♡ seonghwa x taeyeon ♡

seonghwa x tae 
♡ taeyeon ♡ [A] 3 years ago
@✧ seonghwa ✧ you're not dumb, don't ever say that! i reprimand you gently, shaking my head lightly. black with a little bit of milk, no sugar, thank you. i comment once you ask me how i like my coffee, a light chuckle escaping my lips as you say that. not a dumpster- don't be silly! i say, poking your side gently with my finger. oh, just two kisses? are you sure it's just two? and not more? i ask, trying to steal a few more kisses from you and not just two, finding myself being really clingy towards you all of a sudden.
✧ seonghwa ✧ [A] 3 years ago
@♡ taeyeon ♡ mostly dumb but yeah i guess so mutters under my breath before nodding my head slowly. raises a brow as i look at you not helping but releasing a soft chuckle as i notice you're actually believing my words. a chocolate cake and a coffee for the lady as well, how would you like your coffee, then? tilts my head a bit. i doubt that, but worry not ill be your personal dumpster if anything nos firmly and ums softly, laughing at how worried you seem. relax woman, i got you nods slowly. how am i cute blinks what did i even do i- muters and nods at the mention of kisses you owe me two kisses, you know?
♡ taeyeon ♡ [A] 3 years ago
@✧ seonghwa ✧ honestly, you're all sorts of things, seonghwa. only the good ones, of course. she comments, chuckling softly before staring at you as you run your fingers through your hair, enchanted by the way you're acting for a moment there before i realize that you're just joking. oh, that sounds really perfect! i'll have the same as you. although i won't be able to eat the whole slice of cake, so you're going to have to eat it for me. is that a problem? i ask, tilting my head to the side, worrying my lip between my teeth for a moment. if it is, i'll just have a coffee! i say with a smile, poking your stomach gently once again. you're so cute, seonghwa. aw, i'm sorry! should i kiss it better? i ask, winking playfully at you.
✧ seonghwa ✧ [A] 3 years ago
@♡ taeyeon ♡ i'm a wise and deep man did you not know that? i call out, running my fingers through my hair as i look off into the distance dramatically as if i was indeed trying to be more than conviencing though aware that this was just a silly act of mine. honestly i'm in the mood for some chocolate cake and maybe a coffee, you? i ask casually, paying attention to your hand that lays on mine carefully letting my fingers slide in between yours and giving your hand a small squeeze, amused over how small your hand is compared to mine. yeah, my fuel is food if i don't have food i can't be smooth- dramatically rests my other hand over my forehead and leans back, pretending to pass out only to sit up straight as you poke my stomach, squinting at you hey, that's my stomach, it is hurt now-
♡ taeyeon ♡ [A] 3 years ago
@✧ seonghwa ✧ you're saying some really wise and deep words, seonghwa. and you look so handsome while you're being your smart self. i comment, pretending to be swooning over you and your way of talking, disney sighing. oh hey- you distract me all the time, mister!! i say, pouting playfully as you call me midget, shaking my head lightly as i squeeze your hand gently once you take mine in yours, sitting down after you. i'm the same- so, what are we ordering? oh, are you saying that you have to be well fed for you to make me melt? teases you, reaching over to poke your stomach gently with my finger.
