♡ hyuk x jiwoo ♡




hyuk x jiwoo



♡ jiwoo ♡ [A] 3 years ago
@✧ hyuk ✧ after being persuaded into resting a little bit more due to being stressed and exhausted from the newly found information which she had yet to get the answer or answers to, jiwoo laid in bed and eventually fell asleep, but she was not fully asleep, she kept falling in and out of sleep - just as she was opening her eyes, she heard commotion downstairs, wondering what could it possibly be. sitting up slowly, carefully, suddenly aware that she and her boyfriend could be both in danger now that hyuk is not around and all of the dark thoughts clouded her mind, but she knew she had to be brave and as she thought that to herself, she got up from the bed as quietly as she could, walking on her tippy toes, leaning slightly over the stairs to see what was going on and was it dangerous for the two of them there, only to let out a sigh of relief once she saw the figure of the man she had been searching for, for two days now. rolling her eyes because the two were fighting yet again, jiwoo was about to step down the stairs to try to calm them both down when she heard what the two have been fighting about, the memories of those times coming back to her just like a wave and she was trying her hardest to hold onto the railing of the stairs, gripping onto it tightly with her palms, closing her eyes tightly as she tried to shut out all the incoming information she had buried deep in her mind, possibly having blocked those memories as a way of protecting herself - but now that they were coming back, she felt as if her whole life was a huge lie. who is she really? and why was she the only one kept in the dark about her own self? those and many more questions were attacking her and she took a deep breath as she opened her eyes, looking down at the two of them, who had luckily not yet acknowledged her presence, a yell leaving her lips as she has had enough. "stop it! stop it you two!" she yelled, out of her character as she barely ever raised her voice, but she felt as if the current situation needed it. she descended the stairs, joining the two males downstairs, a frown on her face. she was trying her best not to show that she was even more confused than she has ever been. with her hands on her hips, she stood in a way that could be described as her wanting some answers this immediate second, without having to voice that out.
✧ hyuk ✧ [A] 3 years ago
@♡ jiwoo ♡ a soft sigh escaped hyuks lips as he sat inside his car. the previous night events replayed on his head over and over again how this one little talk got out of hand and eventually things went south. the male couldnt even look at himself in the mirror, knowing he had failed his father since he left jiwoos side for two full days, without saying a single word; thruth was, he had never taken a single day off ever since his father officially let him in charge of the mafia princess but jiwoo didnt know that. there we casual weeks in which hyuk would claim his absence as vacation
..but even then, he was looking after her. it wasnt tiring for him, just frustrating. picking up a cigarette, the male started to smoke it as he drove home, knowing the nicotine would get his brain busy long enough until he got home. his features all seemed fine but this small cut on his lip along with the black eye he was left with as a present from the person who he had business to settle down with...except that person was left in a much worse state.

once the male arrived home, he spotted a fiat he knew outside by the side of the street. it was weird, seeing nobody ever dared to come to his house...ever. the male stepped out of the car, throwing the cigarette on the floor before tapping his gun on his belt, making sure that in case be needed it, it was there. he slowly made his way in only to roll his eyes as he spot the male inside, unaware that jiwoo was there too. and with that, an argument broke as he was unaware that the female head just fallen asleep.
♡ jiwoo ♡ [A] 3 years ago
@✧ hyuk ✧ jiwoo was so confused as she was looking around hyuk's house, her eyes searching for a certain male in question, but what she was noticing the most was that her boyfriend, unlike her, was not at all worried nor confused that hyuk, her bodyguard - that was not the first red flag that was raised when her boyfriend was in question, but you know what they say - love makes you blind. and in jiwoo's case, really damn blind, although she would never admit it out loud, she is too proud for that. she was also too proud to say that she is really worried for hyuk because it was not like her, she was not the person who was big on expressing herself with words because it makes her feel so vulnerable and out in the open and she hates that so much, more than anything else in the world. rolling her eyes as far back as she could because of the lack of worry in her boyfriend, she sighed to herself and went up the stairs to the second floor of hyuk's house, hoping to find him up there, asleep or something like that. but no matter how hard she looked around, he was nowhere to be found. in her search for the person in question, jiwoo lifted up a pile of papers that were on the desk in the study room, her brows pinching together in a frown, the confusion only getting bigger and bigger at this point. why the hell was her own father, who had sadly passed away, in the same picture as her bodyguard and a third person she had no memory of meeting before? blinking to herself, she had unknowingly unlocked a certain memory, a fragment of the memory to be more specific. and it hit her hard, it hit her like a ton of bricks, the memories surging up and crashing over her like a wave, making her gasp for air - thus the worried question "are you okay?!" coming from downstairs, but she could not hear it - she was too immersed in the flashback, her eyes welling up with tears as she dropped the photograph on the table, clutching her chest where her heart is located, still gasping for air, probably a panic attack that was due the second they came into the house. she was the person to worry a lot, but she would never voice it out loud and that made her have quite a few panic attacks - it all piled up until she could not handle anything else. she must have fainted because the next thing she's aware of is that she's in someone's bed, sitting up quickly but regretting it soon after because of the sudden blood rush to her brain, making her vision black for a second or two. the next thing was her boyfriend, eyes wide in worry. but the first question she asked wasn't how she came to be like this, but rather a question about her bodyguard, which must have ticked her boyfriend off. "did you find him?"


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oceani [A] 4 years ago
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