♡ yoongi x nayeon ♡

yoongs x nayeon
✧ yoongi ✧ [A] 5 months ago
@♡ nayeon ♡ yoongi's fingers carefully ran through her soft locks, eyes following the trail before focusing back on her features as he contemplated about her question, scrunching his nose. ''we most likely would've started off not arguing but then again, i don't blame them. it was as clear as day that there was ual tention between you and i'' he snorted at his own remark, before continuing ''though i believe if we met casually we would probably be more chill with each other and not at each other's throats which leads me to believe that maybe we wouldn't have developed feelings so party, we have to give it to them that we are together thanks to their stupid ideas'' he clarified, concluding his speech with another gentle peck to her lips only to sigh against her pair once he heard his phone ding with a notification. ''food's here'' he whispered, grunting as he pulled away from her unwillingly, getting up to pick up their order. it didn't take him long to come back as he quickly went downstairs and fetched the food. once he came back, he locked the door once again and took a seat on the bed, eyeing her foot. ''how's the ankle, by the way?''
♡ nayeon ♡ [A] 3 years ago
@✧ yoongi ✧ her lips part at the revelation that her now boyfriend always wanted to hold and kiss her, the new information making her glitch for a moment or two because at first she wasn't sure she heard him well, but when he didn't correct himself, she thought that it must have been right and it made her wonder what the hell did their friends do to the two of them to make them hate each other the way they did before they got together, which is still messed up in her mind, but it's all resolved now, thankfully. "i wanted the same, to be honest. well maybe i didn't know that i did, but yeah - they made quite a mess with the two of us. imagine if we met separately from them, do you imagine we could have had a different start?" she asks him, tilting her head to the side as she watches him curiously, curious about how he'll answer to her question. she blushes like a tomato once yoongi tucks some hair behind her ear, getting extremely shy all of a sudden at the gentle gesture. "yes, no passing,,, out,," she comments, kissing her boyfriend right back once she feels his lips against hers, such a heavenly feeling in her own opinion. "mm, no. it's never going to be enough, silly." she teases quietly, nudging his side with her elbow gently, not wanting him to move away from her or her lips any time soon.
✧ yoongi ✧ [A] 3 years ago
@♡ nayeon ♡ the male peeked at his girlfriend over his shoulder, softening at the sight of her sulking as she wasnt getting any cuddles or kisses. with a quiet snort, yoongi turned around and brought her close to him again. "I honestly always wanted to hold and kiss you, I just wasnt sure if you wanted the same" he whispered under his breath tucking some hair behind her ear as he laughing quietly at her comment. "yeah? and we dont want to risk you passing out, do we?" the male muttered leaning in just to press a careful, gentle kiss against her soft lips as his own curved upwards at how great this felt. "is that enough?" he whispered in a quiet yet raspy tone, not pulling away instead just being close enough for his breath to brush gently against her pair.
♡ nayeon ♡ [A] 3 years ago
@✧ yoongi ✧ she glares at him playfully once he asks her what's she laughing about, sticking her tongue out at him just as playfully. "nothing, just. i just couldn't imagine us together before because we were always kind of getting on each other's nerves. and now i just want to kiss you and hug you all the time. it's a bit. ironic." she says, sighing softly under her breath as she thinks about the time before they talked through their feelings for each other, really hating it how their friends made them act towards each other because of their stupid actions and trying to bring them closer together. "hey! i need kisses, okay? or else i'll.... uh... faint!" she says teasingly, pouting deeply once he turns his back to her just to back, crossing her arms as if she is a kid that's throwing a tantrum.
✧ yoongi ✧ [A] 3 years ago
@♡ nayeon ♡ the male raised his brow as he noticed exactly how shy the female seemed by their closeness. he wasn't exactly surprised since they had gotten together recently but it still made him release a quiet chuckle under his breath amused with this situation considering they've always been pushing each other's buttons when they were together. ''what are you laughing about?'' he asked, his breath hitting her pair as he had lazily leaned closer to his girlfriend wantng her lips pressed against his instead. ''no kisses for you, then.'' he muttered, closing his eyes pretending to sleep as the female had decided to . he even went as far as turning his back to her, smirking slightly as he was teasing her as well.
