♡ sungjin x jiyeon ♡

sungjin x bona
♡ jiyeon ♡ [A] 3 years ago
@✧ sungjin ✧ jiyeon stopped breathing for a short second as sungjin agreed so easily to letting her move in with him for the time being as she said, lying through her teeth because honestly, no one really needed to know just how much of a brat she was being - leading up to her decision to leave her home and her parents behind because they have been pressuring her into all sorts of things she would not do, not even if someone paid her. well, money is going to be a problem now since she was pretty sure she was going to get cut off for just leaving like this if they even care that she left at all. not one call or message came through yet, but it could still be too early for that but then again, it could all be just jiyeon encouraging herself that her parents actually give a about their only child. "uh, today? now?" she said as he asked her when she plans on moving in and not having any better answer and honestly no place to stay elsewhere - she was not going to spend a night out in the busy streets of seoul, not when there were dangerous people and all sorts of people around. it surprised her that he knew she was lying, but she could not just flat out confess that yes, she did lie about the reason she wanted to move in with him for the time being, but no, their relationship or rather friendship or whatever you can call what the two have, she could not tell him something so ugly about her own self so she kept shut, not replying to that one because she did not want to lie to him yet again about lying in the first place, so she kind of pretended to be ignoring that question before listening to his soothing yet annoyed voice through her phone. "we can meet whenever you can, i'm at the campus already." she muttered under her breath, but loud enough for him to hear her, shaking her head lightly before stopping herself from sneezing. gosh, it is so freezing outside. damn it. "okay, i can meet you at the studio in five." she said, biting into her lower lip anxiously.
why the hell did she choose to leave at this time? and why was her first instinct to call sungjin, out of all people? well, there are not many people in her life she could call and well, sungjin was really the only one she could call. and she would not be able to call him at all if it was not for the group project the two have to do together. she closes her eyes for a short second as she waits for his reply, already regretting everything she has done to annoy him and already feeling sorry for the brat she knows she will be to him because it is just the way she is, at least for now.
✧ sungjin ✧ [A] 3 years ago
@♡ jiyeon ♡ sungjin was confused with the sudden call he got from the female whom he barely ever talked to, let alone te fact she was asking him for a roof to live on. he didnt know much of her but from what he knew, she was rich so why would she want to trade the comfort of a penthouse to a small dorm that barely even housed a person. the couches were horrible, the mattresses even worse but that was the struggle of his life, as a student. he then thought that maybe she would want to just work with him considering they have been paired up for this stupid project the professors came up with though he couldn't understand how he could help her; he was a guitarrist....a rock one on top of everything. he had seen her dance before and he knew her body moved too gently to ever get in the wave of rock...but on top of that, how the heck could one dance to rock? he rolled his eyes knwoing this would be a struggle unless he switched into an accoustic guitar and she could actually get herself some sort of contemporany dance going. he knew little about dance and she knew even less about guitars. this would be horrible.
''yeah sure'' he answered, picking up his guitar. ''when do you plan on moving in?'' he asked, mindlessly as he made his way to the studio he used to practice in, clicking his tongue as he noticed just how cold it was outside. he rubbed his nose with his free hand, trying to understand what was the reason behind the female's contact. she couldn't have a crush on him, could she? no. she barely even spoke to him plus he was the guy that always helped people out of trouble, so he knew better. ''though you don't need to lie'' he called out on her, letting out a quiet bitter chuckle. ''i won't press, though. let me know when we can meet so i can give you the key. though let me know if you want to settle house rules.'' he responded, finally arriving the studio before he sighed out of relief ''i'm out right now, if you need me im in the campus studio though. we should start working on the project, by the way'' the male added as he placed down his guitar knowing how awkward this conversation was between the two of them who had no sort of connection.
♡ jiyeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ sungjin ✧ jiyeon rolled her eyes, shaking her head as she headed straight to her room, finally deciding that she is going to do exactly what SHE wants to do, not what her parents want her to do. it was not rebelling, no, it was not just a phase - she meant it and she will really do it, not giving much thought about it though. she just packed her stuff into her suitcase, only her clothes and what was important to her. she waited until her parents were both at work so she could just get out of their house, without a plan or anything like that. as soon as she was out of the house, she had a single thought for a split second as it is winter - it gets really cold. and she has no plans on where she will be staying or anything like that. she was already freezing but she was dressed as warmly as she could be. she shivered as she braved herself, taking the last steps away from her parents' house, walking nowhere in particular, just walking.

when she was already so far where she did not know where she even was, she took her phone out of her pocket shakily, sighing under her breath as she decided that it would be best to call someone and ask them if she could stay with them for the time being. but the thing is, she does not have any friends. or any family she would be willing to ask if she could stay with them until she finds a job or something like that to keep herself stable and steady. the only person who popped in her mind was sungjin, he is in the same year as she is and even though they were not in the same class or had the same major, she was out of options and even though he bothered her a bit (who didn't though?) - they had to start working on that stupid project anyways. she did not think it through well enough, because when she heard his voice, she was startled into silence before she gathered herself, clearing before speaking. she tried to talk in a stable voice, not wanting to let the other one know that anything at all is wrong. "uh, hi. i'm sorry if i'm bothering you. yes, everything is okay," she said, swallowing the lump in as she braves herself for the next part. "would it be a problem if i stayed with you for the time being? my parents' house is being renovated, so," she said, not wanting to tell him what really happened because she was embarrassed about it herself, but she was also a bad liar - she only hoped he would take her in, at least until she gets stable and self dependent.
✧ sungjin ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ jiyeon ♡ sungjin sighed heavily as he realized he couldn't bring himself to create any sort of new melodies. he was stuck on the very same chords. it was annoying. rolling his eyes, he decided to stand up and set his guitar aside, going for fresh air. ''might as well get something to eat'' he mumbled, peeking at the outside just to sigh as he noticed snow had started to pile though that didn't keep him from throwing a coat on and heading out to get snacks, or actual food. as he was walking, almost freezing, he heard his phone ring. it was weird to have someone call him at such time but he still decided to check who it was.

sungjin stopped his tracks, staring quietly at the device in his hand ''what the-'' he mumbled under his breath as he read the name of the female who he haven't beek talking to...for months. they met randomly and just as randomly stopped talking so it was weird. sighing, he decided to take the call after he let the phone ring a couple times. ''hello?'' he spoke, walking towards the convinience store ''is everything okay?'' he asked, out of a routine seeing she probably needed something from him.


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oceani [A] 4 years ago
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