♡ woosung x dojoon ♡

sammy x dojoon
☆ dojoon ☆ [A] 3 years ago
@☆ woosung ☆ watches you as you mutter that under your breath, trying to hide my smile behind the cup before taking an actual sip of the drink that is inside the cup, setting it down onto my knee as i look around curiously, wondering who will get picked to be the couple that gets their seven minutes in heaven, one couple already disappearing into the room before your name is called out loud, making me feel all sort of emotions as i did not even think about the possibility of you getting picked to be in a couple with someone for the stupid game. i do not even get to process the information that you have been picked before you are rushing into the room, my heart aching even a bit more as you leave so easily, somewhat disappointed that you are so quick to just leave. what i do not expect even more is my name being called right after you leave to the room, making me flustered and making me feel guilty for having judged you so hard in my mind, cheeks and tips of ears going so very red. but the only thought that stops me after i stand up to leave is - what if you are expecting a girl? and not a guy and even less that you are not expecting to see /me/? i take the last few steps towards the room before i am pushed in by the rest of the guys exclaiming loudly and making smooching noises before i am met with the silence of the room, a complete change from the rowdy, noisy living room. i rest against the door, afraid to look up, to look at you, even. my heart beating so loud against my chest, as if it is threatening to jump out of my ribcage.
☆ woosung ☆ [A] 3 years ago
@☆ dojoon ☆ this is definitely a set up! i mutter under my breath raising my hand as i squint, obviously not pleased with the fact i just lost, head shaking as i can't believe my own luck. a snort leaves my lips as the first couple is picked, quite relieved they didn't call out on me, or you as i wouldn't want you to be with anyone else but i'm nervous on you being together with me, as well. this game is stupid. i call out, crossing my arms after already complaining about the previous game, glaring at whoever shoots the comment on how i find everything stupid. well, your face is stupid, too- i stick out my tongue at them, obviously quite drunk at this point seeing i'm being quite childish. tsk stupid games. i clear my throat, peeking at you before looking away, realizing i am making a ruckus over something so small, how would you picture me after this? i start feeling anxious as isee the couple coming back all happy and giggly which partly makes me feel jealous seeing id like to be the same with you but dunno where your feelings stand. my eyes shoot up as i hear my name, heart racing really hard against my chest as i'm picked. i quickly get up and rush into the room not giving them the chance to call out anyone else's name as i'm quite flustered, partly hoping they pick you though i'm afraid of how you'd ract knowing my feelings.
☆ dojoon ☆ [A] 4 years ago
@☆ woosung ☆ but still- some have put their fingers down. i bite back teasingly, shaking my head lightly before i laugh out loud when i hear you say that we all set you up to lose, shaking my head once more at how silly you're being, quite as drunk as you are at this point, finding every little thing in the room funny. watches curiously as they decide on which game should be played next, looking down at my hands as they choose seven minutes in heaven, knowing fully well that that would have happened at some point in this evening since everyone really just have someone they want to make out with and what's a better ocassion than this one? i think to myself, stealing a few glances at you, unknowingly to the others, of course - keeping it on the down low.
☆ woosung ☆ [A] 4 years ago
@☆ dojoon ☆ your question has me snorting, seeing not many take down their fingers. i eye you, squinting. see? that's not how you play the game, weak- i call out to you, shaking my head slowly only to have the game continue, gasping loudly to see im the first to sit all my fingers down. ou all set me up! mutters, squinting as they prepare my shot, shaking my head rather slowly a couple times. you all mean mutters, drowning the shot quite easily before i sigh and peek around. alright, next game! i call out, excited dispite being quite drunk, not very happy when the next suggestion is seven minutes in heaven, knowing exactly where this is leading and im getting set up. tsk. i mutter under my breath, sulking as i look elsewhere
☆ dojoon ☆ [A] 4 years ago
@☆ woosung ☆ well it won't exactly work if you take yourself down first in the process of doing so, dummy- /mumbles under my breath playfully before nudging you back gently as i put a few fingers down too, surprising myself how some of the people knew just what question to ask to get everyone else besides themselves to put a finger down. i jump a bit as you call out that it is my turn, suddenly nervous because i haven't even thought of a question yet, racking my brain to at least ask something that would not incriminate me but everyone else besides me. i hum under my breath before a smile spreads on my face as i look at your friends before asking the question./ never have i ever thrown up on a roller coaster ride! /i say confidently, not putting any of my fingers down as i haven't done so, looking curiously as to who will put their finger down./
☆ woosung ☆ [A] 4 years ago
@☆ dojoon ☆ because I have to take everyone down! /whispers to you, playfully bumping my side on yours before looking around, sulking a bit at the next few questions that lead me to put a couple fingers down, glaring at whoeber jt was that asked about the crush being on the same room which obviously I had to put a finger down to, only to look at you/ its your turn! /I call out, curious to what you will call out and in the back of my mind, begging for you not to have me put another finger down.