♡ nayeon ♡ [A] 3 years ago
@✧ yoongi ✧ nayeon smiled as yoongi interlocked their legs together, draping his arm around her waist as he brings their faces only inches away, watching his pretty eyes for a moment or two before looking away, her cheeks slightly rosy in color. "yes, we should probably stop giving them the pleasure of saying their names and talking about them in general." she says, shaking her head lightly before laughing out loud as he comments that he wants more kisses instead of talking about them with the most serious face ever, making her laugh a bit more before she starts being serious too, leaning in to leave a small kiss on the tip of his cute nose before stealing a quick peck from his soft lips, leaning back playfully just to ask him. "like this, yoongi?"
✧ yoongi ✧ [A] 3 years ago
@♡ nayeon ♡ upon moving her foot around with his, and hearing no whining from the female, he took it that the female wasn't hurt, badly at least. instead he interlocked their legs and drapped his arm on the female's waist, bringing her closer to the point their faces were inches away, now this was comfortable for him. it had always been except he never rerally wanted to amit it though they were dating now therefore, he didn't mind now. ''i dont wanna keep talking about them, though.'' he muttered to her, eyes closing as his nose nuzzled against hers once again, letting his thumb her hipbone as gently as possible as if she was the most delicate thing ever. ''i want more kisses, though'' he informed quietly, leaning back to look at her, with the most serious face ever, nodding a couple times.
♡ nayeon ♡ [A] 3 years ago
@✧ yoongi ✧ nayeon blushes madly as yoongi turns to her and calls her his girlfriend, making her heart skip a few beats, the butterflies in her stomach going crazy at the simple word. "i'm not, i'm just, i don't want you to keep worrying, you know? i know i'd be the same about you and you'd tell me not to worry either, so i guess i can understand where you're coming from." she says, chuckling softly as yoongi mentions their friends, sighing under her breath. "i hated it when we came here, to be honest. i wasn't ready to be shoved with you yet again by them. it was ridiculous, the way they were acting and treating us. exactly, like it was just a game and nothing else." she says, letting out another sigh before nuzzling her nose against yoongi's gently, a small smile on her lips before she kisses yoongi back just as gently, getting all rosy red once again.
✧ yoongi ✧ [A] 3 years ago
@♡ nayeon ♡ the male his side completely to meet the female ''you're telling me not to worry about my girlfriend?'' he asked, seriously before rolling his eyes and shaking his head as his feet locked her foot between his, carefully moving it around to check if she was in pain anywhere with any move considering he was tht worried for the female. ''oh please i'd punch them if i could. always playing tht stupid let's get yoongi and nayeon together game, it was annoying. i hated it.'' he muttered, shking his head before sighing quietly and pushing himself off the bed for a moment, hovering the female, his nose touching hers. ''that i agree to, though, i like this, us being close'' he muttered, eyes looking into hers as his hand rest on her waist to bring her closer lips daring to place small sweet pecks to her pair
♡ nayeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ yoongi ✧ nayeon smiled as yoongi reached for her hand as she sat up, letting him play with her fingers, the smile not leaving her face, not for even one second. "that's not a lot, we can wait that long, right?" she asks playfully, looking at yoongi as he says that they have to talk before chuckling softly as he worries about her foot again. "yoongi, you don't have to worry so much! it's fine, really. it still hurts just a little bit, but i promise you that it's getting better." she says, nudging his side gently with her elbow. "i guess being a clown gets you the things in life you consider impossible to get?" she says playfully before shaking her head. "i really could care less about them. it's just us now, they can suffer out there on their own and we'll be here, in our own bubble, heh."