✧ seonghwa ✧ [A] 3 years ago
@♡ taeyeon ♡ i don't really care, though, whatever people think of me is with them, not with me because i definitely dont have to meet anyone's standards, you know? i call out shrugging before clicking my tongue. in my defense, you distracted my brain from the order! i call out quickly before nodding my head as if to look conviencing. of course, midget calls out playfully, wlking in right after you, taking your hand before leading us to the nearest table and sitting down. i am starving mutters, eyeing you. ill make you melt after my stomach is full, my brain isnt' cooperating right now-
♡ taeyeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ seonghwa ✧ you know that people don't say such good things about themselves in case they don't seem like they're just gloating about themselves-- smiles as you laugh, your laugh sounding so pretty it makes me smile instantly. well, we can always order something else since i guess we'll both be forgetting if we talk about it beforehand? says and shakes my head lightly at the two of us being forgetful. thank you so much, heh. comments as you open the door for me before laughing out loud. come on- stop being a smooth gentleman, it's too much for my fragile heart to handle--
✧ seonghwa ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ taeyeon ♡ without feeling guilty, she said- bursts out laughing, head shaking rather slowly at your cmment. how adorable mutters pecking your forehead. mister lee- gasps softly as if offended only to hum. oh good we both dont remember what we are gonna get i- rubs my nape shyly actually amused with this. you're adorable, i swear mutters, shaking my head as we get to the place, pushing the door open for you. come on, im hungry, i cant get distracted by your beauty or ill forget im hungry too-
♡ taeyeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ seonghwa ✧ yes, i am! i can proudly say that without feeling guilty, heh. since i am the one and only kim taeyeon out there. says and chuckles softly, shaking my head at just how silly i'm acting before sticking my tongue out at you playfully when you call me out on calling you 'mister lee'. uh, i don't remember. we could look through the menu and decide then? offers, tilting my head to the side, feeling slightly guilty that i forgot as well, being immersed in how beautiful you just are.
✧ seonghwa ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ taeyeon ♡ i do agree to that, honestly. my kiss monster is the best kiss monster out there, just saying. bursts out laughing at how happy and prouud you seem over such thing, finding it rather funny. mister lee- she called me mister lee gasps loudly before laughing, following you in and taking a peek around what were we gonna order, again? leans down, whispering to you as i obviously forgot what we were going to have
♡ taeyeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ seonghwa ✧ yours and yours only. gasps playfully. even if someone does have a personal kiss monster, they're not a better monster than me. says proudly with a huge smile on my face, squealing quietly as you kiss my nose. wha- no, that's not what i meant! hey, hey- hey there. don't take my words wrongly, mister lee! smooches back as you smooch my pout, laughing under my breath before i get in as you open the door for me, shaking my head lightly.
✧ seonghwa ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ taeyeon ♡ my own personal kiss monster- i call out softly, laughing as i shake my head slowly. hm maybe they do but i only really care for you so- shrugs, kissing your nose as i lean down, humming once we get the cafe. oh so you won't miss me if i call you midget? gasps playfuly to pretend i was offended only to raise a brow s i look at you. smooches your pout quickly before snorting. look at this cute little angry midget of mine, she so cute it's making me swoon calls out as we get to the cafe, pushing the door open for you
♡ taeyeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ seonghwa ✧ yes, your own personal kiss monster. do you think anyone else has such a monster? teases, tilting my head to the side as i watch you swinging our hands, enjoying the time we share together as i lead the way to the cafe, laughing softly before i nudge your rib gently when you call me a midget. oh hey- i wanted to say i missed you too, a whole lot, but! you ruined it with the whole midget thingy. says as i pout playfully, shaking my head lightly at you as you squint at me just as playfully.
✧ seonghwa ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ taeyeon ♡ oh damn I have a personal kiss monster now coos softly just to chuckle and shake my head slowly, finding you adorable as always. I hum, swinging our hands as we walk, letting you lead the way as I have no idea where we going. you know, I kinda missed you a lot, I dont think it is anywhere near fair you midget mutters, squinting at you playfully
♡ taeyeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ seonghwa ✧ i am! well, uh, sometimes. yeah. yes. says awkwardly before chuckling softly, shaking my head lightly at how silly i am being. oh, don't worry about that! i am confident about knowing the directions today, i got you. i got us. says before smiling proudly at you.
ah, thank you seonghwa. welllll,,, heh. don't mind me, my mind works in funny ways. because i'm not a smart bean all the time, that would be too much for me and my poor brain,, no, you're the adorable one here, mister! i am. your kiss monster, though.
