooching your cheek gently before pulling you down with me to the couch, squishing you in my embrace and smooching your face all over. stops for a moment, leaning my head back to look at you seriously. hey, good thing i make you laugh because you're supposed to always be happy around me, missy squints playfully, grinning after. you cutie mumbles, pecking your lips gently. my ash coos happily before whispering always be whipped for me, okay?
♡ bitna ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ jaewon ✧ i know, i know. and mister Jung Jaewon is also the light and love of my life so i wouldn't want him to cry either, capiche? closes my eyes once you peck my forehead and nose, pecking back twice when you peck my lips, laughing along because your laughter is too adorable. we're the weird couple! teases, pecking back before beaming brightly. on top of that we're both thieves? what kind of a strange mix is this. laughs some more, shaking my head at my lame joke. oh no no, no. we can't have heart problems happening to you! gasps and shakes head furiously, pouting slightly once more. yes, you are. that's a known fact. always?! hm. i have to think about it. strikes a thinking pose and pretends to be thinking about it. hm, okay. i'll always let it slide because it's you. i wouldn't have done it for anyone else, just so you know. nods and tries to keep a serious expression before cracking and chuckling under my breath when you wiggle your eyebrows. stop it! you're always making me laugh when i'm trying to be serious. huffs playfully before chuckling once again. i am somehow always failing that one challenge of how not to be whipped for a certain person, too.
✧ jaewon ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ bitna ♡ you know i wouldn't want to see my cute ashley crying, right? she's the love of my life and i want her to always be happy. i mumble, pecking your forehead, nose and lips gently just to laugh. please, i'm as weird so i dunno what you're apologizing for, ash. gently pecks your cute pout, smiling. and i appreciate you as much so you're cute too, you know? yeah i guess we both kid of thieves rubs my chin playfully as i squint a bit just to burst out laughing at your reaction that always manages to get a heartly laughter off me. stop being cute, hm? i'll have a heart problem if you don't stop. only this time? i'm your favorite nugget so you should let it slide like..always grins and wiggles brows. challenge: how not to be whipped for ashley - failled.
♡ bitna ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ jaewon ✧ actions? asks, squinting playfully at you before whining as playfully once you squish my cheeks. I mean- I don't know what I meant with that, to be honest, besides that I won't cry as long as you're by my side, I guess? I'm sorry, I'm really weird. shrugs my shoulders slightly, a small pout on my lips. okay, okay, I won't cry, I promise baby. you're always precious, whatever you're doing, even if you're just standing there doing nothing, that's because I love and appreciate you a whole lot. oh oh so that makes us both thieves? gasps in playful surprise, a hand over my mouth in fake shock. makes a funny face at you when you say excuse me, chuckling along. I'll let it slide this time, mister! I adore you a lot too, baby. hums and smooches back and smooches once more because I can't help myself.
✧ jaewon ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ bitna ♡ because i would've taken actions if i didn't love you i call out softly, laughing rather quiely before squishing your cheeks. what do you mean, love? purses my lips. don't cry even if it 's ''for now'' i don't want you to cry!!! squints and chuckles after. what how am i precious, what did i do? squints a bit playfully. gasps what- i stole it? but you stole my heart too mumbles. oh yes you bet this gonna be my new background exCUSE ME- my wife is the pretties hmph even in her dorkiest picrure chuckles softly. damn i adore you so much mumbles and smooches those cute lps
♡ bitna ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ jaewon ✧ laughs softly and shrugs slightly in a playful manner as you ask me that. hm? why do you ask me that, mister Jaewon? asks and squints as playfully when you glare at me before pecking back gently, nodding my head lightly. I won't cry,,,, for now- jokes and chuckles, shaking my head lightly. you are important to me too, baby, and you're precious and special and you'll always have my heart. because you stole it. cringes at my lame joke before blushing slightly once you say that it is your new background. noooo! I'm not pretty in that picture- I look like a dork! and you look so handsome, it's not fair- smiles brightly and pretends to be thinking. I don't know, it just is! I love you plenty uwu
✧ jaewon ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ bitna ♡ you know you're lucky i love you, hm? glares playfully. love, don't cry.. pecks your pout rather gently before humming quietly. you're so important to me, ash, really. i don't think you know it fully mumbles softly. this is now my new background coos quietly before raising a brow, humming softly. how is it impossible, ash? unu hm=
♡ bitna ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ jaewon ✧ of course I love teasing you, mister Jaewon! replies with a beam on my face, chuckling softly afterwards once you boop my nose. I'm happy you think they're adorable, it means a lot. ah- you're going to make me cry baby- pouts a bit, feeling touched that you're proud of how hard I am working. laughs when you take a picture of me and us, shaking my head lightly. we are and I love it too. pecks back and shakes my head. no, that's impossible, mister!
✧ jaewon ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ bitna ♡ you love teasing me, don't you miss ashley? i squint playfully, booping your nose before releasing a quiet chuckle. i do think they're adorable i nod as i keep focused on you. anything you do is adorable and i'm so proud of all the work you're working so hard in. bursts out laughing at your ''cool'' pose, snapping a pic before joining you and snapping another one. we're two idiots, and i love it. pecks your lips gently. but i love you more winks
♡ bitna ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ jaewon ✧ I'm glad you're doing much better, baby. teases a bit and beams once again when you peck the top of my head, humming under my breath contently. oh, have you? tilts my head to the side, chuckling softly when I hear the end of your sentence. you think they're adorable? well, I try my best- strikes a "cool" pose in a silly manner.
✧ jaewon ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ bitna ♡ i'm very happy to hear that- calls out as you fall on me, happily wrapping my arms around you securely. i'm doing much better now that my wife is here pecks the top of your head gently. been seeing your updates on insta and smiling like an idiot. i get that you're busy. but you always give out such adorable updates chuckles
♡ bitna ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ jaewon ✧ chuckles along when you peck my forehead before throwing myself over you gently, hugging you tightly to myself
I am doing fine, and you, baby?


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