✧ yoongi ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ nayeon ♡ his hand reached for hers as she sat up, mindlessly playing with her fingers as the other hand typed down the order the female had just called out, having him agree with her plea. ''seems good to me it says here they'll take 10 minutes to make and about 25 to get here'' he spoke after paying their order, closing the laptop once again, setting it aside before turning to meet nayeon ''gives me enough time to talk to you, how's that foot?'' yoongi asked out of worry, peeking down at her feet as he was worried it had gotten worse overnight, her words earning a soft smile from him ''staying in bed can be our thing then, i like peace and quiet rather than the whole circus they brought here...i still can't believe those clowns got what they wanted in the end'' he muttered under his breath, eyes rolling.
♡ nayeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ yoongi ✧ "ah, so i guess we are the same? i'm a light sleeper too." she mumbles under her breath, smiling at the fact that they have one more thing in common before cuddling more against yoongi and his warm body, seeking the warmth she never knew she needed. "staying in bed is my new favorite thing from now on. sure, we can order something. what do you feel like eating, yoongi?" she asks, looking at him before humming softly. "i understand you, i don't want that either. she chuckled softly as he asked her the same question, sitting up so she could look at him better. "hm, how about fried chicken? i haven't had that in a while. and maybe some beer too?" she suggested, watching yoongi curiously with a small smile on her face. it was obvious she was happy and excited, unlike her mood before they went to take a nap.
✧ yoongi ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ nayeon ♡ he male shook his head as his eyes were still closed. ''i'm not the heaviest sleeper, so i guess i wake up easily'' he explained, smiling lazily as he heard her comment ''i guess we staying in bed'' he muttered against her skin, hugging her rather tightly. ''i'm kinda hungry, too, should we order something? i can get my laptop'' he sighed, unwillingly pulling away from nayeon firstly to look at her. ''i honestly am in no mood to bring up our prank so i suggest we get delivery, i don't mind getting it from downstairs, i just dont wanna be around them'' he spoke, shrugging as he crawled on the bed, reaching for his laptop to turn it on. he plopped back down by her side making sure to bring himself close to her and even placing her arm around his waist as he squinted his eyes at the bright screen. ''what do you feel like eating?''
♡ nayeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ yoongi ✧ at yoongi's words, nayeon froze as she looked at him, an apologetic expression on her face. "did i wake you, yoongi?" she asked, biting onto her lower lip before grinning at yoongi's next words. "ah we really must be destined to be because i'm lazy too." she says playfully, closing her eyes for a moment as yoongi hides his face in the crook of her neck, pleasant shivers running down her spine at the gentle kisses he places on her skin. "mm, only a bit." she comments, cuddling even closer to yoongi and his body warmth. "are you hungry, yoongi?" she asked, opening her eyes as she let her hands up and down yoongi's side.
✧ yoongi ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ nayeon ♡ it didn't take the male a long time to wake up after she started moving around; sure she wasn't exactly throwing her limbs over him or anything dramatic but the male wasn't a heavy sleeper, not when he had so much to do, so many deadlines to comply to. he frowned as to open his eyes, he honestly could use a couple more hours of sleep but he remembered, this was not a dream. nayeon was there with him. he opened one of his eyes to look at her, smiling at the small kiss she left on his chest. she was adorable with the smalest movements of hers. ''someone's awake'' he muttered under his breath only lifting his arms from around her to stretch, closing his eyes to release a loud sigh. ''i'm lazy'' he whispered softly, leaning his head back before carefully turning on his side and bringing her up to hide his features on her neck, placing a couple gentle kisses on her skin. ''you hungry?''
♡ nayeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ yoongi ✧ nayeon was slowly coming to, blinking the sleep out of her eyes - noting that yoongi was still in the bed with her, which melted her heart because he kept the promise; not that she thought he would break his promise, but. you know, she was afraid that he would leave her, just like everybody else - she had to learn that he was not the same as everybody else and he would never be the same, never ever. she cuddled up to him, using a few extra minutes until he himself wakes up unless he's acting that he's sleeping instead of resting for real this time. she thought he would get his laptop and work, but she was pleasantly surprised that he was still kind of under her, her head still resting on his chest. she moved a bit, placing a small kiss onto his chest, watching him as he sleeps - not in a creepy way, of course. but then in the end, she could stare at him all day long forever and she would never get tired of looking at him. he was ethereal in some way and it was pulling nayeon closer to him as seconds passed, more and more.