✧ seonghwa ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ taeyeon ♡ oh so you're telling me you're good with directions? tilts my head to the side, nodding a few times relieved. good because I usually get lost if I sont have a gps and sometimes even with the gps I find it hard to find the place. snorts
your name is great too, hush chuckles, shrugging. hm well why would I hate you for not knowing what it stands for, hm? how so? snorts at your comment. if you were expecting something alike then how coldnt you gues it? you're adorable mumbles, smiling once you kiss my cheek. you're a little kiss monster arent you? laughs softly, shaking my head
♡ taeyeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ seonghwa ✧ i smile softly as you say that you were unsure of where it actually was, shaking my head lightly as i refrain myself from teasing you about the kiss we shared and how it may confused you a bit, chuckling softly. it's okay, that's why you have me by your side, seonghwa.
you're lucky your parents gave you such a beautiful name. yes, i have! but yeah, i just didn't know the origin of your stage name. don't hate me for that- teases you a bit before nodding my head once or twice as you explain the meaning behind your stage name. ah, that's a really beautiful explanation! i was expecting something similar to that, but i would have never guessed it if you asked me to guess. oh, don't say that! it means much to me, okay? so it should mean as much to you. says and stands on my tip toes to peck your cheek gently.
✧ seonghwa ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ taeyeon ♡ my eyes quickly look down the way we're heading, head nodding a couple times as you confirm it is the way we are going. yes yes, i just was unsure where it was, really- comments softly, smiling softly as i've finally managed to brush away the shyness, still however, feeling quite giddy over the kiss we shared.
i'm guessing seonghwa it is, then- calls out softly, chuckling as for some reason i find that to be adorable. so you been following my job and you don't know that? gasps playfully only to laugh and shake my head knowing im nowhere near offended. well, just so you know, between black and white there's a lot of shades of gray and i guess that somehow sums up the shades i can and will bring out with my music, you know? like different sides of me, it really is nothing much laughs, shrugging
♡ taeyeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ seonghwa ✧ squeezes our fingers together gently after you intertwine them, humming under my breath as i try to look away from you being so adorable, trying to calm the redness of your cheeks down with your free hand. ah, the coffee shop first? it's just down this street, i think. says and nods in its direction before chuckling softly, keeping the teasing comment all to myself.
yes, your birth name over your stage name, mister. i, i will. i will try to, yes. hm? actually, no! i don't know why you picked gray as your stage name, i am so ashamed, wow. comments, shaking my head because i really don't know when i have been following you and your music for quite a while now.
✧ seonghwa ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ taeyeon ♡ happily intertwines our fingers, quickly looking around as I squish my cheeks with my free hand hoping to help the heat dissipating from my face. where were we heading, again? I kind of got distracted with you- clears my throat, feeling a bit lost
so my birth name over my stage name? sounds great laughs, shaking my head a bit. I like it when you call my name though so please keep calling me seonghwa. you know why I picked gray as my stage name tho? raises a brow, tilting my head a bit
♡ taeyeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ seonghwa ✧ i will hold your hand, don't worry you cutie. takes your hand in mine as you hold yours out to me, smiling as i notice you're looking away so i wouldn't notice how red your face is, but decides not to joke about it as i myself look down with a smile still plastered on my face.
yes, a deal! ah, you are? confident, are we? yes! i don't know, i just really like your name. i like saying it out loud. and i love it over your stage name. not! that i don't think your stage name or anything like that, but it's just that i prefer your birth name. if that makes any sense.
✧ seonghwa ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ taeyeon ♡ I think I'll be fine if you hold my hand- mumbles, holding out my hand for you again, quickly looking elsewhere as I clear my throat as my face is still quite red from the whole amount of affection we just shared, biting my lip to hold back a smile
a deal huh? I'm great at this deal thing coos softly. a beautiful name? laughs how so? seonghwa is pretty normal shrugs but I'm glad you liked it, really coos softly, chuckling happily
♡ taeyeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ seonghwa ✧ looks at you once you pull away, my cheeks matching the color of your cheeks slightly in a way; closes my eyes once again shortly as you peck my forehead, savoring every second of the soft peck. i, uh i, i am happy you're feeling light headed. but! we can fix that with coffee, right? just don't faint somewhere on the street, ok? i'm small and i can't possibly haul a giant baby like you, says playfully before breaking into a small laughter.
you got yourself a deal, mister. hm? oh, don't get me started. you have such a beautiful name. i love it. seriously. and honestly.