☆ dojoon ☆ [A] 4 years ago
@☆ woosung ☆ /i put the cup on the table after it's all emptied out, putting both of my hands up as you say we should all do so, already putting one finger down at your question, laughing softly under my breath as i notice you also put one of your fingers down, shaking my head lightly./ why'd you do that, woosung? /asks, the laughter slowly dying into small chuckles, already slightly tipsy./ alright, who's next? /calls out, looking around to see who will ask the question next, hoping i wouldn't be the one losing the game because i was already slightly tipsy and i wasn't going to get drunk because it gets really ugly and blurry when i'm drunk and nothing ends up good when that happens./
☆ woosung ☆ [A] 4 years ago
@☆ dojoon ☆ /my eyes rest on your gentle features for a couple moments as you speak, not really able to hide the concern as i see you reaching yet for another drink the back of my mind in chaos wondering why you're drinking so much tonight. either way i quickly shake my head and look back at the group. that agrees to play the game i suggested/ alright, ten fingers up! /i call out to make sure everyone is joining in, proud of myself to see so many fingers up/ whoever loses takes a shot. /i suggest, seeing nobody else is putting effort into it/ hm alright. never had i ever been drunk before- /i strongly call out, proud to see everyone put a finger down only to sigh as i put my own finger down aware that i had to take others down first at this point, waiting for the next person to call out their sentence
☆ dojoon ☆ [A] 4 years ago
@☆ woosung ☆ /blinks as you squint at me, gulping slightly as i think i've probably done something wrong to piss you off when in reality i am just too shy around you because i'm afraid i'll reveal my true feelings towards you and i don't want that, not yet - from fear i'll ruin a precious friendship. i look at you as you go over to sit down, trudging along just to sit down next to you, not too close yet not too far either. i nod once you suggest that game, looking around just to take someone's cup with an apologetic smile, downing it at once before returning my focus to you and your group of friends, not sure if i'm excited or nervous for the game./ sure, that sounds like a good game. /comments, seeing that no one is giving any verbal confirmation to you, annoying me slightly - that they're treating you this way./
☆ woosung ☆ [A] 4 years ago
@☆ dojoon ☆ /squints at you, moving my jaw as I somewhat feel mad for you disregarding my attempt to look cook in front of you, taking a sip of my drink as you take a look around the group, pushing myself down to sit by the table as everyone says they have just been chatting./ we should play a game / I call out, peeking at the group judt to notice they're all giving me knowing looks. I shrug it off, placing my drink down on the table/ should we play never have I ever? / calls out, waiting for anyone to agree or suggest a better game as I try my best just to keep my eyes away from you knowing I'm a bit annoyed you're able to just ignore me when you been in my head the whole day
☆ dojoon ☆ [A] 4 years ago
@☆ woosung ☆ /chuckles nervously as you pat my shoulder to push me forward slightly, swallowing the lump in my throat as you say hi and introduce me to your friends, nodding my head at them when they introduce themselves to me, doing a small awkward wave at them so i don't have to talk over the already too loud music, eyeing you a bit when you point out that they're really cool, just like you/ uh, i'm sure they are! /says and laughs softly, eyeing every single one of them, trying to remember their names and their faces before looking back at you once you ask them what they're up to. downs the alcohol that was in the cup, already looking for another random dude so i could steal another cup/
☆ woosung ☆ [A] 4 years ago
@☆ dojoon ☆ /eventually let's go of your hand as we reach the group, grinning ear to ear as instead I pat your shoulder to push you forward/ hi guys! /calls out cheerfully, a bit due to the drinks I've had but either way, eyes you and then the group once again/ this is my friend, doojoon- /pats your shoulder again before letting go and extending my hand towards the small group sitting by the couch/ these are my friends, they really cool....like me! /firmly eyes you, nodding a couple times in hopes youd take my words in, the last ones mostly and acknowledge me more than them. peeks back at the group, scrunching my nose at the empty bottles on the table in front of them/ what are you guys up to?
☆ dojoon ☆ [A] 4 years ago
@☆ woosung ☆ /watches you as you talk, taking a cup from a random guy's hand before turning around to pay attention on you once again, nodding as you say that/ well, i suppose more will come later on? i think. /hums and nods once again, taking one quick look around again before looking back at you, squeaking a bit as you pull me towards the group of people you recognized, a small, nervous smile on my face, thinking that i am not tipsy enough to do this - deciding to go with the flow because i really do need to relax a bit more/
☆ woosung ☆ [A] 4 years ago
@☆ dojoon ☆ /scrunches my nose, a drink in my hand as I take a peek around the party we both arrived not too long ago/ I was hoping to see more interesting people around, you know? /calls out, not exactly fond of the drink in my hand, mostly just to stand out as a standard guy having a great time at a party; peeks at you for a second/ we should play a game tho, I dunno half the people in here- /peeks at the small crowd once again, only spotting a couple familiar faces, quickly taking your hand and pulling you with me towards them


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oceani [A] 4 years ago
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