✧ yoongi ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ nayeon ♡ the male was far too busy with his thoughts inside his head to notice she had fallen asleep on him, it took him a while to realize she was sleeping soundly on his chest but once he dipped his head down to see her features, he smiling seeing her slightly parted lips and closed eyes. the sight was endearing. he couldn't help but smile to himself as he saw the female in such state. heck, he dreamed of this for so long, to put aside their differences and admit to the feelings they both knew they had and now that that happened, he couldnt contain his happiness. ''sleep well you '' he muttered, closing his eyes, head leaning back against the wall so he could nap as well, seeing he couldn't affor to reach for his laptop and wake up nayeon. he didn«t even want to do that seeing he would have to move and let go of her. no, he wanted to make the most out of this moment, by sleeping with her in his arms and wake up to her, still in his arms
✧ yoongi ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ nayeon ♡ the male was far too busy with his thoughts inside his head to notice she had fallen asleep on him, it took him a while to realize she was sleeping soundly on his chest but once he dipped his head down to see her features, he smiling seeing her slightly parted lips and closed eyes. the sight was endearing. he couldn't help but smile to himself as he saw the female in such state. heck, he dreamed of this for so long, to put aside their differences and admit to the feelings they both knew they had and now that that happened, he couldnt contain his happiness. ''sleep well you '' he muttered, closing his eyes, head leaning back against the wall so he could nap as well, seeing he couldn't affor to reach for his laptop and wake up nayeon. he didn«t even want to do that seeing he would have to move and let go of her. no, he wanted to make the most out of this moment, by sleeping with her in his arms and wake up to her, still in his arms
♡ nayeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ yoongi ✧ the butterflies in nayeon's stomach went wild as yoongi tilted her chin up to press a soft kiss to her lips, melting her immediately, on the spot there - she kissed back, a small, shy smile on her face. "thank you, yoongi." she said quietly, pecking back the last time before resting her head back on his warm chest, loving the sound of his heart beating so close to her, calming her down so quickly. "mm, sounds amazing." she said, yawning to herself, placing her hand over as she did so, smiling once again as yoongi pressed his lips to her temples, loving how caring and gentle he was being with her. she loved the feeling of his soft lips against her own skin, it gave energy to her but also at the same time, it relaxed her and reassured her that everything is going to be fine. weirdly, she noticed that it was the same kind of feeling he was giving her before, even when they were fighting. his small outbursts of worry made sense now and she smiled wider, closing her eyes to finally take that nap - excited to wake up and to just cuddle yoongi.
✧ yoongi ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ nayeon ♡ a soft fit of laughter left his lips as he heard her quiet question, carefully reaching for her chin with his index finger to tilt her head back and lean in, placing a kiss to her soft lips. ''i promise that much, yes'' he whispered, smiling softly as he placed a last peck to her lips before wrapping both his arms around her, making sure to snuggle her. he wanted her to feel comfortable and ready to sleep away her worries. he really didn't mean to leave. he wasn't, not when he just got to be with her, not when he got the new start he had been waiting for all his life. ''so, i say you take a nap, rest that beautiful head of yours, we cuddle for a bit and maybe we can order dinner, stay in the room for the rest of today and tomorrow we will work in that revenge, what do you say?'' he whispered, pressing his lips to her temples instead.