✧ seonghwa ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ taeyeon ♡ unwillingly pulls away after a couple moments, smiling satisfied even though my cheeks have turned slightly red, I eye you softly, pecking your forehead. hm that was cute, I'm feeling quite.. light headed- calls out softly, nodding slowly just to nibble my inner cheek
hm then j want to take you out on more dates, clear your schedule for me sticks out tongue playfully even my name sounds cute when you say it frowns, shaking my head slowly hmph
♡ taeyeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ seonghwa ✧ well then, you have me soft too, just so you know. says under my breath so only you and i can hear it, shaking my head lightly as i watch you, my cheeks getting rosy once again. i don't mind being guilty for that, hehe. puts my hands onto your shoulders once you hug my waist, tilting my head to the side to deepen the kiss a bit more, holding onto your shirt lightly.
it is a great role. in return, you can get anything that you want from me! says and laughs out loud, shaking my head. you're so silly, seonghwa. pokes your cheek gently as you wiggle your brows.
✧ seonghwa ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ taeyeon ♡ snorts and shakes head slowly. you have me soft, what so you even mean mumbles, eyeing you for a moment as your laughter makes my heart race. hm yeah it is on you, missy. my eyes easily close as I respond to the kiss smiling against your lips, hugging your waist only to feel my face heat up
personal model sounds like a great role yes. oh damn is it compliment gray day and I didnt know? clicks tongue and wiggles brows
♡ taeyeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ seonghwa ✧ i have? i thought i was going to have to search for your soft spot for a while there. teases before laughing softly as i hear the rest of your sentence. well, i'm happy to say that i admit that it's my fault and i don't even feel guilty, what do you know. smiles as you call me tae and lovely princess, leaning in to kiss you slowly and shyly.
that works, then. okay, okay, i believe you mister. you'll be my personal model, hehe. no, you're not dumb, what are you saying? you're just cute and adorable and soft. loving and caring, too.
✧ seonghwa ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ taeyeon ♡ I mean I guess you found the soft spot of me and now I cant stop thinking about you so like, it's kind of your fault that I'm into you and that I'm this touchy, tae. I shrug, chuckling at your cuteness. yes, lovely princess, you have permission to kiss me
hm you're my angel tho shrugs not Lucifer. you're an angel hmph I shall pose for you only yes dont worry coos. my personality? you mean me being dumb? laughs and shakes head. I know, dont worry coos
♡ taeyeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ seonghwa ✧ hums as i feel your thumb running over my cheek, getting a bit shy under your gaze as you scan my features; smiles a bit as you say that, understanding that completely, on every level. i get you. i feel the same, though. kisses only make me blush if they're from someone i like, you're right. and i'm not a touchy person either, says and nods as you lean down, blushing at your pet name for me. permission to kiss you, mister?
satan, yes. he was once an angel too, you know. jokes before chuckling, shaking my head lightly. ah, pose for me, so fabulously. only for me, though. it's your personality. i guess you're just cute in my eyes. i don't mean silly in a mean way, to be clear.
✧ seonghwa ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ taeyeon ♡ laughs softly, letting my thumb run over your cheek as my eyes scan your features, humming and nodding slowly at your question. I mean if they are from the person I like, yes, you know, I'm honestly not a very touchy person, actually. rubs my nape shyly only to chuckle at your request, easily complying to it by leaving down, close to your features. like this, princess? mumbles
satan, she said. you're an angel mumbles, shrugging oh yes, feel free to make me your background, I'll even pose fabulously for you chuckles, shaking my head slowly how am I silly tho


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