♡ nayeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ yoongi ✧ nayeon just blinks as yoongi asks her if she knows what she needs to do right now, waiting for him to just say it as he picks the ice up from the bed, placing it somewhere else before he crawled onto the bed and under the blankets, with her. she looked at him expectantly before she rested her head on his chest, feeling like she was floating on clouds, both because she was laying her head on his chest and because they shared a few kisses and said that they would try working on being an 'us' anyways. she had no worries and her mind was free of any bad thoughts, it was such a nice time for her. and for him, she was hoping. "i uh, i did. yes, i did in fact. heh." she said in an embarrassed manner before closing her eyes once she felt yoongi's cheek resting on top of her own head, cuddling against him. "do you promise that, yoongi?" she asks him, wanting to make sure he promises her that so he wouldn't leave her, already getting drowsy as he rubs her arm up and down to calm her down - successfully, might she add.
✧ yoongi ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ nayeon ♡ ''you know what you need to do, right now?'' yoongi spoke, picking the ice off the bed before it even got the chance to form a puddle. he placed it on the bedside table, crawling onto the bed just to sit by her side, sighing. he slipped his arm around her waist, patting his chest with his free hand ''you need to rest, love.'' he muttered, wanting her to close her eyes and sleep. snorting, the male rolled his eyes at her question ''nayeon, we argued, you came inside this room and cried for hours, do you really think those wouldn't grant you a headache?'' he spoke, tugging the blanket to cover her, cheek resting on top of her head as he meant to cuddle her, to keep her warm. ''i'll still be here holding onto you when you wake up, so now please rest, will you?'' he asked softy, sighing as his hand gently rubbed her arm up and down to calm her down.
♡ nayeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ yoongi ✧ "oh, that's a marvelous idea, yoongi!" she said, totally excited for their acting roles later on in front of their friends, really wanting to get them back for all the things they've done to them before they realized that they had feelings for each other, not in a mean way of course - she could never be mean to any of her friends - but it felt a bit nicer and easier when she knew she had yoongi by her side and in on the prank for her friends, they won't even know what came for them. "make out? i'm up for that," she said, her cheeks getting slightly rosy as the words left her lips, chuckling under her breath before she looked down at her lap. "let's see what we can do." she repeated after him, a soft smile on her face as she looked up back at him, nodding her head lightly. "yes, it feels much better. and how did you know? my head feels like it's falling apart on the inside, i." she said, a small pout appearing on her lips as she held onto her head with both her hands, wanting it to stop immediately.
✧ yoongi ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ nayeon ♡ her words made him feel quite soft; it seemed ridiculous how she could so easily tug his heart and take over his actions, something that never really happened to him before seeing he really didn't bother keeping up with such. but ever since nayeon came into his life? it was hard for him to even hold back and he had no idea how he managed to hold back all this time. her proposal made him laugh, eyes climbing up to her features ''maybe we should. though maye we should argue first. really badly, just to prank them, for spying on us. and later make out in front of them.'' his thumb carefully ran over her injury once again before he started massaging, snorting quietly as sh egot mad over what he said 'i'm just saying, i'm seeking your best interests.'' he commented only to smile softly as he heard her final answer, nodding slowly ''i want to try for that too, let's see what we can do'' he continued, scrunching his nose ''is this any better? because i'm pretty sure you need some sleep, you're hurt, you cried, you probably have a huge headache right now''
♡ nayeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ yoongi ✧ she sighed in comfort as yoongi started massaging her ankle, watching her with so many emotions on his face, worry being the most evident one at the moment. "you don't have to worry. i'm stronger now that i have you by my side, yoongi. don't feel sad, okay?" she asked him, tilting her head to the side as she watched him, laughing shyly as she heard his reply to her question on keeping his lips on hers all of the time. "should we make them suffer like they made us? by smooching and making out right in front of us when they all had their room they could go to and just make out there? was that really needed, that's my question." she said, frowning at the thought of that sight before their own eyes. she listened to him as he talked, blushing slightly as he started with 'i've had feelings for you for a while', making her heart beat faster and harder in her chest. "hey- who said anything about backing out? if you think i can't handle you, then i don't think you can't handle me either." she said with a teasing smile, wanting to make him see that she was not going to back out, no matter what he tried to say to her. "i want us to try." she just said, no other words needed from her to show that she wanted this and that she was ready for this, for them to happen - for them to start being an us.
✧ yoongi ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ nayeon ♡ concern laced his eyes as the male noticed she was in pain, still. he was worried for her, now openly showing her those emotions as he meant to let her in, after so long. he wanted to hold onto her. ''no, i'm glad i went to pick you up, even if this was caused by me.'' he hummed, looking at her foot as his fingers gently ran up and down the injury. he frowned before moving to sit by her feet, pulling her leg up to his lap just to start massaging, carefully and attentive to any pain signs from nayeon. ''i mean, if you want my lips on yours all day just keep doing so, just saying the guys will probably be eyeing us more'' he shrugged, snorting at her comment over their friends. ''i know. expect them to talk about this the second you and i come out of the room'' he muttered. his thumb carefully pressed down on her ankle as he stared at the floor. ''i've had feelings for you for a while. i was trying to avoid them'' he confessed, nibbling his inner cheek as he absentmindedly dragged his thumb down to her foot. ''i'm not the easiest person to deal with, so you're still in time if you wanna back out. no hard feelings. i just take a bit to give into just about anything.'' he continued, sighing rather loudly. ''i can't promise you to always be ready to understand you right off the bat because sometimes i dont understand myself but i can try my best and if you're contented with that, i'm ready to try out for us.'' he spoke, looking at her. ''if you even consider there to be an us, that is.''
♡ nayeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ yoongi ✧ she winced slightly as she felt his fingers on her injured ankle, worrying her lower lip between her teeth as she nodded slowly. "i suppose it would help, since it still hurts. do you really think i wouldn't be able to walk if i went alone back to the house, yoongi?" she asked, frowning with worry about her ankle. "mm, i should call you all the time then. except it wouldn't be nice to call you all the time." she comments, shaking her head lightly before chuckling under her breath. "ah, finally. took them long enough." she said, tilting her head to the side as yoongi said that they should talk about this, nodding her head a few times as she swallowed the lump in , getting ready for this talk they were about to have.
✧ yoongi ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ nayeon ♡ his eyes flew a cross her body down to her feet, nose scrunching as he reached for it, running his fingers over her skin. ''would a massage help?'' he asked in a tone he never reall used on her before, concern lacing his voice. ''call me again and i'll make sure my lips won't leave yours'' he threatened her, shooting her a glare even though he knew he didn't mean such, as much as he wanted and felt like kissing her, he still wanted to sit down and talk to her about everything, when they were alone. he didnt have much to figure out by now but he surely didn't want her to force herself to be around him if she was still confused. his gaze softened as he kept it on her, hearing the door close. a quiet snort followed. ''i guess they understood their cue'' he muttered, turning his body to face her completely. ''we kinda need to talk about this'' the male started, nervously poking his tongue against the inside of his cheek.
♡ nayeon ♡ [A] 4 years ago
@✧ yoongi ✧ "my foot is doing better when i'm resting, yes. thank you for constantly worrying, yoongi." she said, feeling thankful that he's really caring around her and with her. she kissed him back once he pressed his lips on hers yet again, before laughing softly as he retorted that to her. "i'm calling you a , you ." she said playfully, shaking her head lightly at how playful they are being with each other already - before gasping out teasingly as he flicked her forehead, making her rub the spot that was flicked, pouting cutely at him. "hey! what'd i do to you?" she asked, frowning in a playful manner at yoongi.
✧ yoongi ✧ [A] 4 years ago
@♡ nayeon ♡ "is your foot any better, though?" he asked, eyes finding hers as he gave her a small shrug "I forgot to do so after I came back with ice" he told her, smiling softly at the face she left a kiss on his lips as well. the male rolled his eyes at her question having him lean in again to press their lips together again. his kisses were no other than gentle and slow, he surely was entertaining the people watching them but he couldnt care any less, in all honesty, he didnt even bother thinking of all the teasing they would bring up later, he didnt care. "who are you calling , ?" e muttered, glaring at her as they parted from the kiss, shaking his head slowly just to flicker her forehead, making sure not to hurt her.


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oceani [A] 4 years ago
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